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Unit 8 Summer Vacation Part A 执教者:福清市滨江小学 杨晓云 闽教版小学英语第四册.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Summer Vacation Part A 执教者:福清市滨江小学 杨晓云 闽教版小学英语第四册."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Summer Vacation Part A 执教者:福清市滨江小学 杨晓云 闽教版小学英语第四册

2 Let's chant. football, football, play football kite, kite, fly a kite bike, bike, ride a bike swim, swim, go swimming boat, boat, go boating jump, jump, let's jump run, run, I can run. skate, skate, I like skating.

3 What’s your favorite sport?

4 springsummerautumn winter What’s your favorite season?

5 summervacation winter Unit 8 Summer Vacation Part A Summer vacation is coming. 暑 假寒 假暑假快要来了。

6 Enjoy a song: Summer Vacation

7 What will you do in summer? I will go swimming.

8 will 将 要将 要

9 What will you do in summer? I will....

10 I will go to Shanghai. I will = I’ll I’ll go to Shanghai. Iwi ll ’

11 Hello, I’m Sally. Sally 一家人暑假一起去旅行

12 Sally and Yang Ming are talking about the plans for the summer vacation. 莎莉和王涛正在讨论暑假的计划。

13 What will Sally do in summer?


15 What does Sally answer? She will go to see her grandma and grandpa.

16 They live in the UK. the UK

17 the United Kingdom the UK

18 the UK the PRC the USA the United Kingdom the People’s Republic of China the United States of America

19 Big Ben 大 本 钟 大本钟是英国伦敦著名的古钟,是坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座 钟楼,也是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。

20 England = the UK 英国 Big Ben isin London. London is in England.

21 What will Sally do in London?



24 visitvisit 参 观参 观

25 What will Sally do in summer? see visit She will see her grandma and grandpa. She will visit Big Ben in London.


27 What you do in summer ? A. I’m playing football. B. I play football. will

28 What will Sally do in summer ? A. She will go swimming. B. She will goes swimming. will, can + 动词原形

29 What will you do in summer / spring / autumn / winter? “ 将要, 打算 …” 用来讲述将要发生 的事、将要去做某事。 你将在夏天 / 春天 / 秋天 / 冬 天做什么?

30 Taiwan Hainan Hangzhou Tiananmen Square What will you do in summer? I will go to … I will go by … I will visit … 师示范

31 Taiwan Hainan Hangzhou What will you do in spring? I will go to … I will go by … I will visit … Disneyland 小组讨论编对话

32 Taiwan Hainan Hangzhou What will you do in autumn? Wildlife Park I will go to … I will go by … I will visit …

33 Taiwan Hainan Hangzhou What will you do in summer? Tianyahaijiao I will go to __________ I will go by __________ I will visit ____________ 小组讨论写对话

34 Taiwan Hainan Hangzhou What _____________ in ______? West Lake I will ______________ I __________________ ____________________

35 Big Ben the UK Summary What will you do in summer? sentences: words: visit live will I will ….

36 1 听音,熟读课文。 3 2 完成本课的《活动手册》。 暑假里大家都想去哪儿玩呢?我们来调查一下吧。 Homework:

37 NameWhereHowWhat Sallythe UKby plane see her grandma and grandpa and visit Big Ben ………… What will you do in summer? I will …

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