2、背书(Endorsement) 是指持票人在汇票的背面签名和记载有关事项,并把汇票交付被背书人的行为。

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Presentation on theme: "2、背书(Endorsement) 是指持票人在汇票的背面签名和记载有关事项,并把汇票交付被背书人的行为。"— Presentation transcript:

1 2、背书(Endorsement) 是指持票人在汇票的背面签名和记载有关事项,并把汇票交付被背书人的行为。

2 背书的种类 以背书目的为标准,分: 转让背书和非转让背书

3 (1)转让背书 是以转让票据权利为目的的背书。转让背书的几种做法:

4 转让背书一般应记载的事项 ①被背书人名称; ②背书的日期; ③背书人签章。

5 Draft Exchange for USD 3,  Shanghai,March 10,2000 At 30 days after sight this Exchange pay to order of        Bank of China, Shanghai the sum of US Dollars Three Thousand Only to Hongkong Importing Co., 65 Nathan Rd.,Kowlon,  Hongkong for Shanghai Exporting Co.,No.12, Nanjing Rd.(East), Shanghai (signature)

6 做法一:空白背书 例: For Bank of China, Shanghai Jan. 1st, 2010 (signature)

7 做法二:完全背书 例: Pay to the order of CITI BANK,LONDON
For Bank of China, Shanghai Jan. 3rd, 2010 (signature)

8 Exchange for USD 3,  Shanghai,March 10,2000 At 30 days after sight this Exchange pay to order of        ABC Co. the sum of US Dollars Three Thousand Only to Hongkong Importing Co., 65 Nathan Rd.,Kowlon,  Hongkong for Shanghai Exporting Co.,No.12, East Nanjing Rd., Shanghai (signature)

9 做法三:有条件背书 例: Pay to Mr.Joe smith Jan. 1st, 2010 Without Recourse
For ABC Co. Jan. 1st, 2010 (signature)

10 做法四:限制性背书 例: Pay to Mr.Joe smith only Jan. 1st, 2010 For ABC Co.

11 (2)非转让背书 是为转让票据权利以外的目的而作的背书,包括委托取款背书和设质背书等。

12 非转让背书应记载的事项 除了以上三项转让背书应记载事项外,委托取款背书应记载“委托取款”字样,设质背书应当记载“质押”字样。

13 委托取款背书做法 例如: Pay to the order of CITI BANK,LONDON For collection
For Bank of China, Shanghai Jan. 3rd, 2010 (signature)

14 设质背书 汇票质押是指以设定质权、提供债务担保为目的而进行的背书。它是由背书人通过背书的方式,将票据转移给质权人,以票据金额的给付作为对被背书人债务清偿保证的一种方式。背书中必须写明“设质”。 

15 Draft Exchange for USD 3,  Shanghai,March 10,2000 At 30 days after sight this Exchange pay to order of         Shanghai Exporting Co., the sum of US Dollars Three Thousand Only to Hongkong Importing Co., 65 Nathan Rd.,Kowlon,  Hongkong for Shanghai Exporting Co.,No.12, Nanjing Rd.(East), Shanghai (signature)

16 设质背书做法 例: pay to B Co. for mortgage for Shanghai Exporting Co.,
Jan. 1st, 2010 (signature)

17 我国票据法规定背书不得记载的事项 ①背书不得附有条件。 ②将汇票金额的一部分转让的背书无效。 ③将汇票金额分别转让给二人以上的背书无效。

18 背书转让操作

19 一张汇票如下: No.00001 Exchange for $120,000.00 Shanghai, Aug.31,2010
At 60 days after sight this exchange (the second exchange is unpaid) pay to Bank of China, Shanghai the sum of US Dollars One Hundred Twenty Thousand only to Simon &Schuster Inc.,1124 Avenue of the America, New York, N.Y, 10020 For Shanghai Trading Co. Ltd., Xinhua Building, No.12, west Nanjing Rd.,Shanghai, China (signature)

20 以上汇票,如果中国银行上海分行在Sep.5,2010将它做成空白背书并交给其在纽约的分支机构(Bank of China, New York),怎样做这个背书?

21 空白背书: for Bank of China, Shanghai Sep.5,2010 (signature)

22 如果中国银行纽约分行要将该汇票以自己的名义转让给在纽约的花旗银行(CITY BANK, NEW YOURK),可以怎样做?
应当分两步完成: 第一步:中国银行纽约分行应当在空白背书前填入自己的名称,使之转成为一个特别背书。 Pay to the order of Bank of China, New York for Bank of China, Shanghai Sep.5,2010 (signature)

23 Pay to the order of CITY BANK, NEW YORK for Bank of China, New York Sep.5,2010 (signature)

24 No.00002 Exchange for EUR1, Shanghai, Sep.3,2010 At 90 days after sight this exchange (the second exchange is unpaid) pay to Bank of China, Shanghai the sum of EUR Dollars One Thousand Two Hundred only to Bank of ABC, Paris, 455 Madison Avenue, Paris, France For Shanghai Textile Co. Ltd., No Hua Shan Rd., Shanghai, China (signature) 如果中国银行上海分行是在9月10日将上述汇票作了一个限制性背书给法国银行(Bank of France)的,怎样做这样一个限制性背书?

25 “non-transferable”加以表示
Pay to Bank of France only For Bank of China, Shanghai Sep.10,2010 (signature) 限制性背书: 限制可以以用Only表示或也可以用 “non-transferable”加以表示

26 Pay to the order of Bank of America, Paris
Without recourse For Bank of France Sep.10,2010 (signature) 如果法国银行又在当日将它有条件地(without recuorse)背书给美国银行巴黎分行(Bank of America, Paris),如何做这样一个背书?

27 如果美国银行巴黎分行在3天后将此汇票背书给花旗银行巴黎分行用以委托办理一笔委托取款业务。如何做这个委托取款的背书?

28 委托取款背书: Pay to the order of CITY BANK,PARIS for collection
for Bank of America, Paris Sep.14,2010 (signature)

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