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面向国际 服务产业 联合协作 开放发展 Worldwide Serving Cooperating Developing

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1 面向国际 服务产业 联合协作 开放发展 Worldwide Serving Cooperating Developing
中国国际设计产业联盟 China International Design Industry Union 面向国际 服务产业 联合协作 开放发展 Worldwide Serving Cooperating Developing

2 CIDIU Standing Members

3 联盟介绍 ABOUT CIDIU 中国国际设计产业联盟是自愿参加的产业组织,是为相关行业协会、企业、设计机构、研究院所、设计院校和产业园区提供服务的开放性交流协作平台。联盟以自愿、平等、合作、共赢为原则,力争做到有创新、有影响、有吸引力和凝聚力。 联盟的定位是:面向国际、服务产业、联合协作、开放发展。 Voluntary membership An open platform for communication and cooperation Principle: Voluntary membership, equality, cooperation,and mutual benefit Creative, influential, attractive, and cohesive; Position: Worldwide, serving, cooperating and developing.

4 Development Department
联盟委员会构成 秘书处 Secretariat 办公室 Office 项目部 Project Department 拓展部 Development Department 常务理事会 Executive Council 会员代表大会 Member's conference 理事会 Council ABOUT CIDIU PREPARATORY COMMITTEE Project Services Planning Annual Report etc 项目服务 策划 品牌 Brand 数据研究 Data Research 年度报告等 Management Human Resource Department Financial Assessment 综合管理 人事 财务 考核 Membership communication International Exhibition etc 会员发展 国际交流 展览展示等

5 Ⅱ 联盟委员会构成 名誉理事长 1人: 步正发 中国轻工业联合会 会长 顾 问 5人: 杨志海 中国轻工业联合会 名誉会长
ABOUT CIDIU PREPARATORY COMMITTEE 名誉理事长 1人: 步正发 中国轻工业联合会 会长 顾 问 5人: 杨志海 中国轻工业联合会 名誉会长 张龙之 中国产业发展促进会 副会长 朱 焘 中国工业设计协会 会长 Soon-In Lee 国际工业设计协会联合会当选主席 Leimei Julia Chiu 国际平面设计协会联合会当选主席 理 事 长 1人: 刘 治 中国产业发展促进会 副秘书长 常务副理事长 1人: 邴旭卫 中国家用电器研究院 院长 Honorary President of the Executive Committee Bu Zhengfa Chairman of China national Light Industry Council Consultant Yang Zhihai Honorary Chairman of China national light industry council Zhang Longzhi Vice Chairman of China Association For The Promotion Of Industrial Development Zhu Tao Chairman of CIDA Soon-In Lee President of ICSID Leimei Julia Chiu President of ICOGRADA President of the Executive Committee Liu Zhi Deputy Secretary-General of China Association For The Promotion Of Industrial Development Permanent Vice President Bing Xuwei President of CHEARI

6 Ⅱ 联盟委员会构成 副理事长15人,暂定10人,其余5人适时 秘书长 1人 兰翠芹(兼任)
ABOUT CIDIU PREPARATORY COMMITTEE 副理事长15人,暂定10人,其余5人适时 王晓红 国家发改委宏观经济研究院 处长 马中超 中国自行车协会 理事长 李英杰 设计杂志 社长 孟海东 北京文化发展基金会 会长 金炫兑 韩国设计振兴院 田中一雄 日本GK设计株式会社总裁 Tapani Hyvonen 芬兰设计师协会(Ornamo)主席 NILS 丹麦CBD总裁 季 鹏 北京正东集团 董 高 民 海信集团 设计总监 秘书长 1人 兰翠芹(兼任) Vice President of the Executive Committee Wang Xiaohong Director Macroeconomic Research Institute of NDRC Ma Zhongchao President of chinese cycling asociation Li Yingjie Director of Design magazine Meng Haidong Chairman of Beijing Cultural Development Foundation KIM Hyuntae President of KIDP Kazuo Tanaka President of CK Tapani Hyvonen President of ORNAMO NILS CEO of CBD Ji Peng President of Beijing ZhengDong Electronic power Group CO.LTD Gao Min Design Director of Hisense Secretary-General Lan Cuiqin Design Director of CHEARI

7 CIDIU Standing Members
目前已有 74家理事单位,覆盖十一个国家和地区。其中中国大型企业32家(包括中国500强企业海尔、海信、康佳、京东方、美菱、小天鹅、长虹等)、国际设计机构22家(包括日本GK 设计集团、明基设计中心等)等。 Currently: 74 Standing Members 11 countries and regions; 32 China large-scale enterprises (including Haier, Hisense, Konka, BOE, MeiLing, Little Swan, Changhong and other China top 500 Enterprises); - 22 international design institutes (including GK from Japan, and BenQ Design Centre from Taiwan). 联盟理事单位 CIDIU Standing Members

8 CIDIU Standing Members–Parts of Manufacturing Enterprise
联盟理事单位——部分生产制造企业 CIDIU Standing Members–Parts of Manufacturing Enterprise

9 CIDIU Standing Members—Parts of International Design company
联盟理事单位—国际设计机构 CIDIU Standing Members—Parts of International Design company

10 1、设计产业资讯 通过联盟网站和《通讯》杂志,为企业提供国内外最新的行业资讯、政策信息及企业优秀设计案例,宣传推广国内设计企业,提高国际影响力。 联盟服务内容 CIDIU SERVICES Design News and Information CIDIU Journal and website—latest news in the Chinese and foreign design industrials, government polices and excellent design cases

11 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 2、Researching on Design Industry 2、设计产业研究
CIDIU SERVICES 2、设计产业研究 通过联盟的宣传窗口,发布设计行业政策及权威专家对行业政策的解读和研究,帮助企业更好地了解行业规则及运作机制。 2、Researching on Design Industry Publicize interpretations of government polices and researches on the design industry by authoritative scholars Inform members of industrial rules and operation mechanisms

12 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 3、国际交流合作 3. Facilitating International Communication
CIDIU SERVICES 3、国际交流合作 组织中国制造企业参加国际设计展览和商务活动,与国际同行建立长 效联系,引进优质设计资源,同时开拓海外市场,实现设计服务外包。 3. Facilitating International Communication Organize CIDIU members to attend international design exhibitions and business events; Help Chinese members forge long-term contacts with their foreign counterparts; Introduce advanced foreign design resources to China; Help international members expand their Chinese market; Facilitate design service outsourcing.

13 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 4. Posting Industrial Development Trends 4、设计趋势发布
CIDIU SERVICES 4、设计趋势发布 发布行业趋势研究报告,如国际设计趋势、消费者需求趋势、中国设计文化策略等,为国内外设计行业机构和企业提供具备权威性和公信力的数据信息,引导设计创新的发展方向。 4. Posting Industrial Development Trends Publish reports on design industry trends International design trend Trends in consumer demand Strategies coping with Chinese design culture Aim: Provide authoritative information Lead the development of design innovation

14 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 5、设计产业规划 5、Design Industrial Development Planning
CIDIU SERVICES 5、设计产业规划 基于联盟的优秀智力资源,结合地方省市产业基础和区位优势,为其制定设计产业发展规划,加速目标地市形成区域特色鲜明、产业链完善、梯度格局合理的设计产业发展优势。 5、Design Industrial Development Planning CIDIU strives to help its members forge a design industry with distinctive geographical features, complete industrial chains and reasonable structure. Therefore, based on the resources CIDIU has gathered, design service providers could provide design industrial development plans for local governments according to their varied industrial base and geographical advantages.

15 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 6. Design Programs Counseling 6、设计咨询诊断
CIDIU SERVICES 6、设计咨询诊断 整合国际顶级设计资源,引导国内生产制造企业与国际专业设计机构及世界知名设计大师进行对接,咨询诊断其不成功或存在问题的设计项目,分析原因,找出对策,从而使企业改良设计项目,提升自身设计创新能力。 6. Design Programs Counseling For unsuccessful programs of Chinese corporations, CIDIU will recommend design service providers to them for consultation. CIDIU hopes that the designing capabilities and innovation will be improved in this way.

16 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 7、设计品牌策划 7. Planning Design Brands
CIDIU SERVICES 7、设计品牌策划 整合国内外设计资源,帮助企业打造设计品牌活动、策划设计大奖赛, 提升企业设计品牌价值。 7. Planning Design Brands CIDIU will recommend design service providers to help corporations plan events that can promote their brands, such as holding designing contests so as to increase value of the their brands. Chinese members could also be recommended with/to international design service providers should they aim to expand outside China and needs localization in design.

17 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 8、设计业务培训 8、Designers Training
CIDIU SERVICES 8、设计业务培训 针对生产制造企业需求,结合企业实际项目为其管理层和设计人员量身定制培训课程,强化企业管理层的设计意识,提升企业设计师的设计理念和技能。 8、Designers Training Targeting at the needs of corporations in advanced idea of design, design service providers could provide tailor-made courses for designers and the leadership of the production enterprises. It is hoped that through such trainings, ideas and techniques of the trainees can be improved and the awareness of design among the leadership of the production enterprises can be enhanced.

18 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 9、设计创意展览 9. Exhibition on Design Concepts and Products
CIDIU SERVICES 9、设计创意展览 提供资源供企业集中展示其最具创意的设计成果,宣传其设计品牌和设计服务能力,学习交流先进设计理念和经验,提高其自主创新能力,促进全球设计行业的发展。 9. Exhibition on Design Concepts and Products design service providers could offer resources to exhibit their most innovative design concepts and products so as to publicize their design brands and services. CIDIU hopes that on this platform, design providers can exchange advanced concepts and experiences, improve their independent innovation, and ultimately the development of the global design industry will be further promoted.

19 Ⅳ 联盟服务内容 10、国际设计论坛 10. Organizing International Design Forums
CIDIU SERVICES 10、国际设计论坛 邀请国内外各大企业、世界知名设计机构、设计服务机构及设计师、设计行业专家学者,探讨最新设计理论和趋势、设计产业发展、设计教育等热点话题,为国内外设计行业机构搭建交流平台,集中官产学的力量联合攻关,实现企业间和产学研联合创新。 10. Organizing International Design Forums CIDIU will invite corporations, design service institutes, scholars and government bodies from both home and abroad to its international forums to discuss the latest design trends, the development of the design industry, design education, etc. It is hoped that through this platform, efforts from corporations, academic institutions and government bodies can be combined for innovation in the design industry.

20 面向国际 服务产业 联合协作 开放发展 Worldwide Serving Cooperating Developing THANKS

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