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China biographical Database

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1 China biographical Database

2 What is CBDB Biographical text
呂祖謙字伯恭,尚書右丞好問之孫也.自其祖始居婺州.祖謙之學本之家庭,有中原文獻之傳.長從林之奇、汪應辰、胡憲游,既又友張栻、朱熹,講索益精.   初,蔭補入官,後舉進士,復中博學宏詞科,調南外宗教.丁內艱,居明招山,四方之士爭趨之.除太學博士

3 What is CBDB Data points BIOG_MAIN Biography Addresses Alternate Names
Writings Postings Mode of Entry into Government Kinship Associations Social Status Possessions Events 基本資料 地址資料 別名資料 著述資料 任官資料 入仕途徑 親屬資料 社會關係資料 社會區分資料 財產資料 事件資料

4 What is CBDB Tagged data
呂祖謙字伯恭,尚書右丞好問之孫也.自其祖始居婺州.祖謙之學本之家庭,有中原文獻之傳.長從林之奇、汪應辰、胡憲游,既又友張栻、朱熹,講索益精.   初,蔭補入官,後舉進士,復中博學宏詞科,調南外宗教.丁內艱,居明招山,四方之士爭趨之.除太學博士

5 Using “Regular Expressions”正則表達式 to find data in digital texts
In computing, a regular expression provides a concise and flexible means for "matching" (specifying and recognizing) strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. Abbreviations for "regular expression" include "regex" and "regexp". The concept of regular expressions was first popularized by utilities provided by Unix distributions, in particular the editor ed and the filter grep. A regular expression is written in a formal language that can be interpreted by a regular expression processor, which is a program that either serves as a parser generator or examines text and identifies parts that match the provided specification. Historically, the concept of regular expressions is associated with Kleene's formalism of regular sets, introduced in the 1950s.

6 Regular expressions

7 What is CBDB Big data BIOG_MAIN 325,603 Alternate Names 147,287
Biography Addresses 190,396 Writings 29,726 Postings 167,314 Mode of Entry into Government 52,908 Kinship 483,422 Associations 130,481 Social Status 52,566

8 Relational Database: 關係型數據庫 Many Entities 多個實體 People 人物 Offices 職官
Association Types 社會關係 Name 姓名 Dates 日期 Sima Guang 司馬光 Person 人物 Posting Date 任命日期 Office Title 官名 Sima Guang 司馬光 1059 度支勾院 Budget Auditor 1085 門下侍郎 Executive of the Chancellery 1086 左僕射兼門下侍郎 Left Executive, Dept of Ministries Person 人物 Association Type 社會關係 Associate 社會關係人 Sima Guang 司馬光 Yuanyou member (元祐黨) (not applicable) Desires opposed by An Dun 安惇 Sacrificial prayer written by Chao Buzhi 晁補之 Patron of Fan Chunli 范純禮 Sacrificial prayer written for Ding Du 丁度

9 著述 別名 入仕 地址 任官 基本資料 社會關係 親屬 任官地 社會區分
WRITINGS 著述 Person ID Text ID, etc ALT NAMES 別名 Person ID Name Type ID Alt Name, etc ENTRY 入仕 Person ID Entry ID Year, etc BIOG ADDR 地址 Person ID Addr Type ID Place ID, etc Data tables are linked to each other via Person IDs. 這些資料表通過人物代碼關聯起來。 POSTINGS 任官 Person ID Postings ID Office ID Start Date End Date, etc BIOG_MAIN 基本資料 Person ID Name 姓名 Born Died Index Year Choronym ID Dynasty ID, Etc ASSOCIATIONS 社會關係 Person ID Assoc Relation ID Associate ID, etc KINSHIP 親屬 Person ID Kin Relation ID Kin ID, etc POST ADDR 任官地 Postings ID Place ID, etc SOCIAL STATUS 社會區分 Person ID Status ID, etc

10 What is CBDB Biographical text Big data Relational database

11 Social network Analysis
Why we need CBDB Methodology Prosopography Spatial analysis Social network Analysis

12 Prosopography ‘Prosopography’ is the investigation of the common background characteristics of a group of actors in history by means of a collective study of their lives. The method employed is to establish a universe to be studied, and then to ask a set of uniform questions – about birth and death, marriage and family, social origins and inherited economic position, place of residence, education, amount and source of personal wealth, occupation, religion, experience of office and so on. The various types of information about the individuals in the universe are then juxtaposed and combined, and are examined for significant variables. They are tested both for internal correlations and for correlations with other forms of behaviour or action. (L. Stone, 'Prosopography', in F. Gilbert and S. Graubard eds., Historical Studies Today (New York, 1972)

13 Cumulative Spatial Distribution of a Representative Sample of 67,000 CBDB Persons



16 Spatial analysis digital gazetteer GIS layers placename feature type
coordinates valid date source note

17 Vector data digital points, lines, and polygons, drawn with x,y (and z) coordinates Line Polygon Point

18 Ming civil exam video

19 Social network Conceptualizing community as collections of personal relationships … provides historians with a blueprint for evaluating when, how and why people in the past used kin and non-kin in the course of their lives. The findings of social network analysts that people need and seek emotional and economic support of different kinds, from different kinds of people, suggest new analytical imperatives. It is not enough now to look solely at how people used kin in times of crisis. Rather, historians need to pursue how people in the past used the kin and friends they had, for different things, throughout the life course, and in the context of the opportunities they enjoyed and the constraints they faced courtesy of demography and culture. Other approaches might be applied to the problem, but HSNA contains the essential perspectives that cannot only advance the debate, but also help historians to meet Tilly's challenge to connect the lives of ordinary people to large-scale change in meaningful ways. (Charles Wetherell, “Historical Social Network Analysis,” International Review of Social History 43 (1998), Supplement)

20 letters to and from addressees of Lü Zuqian’s letters; 597 persons
letters to and from addressees of Lü Zuqian’s letters; 597 persons. Node size (and corresponding label size) shows centrality of the person. Color shows communities.

21 The Components of the Network of First-order kinship relations in Putian, Fujian for men who obtained the jinshi degree between 1050 and 1100 Michael A. Fuller

22 The Components of the Network of First-order kinship relations in Putian, Fujian for men who obtained the jinshi degree between 1200 and 1250 Michael A. Fuller

23 How to use CBDB

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