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更新团契 祝大家过年好! The Renewing English Fellowship Wish You a Happy Chinese New Year!

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2 更新团契 祝大家过年好! The Renewing English Fellowship Wish You a Happy Chinese New Year!

3 Ye He Hua Zhu Fu Man Man 耶和华祝福满满 Jehova’s blessings abound

4 Tian Zhong de Bai Lu Si Wu Qian Que Shen Me Shan Ding de Bai He Hua Chun Tian Xian Xiang Wei 田中的白鹭丝,无欠缺什么; 山顶的百合花,春天现香味。 One sparrow in the air, always flying free Wild lilies of the field are fragrant every spring

5 Zong Shi Quan Neng de Shang Di Mei Ri Shang Ci Zhen Fu Qi Shi Di Shang Fa Ya Jie Shi Xian Chu Chi Ai de Gen Ju 总是全能的上帝,每日赏赐真福气, 使地上发芽结实,显出慈爱的根据。 For I know almighty God has given us this land every rainfall, every sunrise every harvest from His hand

6 Ye He Hua Zhu Fu Man Man Jiu xiang Hai Bian Tu Sha En Dian Ci Ai Zhi Dao Wan Shi Dai 耶和华祝福满满, 就像海边土沙, 恩典慈爱直到万世代。 God has blessings all around as many as the sand His favor and love never end

7 Wo Yao Ju Shou Jing Bai Ta Chu Huan Xi de Ge Sheng Zan Mei Cheng Song Ta Ming Wu Zhi Xi 我要举手敬拜祂, 出欢喜的歌声, 赞美称颂祂名无止息。 I trust in God alone to lead us with His love I will praise you, my God, forevermore

8 民 数 记 6: 愿 耶 和 华 赐 福 给 你 , 保 护 你 。愿 耶 和 华 使 他 的 脸 光 照 你 , 赐 恩 给 你 。愿 耶 和 华 向 你 仰 脸 , 赐 你 平 安 。 Numbers 6: The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

9 Tian Zhong de Bai Lu Si Wu Qian Que Shen Me Shan Ding de Bai He Hua Chun Tian Xian Xiang Wei 田中的白鹭丝,无欠缺什么; 山顶的百合花,春天现香味。 One sparrow in the air, always flying free Wild lilies of the field are fragrant every spring

10 Zong Shi Quan Neng de Shang Di Mei Ri Shang Ci Zhen Fu Qi Shi Di Shang Fa Ya Jie Shi Xian Chu Chi Ai de Gen Ju 总是全能的上帝,每日赏赐真福气, 使地上发芽结实,显出慈爱的根据。 For I know almighty God has given us this land every rainfall, every sunrise every harvest from His hand

11 Ye He Hua Zhu Fu Man Man Jiu Xiang Hai Bian Tu Sha En Dian Ci Ai Zhi Dao Wan Shi Dai 耶和华祝福满满, 就像海边土沙, 恩典慈爱直到万世代。 God has blessings all around as many as the sand His favor and love never end

12 Wo Yao Ju Shou Jing Bai Ta Chu Huan Xi de Ge Sheng Zan Mei Cheng Song Ta Ming Wu Zhi Xi 我要举手敬拜祂, 出欢喜的歌声, 赞美称颂祂名无止息。 I trust in God alone to lead us with His love I will praise you, my God, forevermore

13 Ye He Hua Zhu Fu Man Man Jiu Xiang Hai Bian Tu Sha En Dian Ci Ai Zhi Dao Wan Shi Dai 耶和华祝福满满, 就像海边土沙, 恩典慈爱直到万世代。 God has blessings all around as many as the sand His favor and love never end

14 Wo Yao Ju Shou Jing Bai Ta Chu Huan Xi de Ge Sheng Zan Mei Cheng Song Ta Ming Wu Zhi Xi 我要举手敬拜祂, 出欢喜的歌声, 赞美称颂祂名无止息。 I trust in God alone to lead us with His love I will praise you, my God, forevermore

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