How to Translate Chinese Dishes into English?

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1 How to Translate Chinese Dishes into English?
中国菜菜名英文翻译 How to Translate Chinese Dishes into English? 浙江艺术职业学院 张倩

2 Please look at the menu in English and guess what are the Chinese names of these dishes. 你能从英文菜单中猜出这是哪道中国菜吗? Husband and Wife Lung Slice Pockmarked Grandma’s Beancurd 丈夫和妻子的肺切片?! 麻脸奶奶的豆腐?! 麻婆豆腐 夫妻肺片

3 Please look at the menu in English and guess what are the Chinese names of these dishes. 你能从英文菜单中猜出这是哪道中国菜吗? Red Burned Lion Head 烧红的狮子脑袋?! 烧红我的头,你试试? 红烧狮子头

4 Please look at the menu in English and guess what are the Chinese names of these dishes. 你能从英文菜单中猜出这是哪道中国菜吗? Rolling Donkey 打滚的驴?! 驴打滚

5 Would you like to taste these dishes? 看着这样的菜名,你还能有胃口吗?
Red Burned Lion Head 红烧狮子头=烧红的狮子脑袋?! Pockmarked Grandma’s Beancurd Husband and Wife Lung Slice 夫妻肺片=丈夫和妻子的肺切片?! 麻婆豆腐=麻脸奶奶的豆腐?! A Pile of Ants Climbing Trees 蚂蚁上树=一群蚂蚁爬上树?! Chicken without Sexual Life Rolling Donkey 童子鸡=没有性生活的鸡?! 驴打滚=打滚的驴?!

6 Why do we make silly mistakes? 为何中国菜英文译名笑料百出?
Do not know the food materials and cooking methods. 不熟悉中国菜食材的表达方式和制作方法,胡乱翻译必然错误百出。 Do not know the Chinese food culture and just translate the dishes word by word. 不了解中国菜的饮食知识和文化背景,逐字翻译,不知所云。

7 Methods on translating Chinese dishes into English 常用的中国菜英译方法
(1)制作方法(v-ed)+食材名(n.) mix fry stir-fry stew steam smoke deep-fry instant-boil mixed fried stir-fried stewed steamed smoked deep-fried instant-boiled 食材名

8 Examples: 涮羊肉 拌黄瓜 酥炸牛肉丸 熏鱼 Mixed Cucumber Instant-boiled Mutton
Smoked Fish Deep-fried Beef Balls

9 Methods on translating Chinese dishes into English 常用的中国菜英译方法
(2)食材形状(v-ed)+食材名(n.) slice chop shred dice sliced chopped shredded diced 食材名

10 Examples: 清蒸火腿片 猪肉丁 炒鱿鱼丝 Steamed Sliced Ham Diced Pork Stir-fried
Shredded Squid

11 Methods on translating Chinese dishes into English 常用的中国菜英译方法
n. (主料) + with/in + n. (辅料) n. + and + n. (主料辅料不分) (3)多种食材混合的菜名翻译: 梅干菜扣肉 Steamed Dried Mustard Cabbage Steamed Pork with Dried Mustard Cabbage with Pork

12 清蒸甲鱼 百页肉丝 Examples: Braised Turtle in Clear Soup Shredded Pork and
Beancurd Leaf

13 Methods on translating Chinese dishes into English 常用的中国菜英译方法
(4)特殊菜名需要透过现象看本质,弄清食材内涵 没有性生活 的鸡 麻脸奶奶的豆腐 打滚的驴 蚂蚁上树 烧红的狮子脑袋

14 蚂蚁上树 百年好合 红烧狮子头 Fried Mung Bean Noodles with Meat
Lotus Seeds and Lily Pulp Meatballs in Soy Sauce

15 大转弯 Chicken Wings with Soy Sauce 麻婆豆腐 Mapo Peppery Beancurd (音译+直译)

16 Summary: 中国菜菜名英译方法总结:
1. 制作方法(v-ed)+食材名(n.) 2. 食材形状(v-ed)+食材名(n.) 3. 多种食材混合的菜名翻译: n. (主料) + with/in + n. (辅料) n. + and + n. (主料辅料不分) 4. 特殊菜名需要透过现象看本质,弄清食材内涵

17 Homework: Please translate the following famous Hangzhou dishes into English. 将杭州楼外楼名菜翻译成英文:东坡肉,西湖醋鱼,宋嫂鱼羹,龙井虾仁,叫花鸡 

18 Thank you!

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