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Studying aims( 学习目标 ): 1 、 To talk about the eating habits. 学会谈论饮食习惯。 2 、 Keep healthy eating habits. 保持健康的饮食习惯。

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Presentation on theme: "Studying aims( 学习目标 ): 1 、 To talk about the eating habits. 学会谈论饮食习惯。 2 、 Keep healthy eating habits. 保持健康的饮食习惯。"— Presentation transcript:


2 Studying aims( 学习目标 ): 1 、 To talk about the eating habits. 学会谈论饮食习惯。 2 、 Keep healthy eating habits. 保持健康的饮食习惯。

3 n. 星星 v. 吃 3.well adv. 好的,令人 满意的 4.habit n. 习惯 5.healthy adj. 健康的 6.really adv. 真正的 7.question n. 问题 8.want v. 需要 想要 v. 变成 10.fat adj. 肥的,肥胖的 11. maybe adv. 也许 12.eating habit(s) 饮食 习惯 Step 1New words 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Cindy Smith sports stars Yao Ming Guo Jingjing Liu Xiang

5 Cindy Smith a volleyball star eating habits

6 chicken apples eggs vegetables and fruit salad hamburgers milk Task 1 Talk about the food in Cindy’s kitchen I think ____is/are healthy. ___is/are maybe healthy. ____isn’t/aren’t healthy.

7 FoodYesMaybeNo fruit vegetables eggs chicken hamburgers ice-cream Which food do you think is healthy? Check (√) Yes, Maybe or No. √ √ √ √ √ √ I think fruit 、 vegetables and eggs are healthy. Chicken is maybe healthy. Hamburgers and ice-cream aren’t healthy.

8 What do you like for ? I like for__________. breakfastlunchdinner

9 She eats well. Task 2 Guessing Cindy΄s eating habit. 1.What fruit does she like? 2.Does she like hamburgers? Why? 3.Does she often eat ice cream? She has healthy eating habits. She eats healthy food.

10 Read the passage and circle the food words. bananas oranges apples salad hamburgers chicken ice-cream

11 Read the text again,and fill in the blanks. Cindy likes...Cindy doesn΄t like... fruit for breakfast (oranges and apples) salad for lunch chicken for dinner ice-cream bananas hamburgers eating ice-cream Cindy likes healthy food.

12 . 1. Cindy ___________________ 2. She _______________________ 3. She ___________________________ 4. Cindy doesn’t ______________________ 5. She doesn’t ________________________ Cindy likes healthy food. loves fruit. eat ice-cream after dinner. likes oranges and apples. likes salad for lunch. like hamburgers for dinner. good eating habits Write five sentences about Cindy’s eating habits.

13 Third reading Answer the questions. 1.Why does Cindy like fruit? 2.Why doesn΄t Cindy like hamburgers? 3.Why doesn΄t Cindy eat ice-cream? Because______________.

14 Cindy Smith is a volleyball star. These are her ______ _____. ( 饮食习 惯 ).She loves fruit for________. She thinks it’s ______. She ____ oranges and apples, ___ she doesn’t like bananas. She likes salad for ____ and ____ for dinner.She doesn’t like __________ for dinner, because they are not healthy. She likes ice-cream, but she ______ ____ it after dinner. She doesn’t want to__ ____. eating habits healthy lunch chicken hamburgers doesn’t eat fat breakfast be likes but Task 3 Fill in the blanks and read.

15 Retell Cindy likes...Cindy doesn΄t like... fruit for breakfast (oranges and apples) (Because it is healthy). salad for lunch chicken for dinner ice-cream Bananas Hamburgers (Because they are not healthy). eating ice-cream (Because she doesn΄t want to be fat). She has good eating habits,so she is healthy. Cindy is a volleyball star.She...

16 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

17 Have a look at Page 33. Do you have any questions? 看 33 页, 找一找有没有疑难点 ? 智者善于动脑, 勇者敢于提问! thanksforwantwell

18 1. Sports star eats well! 体育明星吃得好! 句中的 well 用作副词,意为 “ 好 ” ,用来修饰 动词 eat ,意为 “ 吃得好 ” 。例如: Peter eats very _______ ___ ______. 彼得在学校里吃得很好。 Tom likes basketball. He plays it very__________. 汤姆喜欢篮球。他打得很好。 Language points well at school

19 (1) good 是形容词,常置于名词之前,表示 “ 好的 ” 。 Mr. Wang is a _________teacher. 王老师是一位好老师 。 (2) well 用作副词,常置于动词之后,表示程度 “ 好;满意 地 ” ;用作形容词指 “ 身体好 ” 。如: The boy can swim very___________. 这个男孩游泳游得很好。 — How is your father? 你的爸爸挺好吗? —. ________________ 他很好的。 well 与 good Language points He’s very well. well good back

20 2. I like chicken for dinner. 晚饭我喜欢鸡肉。 “like + 食品名词 + for + 某餐 ” 表示 “ 某人 喜欢吃什么 ” 。如: — What do you like for dinner? 晚饭你喜欢吃什么? — I like vegetables and rice for dinner. 午饭我喜欢蔬菜和米饭。 Language points

21 3. I don’t want to be fat. 我不想变胖。 want 用作动词,意为 “ 要;想要 ” ,其 常见 用法如下: want sth. 想要某物 want to do sth. 想要去做某事 翻译:我想要一本书. I want a book. 我想去打篮球. I want to play basketball.

22 比一比, 看谁最快 !


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