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產業經營實務與專題 原材料的跨國貿易 面面觀 陳俊達(東吳企管日66B) 博瑞達亞洲有限公司 董事長 2012 / 09 / 19
教學目標 不僅傳授產業發展與管理專業之知識技能,更加強管理者個人特質、生涯規劃、情緒管理…等與個人情商(EQ)有關之內涵。
你所不知道的產業別 農產業 林產業 食品食材產業 化學產業 石化產業 金屬工礦產業 一般工業製品產業 貿易流通業
公司概況 博瑞達公司是一個專精於銷售化工原材料及物流服務的全方位國際貿易公司。二十五多年來的專業經營,Protrade這個名字已在合成橡膠、天然橡膠、塑料、及相關填充料等領域裡,擁有良好的口碑與信用,並與許多世界著名的跨國石化生產廠家合作,並成為其指定的分銷渠道。我們的服務據點遍佈於台北、上海、青島、首爾、孟買、曼谷、西雅圖、亞克朗、鹿特丹港、及聖保羅等地。我們能即時取得貨權及運送貨物,並以全球化的通路來掌握運輸細節及控制財務風險,以提供全面性的服務給我們的供應商及客戶。
Overview Protrade Asia Ltd. is a full service trading and logistics company dealing in industrial raw materials. For over 25 years the Protrade name has been associated with the trade and distribution of synthetic and natural rubber, plastic resins and related fillers. Protrade cooperates with many of the world's leading petrochemical manufacturers, and for a select group of industry leaders we act as the assigned distribution channel. Every day we take title and ship goods on a global basis managing the transportation details and payment risks to serve our suppliers and customers. Our sales teams or dedicated sales associates are located in Taipei, Shanghai, Qingdao, Seoul, Mumbai, Bangkok, Seattle, Akron, Rotterdam, and Sao Paulo.
產品與市場 博瑞達所經營的產品涵蓋了通用合成橡膠、特種合成橡膠及熱塑性彈性體 (符合可回收性的全球趨勢、汽車上輕量及省油的特能、防火及無鹵素的家庭用品等特性的)。 主要的市場服務範圍為輪胎、汽車配件、輸送帶、鞋業、電線及電纜、管道、膠黏劑、包裝、防水卷材與建築材料、橡塑混鍊和塑膠改性等等。 為滿足世界各地客戶對於貨物需求的及時性,博瑞達公司在上海、天津、青島、重慶、黃浦、高雄、新加坡等地區設有常備庫存,並策略性地使用保稅區功能,以發揮能立即運送貨物的效率及優勢。
Products and Markets Protrade Asia’s product lines have expanded from basic rubbers to include thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) and polyolefin elastomers (POEs) which follow the global trends for recyclability, light-weighting and gas saving features of automobiles, as well as flame retardant and halogen-free goods. Key market sectors we serve are tire, auto parts, conveyor belts, shoe, wire and cable, pipe, adhesives, inks and coatings, roofing and construction, rubber and plastic compounding, and plastic modification. To better serve our Asia customers, Protrade Asia maintains inventory in the following locations: Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Chongqing, Huangpu, Kaohsiung and Singapore. We strategically stock materials in bonded free trade zones to effect immediate shipments to ports elsewhere in Asia and anywhere around the world. Our customers in North America and Europe can count on us for delivery to inland destinations.
博瑞達的優势 博瑞達利用豐富的國際貿易知識與石化行業經驗 ,並透過完善的物流網絡,來服務世界各地的顧客。並提供客戶有創造力的解決方案及市場情報 。不論您是已質量或價格為考量,我們都能提供有競爭力的產品來滿足您的需求。 博瑞達在業界耕耘數十載,不但有健全的財務背景, 也堅持高品質的服務,希望能與供應商與客戶們攜手永續經營。
The Protrade Advantage
Protrade blends the best of the international business knowledge with petrochemical industry experience. We serve a global customer base via a network of offices and regional warehouses advantageously located in Greater China, Korea, India, Europe, and North America. As a group of innovative sales, technical and logistics professionals, we are intent on providing you with creative solutions and market intelligence. Whether you require technically advanced materials or cost-conscious alternatives we can serve your needs at competitive prices. Protrade is a financially sound partner with a strong and consistent performance. Our key management personnel are committed to the long term success of our business and our relationships with our suppliers and customers.
Taking possession of overstocked or distressed inventories for distribution to proper markets. Contracting for custom production to utilize excess plant capacity and build economies of scale. Disposing of off grade and scrap materials to designated markets in a responsible manner. Reducing credit risk exposure by providing financing services for export sales. Expanding market share and promoting new product lines by using our worldwide customer contacts to reach even the smallest and most hidden customers. Maintaining around the clock communication lines with foreign partners while employing cultural and language sensitivity.
Sourcing the materials on a global basis to ensure steady supply with the most competitive prices, especially during supply shortages. Offering alternative materials for customers seeking cost savings. Providing technical service and direct contact with the original manufacturer for special projects. Acting as a “one stop shop” and consolidating various products to meet customers’ special requirements. Sharing the low freight rate from our volume contracts with trucking companies and ocean liners. Utilizing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and advanced trade management software to ensure efficient banking and shipping documentation.
美國對大陸的輪胎特保案 短期:10月份以後輪胎需求進入淡季,雖然美國進口商會重新考慮中國輪胎的進口,但實際的需求增加有限。
中長期:未來的一年內,大陸產半鋼胎因為價格優勢相對明顯,美國進口商將擴大從中國的採購,市場佔有率在短期內將會有較明顯提升。但由於美國市場已被印度、韓國等他國輪胎品牌佔據,市場相對飽合,加上美國對輪胎產品安全徵收保險費用等拉升成本,中國輪胎對市場衝擊有限,市場佔有率並無太大改變。 長遠:由於中國半鋼輪胎廠大部分的生產裝置和品牌都是近年來新投產和上市的,在產品品質上與國際上大品牌相比仍有欠缺,因此還需提升改進。對於轎車胎重視的安全性來看,市場接受度不會一下提升太高。 綜上所述,中國輪胎特保案的到期,將在短期內(一年左右)有效刺激美國市場對中國輪胎的需求,但在美國市場佔有率的長期增長將十分有限。
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