Teacher/ Mentor Orientation

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1 Teacher/ Mentor Orientation
國際及兩岸事務處 Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs (OICA) 1F International Conference Hall, Medical Campus




5 Our OICA vision “Enriching International Vision, Enhancing Intercultural Value” 增進國際化視野、提升跨文化價值 E.I.V.

6 International Relations
Division 合作交流組 Student Affairs 學生事務組 Chinese Language Center 華語文中心 OICA

7 OICA mission 1. 招收境外學生To recruit overseas students 2. 境外學生安頓To facilitate the settling process for overseas students 3. 協助境外學生在台生活To provide services to overseas students while living in Taiwan (document applications, mentoring & counseling, etc.) 4. 提供本校學生海外交流機會To increase opportunities for international exposure to host country students 5. 推廣本校國際學術交流To promote international connections 6. 舉辦及推廣跨文化活動,增進多元文化了解To organize social and cultural activities to promote intercultural understanding among students 7. 扮演各行政單位與境外學生相關事務之橋樑To act as a liaison to support other ISU units with overseas students-related matters

8 How have we done?

9 Total International and Overseas Students as of April 2016
2,206 Students from 49 Countries Countries represented: Asia (2,059): China (974), Malaysia (450), Hong Kong (378), Macau (78), Vietnam (72), Mongolia (31), Indonesia (28), Japan (26), Thailand (6), India (3), Korea (3), Pakistan (3), Russia (2), Bhutan, Nepal, Singapore, Uzbekistan,  Philippines (1). Africa (52): Swaziland (41), South Africa (4), Malawi (3), Gambia,  Rwanda, Mozambique, Ghana (1). North America (47): Saint Lucia (15), Honduras (7), USA (5), Haiti (5),  Saint Vincent (5), Dominican (3), Guatemala (3), El Salvador (2), Canada (1),  Nicaragua (1). Oceania (31): Solomon Islands (13), Marshall Islands (8),  Kiribati (6), Palau (2), Australia (1), Tuvalu (1). Europe (10): UK (5), Slovak (2), Germany (1), France (1), Sweden (1). South America (7): Paraguay (4), Saint Christopher (2), Brazil (1).

10 Where are degree overseas students from?
456 558 167 110 60 44 47 31 3 9 5 6 10 2 1

11 外籍生人數 1. 成長率全台第一名 2. 學生數全台第三名

12 境外生來源 104年外籍生組成 本校生源與政府新南向政策一致 104年僑生組成

13 義守大學是外籍生最佳選擇 排全台第三名、具多樣性、 且深耕馬來西亞

14 義守大學是大陸交流生最佳選擇 2012-2015共計4,014位陸生 121所姊妹校(內含985級頂尖大學23所.211級頂尖大學51所)
山東省長姜大明先生 福建省政府張志南常務副省長 浙江省呂祖善省長.....等。 國台辦主任張志軍先生 義守大學是大陸交流生最佳選擇 共計4,014位陸生 121所姊妹校(內含985級頂尖大學23所.211級頂尖大學51所) 每年有超過60團大陸訪問團拜訪本校

15 境外生於各學院之分佈 管理 觀餐 醫學 國際 傳設 理工 電資 語文 華語文 馬來西亞 越南 港澳 印尼 日本 蒙古 大陸 其它地區

16 International Image and visibility
AACSB in Feb 2016 TIMES Higher Education top World ranking in 2015 TIMES Higher Education top 200 Asia ranking in 2016

17 Sister schools & Articulation agreements
445 overseas sister schools: 240 Universities, 205 High schools 32 articulation agreements (dual degree, exchange) 4 Dual degree 28 Exchange

18 Promoting Outbound: Significant modification of 學海 and 學文 scholarship policies
Priority will be given to dual degree and exchange program Targeted applicants: Elite students upon admission into ISU Each year: 5 million NTD for 學海, 500,000 NTD for 學文 4. This change is expected to help boosting up the number of outbound students.

19 歡迎蒞臨義守大學 謝謝

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