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先行词在从句中作主语 ◆This book was left by John,who was here a moment ago. ◆The teachers who are present at our class are all experienced ones. ◆Here is the money.

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Presentation on theme: "先行词在从句中作主语 ◆This book was left by John,who was here a moment ago. ◆The teachers who are present at our class are all experienced ones. ◆Here is the money."— Presentation transcript:


2 先行词在从句中作主语 ◆This book was left by John,who was here a moment ago. ◆The teachers who are present at our class are all experienced ones. ◆Here is the money that/which will be given to you. ◆This is a book which tells about space rocket technology. ◆This is the book whose cover is blue. = This is the book, the cover of which, is blue.

3 1. 那些砍伐树木的人应该受到惩罚。(who) 2. 无家可归的人数高达250,000人。(who, as many as)
仿写练习 1. 那些砍伐树木的人应该受到惩罚。(who) 2. 无家可归的人数高达250,000人。(who, as many as) 3. 不到长城非好汉。(he who...) 4. 这是一种很有用的植物,可以用许多不同的方法将它制成食品。(that) Those/who cut down the trees/should be punished. The number of people/who lost homes/reached as many as 250,000. He/who has not been to the Great Wall/is not a true man. It is a very useful plant/that can be made into food/in many different ways.

4 5. 两个岛中较大的是不列颠岛,位于爱尔兰岛的东面。(which)
6. 我喜欢窗子朝南的房子。(of which) 7. 那条两边都是树的河一直流向海洋。(whose) 8. 他有三个儿子,他们没有一个是医生。(of whom)  The larger of the two islands is Britain/, which lies to the east of Ireland. I like the rooms/, of which the windows face south. The river/whose banks are covered with trees/flows to the sea. He has three sons/, none of whom is a doctor.

5 先行词在从句中作宾语 ◆This recorder (which) he is using is made in Japan. ◆The man (whom) you spoke to was a scientist. = The man to whom you spoke was a scientist. ◆The city (which) she lives in is far away.

6 1. 我的词典被偷了,那是我爸爸在美国买的。(which/that)
仿写练习 1. 我的词典被偷了,那是我爸爸在美国买的。(which/that) 2. 这地方我以前来过,现在变化很大。(which) 3. 这是我要照顾的小孩。(whom) 4. Jim是我的外教,从他身上我学到了很多东西。(from whom) 5. 他解释给我们听的那种方法很简单。(the way) This dictionary/, which my father bought in America/, has been stolen. The place/, which I visited before/, has changed greatly. This is the child/whom I will take care of. Jim/, from whom I have learned a lot, is my foreign teacher. The way/he explained to us/was quite simple.

7 先行词在从句中作状语(主谓宾齐全) ◆Do you still remember the days when we stayed together? ◆This is the place where we had a good time. ◆I don’t know the reason why he won’t join us. ◆The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time.

8 1. 我永远不会忘记我入团的那一天。(when/on which)
仿写练习 1. 我永远不会忘记我入团的那一天。(when/on which) 2. 他说他永远不会忘记他们第一次见面的时刻。(the moment) 3. 我们上到屋顶,从那里我们可以欣赏到这个城市的美景。(where, have a good view of) I’ll never forget the day/when I joined the league. He said/he would never forget the moment/when they first met. We went up to the roof/, where we had a good view of the city.

9 4. 他伤心的原因是他的比赛输了。(reason) 5. 你现在面临的情形是必须马上作决定。(situation)
6. 我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。(point) The reason/why he was so sad/was that he lost the game. You can get into a situation/where you have to make a decision immediately. I’ve come to the point/where I can’t stand him.

10 只能用that引导的定语从句 ◆I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow. ◆This is the first book (that) he has read. ◆This is the very book that belongs to him. ◆We were deeply impressed by the teachers and the schools (that) we had visited there. ◆Who that broke the window will be punished. ◆Nanchang is not the city that it was.

11 2. 你有任何关于这个主题的信息都发给我吧。(any) 3. 他在中国参观的第一个博物馆是历史博物馆。(the first)
仿写练习 1. 我把你借给我的书都读过了。(all) 2. 你有任何关于这个主题的信息都发给我吧。(any) 3. 他在中国参观的第一个博物馆是历史博物馆。(the first) 4. 他不再是以前的他了。(used to be) 5. 我们老师昨天谈到的那个著名作家和他的作品引起了学生的极大兴趣。(arouse great interest among) I’ve read all the books/that you lent me. Please send us any information/that you have about the subject. The first museum/that he visited in China/was the History Museum. He is no longer the one/ (that) he used to be. The famous writer and his works/that our teacher talked about yesterday/have aroused great interest among the students.

12 ◆I love the house around which there are many flowers.
◆Football, which is a very popular game, is played all over the world. 仿写练习 1. 外面有一棵很大的树,下面站着我们的老师。(介词+which) 2. 他给了我几本我不太熟悉的小说。(介词+which) 3. 妈妈给我买了台电脑作为生日礼物,这正是我所渴望的。(which, long for) 4. 他考试没及格,这很自然。(which指代前面整句话内容) There is a tall tree outside/, under which stands our teacher. He gave me some novels/with which I am not very familiar. Mum bought me a computer as my birthday present/, which was just what I longed for. He failed in the exam/, which was natural.

13 This is so interesting a book/as we all like.
◆Here are so many questions as are asked by the girls. ◆I have never seen such a kind of girl as she is. ◆I’ll do the exercises the same way as he does. ◆Take as many jewels as you want. ◆As is known to us, the earth travels around the sun. 仿写练习 1. 这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书。( 2. 掌握一门外语是很有用的,这是大家公认的。( 3. 像往常一样,杰克获得了一等奖。(as often happens) 4. 你能想象他有多勤奋,他就有多勤奋。 This is so interesting a book/as we all like. It is very useful to master a foreign language/, which (或as) is universally acknowledged by all. Jack has won the first prize/, as often happens. He works/as hard as you can imagine.

14 as常用短语 as everybody can see 正如人人都明白的那样 as can be seen 正如大家所明白的那样 as is known to all 众所周知 as has been said before 正如以前所说的那样 as is often said 正如常说的那样 as was usual 向往常一样 as we expected 正如所期盼的一样 as is reported 据报道

15 含定语从句的常用谚语 He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。 He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 从不犯错误的人一事无成。 All is not gold that glitters. 闪闪发光者,未必皆黄金。 God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。 Opportunity and luck always shows appreciation for those who are bold in struggling. 机遇和幸运总是垂青勇于奋斗的人。

16 1. A plane is a machine. The machine can fly.
强化训练 I. 组句:将下面句子连成一句话 1. A plane is a machine. The machine can fly. 2. The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. 3. She was talking with a lady. Her son was ill. 4. You sent my sister a present. Thank you very much for it. A plane is a machine that (或which) can fly. The girl that (或whom) we saw yesterday is Mary. She was talking with a lady/whose son was ill. Thank you very much for the present/which you sent to my sister.

17 5. The clothes have been cleaned. I’m wearing them.
6. He is sitting in a chair. It is broken. 7. She is a person. Everyone likes to make friends with her. 8. This teacher is liked by all the students. I work with her son. I’m wearing the clothes/which have been cleaned. He is sitting in a chair/which is broken. (The chair which he is sitting in is broken.) She is a person/whom everyone likes to make friends with. This teacher/, with whose son I work/, is liked by all the students.

18 1. Some of the boys I invited them didn’t come.
2. Anyone who breaks the law will be punished. 3. Children eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth. 4. The house in where he lives needs repairing. Some of the boys/I invited/didn’t come. Anyone/who breaks the law/will be punished. Children/who eat a lot of sugar/often have bad teeth. The house/he lives in/needs repairing. (The house where he lives needs to be repaired.)

19 5. I still remember the day when we spent together.
6. I don’t believe the reason why he has given for his being late. 7. It was in the kitchen where the fire broke out. I still remember the day/ (which) we spent together. I don’t believe the reason/ (which) he has given for his being late. It was in the kitchen/that the fire broke out.

20 III. 句子辨析:在空格处填上适当的引导词
1. As a teacher, I never give students so difficult a question they can’t work out. As a teacher, I never give students so difficult a question they can’t work it out. is known to all, the earth is round. is known to all that the earth is round. as that It As

21 3. I’ll remember the day we spent together.
I’ll remember the day we stayed together. 4. This is the station was built last year. This is the station we saw Tom off. 5. This is the reason he explained for his being late. This is the reason she was late. when which which where which why

22 1. 她就是那个女孩,她父亲是我国著名科学家。(whose)
IV. 翻译下列句子 1. 她就是那个女孩,她父亲是我国著名科学家。(whose) 2. 我要买一本在英语学习上对我有帮助的书。(which) 3. 手机是一种能帮助人们相互沟通的仪器。(that) 4. 这是我们在阅读中经常碰到的单词之一。(that) She is the girl whose father is a famous scientist in our country. I will buy a book which can help me with English. A cell phone is a kind of instrument that can help people communicate with each other. This is one of the words that we often meet in our reading.

23 5. 我今天下午4点来看你,到那时候我将有空。(when)
6. 这就是我们要看那场精彩电影的现代化电影院。(where/in which) 7. 他有两个兄弟,对我们都很好。(both of whom) 8. 他是我们村唯一不喜欢工作的村民。(the only) I will come to see you at four o’clock this afternoon, when/at which I will be free. This is the modern cinema where/in which we will see that wonderful film. He has two brothers, both of whom are friendly to us. He is the only villager in our village who is not interested in work.

24 V. 话题运用 [写作内容] 根据下列内容,写一篇英语短文文章介绍中国,内容包括: 1. 众所周知,中国有960万平方公里的土地,是世界第三大国; 2. 中国有56个民族,其中汉族人(the Han Ethnic)占94%; 3. 中国有许多大河流,其中长江和黄河是最重要的河流; 4. 曾有一段时间,中国的经济落后于世界许多国家; 5. 随着经济的增长,中国人被歧视的日子一去不复返,所有中国人都为此感到自豪。 1. 只能用5个句子表达全部内容; 2. 尽量运用定语从句; 3. 作文必须包括以上内容要点。

25 As is known to all, China covers more than 9
As is known to all, China covers more than 9.6 million square kilometers, which is the third largest country in the world. The Chinese nation consists of 56 nationalities, among which the Han Ethnic Group is the largest, making up 94% of the whole. Besides, there are many big rivers in China, the most important of which are the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. There was a time when Chinese economy was far behind many other countries in the world. However, with the development of the economy, the days are gone forever when the Chinese people were looked down upon, of which all Chinese are proud.

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