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糖尿病流行病学 Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus 哈尔滨医科大学流行病学教研室

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1 糖尿病流行病学 Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus 哈尔滨医科大学流行病学教研室
Department of epidemiology ,Harbin Medical University

2 1998年全球1.35亿,预测2025年将猛增至3亿。发达国家将增至45%,发展中国家增加200%。
There are 135 million people who have DM, over the world in 1998,and the numbers will dramatically increase to 300 million. off all,45% belong to the developed country ,and the developing country will increase 200%. 1998年全球1.35亿,预测2025年将猛增至3亿。发达国家将增至45%,发展中国家增加200%。 1/20例死于糖尿病。 每天有8700人死于糖尿病 每分钟有6人死于糖尿病 亚太地区每4例死亡中就有1例死于糖尿病。 (Roglic et al, 2005)

3 在发展中国家,糖尿病的流行在过去10年中增长的非常明显。据估计,2000年以后,中国和印度等发展中国家的糖尿病流行增长2倍。在中国,糖尿病流行已经从1980年的0.67%增加到了1997年的3.21%,约是15年前的5倍,并以每年新增病例近100万的速度增长。

4 糖尿病: 一种21世纪的流行病? Medical and Health Annual
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1999 糖尿病: 一种21世纪的流行病? Diabetis mellitus: a kind of epidomology in 21th centry

5 第一节 概述 第二节 流行病学特征 第三节 代谢综合征 第四节 防治策略与措施 SECTION 1 Introduction
SECTION 2 Epidemiological Characteristics SECTION 3 Metabolic Syndrome SECTION 4 Prevention and Treatment Strategies and Measures

6 第一节 概述(Introduction ) 一、糖尿病的定义和分型
Definition and classification of diabetes mellitus 二、糖尿病的诊断标准 Diagnostic criteria of diabetes mellitus

7 Definition and classification of diabetes
一、糖尿病的定义和分型 Definition and classification of diabetes 糖尿病是由多种病因引起的代谢紊乱 特点:慢性高血糖,伴有胰岛素分泌不足和/或作用障碍,导致碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质代谢紊乱,造成多种器官的慢性损伤、功能障碍衰竭。

8 Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Definition A metabolic disorder of multiple aetiology characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both Associated with a risk of developing late diabetic complications including Microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy) Macrovascular (atherosclerosis) Neuropathy

9 Definition of Diabetes
Characterized by hyperglycaemia • Defects in insulin production • Autoimmune or other destruction of beta cells • Insulin insensitivity • Impaired action of insulin on target tissues

10 分型 (Classification) 1型糖尿病 妊娠期糖尿病 Type-1 diabetes Gestational diabetes
1型糖尿病 妊娠期糖尿病 Type-1 diabetes Gestational diabetes 2型糖尿病 其他特殊类 Type-2 diabetes Other specific categories

11 (Diagnosing Diabetes)
二 、糖尿病的诊断标准 (Diagnosing Diabetes) Normal Impaired fasting glucose* Impaired glucose tolerance**(IGT) Diabetes FPG <6.1mmol/L [5.6] 6.1 to 6.9mmol/L* ≥7.0mmol/L 2hr PG <7.8mmol/L 7.8 to 11mmol/L** ≥11.1mmol/L CDA 2003, ADA 2004, WHO 2002

12 (Epidemiological characteristics)
第二节 糖尿病的流行病学特征 (Epidemiological characteristics) 1型糖尿病的分布 Distribution of type-1 Distribution of type-2 Risk factors for diabetes 2型糖尿病的分布 糖尿病的危险因素

13 World wide epidemic • 230 million affected in 2006
• 350 million within 20 years • Most rapid in Indian and Asian subcontinents

14 World wide epidemic Zimmet, Nature 2001
Her skal der indsættes et slide fra IDF ATLAsset As you know from the lecture Knut gave on Monday we now talk about a diabetes epidemic. This slide shows the estimated increase of diabetes over the next 10 years from WHO. As you can see that the expected numbers of individuals with diabetes in Asia will increase with 57% from 84.5 mill to 132,3 mill. In the latest updated data from WHO in January this year it is expected that the numbers of individuals with diabetes in India more than doubled over the next 20 years from 32 mill in 2000 to 81 mill individuals in 2020.

15 Top Three Countries In The World
57 million 37 million 19 million 16 million 2025 1995

16 治疗糖尿病的费用 ( Costs for Treatment)
主要的费用用于治疗 糖尿病并发症 Complications 医护费用:患者由于残 疾丧失劳动能力或过早死亡 Medical care 2007年,全球用于糖尿 病防治的健康费用达到 $2320亿 Prevention $2320亿(in 2007) * Diabetes Atlas, 3rd edition, International Diabetes Federation,

17 一、1型糖尿病分布 (Distribution of Type 1 Diabetes)

18 Characteristics of Type 1 Diabetes
-Hypoinsulinemia (↓insulin levels) -5% of diabetic cases -Patients require insulin -Age of onset: childhood -Ketoacidosis(↑ketones in blood)

19 Etiology of Type 1 Diabetes
• Autoimmune disease • Selective destruction of βcells by T cells • Several circulating antibodies agains βcells , Cause of autoimmune attack: unknown • Both genetic & environmental factors are important


21 地区分布 ( Regional Distribution)
国家之间有差异 最高 芬兰(36.5/10万)撒丁岛(36.8/10万) 中等 欧美3-19/10万 最低 亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲 /10万 同一洲内各国有差异 芬兰(45/10万)和希腊(4.6/10万)相差10倍 南北差异 纬度越高发病率越高 我国以长江为界,北高(0.65/10万) 南低(0.5/10万)

22 人群分布 (Population Distribution)
Age and Gender no difference between men and women, the incidence of age is the highest. Race and Nationality U.S. White > Black Europe > Asia 年龄和性别 男女相似 10-14岁 发病率最高,青春期 后开始急剧下降。 种族和民族 美国白人>黑人 欧洲>亚洲

23 时间分布 (Time Distribution)
季节性 秋冬季节性升高 Seasonal characteristic: the incidence is high in autumn and winter

24 Incidence of type-1(0-14y)
1型糖尿病发生率(0-14岁) Incidence of type-1(0-14y) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Incidence (per )/year China Japan India USA New Zealand UK Denmark Canada Sweden Finland incidence geographically variation between continents and within continents. The highest incidence in the developed countries. IDF Diabetes Atlas 2003

25 2型糖尿病分布 Distribution of type 2 Diabetes

26 Characteristics of Type 2 Diabetes
90%-95% of people with Diabetes Insulin insensitivity and relative insulin deficiency  Cases-Age of onset: adulthood  Obesity or overweight Complications often present at diagnosis Family history

27 Insulin Resistance — Hidden Dangers
Type 2 Diabetes • Hyperinsulinemia • IGT • Dyslipidemia • Hypertension • Coagulation Slide V/7 As with an iceberg, many dangers of insulin resistance are found beneath the surface. Hypoglycemia fulfilling the criteria for either IGT or type 2 diabetes represents only the “tip” or most obvious component of metabolic abnormalities. A global approach to the individual patient is more likely to improve the outcome.14,65

28 Type-2 diabetes All-cause mortality is doubled in diabetes
Mortality from CVD is 2- 4 times higher in diabetes CVD compromises > 50% of all-cause mortality in diabetes Clinical CVD is often present at time of diagnosis CVD is associated with a worse prognosis in diabetic than in non-diabetic individuals

29 流行情况 (Epidemic ) 广泛分布于世界各地,不同国家、人群发病 率与患病率不同。 工业化国家患病率居高不下,某些国家的发病
率呈 趋势。 发展中国家糖尿病患病率逐年 ,某些地区已 达到一个很高的水平

30 地区分布 (Regional Distribution)
国家间或地区间 (Country) 保持传统生活方式的地方患病率 生活方式西化的发展中国家人群患病率>欧洲 人群 北美本土及西太平洋区最高 1/31/2 我国11省市调查 最高 北京:4.56% 最低 浙江:1.99% 城乡分布 (City) 省会城市(4.58%)>中小城市(3.37%)>富裕 县镇(3.29%)>贫困县农村(1.71%)

31 人群分布 (Population Distribution)
Age :the incidence rise with the increased age, especially over 40 years old.Recently ,the incidence of youngers are increased. 年龄:发病率随年龄 增加,而40岁以上 显著,近年来出现 了发病年轻化的趋 势。

32 性别 Gender Western Europe vs U.S. female > male Korea vs Japan
male > female China 西欧与美国 女性 > 男性 韩国及日本 男性 > 女性 中国

33 Profession: Race Family History Economic Status 1 职业 脑力劳动者>体力劳动者 2 种族和民族 3 家族史 存在家族聚集性 4 社会经济地位

34 时间分布 (Time Distribution)
中国: :0.3%, 3%-10% 增长速度惊人 一.目前在上海、北京、广州等大城市糖尿病患病率(prevelence rate)已达8%左右,亦即每12个成人中就有一人患糖尿病 二.按IDF的估算,我国每年将有新发糖尿病患者 101万,亦即每天有新发糖尿病患者2767人,或 每小时有新发糖尿病患者115人

35 三、糖尿病的危险因素 Risk Factors of Diabetes

36 1型糖尿病(Type 1 Diabetes) Genetic Factors Viral Infection
Autoimmune Environment 遗传因素 病毒感染 自身免疫 其他环境因素

37 1型糖尿病遗传因素 (Genetic factors of type-1 diabetes)
遗传流行病学研究:同卵双生子发生1-DM的一致率为25-30%,异卵双生子为5-10% 分子流行病学研究:与人类白细胞抗原系统(HLA)有关。 HLA 基因的出现频率与种族、民族有关。

38 人类HLA基因位于第6对染色体上,是迄今为止发现的人体最为复杂的基因 体系。包括三个基因群:Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ。 最早发现与1型糖尿病联系较密切的是 Ⅰ类,此后发现Ⅱ类基因群(DQ、DR)与1型糖尿病关系更为重要。

39 1型糖尿病感染因素 Infective Factors of type 1 diabetes
流行病学证据(evidence of epidemiology) 1型糖尿病的季节分布特点和病毒性感染疾病的流行季节一致,冬季高发。 50%的1型糖尿病发病前或发病中有急性呼吸道或肠道病毒感染。 20%患有先天性风疹的儿童会发生1型糖尿病。

40 实验室研究 Experimental study
近期诊断的1型糖尿病血清中有抗病毒的抗体。1型糖尿病的患者胰腺中分离出病毒,接种动物发生糖尿病。 致病病毒 Pathogenic virus 柯萨奇病毒B4(CVB4)、腮腺炎病毒、巨细胞病毒、风疹病毒、心肌炎病毒。病毒可直接损伤胰岛细胞或通过自身免疫反应间接发挥作用。

41 1型糖尿病自身免疫因素 (Autoimmune Factors )
1型糖尿病患者血浆中常存在胰岛细胞自身抗体(ICA)如胰岛细胞胞浆抗体、胰岛细胞表面抗体,这些抗体和补体结合,通过细胞免疫破坏胰岛细胞,导致糖尿病的发生。 英国糖尿病学会登记的16岁以下新发糖尿病中ICA阳性率达85%。

42 1型糖尿病其他环境因素 (Environmental Factors) 1.饮用水:硝酸盐NaNO2 和亚硝基胺(CH3)2NNO
2.蛋白质:牛乳清蛋白多肽有关 3.药物类:噻嗪类利尿剂、肾上腺皮质激素

43 2型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes) 遗传因素(Genetic factors) 肥胖(或超重)(Obesity) 体力活动不足(Lack of physical activity) 膳食因素(Dietary ) 早期营养 (Early nutrition) 糖耐量损害 胰岛素抵抗(IR)妊娠 社会经济状况 高血压及其它易患因素

44 种族或家族聚集现象:2型糖尿病的兄弟姐妹发生糖尿病的危险是40%;双生子研究发现同卵双胎共患率为70-80%,而异卵双胎为9%;2型糖尿病患者多有明确的糖尿病家族史。 与2型糖尿病相关的单基因位点有:胰岛素基因、胰岛素受体基因、葡萄糖激酶基因、线粒体基因。单基因突变导致的糖尿病仅占2型糖尿病总数的10%。

45 肥胖因素(Obesity Factor) 体重指数 (BMI) 英国对30-55岁妇女进行14年追踪随访发现肥胖女性发生2型糖尿病的危险是保持苗条身材女性(BMI>22)的40倍。 我国11省市调查发现BMI>25的肥胖和超重者发生糖尿病的危险是正常体重者的2.6倍。

46 肥胖类型 (Obesity type) 在欧洲人、墨西哥裔美国人、美国土著人、印度人和中国人中,人体脂肪向中心分布(腹部肥胖症)是2型糖尿病的危险因素。有人认为WHR可能比BMI具有更高的预测价值。
肥胖时程 (Obesity time-histories) 儿童期肥胖及18岁开始进行性体重增加都与糖尿病的发生有关。25岁达到最高体重比目前体重具有更强的预测价值。

47 20-70岁中国人群中超重/肥胖发生率 Incidence of obesity/over-weight in Chinese (20-70y) 超重/肥胖: (BMI≥ 25 kg/m2,≥30kg/m2) (WHO) Data from National Nutrition Survey (1992), the Working Group on Obesity in China (2002)




51 中国儿童与青少年超重/肥胖发生率 Incidence of obesity/over-weight
in chinese young people WGOC标准 Data from 2002 National Nutrition and Health Survey

52 Prevalence of DM in 60 years old Men

53 Prevalence of DM in 60 years old woman
Prevalence of DM in 60 years old Women

54 中国用于治疗2型糖尿病的费用 Costs using for type-2 in China
4.38% 十亿人民币 Chen Xingbao.Chinese health economics,2003* Tang Ling. China Diabetic Journal.2003*

55 中国用于治疗糖尿病并发症费用 (Medical expense using for complication) 100.00% 十亿人民币
治疗合并糖尿病并发症患者的费用 治疗不合并糖尿病并发症患者的费用 Chen Xingbao.Chinese health economics,2003* Tang Ling. China Diabetic Journal.2003* 18.9% 81.1% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 直接医疗费用 十亿人民币

56 第三节 代谢综合征 (Metabolic Syndrome)
一、概述(Introduction) 二、诊断标准(Diagnostic Criteria) 三、患病率(Prevalence Rate)

57 (Metabolic syndrome, MS)
一、代谢综合征 (Metabolic syndrome, MS) 定义(Definition): 一组以肥胖、高血糖[糖尿病(DM)或糖调节异常(IGR) 〕、血脂异常[高甘油脂(TG)和(或)低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C )〕以及高血压等聚集发病,严重影响人类健康的临床征候群。

58 二、诊断标准 (Diagnostic Criteria)
目前尚无全球一致认同的诊断 2005年国际糖尿病联盟(IDF) 提出MS全球共识定义 强调中心性肥胖的重要性,测量腰围尺寸 具体标准因人种而异 为全球临床实践和流行病学研究提供了简便易用的工具 IDF定义是否适合中国人群还需要进一步研究

59 检测肥胖的指标主要有体重指数、腰围、腰臀比。 [2003年4月中国卫生部疾病控制司公布中国人的标准是:以BMI值“24”为中国成人超重的界限,BMI值“28”为肥胖的界限,男性腰围≥85CM,女性腰围≥80CM为腹部脂肪蓄积的界限。

60 Metabolic Syndrome -WHO
Diabetes, IFG, IGT, or insulin resistance (assessed by clamp studies) and at least two of the following criteria: waist-to-hip ratio ≥0.90 in men or ≥0.85 in women 2) serum triglycerides ≥1.7 mmol/l or HDL cholesterol <0.9 mmol/l in men and <1.0 mmol/l in women 3) blood pressure≥ 140/90 mmHg 4) urinary albumin excretion rate ≥20 μg/min or albumin-to-creatinine ratio 30 ≥mg/g

61 三、患病率 (Prevalence Rate)
WHO标准进行诊断(≥20岁) 美籍墨西哥人(38%)>美籍阿拉伯人及美籍非洲人(28%)>美籍白种人(24%)>中国人(14%-18%) NCEP-ATP Ⅲ标准诊断 美籍墨西哥人(27%)>美籍白种人(24%)>美籍阿拉伯人(23%)>美籍非洲人(22%)>非洲阿拉伯人(21%)>葡萄牙人(14.45%)>中国人(12% -21%)

62 横断面调查 (Cross-sectional study)
MS粗患病率为16.5%,年龄标化患病率男女分别为10.0% 和23.3% 男、女MS患病率均随着年龄的增加而 ,女性每个年龄组中MS患病率均>男性 北方>南方, 居民>农村,MS不同组分也存在性别、南北方和城乡差异

63 中国成年人按性别/年龄分组的MS的患病率 (Prevelence rate of MS)

64 Abdominal obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide
Men (%) Women (%) Total (%) USa Spainb Italyc UKd Francee – – 26.3 Netherlandsf Germanyg Abdominal obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide Surveys in various countries suggest a high prevalence of abdominal obesity, using criteria similar to those used for the metabolic syndrome by NCEP/ATP III. Further details of the populations in each country are given below: Country Year Age range studied US 1999–2000  20 France 2003  15 Spain 1997– Italy Netherlands UK 2000– Germany 1994–5 25–74 Alvarez Leon EE, Ribas Barba L, Serra Majem L. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the population of Canary Islands, Spain. Med Clin (Barc) 2003;120:172-4. Charles MA, Basdevant A, Eschwege E. Prevalence of obesity in adults in France: the situation in 2000 established from the OBEPI Study. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 2002;63:154-8. Osservatorio Epidemiologico Cardiovascolare Italiano. Ital Heart J 2004,5(suppl.3):49-92. Visscher TLS, Seidell JC. Time trends ( ) and seasonal variation in body mass index and waist circumference in the Netherlands. Int J Obes 2004;28: Ruston D, Hoare J, Henderson L, Gregory J. The National Diet & Nutrition Survey: adults aged 19 to 64 years. Office of National Statistics (UK), 2004, National Diet and Nutrition Survey, vol. 4. Ford ES, Mokdad AH, Giles WH. Trends in waist circumference among U.S. adults. Obes Res 2003;11: Liese AD, Döring A, Hense HW, Keil U. Five year changes in waist circumference, body mass index and obesity in Augsburg, Germany. Eur J Nutr 2001;40: aFord et al 2003; bAlvarez-Leon et al 2003; cOECI 2004; dRuston et al 2004; eObepi 2003; fVisscher & Seidell 2004; gLiese et al 2001 High waist circumference: >102 cm (>40 in) in men or >88 cm (>35 in) in women except in Germany (>103 cm [41 in] and >92 cm [36 in], respectively)

65 Abdominal obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
24 20 16 12 8 4 Relative risk Abdominal obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes These data are from the Nurses’ Health Study,1 an observational study that followed a cohort of 43,581 women between 1986 and 1994 in the USA. The analysis presented here was designed to define the association between waist circumference and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increased linearly with an increasing waist circumference. The relative risk for women at the 90th percentile of waist circumference (equivalent to a waist measurement of 92 cm [36 in]) was 5.1 (95% CI ) compared with women at the 10th percentile (waist measurement of 67 cm [26.2 in]). High waist circumference is a powerful predictor of an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Previous slides have defined the central role of abdominal obesity in the diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome. People with the metabolic syndrome have a fold greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, if not already present.2 1. Carey VJ, Walters EE, Colditz GA et al. Body fat distribution and risk of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in women. The Nurses' Health Study. Am J Epidemiol 1997;145:614-9. 2. Stern MP, Williams K, Gonzalez-Villalpando C, Hunt KJ, Haffner SM. Does the metabolic syndrome improve identification of individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease? Diabetes Care 2004;27: <71 71–75.9 76–81 81.1–86 86.1–91 91.1–96.3 >96.3 Waist circumference (cm)

66 糖尿病的防治策略与措施 Prevention strategies and measures for DM

67 Prevention and treatment strategies
一、防治策略 Prevention and treatment strategies 人群健康教育(Health education) 糖尿病高危人群筛查(The screen of high-risk population) 第三级预防(Tertiary prevention)

68 二、防治措施 一级预防(Primary prevention) 减少糖尿病发病率。 二级预防(Secondary prevention) 早发现、早诊断和治疗对高血 糖等生化异常的控制,进而减 少糖尿病并发症患病率。 三级预防 (Tertiary prevention ) 减少或延缓糖尿病并发症致残、早亡和提高生命质量。

69 Thank you!

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