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Presentation on theme: "第二章 PROFIBUS基础 PROFIBUS概况 ISO/OSI模型 PROFIBUS协议结构和类型 PROFIBUS层 总线拓扑"— Presentation transcript:


2 PROFIBUS概况 PROFIBUS是一种国际化、开放式、不依赖于设备生产商的现场总线标准

3 PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP是一种高速低成本通信,用于设备级控制系统与分散式I/O的通信。使用PROFIBUS-DP可取代4-20mA或24VDC信号传输 现场总线技术

4 PROFIBUS-PA PROFIBUS-PA是一种专为过程自动化设计,可使传感器和执行机构联在一根总线上,并有本征安全规范。 现场总线技术

5 PROFIBUS-FMS PROFIBUS-FMS是一种用于车间级监控网络,是一个令牌结构、实时多主网络 现场总线技术

6 PROFIBUS是一种用于工厂自动化车间级监控和现场设备层数据通信与控制的现场总线技术。可实现现场设备层到车间级监控的分散式数字控制和现场通信网络,从而为实现工厂综合自动化和现场设备智能化提供了可行的解决方案。 现场总线技术

7 ISO/OSI模型 ISO/OSI通信标准模型有7层组织,分为两类。一类是面向用户的第5层到第7层,另一类是面向网络的第1层到第4层。第1层到第4层描述数据从一个地方传输到另一个地方,而第5层到第7层给用户提供适当的方式去访问网络系统。 现场总线技术

8 ISO/OSI模型 现场总线技术


10 PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP使用了第1层、第2层和用户接口层。第3到第7层未使用,这种精简的结构确保高速数据传输。DDLM提供对第2层的访问。在用户接口中规定了设备的应用功能,以及各种类型的系统和设备的行为特性 现场总线技术

11 PROFIBUS-PA PROFIBUS-PA使用扩展的PROFIBUS-DP协议进行数据传输。它执行规定现场设备特性的PA设备行规。传输技术依据IEC1158-2标准,确保本质安全和通过总线对现场设备供电。使用段耦合器可将PROFIBUS-PA设备很容易地集成到PROFIBUS-DP网络之中。 现场总线技术

12 PROFIBUS-FMS PROFIBUS-FMS使用了第1层、第2层和第7层。应用层(第7层)包括FMS和LLI。FMS包含应用协议和提供的通信服务。LLI建立各种类型的通信关系,并给FMS提供不依赖于设备的对第2层的访问。 现场总线技术

13 PROFIBUS层 DP/FMS(RS 485)的物理层(第一层) DP/FMS(光纤电缆)的物理层(第一层) PA的物理层(第一层)
现场总线数据链路(第二层) 应用层(第七层) 现场总线技术

14 DP/FMS(RS 485)的物理层(第一层) RS 485传输特点 传输程序 总线导线 总线连接 总线终端器 现场总线技术

15 现场总线技术

16 传输程序 现场总线技术

17 总线导线 现场总线技术

18 总线连接 现场总线技术

19 总线终端器 现场总线技术

20 总线终端器 现场总线技术

21 DP/FMS(光纤电缆)的物理层(第一层)
传输特点 总线导线 总线连接 现场总线技术

22 总线导线 现场总线技术

23 总线连接(OBT技术) 如PROFIBUS站点设备没有光纤接头,只有电气接口,可通过OBT连接一个电气接口设备到光纤网上。
OBT只能连接一个RS485的PROFIBUS站点。 连接光纤只能是塑料光纤和PCF光纤, PCF光纤只能购买已安装接头的光纤,不宜穿管安装。 因为总线网不能组成环网,中间任一站点损坏或光纤断开,整个网络就不能工作。 In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

24 总线连接(OBT技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

25 总线连接(OBT技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

26 总线连接(OLM技术) 将电信号转换为光信号
三种类型:OLM/P11、OLM/P12连接塑料光纤和PCF光纤; OLM/G11、OLM/G12连接多模玻璃光纤,发送波长860nm; OLM/G 、OLM/G 连接多模玻璃光纤,发送波长1300nm。 拓扑结构:总线结构、星形结构、冗余环。 OLM与OBT的对比 两个OLM间距可达15km,OBT只有300m。 OLM可以组成冗余环网,而OBT不能。 OLM的电气接口可连接RS485的网段32个节点,而OBT的电气接口只能连接一个节点。 OLM有双路电源接入端子, OBT没有。 OBT只能连接塑料光纤和PCF光纤。 In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

27 Bus Topologies with OLMs
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

28 Bus Topologies with OLMs
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

29 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

30 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

31 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

32 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

33 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

34 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

35 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

36 总线连接(OLM技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

37 总线连接(OLP技术) In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

38 总线连接(OLM技术) 现场总线技术 OLM OP PLC PC Remote I/O
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

39 总线连接(OLM与OBT组合网络) 现场总线技术
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

40 一个ILM电气接口可以连接主站和从站,另一个只能连接从站。 ILM是一个有源网络元件,在网段里也是一个站点。
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

41 ILM红外线通信 In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

42 ILM红外线通信 In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

43 Power Rail Booster(PRB)
用于固定的PROFIBUS站点与在滑轨上移动站点之间的数据交换。 PRB的连接可以是点对点,也可以是一点对多点,不同的PRB网段要断开或电气绝缘。 In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

44 Power Rail Booster(PRB)
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

45 Power Rail Booster(PRB)
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

46 Power Rail Booster(PRB)
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

47 Power Rail Booster(PRB)
In an optical network large distances can be covered with fibre optic cables. Up to 15 km is possible within an optical PROFIBUS network. Optical Link modules (OLM) are required to convert from copper wiring into fibre optic wiring. The Optical Link Modules are working in a similar way as a Repeater. The fibre optic cables can be used for redundant installation and are EMC impassibly. 现场总线技术

48 PA的物理层(第一层) 传输特点 总线导线 现场总线技术

49 现场总线数据链路(第二层) 第二层规定总线存取控制、数据安全性以及传输协议和报文的处理,称为FDL(现场总线数据链路层) 现场总线技术

50 现场总线数据链路(第二层) 第二层报文格式提供高等级的传输安全性。所有报文均具有海明距离HD=4。 HD=4的含义是:在数据报文中,可以检查出最多3个同时出错的位。 现场总线技术

51 现场总线数据链路(第二层) 逻辑的点对点数据传输 广播通信:一个主站发送信息给所有其他站(主站和从站),数据的接收不需应答
群播通信:一个主站发送信息给一组站(主站和从站),数据的接收不需应答 现场总线技术

52 第二层提供的数据服务 现场总线技术

53 现场总线技术

54 应用层(第七层) ISO/OSI参考模型的应用层(第七层)提供用户需要的各种通信服务。PROFIBUS的应用层由FMS接口和LLI接口组成。

55 FMS行规 DP用户接口和DP行规 PA行规 现场总线技术

56 总线拓扑 RS 485 光纤 符合IEC 1158-2(PROFIBUS-PA)的总线拓扑 现场总线技术

57 总线拓扑 现场总线技术 A: Tree B: Line C: Line and tree D: Line, tree
and repeater 现场总线技术

58 总线拓扑 现场总线技术 A: Tree B: Line C: Line and tree D: Line, tree
and repeater 现场总线技术

59 PROFIBUS总线网络中的总线存取控制
两个基本要求: 同一级的PLC或PC之间的通信必须使每一个总线站(节点)在确定的时间范围内能获得足够的机会来处理它自己的通信任务 复杂的PLC或PC与简单的分散的过程I/O外围设备之间的数据交换必须是快速而又尽可能地实现很少的协议开销 现场总线技术

60 混合的总线存取控制 主站间通信的分散的令牌传递程序 主站与从站间通信的集中的主从程序 现场总线技术

61 混合的总线存取控制的系统配置 纯主-主系统(令牌传递程序) 纯主-从系统(主从程序) 两种程序的组合 现场总线技术

62 现场总线技术

63 现场总线技术

64 现场总线技术

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