Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS)

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1 Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS)

2 IQ題1 1. 你的會考成績有二十幾分, 你報A大學有“著數”? 答案 : A 是 _________

3 IQ題2 2. 你樣子漂亮, 又有演藝天分 你可以報B大學的C學系? 答案 : B 是 _________ C 是 _________

4 IQ題3 3. 你計數超勁, 可以報D大學 的E學系, 只收20人, 畢業 後大公司搶著請你. 答案 : D 是 _________

5 IQ題4 4. 你成績不太好, 不過不用放 棄,還可以報讀 F 或 G大 學的 H 課程. 答案 : F 是 _________

6 參與聯招計劃的所有院 校名稱。 1.香港大學 (HKU) 2.香港中文大學 (CUHK) 3.香港科技大學 (HKUST) 4.香港浸會大學 (HKBU) 5.香港理工大學 (PolyU) 6.香港城市大學 (CityU) 7.嶺南大學 (LU) 8.香港教育學院 (HKIEd)

7 學位數目 (2003) Universities Quota Students in Band A 1. HKU 2067
1980 (95.8%) 2. CUHK 2559 2504 (97.9%) 3.HKUST 1580 1499 (94.9%) 4.POLY U D: 1851 HD:1795 82.1% 5.Baptist U D:1660 AD:2300 1200 (75%) 800 (35%) 6. CITY U 1880 1194 (63.5%) 7.Lingnan U 644 340 (52.8%) 8.HKIEd 542 414 (76.4%)

8 參加聯招的資格 應屆中七學生(JUPAS) 非應屆中七學生? (non-JUPAS)

9 透過聯招可報讀哪些課程? 1.學位課程 2.理大之 高級文憑/ 城大之副學士學位課程

10 問題5:大學最想錄取哪類型的學生? 1991 UST: ‘The University seeks highly qualified and motivated young men and women who have wide interests and have received a well-rounded broad-based secondary education. They should be active participants rather than spectators in diverse activities, and possess great potential in addition to having achieved good grades.  The University’s goal is to engage its students in a continuous dialogue, to challenge them intellectually, and to encourage them to think on their own and to learn how to learn. Thus the University’s graduates will become competent professionals, innovative leaders in their fields, adaptable and versatile generalists, and sensitive, caring citizens.’

11 Ching-Wu Chu (朱經武)-2001 “......Hong Kong cannot escape globalization.....encounter international competition. The new, higher value added economy depends upon a highly educated, very creative, exceptionally motivated people for its competitive advantage.”

12 院校的一般入學要求是什麼? 3. HKU: D grade in UE
1. 中、英 + 3AL /2AL/1AL+2AS 2. POLY U – Count all subjects 3. HKU: D grade in UE 4. HKCEE results very important for CUHK programmes 5. CUHK: one sitting of HKCEE results

13 Specific requirement Eng: D grade in BBA
English: C grade in Translation & Language E grade in Mathematics

14 取錄準則 1.中七 AL 及 ASL 成績  2.中五會考成績 3.選科次序 4.面試或測驗(個別學系) 5.課外活動 5.學術推薦書

15 Importance of Band A/B Interview required programmes
e.g. education, social work, hotel, nursing....

16 Program choice BAND Program Choice No. A 1-3 B 4-6 C 7-10 D 11-14 E

17 問題6:中六同學如何準備聯招? 成績及校內成績 1.勤力讀書,爭取優良的AL 2.多參閱大學課程資料, 認識各大學課程之內容 及要求
(開放日、預科生輔導日及 課程手冊) 3.瞭解自己的興趣、 能力 4.參與課外活動,建立自 信、 領導才能、責任感 等

18 優先錄取計劃 (尖子計劃) 6A + 中英 C

19 校長推薦計劃 每校 3 名 成績及操行良好

20 聯招日程 聯招處發出申請表及課程手冊 (9/2003) 申請最後期限 (12/2003) 申請資料處理及核對 面試及測驗
 申請最後期限 (12/2003) 申請資料處理及核對  面試及測驗 可更改課程(隨意、收費)  AL放榜  二日內可更改課程(只限次序、免費) JUPAS放榜  回覆接納學位與否 補選

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