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金融 证券 通讯.

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Presentation on theme: "金融 证券 通讯."— Presentation transcript:

1 金融 证券 通讯

2 第一部分 集团介绍 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第一部分 集团介绍 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 2

3 企业简介 易天集团有限公司2014年6月18日正式成立,拥有管理资金10亿元。集团总部位于常州市高新区常州小微金融服务中心。集团下设江苏联融金融服务有限公司、北京玖弘证券投资咨询有限公司江苏运营中心、江苏易天股权众筹平台服务有限公司、江苏易天手机连锁有限公司、江苏易天保险代理有限公司,是一家集金融投资服务、证券咨询服务、通讯零售服务等综合性、跨地区、多业态的企业集团。 企业愿景 易天集团未来致力于打造线上线下金融服务平台 企业使命 为客户创造增值服务,为员工创造发展平台,为股东创造持久利益 企业理念 企业的活力是创新,比创新更重要的是持之以恒。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 3

4 标志释义 一个小写的e和一个大写的E组成“小写 e"表示互联网标志性符号,体现出集团 与时俱进的互联网思维。“大写E”是 表示数学中的未知数、物理中的能量符 号、统计学上的期望值等。代表了集团 无限的发展,员工充沛的能量,客户热 切的期望。 整体造型是一头牛气冲天的牛,此牛寓 意集团业务的“牛势”发展,体现易天 人任劳任怨的孺子牛精神。 红色印章和繁体书法体现中国传统文化 。整体色调为中国红,红红火火,蒸蒸 日上。配以柳叶元素,画龙点睛般的展 现易天垂柳文化,坚韧不拔、自强不息 、无私奉献。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 4

5 人生如柳 易行天下 柳,无私无畏,低调坚韧,平凡自信。 易天人的灵魂既是柳树,柳树的低调和坚韧与易天人的务实和不服输的精神不谋而合,易天人顽强的生命力和坚不可摧的凝聚力又与柳树的扦插泥土可活和不惧骄阳严寒融为一体。正如我们的易天集团,以集团为主干,延伸出联融金融服务、玖弘证券、易天手机连锁等枝干,员工如柳叶紧紧依附在枝干上。

6 合作机构

7 合作机构 金融系:江南农村商业银行、光大银行、华泰证券、建设银行 法律系:群卿律师事务所 实业系:百兴集团
百兴集团有限公司是集工业制造、房地产、商贸、金融、物业、 物流、酒店等于一体的大型企业集团。 教育系:和君商学、北大汇丰商学院、中央财经大学 和君商学院于2007年1月成立,教学内容聚焦于企业管理和投资、 投行领域,由“管理+产业+资本+国势”四个知识板块构成,特 色是把知识学习与实战应用、商学研修与职业生涯紧密地结合起 来,讲究知识学习的系统性和实战应用的有效性。 媒体系:常州日报、武进日报、常州电视台、武进电视台、化龙巷

8 天祺资本投资(北京)有限公司---易天集团入股
天祺资本投资(北京)有限公司成立于2013年 ,总部位于北京CBD核心商务区,是一个专注于为国内小 微企业、创业者和投资人提供企业管理和投融资服务的 综合性小微金融平台。天祺资本旗下在全国共有10家全 资子公司、1家分公司,业务已覆盖北京、河北、宁夏、 青海、陕西、云南、新疆、甘肃、贵州、重庆等地。 北京玖弘证券投资咨询有限公司,是天祺资本投资旗下全资子公司,是北京市唯一一家持有证券投资咨询牌照的金融服务公司,且在中国证监会已执行备案。

9 以人才和技术为基础,不断创新,提供最优质的用户体验。
集团业务架构 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 以人才和技术为基础,不断创新,提供最优质的用户体验。 9

10 第二部分 集团领导人介 绍 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第二部分 集团领导人介 绍 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 10

11 总裁 创始合伙人-常科伟 毕业于西南科技大学工商企业管理学院,2000年创立江苏易天手机连锁有限公司。2012年加入北京大学私募股权投资(PE)与企业上市高级研修班,2013年与合伙人共同创建江苏联融,全面负责投融资业务管理及金融机构合作。第十届中国国际金融品牌创新峰会获得“2014中国最具社会责任金融家”称号。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 11

12 联融总经理 创始合伙人-毛振宇 注册理财师,先后在交通银行担任业务经理,光大银行担任理财总监,10年以上的银行从业经验,擅长财富管理规划。 2013年与合伙人共同创建江苏联融,全面负责产品开发,并通过创新模式为广大投资者搭建融资平台和桥梁。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 12

13 北京总部总经理 -安鸿浩 毕业于长崎公立大学,国际信息学硕士。国际教育协会国际注册分析师。2011年就职于沈阳普罗米斯小额贷款有限公司,担任信贷部主任,从事信贷金融业务;2012年担任北京厚德投资管理咨询有限公司的副总经理,对金融投资分析及理财方向具有丰富的经验。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 13

14 联融风控经理-高 伊 毕业于南京大学计算机专业,5年以上的银行从业经验,掌握了丰富的金融理论知识和一线的信贷风控经验,对金融产品创新、开发具有丰富的经验。 加入江苏联融,全面负责信贷风控工作。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 14

15 总裁助理 -庄 璐 毕业于新西兰奥克兰商学院,经济学硕士。2003年服务于江南农村商业银行常州分行,从事信贷金融业务;2011年担任Relon新西兰贸易公司部门经理,对贸易类金融产品的研发与操作具有丰富的经验。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 15

16 人力资源总监-刘立阳 毕业于江南大学企业管理与企业发展方向专业,工商管理学硕士学位。毕业后就职于江苏协昌控股集团有限公司,从事人力资源,多年上市公司高层管理经验,内部控制、企业管治有相当实战经验,协助企业成功上市有着丰富的经验。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 16

17 第三部分 联融金融服务 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第三部分 联融金融服务 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 17

18 联融金融服务 江苏联融金融服务有限公司是江苏首批获得“金融服务” 资质的企业,是一家银行金融外包、财富管理、信用风险评 估、小微借贷咨询服务等业务于一体的综合服务性企业,为 客户提供全方位、个性化的普惠金融与财富管理服务。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 18

19 联融金融服务----产品介绍 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 19

20 联融金融服务----产品介绍

21 第四部分 玖弘证券 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第四部分 玖弘证券 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 21

22 北京玖弘证券江苏运营中心 北京玖弘证券江苏运营中心现阶段主营方向为证券流通市 场,业务范围涉及证券咨询、伞形信托、新三板基金、高 净值客户财富管理等领域。截止目前,三月期玖弘系产品 的资金规模超过1亿,伞形信托的规模储量已近5亿。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 22

23 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 23

24 第五部分 江苏易天手机连锁 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第五部分 江苏易天手机连锁 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 24

25 易天手机连锁 江苏易天手机连锁有限公司成立于2000年7月8日,注册 资金500万,经营范围涉及移动通讯产品、商场经营,品 牌专卖等领域。从公司成立之日起就定位为移动通讯产 品终端供应商,经过15年的市场开拓及良好经营,与三 大通讯运营公司形成战略合作伙伴关系,强强联手开拓 市场,在常武地区共设有二十五家手机大卖场。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 25

26 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 26

27 第六部分 股权众筹平台

28 江苏易天股权众筹平台服务有限公司 易天股权众筹是江苏首家获得股 权众筹营业执照的服务平台,是易天集 团旗下全资子公司,入驻常州小微金融 服务中心、常州高新科技产业园,注册 资本5000万,主要服务于中小微企业与 团队,为企业提供规范、一体化的在线 众筹服务,为创业团队及广大投资者提 供全方位融资方案。开创性地结合线上 线下对种子期创新企业进行扶持服务并 为广大中小投资者提供更创新的股权众 筹投资模式。公司愿景成为中国领先的 互联网股权众筹平台 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 28

29 中国新常态推动股权众筹 资本市场多层次创新是当务之急 股权众筹是多层次资本市场创新
ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 资本市场多层次创新是当务之急 股权众筹是多层次资本市场创新 29

30 第七部分 保险代理

31 易天保险代理有限公司 易天保险代理有限公司 是中国保险监督管理委员会批准 成立的综合性专业保险代理公司 。从事多家人寿保险及财产保险 公司的产品代理服务。公司依托 于易天集团强大的互联网和资源 优势稳健发展。以优质快捷的服 务和专业的代理队伍为广大的客 户提供真正意义的保险超市平台 。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 31

32 第八部分 互联网金融 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第八部分 互联网金融 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 32

33 互联网金融 集团互联网团队自主研 发的APP联融金融推出高收益、 低门槛理财产品“牛币宝”,立 足本土,放眼全国,紧随互联网 浪潮,从用户的对资本的根本诉 求出发,满足投资贷款双方安全 ,快捷方便的资本要求,链接线 上与实体门店,致力于开发打造 具有特色的互联网金融产品,以 及互联网众筹平台。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 33

34 第九部分 记账公司 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第九部分 记账公司 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 34

35 常州联融财务管理有限公司 公司秉承为客户最 大化降低成本的原则,为各 类企业提供注册公司、工商 登记、资质证明、一般纳税 人认定、代理记账、纳税申 报、工商年检、所得税汇算 清缴、银行及民间融资咨询 的一条龙服务。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 35

36 第十部分 股权投资 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第十部分 股权投资 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 36

37 百兴创意股权投资中心 百兴创意股权投资中心是由百兴集团主导,常州市政府 和易天集团参与。共注资1.2亿,入驻于常州小微金融 中心,致力于扶植常州市及全国高新科技新兴企业。百 兴创意经营宗旨为:通过对江苏常州地区以及全国新兴 产业、高新技术企业进行投资,发挥百兴创意的影响力 及专业投资管理人员的资源及专业经验优势。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 37

38 第十一部分 生态养殖、会所 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第十一部分 生态养殖、会所 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 38

39 常州联融生态农业专业合作社(联融生态园)是集垂钓、 养殖、餐饮等为一体的自然生态园
联融黄天荡大闸蟹:相传乾隆皇帝下江南之时,路过黄 天荡,正值当地螃蟹大丰收。乾隆爷食用清水大闸蟹后 龙颜大悦,对其鲜美肉质大加赞赏,御赐其"金爪玉脐" 之美称,并定其为宫廷贡品。集团将对大闸蟹产品进行 品牌包装,市场推广,全国招募代理商、直营店。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 地址:常州市武进区郑陆镇黄天荡大队北夏墅 39

40 联融堂茶艺 联融堂茶艺会所2013年10月正式运营,注册资金50万元, 主要从事茶叶经销以及品茗,是易天集团旗下的一家高端 的茶艺会所。联融堂以“高尚、高雅、高贵”为宗旨,本 着“茶无定位,适口为珍”的宗旨,以达到“极致奢华品 茶随心动,自然尊崇享善品人生”终极目标 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 联融堂地址:吊桥路荆溪人家1庄1-9 40

41 第十二部分 不动产收购 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第十二部分 不动产收购 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 41

42 主要包括资产收购、管理和处置,资产重组,接受委 托管理和处置资产的服务,追加投资以及经批准的其 他业务。
不动产收购 主要包括资产收购、管理和处置,资产重组,接受委 托管理和处置资产的服务,追加投资以及经批准的其 他业务。 股东企业为广州鑫海岸投资咨询有限公司是一家专注 于中国特殊机会投资、金融债权资产及私募股权投资 等领域的专业咨询公司。 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 42

43 第十三部分 资质与荣誉 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations
第十三部分 资质与荣誉 ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 43

44 营业执照 江苏首家股权众筹营业执照 江苏首批金融服务资质营业执照
ePO Server Database Space Recommendations Basic database installation includes the installation of the ePO database, and accompanying databases, (e.g. master, model and tempdb) VirusScan with basic detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus detection events. VirusScan with advanced detection and default alerting. This figure includes client property information and alerting information from virus, buffer overflow, and potentially unwanted program detection events. 江苏首家股权众筹营业执照 江苏首批金融服务资质营业执照 44

45 资质与荣誉

46 易天风采

47 办公实景 地址:常州市新北区高新科技园3号楼B座2楼

48 THANKS 谢谢观看

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