About Broadcom关于博通公司 Founded in 年创立

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0 Broadcom Corporation Press Conference 博通公司新闻发布会 P&T Expo Comm China 2011 2011中国国际信息通信展览会
Jim McKeon Director, Product Marketing 产品市场总监 September 27, 年9月27日

1 About Broadcom关于博通公司 Founded in 年创立 Initial public offering in April (NASDAQ-BRCM)1998年4月股票首次公 开发行(NASDAQ:BRCM) Fortune 500 company《财富》500强公司 Ranked most innovative semiconductor company 被评为最具创新性的半导体公司 A global leader in semiconductors for wired and wireless communications 全球有线和无线通信半导体市场的领导者 2010 net revenue of $6.82 billion 2010年销售额为68.2亿美元 Ranked in Top 10 Semiconductors by Revenue in 2010 (Gartner, 2010) 按收入计算, 2010年成为10大半导体公司之一(Gartner,2010年) One of the largest volume fabless semiconductor suppliers 最大的无工厂批量半导体供应商之一 Broad IP portfolio with over 15,300 U.S. and foreign patents and applications 种类繁多的知识产权,超过15,300项美国和国外专利及应用 Strongest patent portfolio among fabless semiconductor companies (IEEE) 在无工厂半导体公司中专利阵容最为强大(IEEE) Approximately 9,460 employees worldwide 全球约有9,460名员工 Driving convergence through unique and innovative product offerings 通过独特和创新性的产品促进融合 1

2 Broadcom Business Overview 博通公司业务概述
Home家庭 (Broadband Communications) (宽带通信) Infrastructure基础设施 (Infrastructure & Networking) (基础设施与网络) Hand手持设备 (Mobile & Wireless) (移动与无线) Over 20 lines of business enabling growth in wired and wireless convergence 超过20种业务促进有线和无线融合市场增长 2

3 Customer Base of Industry Leaders 客户群中包括众多行业领导者
Home家庭 (Broadband Communications) (宽带通信) Infrastructure基础设施 (Infrastructure & Networking) (基础设施和网络) Hand手持设备 (Mobile & Wireless) (移动和无线)

4 Broadcom Outgrows Industry and Peers 博通公司增速超过行业和同类公司
CAGR 年复合增长率 BRCM 26% 博通26% Indexed Revenue (2002 = 1)索引化收入(2002年=1) Communication Semis 通信半导体行业 15% Semis 半导体行业 10% Source: WSTS, FactSet 数据来源:WSTS、FactSet。

5 Infrastructure Networking Group Market Segments 基础设施与网络业务部细分市场
SMB, Home 中小企业, 家庭 Enterprise 企业 Data Center 数据中心 Service Provider 服务供应商 1999年 2000年 2001年 2002年 Broadcom Ethernet Switching Solutions: Broadcom以太网交换解决方案: Innovating to solve real-world communications problems 创新性地解决了真实的通信问题

6 Carrier Infrastructure 运营商基础设施 Core / Aggregation 核心/汇聚
The World’s Most Comprehensive Ethernet Switch Portfolio世界上最全面的以太网交换解决方案 Carrier Infrastructure 运营商基础设施 Enterprise 企业 SMB / Home 中小企业/家庭 P P P Access 接入 Core / Aggregation 核心/汇聚 Data Center 数据中心 P P P Broad portfolio of products, IP and technology enables integration 丰富的产品、知识产权和技术使集成得以实现 Portfolio breadth insures high performance interoperability 全面的产品确保以高性能实现互操作性 Standards-based portfolio of world’s-first products and technology 全球最先推出基于标准的产品和技术

7 Switch Performance By the Numbers 从数字看交换解决方案业务的表现
Millions of Ports Shipped已交付端口数(单位:百万个) 2,190 Over 2 billion Ethernet switch ports shipped since 2000 自2000年以来交付了超过20亿个以太网交换端口 1,758 Over 350 switch products introduced across all switch market segments 横跨各个交换细分市场推出了超过350种交换产品 1,404 50,000 Switch ports shipped in past hour 过去1小时内交付了5万个交换端口 1,055 829 614 422 267 150 54 13 Demonstrating consistent leadership in the Ethernet switch market 表明博通公司在以太网交换市场拥有全面的领先地位

8 Driving a New Era in Aggregation Networks 助力汇聚网络新时代

9 Exponential Growth in IP Traffic IP流量激增
More mobile devices than people on Earth by 2012 到2012年,移动设备的数量将超过地球上人口的总数 Source: Cisco, Visual Networking Industry Report, Mobile Network Forecast 数据来源:思科公司Visual Networking Industry报告,移动网络预测

10 Current Architectures Challenged 现有的架构面临挑战 More Users, More Content, More Bandwidth 更多用户、更多内容、更大的带宽
Cheap LCD TVs 便宜的LCD电视机 Over-the-Top Movie and Music Competitors 提供电影和音乐内容的OTT竞争者 HD Channel Wars 高清频道之争 Whole Home Media Services 面向整个家庭的媒体服务 Bandwidth & Capacity Constraints 带宽和容量限制 Service Bundles 服务捆绑

11 The Aggregation Network Defined 定义汇聚网络
Fixed Config Pre-Agg Modular Chassis Mobile Core 移动核心 Access Router 接入路由器 BTS Cell Site Router CPE/ MDU Access Concentrator 接入集中器 Core Network 核心网络 Edge/Core Routers 边缘/核心路由器 Access Network 接入网络

12 Key Challenges for the Aggregation Layer 汇聚层面临的关键挑战
More subscriber capacity = higher bandwidth networks 更大的用户容量=带宽更大的网络 GE/10GE links scaling quickly to 40GE/100GE GE/10GE链路快速扩展到40GE/100GE More subscriber density = greater network scale 更高的用户密度=更大的网络规模 More MACs, more routes, more service density is mandatory 必须提供更多的MAC、更多路径、更高的服务密度 The lowest total cost solution will win 总体成本最低的解决方案将赢得市场 Escalating capex and opex constraints from carriers 运营商受到资本支出和运营支出逐步上升的限制 Architectures must reflect legacy realities 设计架构时必须考虑存在传统技术这一现实 Flexible solutions must be cost-effective for both upgrades and greenfield buildouts 解决方案要灵活,对升级和新建扩建都必须是经济实惠的

13 QoS Expectations QoS预期 Protection Switching 保护性倒换
Mapping the Provider Network了解运营商网络 Common features, right-sized for each point in the network 常见特征,恰当地针对网络中的每一点设定 Attribute特征 Edge边缘 Pre-Aggregation 汇聚前 Aggregation 汇聚 Edge Router 边缘路由器 Subscriber Density 用户密度 1-1000 > 10K QoS Expectations QoS预期 Port-based 基于端口的 Subscriber-based HQoS 基于用户的HQoS Service-based HQoS 基于服务的HQoS TDM Interfaces TDM接口 Yes有 No无 Forwarding 转发 IP / MPLS / MPLS-TP Synchronization 同步 OAM Protection Switching 保护性倒换 Systems differentiated on scale & bandwidth, not core features 系统差别化体现在规模和带宽而不是核心特征上

14 Aggregation Architecture Options 汇聚架构选择
Fundamental Choice: Distributed vs. Centralized switching 基本选择:分布式交换或集中式交换 Distributed Architecture 分布式架构 Centralized Architecture 集中式架构 Line Card 线卡 Switch/ Control 交换/控制 Switch/ Control Port Adapter 端口适配器 Line Card 线卡 Fabric 交换网 Fabric 交换网 Line Card 线卡 Line Card 线卡 = route database Pros:优点: Higher fabric density 更高的交换网密度 New capabilities with new line cards 新线卡提供新功能 Oversubscription possible 支持拥塞 Pros:优点: Simple, low-cost design 简单、低成本的设计 Low power density 低功率密度 Half-slot flexibility 半插槽灵活性

15 Introducing the New Era in Aggregation: 开创汇聚新时代: BCM56540和BCM56640
Access Network Aggregation Network汇聚网络 Fixed Config Pre-Agg Modular Chassis Core Network BTS Access Router Cell Site Router Edge/Core Routers The provides first-level aggregation, typically provisioned in 100G-200G fixed configuration systems 56540提供一级汇聚,一般配置为100G至200G的固定配置的系统 The provides the higher-density second-level aggregation, typically provisioned in 600+G modular configuration systems 提供更高密度的二级汇聚,一般配置为超过600G的模块化配置的系统 Mobile Core Access Concentrator CPE/ MDU The aggregation layer delivers the low-cost, high-bandwidth virtues of Carrier Ethernet packet services 汇聚层提供运营商以太网分组业务所需的低成本、大带宽特性

16 Quantum Leap in Aggregation Scale 汇聚规模的飞跃
Optional Lookup Memory 可选TCAM Line-Rate Fabric Interface 线速架构接口 StrataXGS Line-Rate Forwarding Pipeline StrataXGS线速转发流水线 ContentAware™ Engine classify, filter, modify: parallel lookups ContentAware™ 引擎 分类、过滤、修改:并行查找 Hierarchical Queuing & Dynamic Memory Manager 多级调度和动态内存管理 Expansion Interface 扩展接口 Front Panel Connectivity up to:前面板连接数量多达: 48 x GbE 3 x 40GE 12 x 10GE 1 x 100GE L2 MACs L2 MAC IPv6 Routes IPv6路由 ACL lookups ACL查找 Industry’s densest packet processing solution 业界密度最高的解决方案

17 BCM56640 Modular Line Cards BCM56640模块化线卡 The full spectrum of interface solutions 全面的接口解决方案
Chassis Line Card 56640 48 x GE 12 x 10GE 3 x 40GE 1 x 100GE Highest density and integration aggregation chassis – No PHYs required! 密度和集成度最高的汇聚机框– 无需PHY!

18 The New Standard in Flexibility: BCM56540 灵活性的新标准:BCM56540
Latest in Carrier Ethernet: Ethernet OAM MPLS OAM Linear/Ring Protection Time Synchronization 运营商以太网业务领域的最新创新: 以太网OAM MPLS OAM 线性/环式保护 时间同步 StrataXGS Line-Rate Forwarding Pipeline StrataXGS线速转发流水线 ContentAware™ Engine classify, filter, modify: parallel lookups ContentAware™引擎 分类、过滤、修改:并行查找 F.XAUI 10G / 40G Huge variety of port options, including: 大量端口选择,包括 Up to 48 x GE 高达48 x GE Up to 10 x F.XAUI 高达 10 x F.XAUI Up to 2 x 40GE or 8 x SFP+ 高达 2 x 40GE 或 8 x SFP+ 180 Gbps Line-Rate Switch / Router: MPLS/MPLS-TP IPv6 / IPv4 180 Gbps线速交换机/路由器: MPLS/MPLS-TP IPv6/IPv4 Up to 10 F.XAUI flexible port interfaces for the ultimate in configurability 高达 10 F.XAUI的灵活端口接口实现终极可配置性 Programmable forwarding resources for optimal L2, L3 allocation 可编程转发资源实现最佳L2、L3分配 Purpose-built flexibility for optimum system design 专门的灵活性实现最佳系统设计

19 BCM56540 Delivers on Flexibility BCM56540提供了预期的灵活性
F.XAUI F.XAUI F.XAUI F.XAUI F.XAUI F.XAUI 40G/ 4 x 10G 1 x 10GE 4 x 100-FX 4 x GE 4 x 2.5GE F.XAUI 40G / 4 x 10G F.XAUI F.XAUI F.XAUI F.XAUI Broadcom’s F.XAUI technology allows 10GE interfaces to be reassigned on the fly to GE or 2.5GE Broadcom F.XAUI技术使10GE接口能动态配置为GE或2.5GE Benefit : low-power, low-cost centralized switch silicon architectures become viable 好处:便捷的实现低功耗、低成本的集中式交换

20 The New Flexible Forwarding Plane 新的、灵活的转发平面
Legacy – Separate data structures 传统型 – 独立的数据结构 L2 MAC L3 Hosts L3主机 MPLS VLAN NEW – A configurable resource pool 新型 – 可配置的资源池 Broadcom Flexible Forwarding 灵活的Broadcom转发平面 Unique profile per network 独特地按网络提供配置文件 Profile A 配置文件A Profile B 配置文件B Profile C 配置文件C Profile D 配置文件D Unifies 4 fixed data structures into 1 将4种固定的数据结构整合为1种 Enables allocation based on application needs 能基于应用需求进行分配 Flexible lookup partitioning provides superior efficiency 灵活的查阅划分实现了极高的查找效率

21 The Next Step in Aggregation Networks: 汇聚网络的下一步发展: PTN or IP-RAN 是PTN还是IP-RAN
Yesterday’s carrier networks designed for voice – but today the service is data 昨天的运营商网络为话音而设计 – 但今天的业务是数据 Creates two fundamental problems: 产生了两个根本问题: How to upgrade voice networks to data 怎样将话音网络升级成数据网络 How to build new data networks 怎样建立新的数据网络 Leading to two alternatives: PTN and IP-RAN 导致两种选择:PTN和IP-RAN PTN offers the ‘look and feel’ of the voice-oriented network PTN提供类似于传统语音网络所具有的“外观和感觉” IP-RAN offers the potential for long-term scalability IP-RAN具有长期可扩展潜力 Can one system serve both? – YES 一个系统能提供两种选择吗? – 能

22 Creating Systems for PTN & IP-RAN 开发面向PTN和IP-RAN的系统
PTN System PTN系统 Ethernet Switch 以太网交换机 L2 Host L2主机 VLAN Table VLAN表 L3 Host L3主机 L3 Route L3路由 L2/L3 MPLS MPLS-TP OAM Timing Engine 定时引擎 Services Metering 服务计量 L2 Services Counters L2服务台 PTN requires large L2 resources PTN需要大量L2资源 Ethernet Switch 以太网交换机 L3 Host L3主机 L3 Route L3路由 L2 Host L2主机 Virt. Intf 虚拟主机接口 L2/L3 MPLS MPLS-TP OAM Timing Engine 定时引擎 H-QoS Traffic Manager H-QoS流量管理器 L3 Services Counters L3服务台 IP-RAN System IP-RAN系统 IP-RAN requires large L3 resources IP-RAN需要大量L3资源 Broadcom Flexible Forwarding serves both 灵活的Broadcom转发技术可同时提供 Ethernet Switch 以太网交换机 Flex OAM 灵活的OAM Timing 灵活的定时 Services Metering 灵活的服务计量 Counters 灵活的服务台 Tables 灵活的表 PTN Capabilities PTN功能 IP-RAN Capabilities IP-RAN功能 Unified system for both PTN or IP-RAN 统一的系统既可用于PTN也可用于IP-RAN

23 The Challenge for China 中国市场面临的挑战
Three major players 3个大型运营商 Each with specific strengths and networks 每个都有各自的专长和网络 Highly competitive market 竞争激烈的市场 Each with growth aspirations in all telecom markets: mobile, broadband, business services 每个都有在所有电信市场实现增长的愿望:移动、 宽带、企业业务 PTN & IP-RAN topologies being developed to meet this challenge 正在开发PTN和IP-RAN网络架构,以迎接这种挑战 System OEMs must find a cost effective solution that meets the particular requirements of each player 系统设备制造商必须找到一种经济实惠的、满足每个运营商特定需求的解决方案

24 Building the Broadcom Aggregation Network 建立Broadcom汇聚网络
Fixed Config Pre-Agg Modular Chassis Mobile Core移动核心 Access Router接入路由器 BTS Cell Site Router CPE/ MDU Access Concentrator接入集中器 Core Network 核心网络 Edge/Core Routers边缘/核心路由器 Access 接入网络 The building blocks of a complete aggregation product line 一个完整的汇聚产品线的基本构件

25 Summary 总结 Broadcom Drives a New Era in Mobile Aggregation Networks 博通助力移动汇聚网络新时代 Unlocks the Potential of High-Bandwidth Aggregation 释放大带宽汇聚的潜能 Ideally Suited for Both PTN and IP-RAN Deployments 同时适用于PTN和IP-RAN网络的部署 Enables the Converged Platform with Unprecedented Flexibility 以前所未有的灵活性实现融合平台 Raises the Bar for State-of-the-Art Carrier Ethernet Networks 树立电信级以太网的标准

26 Thank You 谢谢 Broadcom Proprietary & Confidential. Unauthorized Use Prohibited. © 2011 Broadcom Corporation. All rights reserved. 博通公司专有机密信息。未获授权禁止使用。© 2011博通公司版权所有。

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