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—Different country has

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1 —Different country has
Favorite food —Different country has different food in festivals 经济技术系 孙岩卉

2 Favorite food 述课部分 教学题目:喜爱的食物 Favorite Food —Different country has different food in festivals 教学目标:1. 通过学习本课,使学生能用英语表达喜欢 吃的食物名称。 结合句型用英语谈论自己喜欢吃的食物。 了解与食物有关的俚语。 教学重点:1.重点词汇 potato chips、cola、Hamburger fish、dumplings、milk 重点句型 sb. like to eat sth sb. Prefer A to B

3 Favorite food 教学方法:提问法、图片展示法 教学用具:课件PPT 图片 教学步骤 Step1.用提问法导入本课内容 Step2.学习食物的名称。 Step3.讲授重点句型及表达方法。 Step4.通过操练,实际运用。 Step5.本课小结。 课后思考:想一想,西方的节日例如圣诞节吃的烤火鸡 南瓜饼等的英语表达。

4 Favorite food Favorite food 一、Warming Up 生活中常见的食物的英语名称,根据以上六附图用来进行口语练习
potato chips a glass of cola and some ice a hamburger

5 Favorite food Favorite food fish a glass of milk dumplings

6 Favorite food 二、Introduce : People in different countries have their different favorite food. fish chips Englishmen like to eat fish and chips.

7 Favorite food 二、Introduce : People in different countries have their different favorite food. hot dogs fried chicken. Americans like to eat hot dogs and fried chicken.

8 Favorite food 二、Introduce : People in different countries have their different favorite food. pizza. Italians like to eat pizza.

9 Favorite food 二、Introduce : People in different countries have their different favorite food. fish is not cooked. Japanese like to eat fish and the fish is sometimes not cooked.

10 Favorite food 没有经验的年轻人、毛孩子 三、在重要的节日时,中西的各种食物的说法及有趣的表达。
1、 On the spring festival, the family members get together and eat a variety of food. ⑴ Chicken 中国人的餐桌上是离不开“鸡”的,因为借中国的吉祥话中的“吉”的谐音,表示“吉祥如意”的意思,Chicken wing 鸡翅 Chicken leg 鸡腿 Fried chicken 炸鸡 而英文中“Chicken”却是是胆小鬼的意思 Can you guess? Spring chicken 没有经验的年轻人、毛孩子

11 在中国人看来吃鸭子也是很有说法的,“鸭蛋”又称“鸭卵”,谐音“压乱”的意思,过年的时候把一切不好的东西,都压下去。
Favorite food ⑵ Duck 在中国人看来吃鸭子也是很有说法的,“鸭蛋”又称“鸭卵”,谐音“压乱”的意思,过年的时候把一切不好的东西,都压下去。 Beijing roasted duck Can you guess? Sitting duck 容易上当受骗的人

12 Favorite food ⑶ Fish 我们中国人对鱼是情有独钟,像“年年有余”的“余”就是借“鱼”来说的。 有关“fish”有趣的表达 Never offer to teach fish to swim 不要班门弄斧 He drinks like a fish 他喝起酒来不要命 ⑷ Dumplings On the Spring Festival, all the family members come back home and make dumplings together. We think the family getting together is important during a festival. the family getting together 合家团圆

13 2、Christmas Day 火鸡 Turkey 蜂蜜火腿 Honey Baked Ham 苹果汁 Cider
Favorite food 2、Christmas Day 火鸡 Turkey 苹果汁 Cider 香宾 Champagne 圣诞节曲奇饼 Cookie 水果蛋糕 Fruit Cake 姜饼 Gingerbread 蜂蜜火腿 Honey Baked Ham 热巧克力 Hot Chocolate 小杏仁饼 March pane 苹果派 Apple Pie 南瓜饼 Pumpkin 烤鸭 Roast duck

14 Happy Chinese New Year! Thank you See you

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