P28 Let's learn & Let’s play

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Presentation on theme: "P28 Let's learn & Let’s play"— Presentation transcript:

1 P28 Let's learn & Let’s play
Unit 3 Weather P28 Let's learn & Let’s play

2 Sing a song

3 What can you hear from the song?

4 预习交流,质疑答疑 What have you learned? 说一说:在微课中你学到了什么? city weather

5 预习交流,质疑答疑 city weather

6 Group work:小组读单词。 合作探究 Read the new words in groups.

7 表示天气的单词 合作探究 snowy cloudy

8 找一找: 这些单词有什么相似的地方? 合作探究 sunny rainy cloudy snowy windy --- window

9 +y 合作探究 snow (雪)   snowy 下雪的 +ny

10 Moscow Beijing London Singapore Sydney

11 a map of China 合作探究

12 合作探究 Listen and repeat:

13 询问天气 合作探究 What's the weather like? sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy

14 It’s hot and sunny in Singapore.
Ask and answer 合作探究 What’s the weather like in Singapore? Singapore It’s hot and sunny in Singapore.

15 Pair work 合作探究 Journey to the west

16 Let’s go to London! cool and rainy warm and cloudy cool and windy
What’s the weather like in ? London cool and rainy Sydney warm and cloudy Moscow cold and snowy cool and windy Beijing Let’s go to London! It’s and in

17 Look and say quickly. 展示归纳 sunny cloudy rainy windy snowy

18 Do you know? 展示归纳 1、5个表示天气状况的单词 sunny, windy, cloudy, snowy, rainy
2、想知道天气状况,应怎样问? What’s the weather like? 3、告诉别人天气状况,该如何表达? It’s... / It’s ...and...

19 Dad, where are we going? 拓展提升 昆明 哈尔滨 上海 青岛 贵阳


21 拓展提升

22 Pair work. 拓展提升 Guiyang—hot and sunny What’s the weather like in Guiyang? It’s hot and sunny.

23 Weather Reporter(天气报告员)
拓展提升 Show time! Weather Reporter(天气报告员)

24 It's ... and ... in... warm and windy cold and snowy cloudy rainy
拓展提升 Kunming Harbin Shanghai Qingdao Guiyang warm and windy cold and snowy cloudy rainy hot and sunny


26 歌谣what's the weather like today.wmv

27 Thank you! Bye!

28 布置作业 Homework 1.抄写P28的单词和句子。 2.读熟P28的单词和句子。 3.观看一则天气预报,试着用英语说一说。


30 What’s the ___ like? It’s _____. ___ the weather like in Sydney? It’s __ in ___. What’s __ weather like in Moscow? It’s ___ . What’s the weather ____ in Harbin? It’s _____ ____ Harbin. What’s the weather like today? It’s ____ and ____. (按实际情况回答)

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