CSMC LAB Introduction (CSMC Web)

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1 CSMC LAB Introduction (CSMC Web)

2 Reliability Introduction
CSMC基于晶圆级和产品级可靠性测试已建立起为保证所有产品的可靠性的程序。对于新产品的研发到量产需要有三个lot的可靠性测试的认证,并且对于线上量产的wafer需要定期的抽样检查。对于任何工艺的改进都需要做可靠性测试的评估,严格执行工艺更变流程。测试的方法和评估程序参考以下的标准。 To ensure reliability performance of all products, CSMC has set up procedures based on process level and product level reliability test. Three qualification lots for new technology release and regularly monitor the reliability performance of product wafer are requested. Any change in process must be implemented reliability evaluation by following procedure of process change. The procedure and test methodology based on the following standard.

3 Reliability Lab Capability
GOI JP001/JESD35 TDDB JP001 NBTI JP001/JESD90 HCI Level I JP001/JESD28/JESD60 VTS JP001 Reliability Assurance JEDEC Standard SM JP001/JEP139/JESD37/JESD87 EM JP001/JESD33/JESD37/JESD61/JESD63/JESD87/JEP139 JP001 P2ID JP001 CA HTOL JP001/JESD22-A108/JESD47/JESD74/JESD85/JEP122 JP001/JESD22-A108/JESD47/JESD74/JESD85/JEP122 ELT Level 2 JP001/JESD22-A113-JESD-A101/JESD-A110 HAST JP001/JESD22-A114/JESD22-A115/JESD22-C101 ESD JP001/JESD78 LU JP001/JESD22-113/JESD22-A104 TC Bipolar Oxide Instability CSMC Bipolar HTRB/HTGB CSMC Other Standard Bipolar Veb Reverse CSMC Passivation integrity MIL Wire Bond Pull MIL Wire Bond Shear AEC-Q

4 FA Lab capability Failure Analysis CSMC failure analysis tool list:
CSMC has set up three professional failure analysis labs,we puts a lot of emphasis on systematically and speedily determining the cause of endeavor to deliver reliable best quality products that fully satisfy its customer’s expectation. Csmc已建有三个专业的失效分析实验室,重点致力于系统地快速地诊断出失效原因,努力为客户提供性能可靠品质最好的产品以满足客户的要求。 CSMC’s failure analysis encompasses all the stages of the product development and manufacturing process ,It provides safe and fast root cause identification for FAB inline issue, PCM issue ,reliability issue and low yield case. And support qualification for new processes ,new material and tools. CSMC 失效分析实验室承担研发及生产的所有阶段的分析任务, 为在线失效、PCM 失效、可靠性失效及低良提供可靠地分析结果,同时为新工艺、新材料及设备的认证提供所需的数据。 CSMC failure analysis tool list: Failure Analysis Electric Failure Analysis Physical Failure Analysis Focused Ion Beam (FIBDB835) OBIRCH (Optical Beam Induced Resistance Change ) EMMI include backside EMMI (Emission Microscope ) Scanning Electron Microscope (XL30,SEM 4200,SEM 4700) Delayer system (OXFORD RIE) Liquid Crystal Hot Spot Detection I-V curve characterization (probe and Keithley 4200) Dopant carrier concentration profiles (SIMS,SRP) Element component (OXFORD EDS) Planar polisher IC De-cap solution system

5 Chemical lab capability
CSMC has set up professional chemical analysis lab to monitor the quality of incoming materials, facility, furnace, wet process, AMC, etc. metal and anion trace analysis with high sensitivity can effectively support qualification for new processes ,new material and tools. CSMC已建立专业的化学分析实验室,主要服务于来料检验,动力源,湿法工艺,空气检测等方面;阴离子,金属离子的痕量分析以其极高的灵敏度,为新工艺,新材料和新设备的认证提供强有力的证据。 CSMC Chemical analysis tool list: Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass spectrograph Chemical Analysis Inductively Coupled Plasma – OES Ion Chromatogram (IC) Laser Particle Counter (LPC) FT-IR Spectrometer (FTIR) Titrator

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