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Presentation on theme: "汽车买卖合同 CONTRACT OF VEHICLE TRADE"— Presentation transcript:

2013级法学一班 四小班 付艳娇 杨宝琳 孟迁迁 刘开娟 赵洁 杨靓苑 吴行知 李妍

2 合同编号:Contract No. Date:14th,March,2016
出卖人(甲方): Seller (Party A)  买受人(乙方): Buyer (Party B)  Parties hereto, in accordance to LAW OF PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA and other law and rule ,conclude and inter into this contract for the trade of vehicle on basis of equality, voluntary, justice as well as honesty and credibility. 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他有关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就汽车买卖的有关事宜协商订立本合同。

3 第一条 汽车品牌、数量及价款 Brand, Number and Price e.g: Ferrari 法拉利
汽车品牌 Vehicle Brand  型号 Model     生产厂商 Manufacturer 产地 Producing Place     发动机号 Engine No. 合格证号 Certificate No. 车架号 Rack No.        海关单号 C / D 商检单号 I / C  车身颜色 Body Colour   首选:First Choice     次选:Next Choice 总价(人民币)Total Prices (RMB)  大写 In Words 备注 Notice

4 第二条 质量  Quality Requirement
第三条 定金(可选填)Earnest Money( may choose to filling in) 第四条 付款方式 Payment 第五条 交车时间与地点、交付及验收方式 Time and place of delivery of vehicle, acceptance check 第六条 售后服务  Service After Selling

5 第七条 违约责任 Breach liability 第八条 不可抗力 force majeure
第九条 其他约定 Mescellaneous 第十条 解决争议的方法 Settlement of dispute 本合同项下发生的争议,双方应协商解决,或向消费者协会等部门申请调解解决;协商或调解不成的,按下列第两种方式解决: All disputes arising in connection with this contract or in the execution thereof should be settled amicably through negotiations or apply to consumer’s association as like institute for intermediation, in case no settlement can be reached by negotiation or intermediation, the settlement way could be selected as follow. (一)向人民法院提起诉讼:To lodge a complaint to court; (二)提交仲裁委员会仲裁:To submit for arbiration in

6 甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(签章) Party A (seal) Party B ( sign or seal) Date: Date:

7 Thank you

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