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Web of Knowledge 5.0新功能介绍 Web of Knowledge : Discovery Starts Here

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1 Web of Knowledge 5.0新功能介绍 Web of Knowledge : Discovery Starts Here
This brief session will update you on new features added to the Web of Knowledge in the Spring 2011 upgrade. Download the slides from this presentation by clicking the Attachments tab to the left of the viewing window. 查看视频:

2 提纲 Web of Knowledge新平台功能介绍 如何有效利用新功能辅助查收查引工作 如何利用新功能助力科技查新

3 如何登录Web of Knowledge 5?

4 WOK5新功能: 检索功能 在主题检索字段可检索所有输入检索词–不再有停用词限制
模糊匹配检索(Lemmatization) – 自动辅助寻找词的变体 自动截词检索单复数、动词时态、以及形容词比较级等 自动匹配英美拼写差异。 可实现左截词 增加临近算符 NEAR/x 操作 Web of Science 新增检索功能 被引参考文献检索(Cited Reference Search )– 现在可以检索卷号和页码 在地址字段可以检索单词完整表达 (University, College, etc) 可按照原文中的作者名进行检索 So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

5 WOK5新功能: 管理结果 所有检索到的结果都会显示 – 不再有检索记录限制 检索结果可以按照出版日期排序 可实现摘要预览
跨库检索All Databases search – 可按照数据库对检索结果进行提炼 分析的所有结果可以导出 标记结果功能增强 建立完整列表Total List – 将不同数据库的数据整合在一张列表中 最多可标记5,000 条记录 对标记列表中的记录可以进行分析和创建引文报告 标记列表的记录也可以直接链接到全文 可预览摘要 可实现删除单个记录

6 WOK5新功能: 作者识别 可检索的作者识别号 Researcher ID 字段 对作者识别工具( Author Finder)的改进
与网站 对作者识别工具( Author Finder)的改进 将 Distinct Author Sets clustering与精炼功能结合在一起

7 作者识别工具– Researcher ID

8 作者识别工具 – Author Finder

9 WOK5新功能: 引文统计 可看到来自于以下数据库的引用情况,从而了解一篇文献的完整被引用图景 文章的被引用次数包括以上三个数据库的全部加和
Biosis Citation Index Web of Science Chinese Science Citation Database 文章的被引用次数包括以上三个数据库的全部加和 是否可以链接到施引文献取决于各机构的订购情况

10 Web of Knowledge平台中的引文资源
Web of Science 已经不是Web of Knowledge平台中拥有引文索引的唯一数据库 BIOSIS Citation Index Chinese Science Citation Database Web of Science 论文的被引次数来自于以上三个引文数据库的统计之和 --每篇论文的引文链接的打开则取决于您所在的机构是否定购了以上三个引文数据库 在非引文数据库中 (e.g. Inspec, CABI, etc.)可以从一条记录链接到施引文献,参考文献和相关记录 With the release of Web of Knowledge version 5, Web of Science is no longer the sole source of citation data in the Web of Knowledge. Two additional databases, BIOSIS Citation Index and the Chinese Science Citation Database now also contribute citation data to the overall citation landscape of the Web of Knowledge. Article citation counts will include cites from all three sources, presenting a more complete picture of the citation activity to a particular paper. 随着WOK 5新平台的发布,Web of Science将不再是Web of Knowledge平台中唯一的引文数据库。

11 Web of Knowledge平台中的引文资源
BIOSIS Citation Index 生物引文索引 Chinese Science Citation Database 中国科学引文索引 Web of Science 内容来自于BIOSIS Previews 中国科学院和汤森路透的 合作数据 Science Citation Index Social Science Citation Index Arts & Humanities Citation Index Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes (Sci., Soc. Sci. & Humanities) 1926-present 引文数据: 1989-present 引文数据:包括所有年限 1898-present 一般检索和 被引参考文献检索 支持中英文检索 The Biosis Citation Index includes all the content from BIOSIS Previews, the premier resource for life science literature. The backfile extends to 1926, and citations are captured from 2006 forward. Both general and cited reference searching is available. The Chinese Science Citation Database is the result of a partnership between The Chinese Academy of Sciences and Thomson Reuters. The journal coverage consists of titles published in China that are selected and indexed by the Chinese Academy. Citation data is captured for all content, which extends back to Both General and Cited Reference searching are available and the data is searchable in both English and Chinese. The Web of Science covers journal and conference literature from 1898 to present across all subject areas in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Citation data is available for all content and both general and cited reference searching is available.

12 引文数量统计 点击该数字链接可以打开Web of Knowledge 平台中的来自三个引文数据库的引用
来自Web of Science的引用次数 参考文献信息和 施引文献信息 With the addition of this new citation content, users will notice changes to article citation data as well as the display. *animation 1* This screen capture shows a sample article from the Web of Science. Cited reference and citing article information is found in two places in the record. ** animation 2** To the left you will see a citation count of 1,281, which reflects only citations from other Web of Science articles. On the right hand side ** animation 3** you will see a Cited By count which reflects citations from all Web of Knowledge citation sources. In this case, 1,320. Clicking on this will provide more information about the source of the citations.

13 施引文献 The Citing Articles display details where the citations to the article originated. The All Databases count gives you the total number of unique citing articles across the platform, then below that a count for each individual database. When each database count is added individually they total more than the All Databases number. This is because of overlap in journal coverage across the individual databases. These counts are complete, regardless of your subscription, so you are seeing the full picture of the citations to this item. You will only be able to follow links to items for which you have a subscription. For example, if my institution has access to the Chinese Science Citation Database, the link to those articles will be highlighted and I can click through to view them.

14 链接至引文数据库 This is the resulting set of articles – 13 items in the Chinese Science Citation Database cite the article I was viewing.

15 提纲 Web of Knowledge新平台功能介绍 如何有效利用新功能辅助查收查引工作 如何利用新功能助力科技查新

16 可选择按照原文作者姓名全拼或者缩写进行查询
例: 检索作者钱逸泰的论文收录及引用情况 可选择按照原文作者姓名全拼或者缩写进行查询 查收录还需要选择对应的数据库

17 检索结果

18 可使用作者甄别检索方式查询

19 检索结果可以按照机构、学科等方式进行精炼

20 可选择作者所属的多个机构


22 去除自引后的引用结果

23 对施引文献的来源可以分析

24 去除自引后的引用结果

25 引用次数可按照数据库分别统计

26 提纲 Web of Knowledge新平台功能介绍 如何有效利用新功能辅助查收查引工作 如何利用新功能助力科技查新

27 检索页面和检索范围 Before beginning your Web of Science search, be sure to set your search preferences at the bottom of the page in the Limits area. ** Click on the plus signs to expand each option. Select the ** years of your search under Timespan. The years available will depend on your institution’s subscription. ** By default all citation databases are searched, unless you choose to deselect any. Lemmatization enhances your search by finding alternate forms of your search terms. ** Turn off Lemmatization if you want to find the exact terms in your search, or turn it on if you’d like help finding variant forms. And, lastly,** choose how many search results you would like to see per page, your preference for the sort order of the records and whether or not you would like to automatically be shown the Refine Results panel.

28 检索字段 主题 “white oak” or “quercus alba” Vitamin A 作者 Bergstrom CT
在标题、摘要、关键词中进行检索. “white oak” or “quercus alba” Vitamin A 作者 检索论文中的任一作者 Bergstrom CT Wallen K* Researcher ID 检索作者的Researcher ID号码 A 团体作者 检索该论文相关的机构或组织的名称 Aberdeen Lung Cancer Group Beta Cell Biology Consortium 出版物名称 期刊名称 Czech Journal of Food Sciences Progress in Brain Research 出版年 论文出版的年代 1999 地址 检索作者的地址 Emory Univ, Dept Biol, Atlanta, GA USA 基金资助机构 检索基金资助机构 名称 Australian Research Council 授权号 检索授权号 P01* DP   检索字段 This is a quick summary of the searchable fields on the General Search page, along with examples to illustrate each. abstract and keywords areThe Topic field searches article titles, abstracts and all keywords. Enter words or phrases in this field to retrieve records about your topic. All words in the title, searched – there is no stopword list. This means that even common words like “a” and “the” are searched. The author field searches every available author on a paper. All authors originally identified on the work are presented and can be searched. The most effective way to search is last name, followed by one or more initials. Some author names in the Web of Knowledge display unique identification numbers called Researcher IDs. If an author has created a free profile on this ID number will be associated with items in the Web of Knowledge that he or she has tagged as their work. This helps to differentiate authors with the same name and initials. Use the Researcher ID field to search this identification number. Click the hyperlink to learn more about Researcher ID. Group Author searches the group or organization that was credited with authorship. For example the Aberdeen Lung Cancer Group or the Beta Cell Biology Consortium. Publication Name searches the name of the journal where the article was originally published, and the Publication year field searches the year the document was published. The publication year field may be searched as an individual year or range of years. Year ranges entered must be ten years or less. The address field searches all author affiliations published in the original work. This field uses standardized abbreviations for many commonly occurring words like university and college. Consult the provided list of abbreviations found in the Help file for assistance when constructing a search. Search the funding sources of research by using the funding agency and grant number fields. This information is captured from the funding acknowledgments provided by the author in the original publication. Take note that funding agency names are not standardized, so be sure to search for variant forms of the name.

29 * ? $ 截词符 Symbol Retrieves 截取零到多个字符 *carbon*
carbon, hydrocarbon, polycarbonate $ 截取零到一个字符 colo$r color, colour ? 截取一个字符 en?oblast entoblast, endoblast 注意: ,当使用调整检索设置的时候,使用 截词符$不能使用双引号标记(i.e. “colo$r theory”). Truncation symbols, also known as wildcard characters, are used to find plural forms and variant spellings of words. There are three truncation symbols available for use in the Web of Knowledge. The asterisk is the most flexible symbol and stands for any number of characters, including zero. The dollar sign <animation> stands for zero or one character and is useful for finding variations in British and American spellings. Note that the dollar sign cannot be used within quotation marks if lemmatization is turned on. Simply turn off the lemmatization setting on the main search page if you need to use a dollar sign. The question mark stands for one character and can also be used for finding variations in spelling. These truncation symbols can be used at the beginning, middle or end of a word or phrase, or in combination.

30 布尔逻辑算符 检索包含所有关键字的数据。 标题: “stem cell*” AND lymphoma
检索含有“stem cell”或者”stem cells”同时含有及词语 “lymphoma”。 等效于检索“stem cell*” lymphoma 检索的数据中至少含有一个所给关键字。用于检索同义词或者词的不同表达方式。 标题: aspartame OR saccharine OR sweetener* 检索至少含有一个关键字的数据。 排除含有某一特定关键字的数据。 标题: aids NOT hearing 检索含有“aids”的数据,排除含有“hearing”的文献。 以下是一些额外的有关使用检索连接符的范例。 “AND”连接符检索含有所有所给词语的文档。此处所给的范例将检索含有短语“stem cell”以及词语“lymphoma”的数据。 当使用“OR”时,将检索至少含有一个所给关键字的数据。检索“Aspartame OR saccharine OR sweetener” 将得到包含所给的任何一个词语的数据。 “NOT”连接符被用来从您的检索中排除不需要的内容。检索“Aids NOT hearing” 将得到有关“AIDS(一种疾病)” 而不是“hearing aids(助听器)”。 30 30

31 临近算符 词组检索 当检索一个精确的词组的时候,可以使用双引号。 注意: 使用双引号的时候,需要关闭调整检索设置。
当检索一个精确的词组的时候,可以使用双引号。 注意: 使用双引号的时候,需要关闭调整检索设置。 Example: “stem cell” NEAR/x NEAR代表所链接的两个词之间的词语数量小于等于N,默认的使用Near的缺省值是15。 Example: canine NEAR/10 virus canine NEAR virus SAME 只在地址字段中进行检索,同时要求两个词是在同一个地址字段中。 Example: yale SAME hosp Proximity is a way to specify how close one term should appear to another. If you would like to search for an exact phrase, enter it in quotation marks. You may truncate a phrase that is within quotes to retrieve variations in spelling and plural forms. Note that the use of quotation marks disables the lemmatization of terms. Learn more about lemmatization later in this presentation. NEAR finds terms within the same field, and allows you to specify how far apart terms should be. If NEAR/10 is used, search terms must be within a maximum of 10 words from one another. If no number is specified the default is 15 words. The SAME operator is used only in the Address field and retrieves terms that all occur within the same address.

32 输入一个检索 This search demonstrates the use of the NEAR operator as well as truncation. First, I’ve selected the Topic field from the dropdown menu on the right. Topic searches article titles, abstracts and keywords. I’ve entered the term osmium and specified that I want it to appear within five words of the root term hydroxy. I’ve included the asterisk truncation symbol both before and after hydroxy.

33 检索结果 Dihydroxylation Dihydroxylations Dihydroxylated
Aminohydroxylation Nearly 500 results are returned that match my search statement. Examining the results I see that I found articles that contain the word osmium near terms like Dihydroxylation, dihydroxylated and aminohydroxylation. These variations were found because I used both left and right hand truncation.

34 使用词形还原进行检索 Examples: frog/frogs mouse/mice color/colour
Another way to expand your search results is through the use of Lemmatization. ** When the feature is turned on the search engine will automatically look for variations of the terms I enter. Lemmatization looks for plural forms of nouns like mouse and mice, alternate verb tenses (run, running, ran), degrees of comparison for adjectives like loud/louder/loudest and Bristish vs American spellings. Turn lemmatization off and use truncation symbols if you want to more closely control what is searched. To demonstrate lemmatization I’ve entered ** the phrase “best management practice” in the Topic field. Examples: frog/frogs mouse/mice color/colour loud/louder/loudest run/running/ran

35 Because lemmatization automatically looked for alternate forms of my search terms, I find records that contain the plural form, ‘best management practices’ as well as this record ** that contains the term management and the variation, ‘good practice’. This feature utilizes a proprietary dictionary to determine which terms are lemmatized. You may want to experiment with the tool to see if lemmatization or the use of truncation returns the best result for the search you are performing.

36 检索结果全部显示(大于10万篇记录) There is no record viewing limit in Web of Science. Even if your search returns millions of records, you will be able to view as many as you choose. Also, if you choose to perform set combinations or analyze your search results you can be confident that the entirety of your results are included.

37 总结 所有字段检索– 没有停用词的限制 调整检索设置– 自动进行词形还原(英美拼写) 左截词 NEAR临近位置算符
检索结果全显示(大于10万篇记录的显示) So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

38 提纲 Web of Knowledge新平台功能介绍 如何有效利用新功能辅助查收查引工作 如何利用新功能助力科技查新

39 扩展情报收集范围,快速获取中文核心期刊论文及引文数据

40 一次可选择多达5000条记录添加到标记列表

41 标记列表可按照数据库名称分类并可统一制作引文报告


43 每个数据库的列表均可进行分析或创建引文报告


45 科研人员的好帮手—足不出户,参加在线培训或观看录制文件

46 下载课件和录音视频

47 新浪微群进行提问交流:WoK在线大讲堂

48 SCI大讲堂培训视频浏览下载

49 更多培训资料……

50 谢谢! Web of Knowledge : Discovery Starts Here
This brief session will update you on new features added to the Web of Knowledge in the Spring 2011 upgrade. Download the slides from this presentation by clicking the Attachments tab to the left of the viewing window. 注:目前WoK5仍处于测试阶段,欢迎大家提出宝贵建议!

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