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神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的诊断治疗专家共识 耿德勤 (徐州医学院附属医院神经科)
神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的诊断治疗专家共识 耿德勤 (徐州医学院附属医院神经科)
目的和意义 常见神经系统疾病均易伴发或共病抑郁焦虑障碍 旨在提高医师对神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑障碍
脑血管病和卒中 认知功能障碍 帕金森病 多发性硬化 癫痫 原发性头痛 共病使得疾病迁延不愈、显著地增加了疾病的负担 旨在提高医师对神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑障碍 的认识和处理,体现“以人为本”的医学宗旨, 更好地实践生物-心理-社会的医学模式
概 要 流行病学 神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的特点 神经科抑郁/焦虑状态常见的躯体化表现 头痛和焦虑抑郁的关系 抑郁和焦虑状态的初查和识别
概 要 流行病学 神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的特点 神经科抑郁/焦虑状态常见的躯体化表现 头痛和焦虑抑郁的关系 抑郁和焦虑状态的初查和识别 抑郁症的治疗目标 神经科抑郁焦虑障碍的治疗 抗抑郁剂的药物相互作用
流行病学 脑血管病和卒中后抑郁焦虑障碍1~6 各研究报道的卒中后抑郁(PSD)发病率和患病率变异很大
有研究认为卒中后1个月是发病的高峰,但也有研究认为卒中后3~6月是发病高峰 社区研究: PSD在卒中急性期为33%,慢性期为34% 医院研究:PSD在卒中急性期为36%、 恢复期为32%, 慢性期为34% 我国研究发现,PSD在卒中后1月为39%、3~6个月为53%、1年为24% 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Pohjasvaara T, Leppavuori A,Siira I,et al. Frequency and clinical determinants of poststroke depression. Stroke,1998,29: 6. Hackett ML, Yapa C, Parag V, et al. Frequency of depression after stroke:A systematic review of observational studies. Stroke,2005,36:
流行病学 认知功能障碍伴抑郁焦虑障碍1~3 抑郁障碍多见于痴呆前期或早期,有研究认为抑郁是痴呆的前驱症状或危险因素
有抑郁的轻度认知障碍 (MCI)者向老年性痴呆(AD)的转化率是无抑郁者的2倍 AD伴发抑郁的患病率可达75%,一般约为30%~50% 血管性痴呆(VaD)或血管性认知损害(VCI)者的抑郁症状的发生率约为40%~60% MCI的抑郁累计患病率约为26% 1. Holtzer R, Scarmeas N, Wegesin DJ, et al. J Am Geriatr Soc,2005,53: 2. Modrego PJ, Ferrández J.. Arch Neurol,2004,61: 3. Potter GG, Steffens DC. Contribution of depression ,Neurologist,2007,13: 105–117.
流行病学 帕金森病(PD)伴抑郁焦虑障碍1~7 PD患者的抑郁障碍患病率为8%~76%,平均25%~40% 约40%患者有焦虑障碍
有研究认为抑郁和焦虑障碍可能先于患者的运动症状出现 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Ring HA, Serra-Mestres J. Neuropsychiatry of the basal ganglia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2002,72:12–21. Okun MS, Watts RL. Depression associated with Parkinson’s disease:. Neurology, 2002,58(Suppl 1):S63–S70. Ehrt U,Aarsland D. Psychiatric aspects of Parkinson's disease. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2005,18:
流行病学 多发性硬化(MS)伴抑郁焦虑障碍1~7 终身患病率近50%,是普通人群的3倍
社区问卷调查研究发现41%患者有抑郁,其中29%为中-重度抑郁 对3000例16岁以上MS患者的死因调查显示,15%的患者死于自杀 流行病学调查结果显示35.7%的患者合并各种焦虑,其中18.6%为广泛性焦虑、10%为惊恐发作 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O, et al. The epidemiology of major depressive disorder:JAMA 2003,289:3095–3105. Janssens AC, Buljevac D, van Doorn PA. Prediction of anxiety and distress following diagnosis . Mult Scler,2006 ,12: Siegert RJ,Abernethy DA. Depression in multiple sclerosis: a review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;
流行病学 癫痫伴抑郁焦虑障碍1~6 抑郁症的患病率为50%~55%
住院患者中,控制良好者的抑郁发病率为10%、患病率为20%,控制不良者则分别为20%和60% 癫痫患者发作间期的焦虑症的患病率为10%~25% 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Lambert M, Robertson M. Depression in epilepsy: etiology, phenomenology and treatment. Epilepsia,1999,40(suppl 10):S21–S47. Gaitatzis A,Trimble MR,Sander JW. The psychiatric comorbidity of epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica,2004,110:
流行病学 原发性头痛伴抑郁焦虑障碍1~2 原发性头痛门诊患者调查发现27%的患者有中-重度抑郁,其中偏头痛人群为17.1%、转化型偏头痛为36.1%、紧张型头痛(TTH)为28.3%; 偏头痛患者终身的抑郁障碍患病率约为30%~80%,是普通人群的3-4倍。同时,易有惊恐和强迫等焦虑障碍; 有先兆的偏头痛和转化型偏头痛者的伴发率更高。频发型和慢性TTH者抑郁焦虑障碍的伴发率可达2/3; 青少年慢性头痛者调查,有抑郁障碍30%(抑郁症21%)、焦虑障碍36%、高度自杀危险者20% 1. Radat F,Swendsen J. Psychiatric comorbidity in migraine: a review. Cephalalgia,2005,25: 2. Wang SJ,Juang KD,Fuh JL,et al. Psychiatric comorbidity and suicide risk in adolescents with chronic daily headache. Neurology, 2007,68:1468–1473.
流行病学的启示 脑血管病和卒中、认知功能障碍、帕金森病、多发性硬化、癫痫、原发性头痛伴发抑郁焦虑比例高,使相关疾病地治疗更加复杂、困难,延长病程,同时增加了疾病负担; 因此,有必要对神经科常见伴发抑郁焦虑的患者进行识别和诊治。
定 义 抑郁障碍——各种原因引起的以显著而持久的心境低落为主要特征的一类心境或情感障碍;
定 义 抑郁障碍——各种原因引起的以显著而持久的心境低落为主要特征的一类心境或情感障碍; 焦虑障碍——一种内心紧张不安、预感到似乎将要发生某种不利情况而又难于应付的不愉快情绪; 本共识中抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍指抑郁和焦虑状态 即严重程度达中等或以上,超出患者所能承受或自我调整能力,并且对其生活和社会功能造成影响,但并不一定达到或符合精神科中的具体疾病诊断标准。
神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的特点 研究发现一些神经系统疾病所致的神经结构和功能改变,与情感障碍自然病程中发生的改变相似,因此可以产生类似的抑郁焦虑表现。 这也解释了神经系统疾病高发抑郁焦虑障碍的状况
目前主要神经生物学假设/发现-1(形态学) 抑郁症可能存在神经解剖的易感性
海马 杏仁核 扣带回 皮质 前额叶 Key Point A discussion of the pathophysiology of depression should include consideration of neuroanatomy in addition to neurotransmitters Background Over the past several decades, it has become increasingly clear that depression is a neurodegenerative disease with specific areas of the brain that are known to be affected, including the amygdala, cingulate cortex, hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, and the prefrontal cortex. During this talk, we are going to focus on the amygdala, cingulate cortex, and hippocampus, which are part of the neural circuits involved in depression Recent evidence suggests that the effects of antidepressants extend beyond the level of the synapse. Antidepressants not only enhance neurotransmission in normal monoamine neurons but may also restore functioning to brain areas modulated by them Thus, research investigating the neurobiology of depression seeks to evaluate not just monoamine systems, but the areas of the brain modulated by these systems as well Reference Delgado PL, Moreno FA. J Clin Psychiatry. 2000;61(suppl 1):5-12.
目前主要神经生物学假设/发现-2(形态学) 海马体积和未治疗的抑郁之间的关系
38 Female Outpatients With Recurrent Depression in Remission 6,000 R2=0.28 P=0.0006* 5,500 R2=0.28 P=0.0006* 5,000 海马总体积( mm3) 4,500 4,000 3,500 Key Point The longer depressed patients go without treatment, the more likely they may be to have lower total hippocampal volumes Background Thirty-eight right-handed female outpatients with recurrent major depression in remission underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure their hippocampal volume1 After determining the length of their depressive episode and antidepressant treatment, the 2 factors (treated or untreated) were compared1 A significant inverse relationship was found to exist between days of untreated depression and total hippocampal volume (P=0.0006)1 A number of neuroimaging studies have shown that patients with recurrent and/or severe depression tend to have smaller volumes of the hippocampus1-7 The degree of difference in hippocampal volume appears to be correlated to the number of and duration of depressive episodes the patients have experienced2,3 Antidepressant treatment may have a neuroprotective effect for depressed patients1 References Sheline YI, et al. Am J Psychiatry. 2003;160: Sheline YI, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996;93: Sheline YI, et al. J Neurosci. 1999;19: Bremner JD, et al. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;157: Mervaala E, et al. Psychol Med. 2000;30: Steffens DC, et al. Biol Psychiatry. 2000;48: Frodl T, et al. Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159: 3,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 未治疗的抑郁 *Significant inverse relationship between total hippocampal volume and the length of time depression went untreated. Sheline YI, et al. Am J Psychiatry. 2003;160:
抑郁症与细胞凋亡 应激2 糖皮质激素 BDNF 正常存活和生长 神经元的萎缩/死亡 树突分支1 Key Point Stress and depression result in neuronal atrophy and cell death Background Neuronal atrophy and death are thought to occur as a result of hyperactivity of the stress-response system in depressed patients, which increases adrenal glucocorticoid release and decreases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels, a factor critical for the survival and function of neurons in the adult brain1 The damaging effects of prolonged stress/depressive symptoms could contribute to the selective loss of volume of the hippocampus (a structure essential to learning and memory, contextual fear conditioning, and neuroendocrine regulation) observed in patients with depression. These morphologic changes have been shown to persist long after the depressive symptoms have resolved2 In theory, antidepressants that affect serotonin and/or norepinephrine activity may affect neuronal survival and growth by decreasing glucocorticoid levels and increasing BDNF levels1 References 1. Duman RS, et al. Biol Psychiatry. 2000;48: 2. Sapolsky RM. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000;57: BDNF=brain-derived neurotrophic factor. 1. Sapolsky RM. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000;57: 2. Duman RS, et al. Biol Psychiatry. 2000;48:
治疗能预防或逆转损伤吗? 应激2 树突分支1 ?? 神经元萎缩/死亡 糖皮质激素 增加存活和生长 BDNF BDNF 正常存活和生长 Key Point Antidepressants may affect neuronal survival and growth Background Neuronal atrophy and cell death are thought to occur as a result of hyperactivity of the stress–response system in depressed patients, which increases adrenal glucocorticoid release and decreases BDNF levels, a factor critical for the survival and function of neurons in the adult brain1 The damaging effects of prolonged stress/depressive symptoms could contribute to the selective loss of volume of the hippocampus (a structure essential to learning and memory, contextual fear conditioning, and neuroendocrine regulation) observed in patients with depression. These morphologic changes have been shown to persist long after the depressive symptoms have resolved2 In theory, antidepressants that affect serotonin and/or norepinephrine activity may affect neuronal survival and growth by decreasing glucocorticoid levels and increasing BDNF levels1 References 1. Duman RS, et al. Biol Psychiatry. 2000;48: 2. Sapolsky RM. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000;57: 糖皮质激素 5-HT and NE,DA 药物治疗, ECT, 心理治疗2 5-HT=serotonin; NE=norepinephrine; ECT=electroconvulsive therapy. 1. Sapolsky RM. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000;57: 2. Duman RS, et al. Biol Psychiatry. 2000;48:
目前主要神经生物学假设/发现-5(神经内分泌学) 抑郁, 焦虑和 HPA调控紊乱: 脑-体的关系
下丘脑 前额叶皮层 认知 杏仁核 蓝斑 躯体感觉/ 情绪 ACTH 免疫与神经元再激活 细胞因子 Stress is a well-known factor in inducing neural sensitization. This phenomenon been suggested as one mechanism for the common overlap of some psychiatric disorders with each other and the observed overlap with certain medical conditions with 焦虑 disorders. Sensitivity to somatic sx in anxious individuals has been hypothesized to be driven via a process referred to in the neurological literature as “kindling” (Weiss and Post,1998; Antelman, 1988), as is cross-sensitization to uncomfortable “psychic” sensations such as fear and 焦虑 and other stress-related conditions. Emerging evidence suggests that uncontrolled 焦虑 is not only exacerbated by stress, but also represents the equivalent of chronic stress ( McEwen, 2003) and in this way may contribute to the cumulative adverse effects of stress. Dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal ( HPA) axis is observed in chronic pathological stress conditions and , and severe forms of 焦虑 and depression has been reported to be associated with adverse effects on brain function. These conditions are associated with increased levels stress mediators such as pro-inflammatory cytokines and circulating catecholamines resulting from Dysregulated HPA axis function. These mediators are thought to play an important role in the adverse stress-related long-term health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, bone demineralization, type II diabetes and immune dysfunction. 心血管 可的松 交感神经活动增强 骨 代谢 骨质疏松症 肾上腺 肾上腺素, NE 脂肪组织 O’Connor, et al. QJM 2000;93:323-33 Miller, O’Callaghan. Metabolism 2002:51:5-10
抑郁障碍的主要临床表现 核心症状 其它症状: 情绪低落 兴趣减退、愉快感丧失、持续疲乏 睡眠障碍 躯体症状:各种疼痛、食欲减退、消化道症状
出现焦虑或激越症状 记忆力减退、注意力难集中
焦虑障碍的主要临床表现 过份焦虑 过份担心 焦躁:经常、无缘无故感到心烦 紧张不安:经常感到心情紧张、不能松弛
卒中伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的特点1~6 PSD虽然常见,但由于患者常有失语、忽略或认知损害而不被诉说或识别
研究认为PSD为直接的脑损害所致,并提示优势半球和前部半球损害更容易发生PSD,但meta分析未见部位相关性 “血管性抑郁”是老年期抑郁的重要病因,约占1/3,主要与额叶和底节部位的白质病变、小血管病变及“无症状卒中”有关 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Ring HA, Serra-Mestres J. Neuropsychiatry of the basal ganglia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2002,72:12–21. Okun MS, Watts RL. Depression associated with Parkinson’s disease:. Neurology, 2002,58(Suppl 1):S63–S70.
痴呆伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的特点1~6 AD伴发的抑郁障碍有随病程延长而逐渐减少的趋势
皮质下小血管病性VaD或VCI患者的抑郁障碍持续时间长、难治. 突出表现:始动性差、精神运动迟缓和易伴执行功能障碍 AD伴发的抑郁障碍有随病程延长而逐渐减少的趋势 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Ring HA, Serra-Mestres J. Neuropsychiatry of the basal ganglia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2002,72:12–21. Okun MS, Watts RL. Depression associated with Parkinson’s disease:. Neurology, 2002,58(Suppl 1):S63–S70.
PD伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的特点1~6 PD患者的情感障碍与脑内多种神经递质的改变有关
常见的精神运动迟缓、淡漠、兴致缺乏、身体语言减少、自主神经症状容易与抑郁混淆 常见的失眠、注意差、疲乏、震颤、不安和自主神经症状又容易与焦虑混淆。过多担心可能是重要鉴别点 PD患者可有明显的情感波动,持续数分钟,每天多次。晚期患者出现治疗的“开关”现象,有抑郁焦虑情绪,使得诊断困难。 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Ring HA, Serra-Mestres J. Neuropsychiatry of the basal ganglia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2002,72:12–21. Okun MS, Watts RL. Depression associated with Parkinson’s disease:. Neurology, 2002,58(Suppl 1):S63–S70.
MS及癫痫伴发抑郁焦虑障碍的特点1~6 MS患者的抑郁可能与病灶部位(额叶、颞叶)及炎症有关
抑郁多见于复发和用激素治疗期间 抑郁与癫痫的关系是双向的,病因多重而复杂 抑郁可为癫痫发作和发作后表现,但更多见于发作间期。 颞叶癫痫和左侧痫灶者容易发生抑郁。 1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7: 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Ring HA, Serra-Mestres J. Neuropsychiatry of the basal ganglia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2002,72:12–21. Okun MS, Watts RL. Depression associated with Parkinson’s disease:. Neurology, 2002,58(Suppl 1):S63–S70.
神经科抑郁焦虑患者特点:躯体症状多 神经科就诊抑郁焦虑患者特点 不主动叙述情绪症状 多见主述为睡眠问题、疲乏及不确定位置的躯体疼痛
症状易与神经系统原发疾病相互影响,注意鉴别 Kroenke K, et al. Arch Fam Med. 1994;3:
神经科抑郁焦虑患者特点:躯体症状多 *常见躯体症状: 多个 躯体症状 可能预示 抑郁症 头痛 头晕 疲乏 失眠 背痛 四肢或关节痛 月经紊乱
消化道不适 腹痛 胸痛 性功能障碍 其他精神障碍 多个 躯体症状 可能预示 抑郁症 90 80 情绪障碍(焦虑/抑郁) 70 60 50 抑郁患病率(%) 40 30 20 10 0 to 1 (n=215) 2 to 3 (n=225) 4 to 5 (n=191) 6 to 8 (n=230) 9 (n=139) 躯体症状的个数* Kroenke K, et al. Arch Fam Med. 1994;3:
Table The Frequency of Symptoms in Hysteria Neurosis Symptom % Symptom %
Dyspnea Weight loss Palpitation Anorexia Chest pain Nausea Dizziness Vomiting Headache Abdominal pain Anxiety attacks Abdominal bloating Fatigue Food intolerances Blindness Diarrhea Paralysis Constipation Anesthesia Dysuria Aphonia Urinary retention Lump in throat Dysmenorrhea Fits or convulsions (premarital only) Faints Dysmenorrhea Unconsciousness (prepregnancy only) Amnesia Dysmenorrhea(other) Visual blurring Menstrual irregularity Visual hallucination Excessive menstrual bleeding Deafness Sexual indifference Olfatory hallucination Frigidity(absence of orgasm) Weakness Dyspareunia Sudden fluctuations Back pain In weight Joint pain Extremity pain Burning pains in rectum,vagina,mouth Other bodily pain Depressed feelings Phobias Vomiting all nine months Nervous of pregnancy Had to quit working Cried a lot Because felt bad Felt life was hopeless Always sickly Thought of dying (most of life) Wanted to die Thought of suicide Attempted suicide
头痛的主要类型和机理 头痛 精神因素(如焦虑、抑郁) 引起 (可能与疼痛耐受阈值降低有关) 颅内外动脉的扩张 (血管性头痛:如偏头痛等)
颅外肌肉的收缩 (紧张性或肌收缩性头痛) 颅内痛觉敏感组织被 牵引或移位 (牵引性头痛) 传导痛觉的颅神经和颈神经 直接受损或发生炎症 (神经炎性头痛) 头痛 五官病变疼痛的扩散(牵涉性头痛) 颅内外感觉敏感组织发生炎症 (如脑膜刺激性头痛)
慢性原发性头痛主要分类 IHS国际头痛疾病分类第二版(ICHD-Ⅱ)
WHO ICD-10编码 诊断 (英文原名,缩写) 1. [G43] 偏头痛(Migranine) 2. [G44.2] 紧张型头痛(Tension-type Headache, TTH) 3. [G44.0] 丛集性头痛和其他三叉自主神经性头痛 (Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic Cephalalgrias) 4. [G44.80] 其他原发性头痛(Other primary headaches): 新症每日持续性头痛(New daily-persistent headache, NDPH) 12. [R51] 头痛由于精神疾病(Headaches attributed to psychiatric disorder)
慢性原发性头痛是成年最常见疾病之一 地区 紧张性头痛 偏头痛 非洲 亚洲 欧洲 北美 南美 平均 1.7 (1 study)
4.0 (2 studies) 亚洲 2.2 (3 studies) 10.6 (6 studies) 欧洲 3.4 (6 studies) 13.8 (9 studies) 北美 2.2 (1 study) 12.6 (8 studies) 南美 5.0 (2 studies) 9.6 (10 studies) 平均 11.2 3.2
慢性原发性头痛神经科诊疗模式 头痛患者经典的就诊模式 现代疾病模式已发生转换 有明显的器质性病变,给予相应的处理和治疗
无明显的器质性病变基础,给予对症治疗 现代疾病模式已发生转换 精神和心理障碍的患病率明显增高 头痛与精神和心理疾病共存的情况不可忽视
慢性原发性头痛与抑郁焦虑的关系 流行病学数据显示:慢性原发性头痛常常和 抑郁/焦虑“紧密联系” 抑郁/焦虑增加慢性头痛的发生
约50%偏头痛患者患者有抑郁 约30%紧张性头痛患者有抑郁、焦虑 超过1/3抑郁症患者有偏头痛 头痛、头晕是抑郁症患者最常见的躯体主述之一 抑郁/焦虑增加慢性头痛的发生
常见躯体症状: 头痛 头晕 疲乏 失眠 背痛/腹痛/胸痛/四肢关节痛 月经紊乱 消化道不适 性功能障碍 其他精神障碍 多个 躯体症状 可能预示 抑郁症 90 80 情绪障碍(焦虑/抑郁) 70 60 50 抑郁患病率(%) 40 30 20 10 0 to 1 (n=215) 2 to 3 (n=225) 4 to 5 (n=191) 6 to 8 (n=230) 9 (n=139) 躯体症状的个数* Kroenke K, et al. Arch Fam Med. 1994;3:
美国神经病学会偏头痛预防性治疗推荐 第1组:中等-明显疗效,证据强度高,有一定频率和程度的不良反应:
阿米替林,双丙戊酸钠,普奈洛尔,timolol 第2组:疗效不及第1组,证据强度低,有一定的不良反应 阿司匹林,美托洛尔,尼莫地平,加巴喷丁,氟西汀,镁,维生素B2等 第3组:来自于专家共识或经验, 多塞平,帕罗西汀,舍曲林,米氮平,文拉法辛等 第4组:中等-明显疗效,证据强度高,不良反应值得重视: 美西麦角,氟桂利嗪,苯噻啶等 第5组:证据证明无效: 卡马西平,氯硝西泮, 拉莫三嗪,硝苯地平,尼卡地平等
临床特点归纳 抑郁和焦虑是神经科患者常见症状之一 对抑郁和焦虑状态的识别非常重要
神经内科抑郁/焦虑的治疗目标 缓解症状,达到临床治愈(Remission) 提高生命质量 回复社会功能 预防复发
处理的基本原则 药物治疗 综合干预 会诊或转诊 注意药物相互作用:
急性期:积极控制症状,尽量达到临床治愈,疗程6~8周。如治疗4~8周无效,宜改用其它作用机制的药物。 巩固期:维持急性期有效药物的剂量,持续治疗4~6月。 维持治疗:首次发作者维持治疗6~8月,必要时可酌情继续 综合干预 注意抗抑郁焦虑治疗避免与原发病治疗相抵触或冲突 药物治疗同时,重视心理治疗(解释、认知治疗等)和家庭社会支持 会诊或转诊 情况严重或治疗反应差者应及时会诊或转诊 注意药物相互作用: 诱导或抑制CYP的药物影响抗抑郁药代谢
临床治愈:回归社会的第一步 临床治愈 痊愈 正常人群 症状最少或无症状 (HAM-D7),至少3个月 症状最少或无症状 至少6个月
抑郁症状的严重程度 Remission of symptoms is the goal of acute treatment; prevention of relapse and recurrence is the goal of continuation and maintenance treatment 治 疗 抑郁症全病程的治疗 残留症状表现为: 维持治疗的最终目的预防复发 这是著名的Kupfer图,演示了抑郁症从发作到治疗各个阶段的过程。正常人的HAM-D量表评分落在7分以。评分高至17分左右,显示抑郁发作。在急性治疗阶段(6-8周)的治疗目标不仅是使患者对药物或精神治疗有响应,即有效,而且,争取能达到临床治愈。对于慢性抑郁患者来说,也可能在急性期后获得临床治愈。 巩固治疗阶段(3个月左右)的治疗目标是保持持续的临床治愈,预防症状的波动,即复燃。维持治疗阶段(时间较长,因人而异,根据发作次数、疾病性质等不同)的目标是预防复发(即一次新的抑郁发作),并且能够维持长期临床治愈状态。获得初期的临床治愈并且维持巩固是预防复燃复发的最佳方法。 Source: Kupfer DJ. J Clin Psychiatry. 1991;52(suppl 5):28-34. Kupfer DJ. J Clin Psychiatry. 1991;52(Suppl 5):28-34.
临床治愈是急性期治疗的目标 抑郁症的临床治愈是抗抑郁治疗的根本目标1-4 包括情感和躯体症状完全缓解5,6 各种功能的完全恢复5,6
重新投入工作 恢复兴趣和爱好 恢复人际关系 Key Point The goal of depression treatment is remission, defined as minimal or no symptoms and a return to normal functioning in all life domains Background Numerous clinical guidelines, including those from the American Psychiatric Association, the Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research, and the British Association for Psychopharmacology, have advocated that the goal for the treatment of MDD be complete remission The DSM-IV defines full remission as no signs or symptoms of the disturbance for the previous two months The American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology notes that remission involves relief of virtually all signs and symptoms of the depressive disorder, with a return to premorbid levels of functioning References Clinical Practice Guideline No. 5: Depression in Primary Care, 2: Treatment of Major Depression; AHCPR publication American Psychiatric Association. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;157(suppl 4):1-45. Anderson IM, et al. J Psychopharmacol. 2000;14:3-20. Reesal RT, Lam RW. Can J Psychiatry. 2001;46(suppl 1):21S-28S. DSM-IV-TR™. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000. Rush AJ, Trivedi MH. Psychiatr Ann. 1995;25: , 709. 1. Clinical Practice Guideline No. 5: Depression in Primary Care, 2: Treatment of Major Depression; AHCPR publication 2. American Psychiatric Association. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;157(suppl4):1-45. 3. Anderson IM, et al. J Psychopharmacol. 2000;14:3-20. 4. Reesal RT, Lam RW. Can J Psychiatry. 2001;46(suppl1):21S-28S. 5. DSM-IV-TR™. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000. 6. Rush AJ, Trivedi MH. Psychiatr Ann. 1995;25: , 709.
有效只是基础,治愈才是目标 临床治愈 有 效 彻底消除残余症状 HAM-D分值7 HAM-D分值下降50% 症状改善,但仍有 残余症状
临床症状消失 与正常人没有区别 返回工作岗位 HAM-D分值7 有 效 症状改善,但仍有 残余症状 情绪仍然低落 睡眠障碍 缺乏工作能力 对各种活动失去兴趣 HAM-D分值下降50% 有效只是基础,达到临床治愈才是最终目标。因为有效临床治愈,有效只是症状改善,仍有诸如情绪低落,罪恶感等残余症状,HAM-D17的评分减低只大于50%,未达到小于7分,所以不能达到无症状状态,生活功能没有完全恢复,无法真正地回归社会。 Ref: 3. Ferrier IN. Treatment of major depression: Is improvement enough ? J Clin Psychiatry 60(Suppl 6):10-14,1999
† † 自评社会适应量表 (平均 标准差) 无疗效 改善 临床治愈 健康对照 (n=299) (n=122) (n=202) (n=482) Remission=Psychiatric Status Rating (PSR) 1 or 2. *Psychosocial functioning after treatment with sertraline or imipramine. †P<0.05 compared with the remission group. Miller IW, et al. J Clin Psychiatry. 1998;59:
常用抗抑郁药物 NaSSA 作用机制:增加NTH和5-HT传递、阻滞5-HT2、 5-HT3受体、拮抗肾上腺素神经原突触2 –受体;
适应:抑郁症伴焦虑、激越或失眠的患者 起效较快:1~2周 代表药物:米氮平 不良反应 过度镇静、体重增加等
药物治疗的注意事项 除AD外,PD、脑卒中、癫痫及MS等常有认知功能损害。治疗其伴发的抑郁焦虑时,应避免使用TCAs等会明显影响认知功能的药物,宜选SSRI和SNRI类药物 卒中和脑血管病所伴发的抑郁障碍有持续和难治的特点,治疗疗程宜长。 较多证据表明TCAs和作用于双通道的抗抑郁剂能够有效预防偏头痛和紧张型头痛,而其他抗抑郁剂的证据很少
治疗注意事项 TCAs和SSRIs等抗抑郁剂有降低惊厥发作阈值、诱发癫痫的作用,尤其是大剂量时,故不宜大剂量TCAs治疗癫痫患者
TCAs能改善PD患者的情感和部分运动症状,但会影响认知功能。SSRI能改善抑郁症状,但偶尔会加重运动症状 小剂量TCAs能有效控制卒中、VaD和MS患者的病理性强哭强笑
抗痴呆药和抗心律失常药 氟伏沙明抑制CYP1A2介导的抗老年痴呆药他克林代谢,可能增加该药的肝脏毒性。
氟西汀与帕罗西汀由CYP2D6介导代谢的1C型抗心律失常药心律平、氟卡尼、英卡尼联用应特别谨慎。 氟西汀与帕罗西汀等和治疗指数窄的CYP3A4底物西沙必利、阿司米唑或特非那定联用可能引起致死性心律失常。
抗凝药 氟伏沙明可升高华法令的血药水平65%,凝血酶原时间明显延长。1例房颤患者用华法令病情稳定,用小量氟伏沙明后,华法令血药水平显著升高。
氟西汀也有类似升高的报道。 对健康志愿者用华法令和帕罗西汀后出血发生率高。 舍曲林和华法令的相互作用由于舍曲林原药和代谢物的共同抑制而得到加强。 而西酞普兰和华法令的相互作用小。
钙拮抗剂 氟西汀和钙拮抗剂联用可引起恶心、潮红和水肿等中毒症状。钙拮抗剂减量后症状消失,可能与氟西汀抑制CYP3A4有关,该酶介导维拉帕米和硝苯地平代谢。
ß-阻滞剂 给健康志愿者氟伏沙明100mg/d和心得安160mg/d,可使心得安水平升高5倍,导致心率减慢,血压下降,可能氟伏沙明抑制CYP2D6介导的ß-阻滞剂氧化代谢之故。 另有2例联用氟西汀和心得安或美多心安联用,出现严重心动过缓和心脏阻滞。
地高辛 有报道氟西汀、帕罗西汀均可升高地高辛血药水平,而地高辛治疗指数低,应特别注意心脏病人的使用!
茶碱 有数例氟伏沙明和茶碱联用引起临床明显相互作用的报道,老人居多。如一例70岁老人应用氟伏沙明,从50mg/d增至100mg/d时出现室性心动过速和茶碱中毒症状。 另1例70岁老人应用氟伏沙明,从50mg/d后,茶碱水平升高3倍,出现厌食、恶心、室上性心动过速和大发作中毒症状。可能是因为氟伏沙明是CYP1A2的强抑制剂,而该碱为茶碱的重要代谢酶。茶碱中毒往往很严重,甚至可致死。 用茶碱患者忌用氟伏沙明,可考虑用其他对CYP1A2无抑郁作用的SSRI,如喜普妙。
总 结(1) 神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑的比例高 抑郁焦虑的治疗可以 消除患者各种躯体化症状 改善原发疾病 恢复社会功能
总 结(1) 神经系统疾病伴发抑郁焦虑的比例高 抑郁焦虑的治疗可以 消除患者各种躯体化症状 改善原发疾病 恢复社会功能 抑郁/焦虑治疗目标是彻底消除症状,达到临床治愈 循证医学研究的汇总分析中,证实SNRI与SSRIs比较有更高的临床治愈率*,更快速消除焦虑和躯体症状
总 结(2) 诊断是否正确? 患者是否伴有精神病性症状? 患者是否得到适当治疗(剂量及疗程)? 不良反应是否影响达到有效治疗剂量?
总 结(2) 在神经科处理精神症状时应注意以下几个问题: 诊断是否正确? 患者是否伴有精神病性症状? 患者是否得到适当治疗(剂量及疗程)? 不良反应是否影响达到有效治疗剂量? 患者依从性是否好? 药物使用方式是否合适? 治疗结果是如何评价的? 是否存在影响疗效的躯体及精神病性障碍? 是否存在其他干扰治疗的因素?
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