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高一英语(下)教材处理建议 中教室英语科 郭砚冰 Tel:

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1 高一英语(下)教材处理建议 中教室英语科 郭砚冰 Tel: 2136602 8869150
中教室英语科 郭砚冰 Tel:

2 目 录 一、高一下简介 二、教学中应注意的问题 课时安排 关于阅读量和听力输入量 关于其它应注意的问题 三、对不同课型的补充教学建议
Listening & Speaking Reading Integrating Skills

3 高一下简介 话题涉及题材 饮食保健、跨文化比较、文学艺术、 名人轶事、风土人情、异国文化、 科学技术、幽默故事、语言文化、 生活方式等

4 功能项目 社会交往 就医、劝告、建议、请求允许、提供 帮助、提出请求、作出决定 态度 可能和不可能、判断与评价、意愿和打算 空间 位置、方向

5 语法项目 1. 情态动词的用法 2. 动词-ing形式的用法 3. it的用法 4. 构词法:合成词 5. 主谓一致

6 Functional Items Topic Vocabulary Structures

13 Healthy eating Seeing a doctor Giving advice and making suggestions 14 Festivals Expressing and supporting an opinion 15 A play (The necklace) Asking for permission Talking about possibilities 16 Science & Scientists Giving instructions Discussing and evaluating pros and cons 17 Great women Describing people 18 New Zealand Talking about location and direction 19 The science of farming Giving advice and making decisions 20 Humour Expressing intentions and plans 21 Body language Making offers and requests 22 Leisure and entertainment Asking and giving direction

13 情态动词(一) had better, should, ought to We are what we eat Snacks A Recipe 14 情态动词(二) must, have to, have got to The birth of a festival An invitation for a festival 15 情态动词(三) must, can / could, may / might The necklace A short play 16 构词法:合成词 Franklin’s famous … Animal experiments An argumen- tative essay 17 主谓一致 Alone in Antarctica Oprah Winfrey A fan letter

18 IT 的用法(一) 作主语 New Zealand Life in New Zealand A description of a country of a region 19 IT 的用法(二) 强调 Modern Agriculture Farming and gardening A plan 20 动词-ing形式(一) 作定语和宾补 Laughing matter We’ve already met … ? A funny story 21 动词-ing形式(二) 作主语/宾语/表语 Body Talk An imaginary story 22 动词-ing形式(三) 作状语 Theme parks Live to ride A description of a park

10 教学中应注意的问题 一、课时安排 高一(上)课时方案回顾 高一(下)课时安排建议

11 课时安排 5 课时 + 1 课时 教学内容安排 第 1 课时:Warming up, Listening, Speaking
5 课时 课时 教学内容安排 第 1 课时:Warming up, Listening, Speaking Part of work in WB. (1) 第 2 课时:Reading Part of language study (a) 第 3 课时:Part of language study (b) Integrating skills (A): Reading & writing (time-limited composition) 第 4 课时: Integrating skills (B) : Writing-comment Part of work in WB.(2) 第 5 课时:Finish WB.(3); Part of extension + 1 课时 诊断性评价: test / assessment / discussion

12 二、关于阅读量 《课标》要求六级课外阅读量:(大致到6月份) “除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到18万以上” 建议阅读量:以400词/篇计算
普通中学 —— 450篇以上 外国语学校—— 575篇以上(七级应累计达23万以上) 一级达标校—— 500篇以上(介于六、七级目标要求之间)

13 二、关于听力输入量 《课标》中对六级“听”的描述: 1. 能抓住所听语段中的关键词,理解话语之间的逻辑关系;
2. 能听懂日常的要求和指令,并能根据指令进行操作; 3. 能听懂故事或记叙文,理解其中主要人物和时间以及他们 之间的关系; 4. 能从听力材料、简单演讲或讨论中提取信息和观点。 建议: 1. 泛听和精听相结合(多种媒体及渠道) 2. 精听时,培养学生的速记能力 3. 输入总量至少应该是教材的2-3倍

14 三、其它建议 1. 10天之内通读全书,了解整本书的大致情况,做到心中有数:哪些内容可以合并,哪些内容可以提前,哪些可以调换顺序
2. 要驾驭教材,不要跟着教材走;应灵活、有创造性地使用教材,依据学生实际去增补、删减、重组教材内容。建议: 一级达标校:建议教材全部处理,1+ 1 二级达标校:可有10%的内容进行调整,0.9+1.1 普 通 中 学 :可有20-30%的内容进行调整,0.8+1.2 0.7+1.3

15 3. 对教材进行适当取舍和调整时,要考虑到:学生的实际,学生的需求,语料的质量和适用度,教学的目标和要求。
4. 要用好最重要的教材内容 5. 在语言运用中提高生词的复现率(新教材中复现率较低) 6. 建议通读中英文教参,以更好地选用适合学生的活动和材料 7. 认真对待各单元的“学习建议”(Tips),可帮助学生通过各种学习策略的发展来提高学习质量。 8. 无法用5课时完成一单元的话,可用6-7课时,总之,对教材的处理要做到:既要认真对待教材,又要明确教材的功能。 9. 课堂教学应体现大容量、快节奏、高效率的语言课特征 10. 如对教材有什么疑问,可直接联系外方作者之一: Nils Olov Fors ( )

16 对不同课型的补充教学建议 热身与听说活动 1. 控制好warming up、listening、speaking各部分所用
时间,不要前松后紧。既要引导学生达到教学目标, 又要有教学的机智。 2. 对听力材料感觉完成不好的学校,应该大胆和调换。 3. 布置一些泛听任务 tape recorder, TV, CD, MP3, MD… CCTV-9/10,CRI, VOA …

17 阅读 1. 学生阅读的方式 2. 限时阅读 3. 阅读的总量(400,500,580) 4. 阅读方法的点拨和指导 5. 阅读习惯的培养

18 2. “阅读”部分可作导读,贯穿写作技巧的指导 3. 最好能给学生一个改正的机会,如限时写作 后,点评一篇中等水平的作文
综合技能 1. “读” 和 “写” 在一节课内完成 2. “阅读”部分可作导读,贯穿写作技巧的指导 3. 最好能给学生一个改正的机会,如限时写作 后,点评一篇中等水平的作文 4. 作为整个单元,无法完成两个写作任务可 只 做一个,但要在作文讲评和改写上多下功夫。

19 教学设计建议 总原则 热身与听说 阅读 语言学习 综合技能

20 教学设计的总原则 ◆ 主讲时间体现分寸性 ◆ 任务设计体现真实性 ◆ 使用教材体现灵活性 ◆ 评价反思体现连续性 ◆ 学生活动体现多样性
◆ 主讲时间体现分寸性 ◆ 任务设计体现真实性 ◆ 学生活动体现多样性 ◆ 操练模式体现阶梯性 ◆ 使用教材体现灵活性 ◆ 评价反思体现连续性

21 听说教学程序建议  Lead-in  Listening activities a. Warming-up small talk
b. Ss’ listening to the tape c. Ss’ reading for further understanding and find out what the misunderstanding is about. d. Extension by offering some synonyms for a certain word  Listening activities a. Ss’ description of the illustration (done in pairs or groups) b. Task-setting for listening c. Ss’ listening ( 3 times if necessary ) d. Answer-checking ( done in pairs / groups first )

22  Controlled & half-controlled practice
 Speaking activities a. Ss’ reading & practising ( to find out key information ) b. Ss’ completing the sentences, individually first, then in groups  Controlled & half-controlled practice a. Ss’ creating and practising their own dialogues b. Closed pair work / group work c. Open pair work / group work  Productive activities a. Free talk using the newly-learned items b. Group discussion (Ss themselves choose a topic about language difficulties, and try to discuss it cooperatively) c. Open performance

23 阅读教学程序建议 Six major skills students might use in classroom teaching
   Predictive skills  Extracting specific information  Getting the general picture  Inferring opinion and attitude  Deducing meaning from context  Recognizing function and discourse patterns and markers (by Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching) Read the lines → Read between the lines → Read beyond the lines

24 Characteristics of efficient reading
 It is purposeful.  It is silent.  It is text-based.  The type of reading varies according to the purpose.  It progresses as quickly as the purpose requires.  It involves complex cognitive skills.

25  Pre-reading While-reading 1. Lead-in 导入1 导入2 导入3 导入4 导入5 导入6 导入7 导入8
导入 导入2 导入3 导入4 导入 导入6 导入7 导入8 2. Help to make prediction & expectation 3. Guide questions While-reading 1. Ss’ skimming for the answers to the guide questions 2. Comprehension-checking 3. Ss' careful reading for more detailed information 4. T’s presenting some tasks questionnaire / true & false questions / discourse analyses

26  Post-reading 附:板书设计 板书设计1 板书设计2 板书设计3 板书设计4 板书设计5
1. Ss’ discussing the answers in pairs / groups 2. Answer-checking with the whole class 3. More tasks: topic-sentence recognition … 4. Ss’ finishing the items in pairs / groups 5. Productive activities : discussion / survey / report / debate / follow-up 附:板书设计 板书设计1 板书设计2 板书设计3 板书设计 板书设计5

27 谢谢!

28 高一上课时安排方案 分 类 一 二 三 课时安排 5 课时+1 6 课时+1 7 课时+ 0.5 方案一 5 课时
(课本教学) 第 1 课时:Warming up, Listening, Speaking 第 2 课时:Reading(3 parts), part of Reading in WB. 第 3 课时:Language study, Integrating skills 第 4 课时: (3) Writing, WB: Listening, Talking 第 5 课时:Supplementary material / practice 诊断性评价:Finish WB, test / discussion

29 课 时 每课时教学内容安排 方案二 6 课时 第 1 课时:Warming up, Listening, Speaking
(课本教学) 第 1 课时:Warming up, Listening, Speaking 第 2 课时:Reading(3 parts), extension 第 3 课时:Language study, extension 第 4 课时: Integrating skills 第 5 课时: WB: Listening, Talking, Part of practising 第 6 课时: Part of practising, Integrating skills Test & Discussion

30 课 时 每课时教学内容安排 方案三 7 课时 第1 课时:Warming up, Listening, Speaking
第2 课时:Reading(3 parts), extension 第3 课时:Language study, extension 第4 课时: Integrating skills WB: Listening, Talking 第5 课时: WB: Listening, Talking, Part of practising 第6 课时: Part of practising, Integrating skills (Reading) 第7 课时:Integrating skills(Writing), extension / test Test & Discussion

31 教材使用建议 灵活地使用 创造性地使用 回顾 ◆ 可以补充教学内容(强烈建议) ◆ 可以删减教学内容(根据学生的学力)
◆ 可以替换教学内容(根据教学需要) 创造性地使用 ◆ 可以调整教学顺序(根据学生兴趣及接受程度等) ◆ 可以调整教学方法(根据学生语言水平的差异) ◆ 可以调整教学活动(降低加大难度要求等)

32 Unit 13 中对“词汇”的扩充与复习 有关看病的词汇 fever n.发热 high ~,low ~, to have a ~(temperature), to keep the ~ down headache n.头痛 bad ~, slight ~, splitting ~, to have a ~, ache n.& v.疼痛 to have an ~, an ~ in one’s head/ bones, tooth to ~ in a joint, to ~ all over pain n.疼痛 sharp ~, dull ~, to have a ~ in one’s back/chest, to kill ~ dizzy a.头晕 dizziness n. faint v.昏迷 cough n. & v. 咳嗽 bad ~, slight ~, dry ~, to keep on ~ing, to ~ out blood

33 shock n.休克 vomit v.呕吐 sick a.反胃、恶心 feel ~ disorder 不正常、失调 stomach ~, nervous ~ bleed v.出血 cold n.伤风 bad ~, slight ~, to have (catch) a ~ influenza(flu) n.流感 pneumonia 肺炎 tooth 牙齿 to drill a ~, to fill a ~, to pull a ~ out, to insert a false ~

34 Three balanced meals a day (营养均衡的一日三餐)
Unit 13 中对“语篇”的补充 Three balanced meals a day (营养均衡的一日三餐) Many people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Think about why this is true. When you get up in the morning, it has been a long time since your last meal. It may be 12 hours or more since you ate dinner. A nutritious breakfast provides energy for the activities you will do the rest of the day. Without a nutritious breakfast, you feel tired and do not have enough energy to stay active. Sometimes you don’t think clearly. A nutritious breakfast will help you feel alert1 and ready for the day. What makes up a good breakfast? Like any meal, you should eat a variety of foods from the different groups. Nutritious breakfast foods include whole-grain cereal, fruit and fruit juice, low fat or nonfat milk and/or yogurt, toast with jam, and maybe an egg two or three times each week. Avoid eating meats such as sausage and bacon. Also skip the donuts and sweet rolls. A healthy breakfast should provide about one-quarter of your daily nutrients and calories. If you eat a nutritious breakfast, you might not be hungry until lunch.

35 Question: Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
You can eat many different kinds of food for lunch. What are some of your favorite foods for lunch? Are they part of a balanced diet? Try to eat one or two servings of foods that contain protein at lunch. And don’t forget to eat servings of fruits, vegetables, and bread or pasta. Healthy choices for lunch include salads with low-fat dressing, a lean hamburger with no cheese, or a turkey or chicken sandwich on whole-grain bread. A peanut butter sandwich or a bowl of spaghetti are also good lunch choices. Soup is also a good lunch food. Avoid eating fatty foods such as French fries, potato chips, or other fried foods. You also have many choices of food to eat at dinner. Many people plan their dinners around a large piece of meat. Try to reduce the amount of meat you eat at dinner. Instead, increase the number of servings of bread, rice, pasta, fruits, and vegetables you eat. Throughout the day, avoid eating foods that contain too much fat and sugar. And remember to drink plenty of water. Question: Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? ______________________________________________________

36 原则:要避免为了考试随意删减 删减教学内容 不建议删减的部分 ◆ 阅读语篇 ◆ “听力”的量 ◆ “语言学习”的量 可以考虑删减的部分
◆ 阅读后的部分活动内容 ◆ 不切合学生学习实际的部分

37 原则:更易于学生理解与掌握,并进行真实交际
调整教学顺序 原则:更易于学生理解与掌握,并进行真实交际 课内调整 听、说相对集中完成; 两篇阅读整体理解后,集中一课时进行语言学习; 学生用书和练习册的教学穿插进行; 合作语言活动与评价集中进行; 语言学习相对集中(如SB 和WB中的Grammar) 课际调整 可根据生活实际或教学内容的关联性调整单元教学顺序

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