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Mobile Business Model.

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1 Mobile Business Model

2 移动商务应用例子 紧急事件处理:如 警察, 消防人员, 交通执法人员, 卫生检查员, 建筑检查员, 交通检查员, 火灾检查员, 设备管理人员等。 移动定位服务:如出门旅游人员;速递服务人员等。能够为旅行者提供急需信息,如路况、附近的加油站、驾驶方向和当地旅游向导的服务中获得帮助。移动定位设备也可用来跟踪卡车、被盗车辆、精神病人、孩子或其他移动的目标。 时效性服务:如航空时刻表,股票价格,家庭防盗自动警铃等。

3 移动商务应用例子(续) 便携式娱乐:用户可以很容易的获得多种个性化的娱乐(音乐、游戏、赌博,甚至是关于他或她最喜欢的电影明星的新闻等)
电子皮夹:用户可以使用移动电话支付公共汽车、出租车、车辆看管、洗车、汽油等费用;有了先进的生物测定安全机制,如指纹或声音识别、储存在芯片中的内置安全码,移动设备能够作为个人身份识别和系统服务或进入建筑的钥匙 。 便携式娱乐:用户可以很容易的获得多种个性化的娱乐(音乐、游戏、赌博,甚至是关于他或她最喜欢的电影明星的新闻等) 案例:日本DoCoMo的I-mode.


5 FOMA概况 2001年10月1日,日本最大的移动通信公司NTT DoCoMo率先推出全球首个商用3G服务,命名为FOMA(Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access) 至2005年3月,FOMA用户已经达到1150万,是全球最大的WCDMA网 2005年3月日本移动运营商3G市场份额

6 FOMA业务 视频电话Videophone i-mode® 支持可视通话,兼容3G-324M标准 i-appliTM Chara-denTM
视频电话时,传送动画等取代呼叫者的真实画面 Visualnet 视频会议(最多支持8人同时在线) i-mode® i-appliTM 基于Java的应用 i-motionTM 通过视频短片(Video Clip)观看电影预告、体育动向等 Chaku-UtaTM/Chaku-motionTM 用户手机收到呼叫时可播放歌曲或视频短片 i-areaTM 位置信息服务,提供用户所在位置的相关内容 Deco-mailTM HTML格式邮件,可以附加图片、动画等内容 i-motion mailTM 用户可以在邮件中附加视频短片 i-shotTM 发送附加静态图片的邮件 i-mode mail 文本内容的邮件( ) i-mode FelicaTM 通过非接触式IC卡(Felica)实现移动电子钱包功能 FirstPassTM 电子认证服务,可以为用户移动购物提供高安全性保证 高速数据通信 支持最高384kbps数据传输 DoCommerceTM 移动在线支付服务 M-Stage® 移动多媒体内容服务 M-Stage® music:音乐配送服务 M-Stage® visual:视频配送服务 M-Stage® book:电子书服务 M-Stage® Vlive:实时流媒体服务 M-Stage® Visualnet:视频会议服务

7 家长通过FOMA会议电视功能可以随时了解子女在托儿所的活动

8 移动商务企业应用分类 垂直行业应用分类 保险业: 大量移动办公人员、移动营销 医药行业: 医药代表 公共卫生行业: 病历、紧急救护、监护病人
保险业: 大量移动办公人员、移动营销 医药行业: 医药代表 公共卫生行业: 病历、紧急救护、监护病人 公用事业: 煤、水、电(结合GPS) 物流行业: 仓库盘点、调度、销售信息 金融行业: 移动支付、股票 公安系统: 现场及时采集信息、处理事故 教育行业: 远程教育 ……

9 移动商务企业应用分类 功能分类 销售自动化(SFA) 客户关系管理(CRM) 供应链管理(SCM) 企业资源规划(ERP) ……

10 中国移动通信市场 2003年底,中国移动电话用户的数量已经达到了2.6869亿人,20.92部/百人,经成为全球最大的移动电话市场。
2003 年全球新增的移动用户中,有四分之一多来自中国。 2004年7月信息产业部发布最新移动通讯市场数据,2004年上半年中国新增移动电话用户3500万户,总数达3.05亿户 到2010年,中国移动用户将突破7亿户

11 What is a business model?
A business model is the method by which a firm builds and uses its resources to offer its customers better value than its competitors, and in so doing make money Afuan, A. and Tucci, L.C. (2001) Internet Business Models and Strategies, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

12 Key components of m-commerce business model

13 Scope Scope is basically about the market segments, geographic areas, or demographics, to which the proposed value should be offered [21]. Here we segment the market into three categories: mobility, countries/cultures, and demographics.

14 Value propositions Contrary to rich information, unlimited global access, and low transaction costs, facilitated in internet-based e-commerce, value propositions in m-commerce originate from mobility and location-awareness. Ubiquitous communication. Emergency response and time-critical information services, Mobile payment and ‘e-Wallet’ Location-based service, Portable entertainment, Mobile workforce support, and Mobile supply chain management

15 Value propositions

16 Value Propositions

17 Value Propositions

18 The shift of value proposition in m-commerce
In summary, the analysis of value propositions for m-commerce above suggests several shifts in thinking, compared to traditional internet-based e-commerce: from reaching a home or office to reaching a person from location independent cyberspace to location awareness from overcome time limitation to time-critical service from information richness to information relevancy from transaction cost reduction to productivity improvement from complex transactions to simple critical transactions.


20 最终发展会融为一体

21 Source of Revenue A critical part of business model analysis is the determination of the sources of revenues. Here we identify several revenue sources for m-commerce: Sales of mobile communication equipment and devices, Basic communication charges, Value-added service charges, Fees of mobile application development, Advertising Cost savings of improving internal business operations

22 Source of Revenue In brief, when we identify revenues for m-commerce, we should shift our thinking rom traditional internet-based e-commerce in the following ways: from a resource abundant, free service dominated ‘socialist’ system to a scarcity/ownership-based ‘capitalist’ system from flat-rate internet access charges to traffic-based communication charges from advertising-centric to subscription-centric from transaction cost reduction to improved internal business productivity from simple individual billing systems to complex multi-billing systems.

23 Mobile Value Chain Investigating the Dynamics of the M-Commerce Value System: A Comparative Viewpoint Ofir Turel and Yufei Yuan

24 What is Value Chain? Although the original purpose of a value chain was to identify the fundamental value-creating processes involved in producing a product or service within a firm, the concept has since been broadened and is often used to describe an entire industry.

25 Value Chain In many macro-level studies, value-system models of firm/ industry structure are frequently used to understand industry configurations, and analyze and improve firms’ and industries’ strategic advantage. Most value-system models attempt to understand how value is created by firms, industries and business goals, through mapping the set of business activities in a meaningful way. These models break industries into layers of similar activities. Each layer contains firms and activities that require similar capabilities (Krafft 2003).

26 Value Chain An industry level value chain serves as a model of the industry whereby processes are considered independent of the firms that may or may not engage in them. This separation enables analyses of the positions of various firms in the overall industry as well as instances of vertical integration or cooperative agreements (alliances, joint ventures, etc.).

27 Value Network Christensen and Rosenbloom (1995) view a value network as a nested commercial system where the scope and boundaries are defined by the dominant technological paradigm employed at the higher levels of the network. This dominant of value in the network and thus, entrance into the network is based on the ability to add value within the given measurement.

28 Value chain analysis The question, however, is not how well is the reality represented by the chosen vale system structure, but rather which representation better fits the context of the analysis.

29 2G Value Chain

30 3G Value Chain

31 Mobile wireless value chain

32 M-commerce value chain

33 Fransman Model

34 1st Generation Value chain
无线服务提供商 终端设备和手机制造商 用户 中间服务商 (Source: Rulke et al 2002) 图3.1 第一代移动商务价值链

35 2nd Generation Value chain
内容、服务提供商 无线服务 提供商 传输平台&应用程序提供商 用户 (Source: Rulke et al 2002)

36 3rd Generation Value chain
门户网站和接 入服务提供商 无线网络运营商 支持性服务 传输平台和应用程序提供商 内容和应用提供商 用户 (Source: Rulke et al 2002) 图3.3 第三代移动商务价值链

37 第三代移动商务价值链(细化后) 图3.4 第三代移动商务价值链(细化后) 传输平台和应用程序提供商 无线网络运营商 门户和接入服务提供商
内容和应用服务提供商 信息代理 移动商务内容/服务提供商 全球互联网 门户网站 互联网服务提供商 无线服务提供商 无线网络基础设施运营商 支持性服务提供商,付费支持 平台服务提供商 传输平台提供商 终端设备 PDA SIM卡 OS/用户界面/F 最终用户 零售商 1 5 4 3 2 支持性服务提供商 图3.4 第三代移动商务价值链(细化后) (Source: Rulke et al 2003)

38 Question and Answer! Thanks!

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