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P R O F I B U S Fieldbus Message Specification 第七部分 技术培训

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1 P R O F I B U S Fieldbus Message Specification 第七部分 技术培训
This part describes the PROFIBUS-FMS protocol 第七部分 PROFIBUS - FMS

2 PROFIBUS-FMS 协议结构 应用过程 PROFIBUS 传输介质 应用层 (7) EN 50 170 Vol 2 数据链路层 (2)
应用层接口 (ALI) EN Vol 2 应用层 (7) 现场总线信息规范 (FMS) 低层接口 (LLI) 3 - 6 层未使用 EN Vol 2 数据链路层 (2) 物理层 (1) PROFIBUS-FMS is designed for communication at the cell level. At this level programmable controllers (e.g., PLCs and PCs) communicate primarily with each other. In this application area a high degree of functionality is more important than fast system reaction times. The application layer provides the communication services which can be used by the user. These services make it possible to access variables, transmit programs and control their execution as well as transmission of events. The PROFIBUS-FMS application layer consists of the following parts: - The Fieldbus Message Specification (FMS) which describes the communication objects and services - The Lower Layer Interface (LLI) which is used to adapt the FMS services to layer 2 PROFIBUS-FMS uses the services of the PROFIBUS Data Link Layer. 现场总线数据链 (FDL) PROFIBUS 传输介质

3 PROFIBUS-FMS 的特点: 为连接智能现场设备而设计,如 PLC, PC, MMI 强有力的应用服务提供广泛的功能 面向对象的协议
多主和主-从通信 点对点、广播和局部广播通信 周期性和非周期性的数据传输 每个设备的用户数据多达 240 个字节 得到所有主要 PLC 制造商的支持 可以提供大量的产品,如 PLC, PC, VME, MMI, I/O.... FMS is based on a subset of the international manufacturing automation standard MMS. PROFIBUS-FMS is suitable to connect intelligent field devices. It offers 32 powerful application services and a wide range of functionality to access variables, events, programs and domains. PROFIBUS-FMS is an object oriented protocol and offers peer-to-peer, broadcast and multicast communication. It is supported by all major PLC vendors, and a wide range of products is available today.

4 PROFIBUS-FMS 面向对象 变量、参数、程序均设计为对象 每个对象都有确定的特性 (读, 写....)
所有对象被列在对象字典 (OD) 中 对象字典根据每个设备单独构成 一个典型的 FMS 设备的对象 控制器 Like most of the popular operating systems PROFIBUS-FMS operates object oriented. The process variables and parameters are designated as communication objects. Each communication object has defined characteristics. This means it may be protected against unauthorized access. All communication objects are entered into the object dictionary which may be predefined by the vendor or created individually during configuration. 通信关系 件数 停机时间 PROFIBUS - FMS 故障率

5 通信对象的类型 对象 不明确的 明确的 静态 动态 VFD: 虚拟现场设备 OD : 对象字典 Data Types: 标准数据类型
由 PROFIBUS 标准定义 由用户定义 静态 由行规予定义或在组态期间定义 如变量、数组、记录、区域 PROFIBUS-FMS distinguishes between implicit and explicit communication objects. Implicit objects are defined by the PROFIBUS standard itself. Explicit objects are defined by the user. 动态 在运行时定义 如程序、变量表

6 FMS 对象的特征 每个对象包括: 指针-访问此对象的号 对象代码-此对象的数据类型 对象属性-如,不删除 名称-对象全名 (可选)
内部地址-对象的实六位地址 访问权-如,写保护 扩充-用户定义 Assigned with each object there are several characteristics that have to be defined during configuration. The most important is the Index, which is used for the addressing of the object. Logical addressing is the preferred method of addressing for FMS communication objects. Accessing is performed with a short address (the index) which is a number of type Unsigned16. Each object has an individual index. Another important characteristic is the access protection which protects the object against unauthorized access. Access to an object may only be permitted with a certain password or access may only be permitted for a certain group of devices. Password and device group can be specified in the object dictionary individually for each object. In addition, permissible services (read-only accesses) for accessing an object can be restricted.  所有 FMS 对象都进入对象字典(OD)

7 对象字典 (OD) 对象字典包括如下部分 头部 包含此 OD 的结构信息
数据类型字典 包括所支持的静态数据类型表 (如,布尔、整数、浮点数 ...) 静态对象字典 包括静态通信对象表 (如,停机时间、故障率 ...) 动态变量表的表* 包括所有现今已知变量表的表 动态程序表* 包括所有现今已知程序的表 All communication objects of an FMS device are entered in the device's local object dictionary. The object dictionary can be predefined for simple devices. When complex devices are involved, the object dictionary is configured and loaded to the device either locally or remotely. The object dictionary contains description, structure and data type, as well as the relationship between the internal device addresses of the communication objects and their designation on the bus (index/name). * 这些部分是可选的, 仅对某些设备存在。

8 例: 一个简单设备的OD 对象字典 (OD) 头部 ROM/RAM 标志 名字长度,访问保护, OD 版本 静态 OD 的第一个指针和长度
数据类型字典 索引 对象代码 含义 1 数据类型 整数 8 整数 16 6 浮点 Example of an Object dictionary of a simple device which has no dynamic parts implemented. 静态对象字典 指针 对象代码 数据类型 内部地址 符号 20 VAR 1 4711H 件数 21 2 5000H 停机时间 22 6 100H 故障率

9 PROFIBUS-FMS 支持如下类型的对象
静态通信对象 (这些对象登入静态对象字典) 简单变量:变量类型如整数、布尔数 ... 数组:同类型的简单变量的数组 记录:各种类型的简单变量的数组 区域:大数量的数据 事件:事件信息 动态通信对象 (这些对象登入动态对象字典) Static communication objects are entered in the static object dictionary. They can be predefined by the manufacturer of the device or specified during configuration of the bus system. FMS recognizes five types of communication objects: Simple Variable , Array, Record, Domain, Event Dynamic communication objects are entered in the dynamic portion of the object dictionary. They can be predefined or defined, deleted or changed with the FMS services. FMS recognizes two types of dynamic communication objects: Program invocation, Variable list 程序调用:程序的描述 变量表:简单变量、数组或记录的记录

10 PROFIBUS-FMS 服务 上下关系管理 OD-Management 变量存取 VFD 支持 程序调用管理 区域管理 事件管理 初始化
取消 拒绝 OD-Management 获得OD 初始化放置OD 放置OD 终止放置OD 变量存取 读 带类型的读 写 带类型的写 物理读 物理写 信息报告 带类型的信息报告 定义变量表 删除变量表 VFD 支持 状态 未经请求的状态 识别 程序调用管理 建立程序调用 删除程序调用 开始、停止、继续、复位、删除 区域管理 初始化下载序列 下载区段 终止下载序列 初始上装序列 上装区段 终止上装序列 请求区域下载 请求区域上装 事件管理 事件通知 带类型的事件通知 事件通知响应 事件后状态监视 This slide gives a complete overview on the PROFIBUS-FMS services. It should be noticed that only the underlined services shall be supported by all PROFIBUS devices. The choice of further services is specified by the PROFIBUS profiles. This means that real devices only implement a subset of PROFIBUS-FMS services and not all of them. PROFIBUS-FMS offers a wide range of powerful application services. This includes: services for variable access like read and write, services to transmit events, services to control the execution of programs (these are called the program-invocation management service group), services to up- or to download large amounts of data (these services are called domain management), services to administrate the communication relationships (these services are called context management), and services to administrate the object dictionary which are called the object dictionary management services. Last but not least the VFD Services enable identification of devices and their hardware and software releases. 所有 PROFIBUS 设备都支持只有下划线的服务, 对其他服务的选择,在 PROFIBUS 行规中规定。

11 PROFIBUS-FMS 的通信关系 站之间的数据传输通过通信关系来执行。 通信关系允许存取保护和自动的联接监视 通信关系 面向联接的
非联接的 需要回答 不需要回答 主 /主 主 /从 广播 局部广播 The user communicates with the other application processes over logical channels called communication relationships. PROFIBUS provides various types of communication relationships for execution of the FMS services. The communication relationships have different connection capabilities (i.e., monitoring, transmission and demands on the communication partners). Connection-oriented communication relationships represent a logical peer-to-peer connection between two application processes. The connection must first be established with an Initiate service before it can be used for data transmission. After being successfully established, the connection is protected against unauthorized access and is available for data transmission. When an established connection is no longer needed, it can be disconnected with the Abort service. Connectionless communication relationships permit one device to communicate simultaneously with several stations using unconfirmed services. In Broadcast communication relationships an unconfirmed FMS service is simultaneously sent to all other stations. In Multicast communication relationships an unconfirmed FMS service is simultaneously sent to a predefined group of stations. 带或不带初始的从 非周期性的 周期性的或非周期性的 所有通信关系被登入通信关系表 (CRL)

12 CR CR CR 1 PROFIBUS FMS 2 PLC PLC 3 PLC 4 对象字典(OD 1) 通信关系表 (CRL 1)
Each device in an FMS network has an individual CRL and individual OD. 通信关系表 (CRL 3) 通信关系表 (CRL 4) 通信关系表 (CRL 2) 每个设备的通信关系被登入通信关系表 (CRL)中 每个设备的对象被登入对象字典 (OD)中

13 PROFIBUS-FMS读服务的执行 服务请求者 (客户) 总线 应用 应用 服务响应者 (服务器) 对象字典 1. 请求:
读请求,指针=20 4.确认: 带数据的读确认 第七层 (FMS+LLI) 第 1/2 层 (FDL+PHY) 总线 第 1/2层 (FDL+PHY) 第七层 (FMS+LLI) Each confirmed service is executed as a sequence of 4 interactions between client and server. 1. The client initiates the Read Request 2. The server receives the Read Indication and reads the requested data 3. The data is sent with a Read response to the client 4. The client receives the data with the Read confirmation 2. 指示: 读指示 (指针=20) 3. 响应: 带数据的读响应 对象字典 指针 类型 地址. 名称 Var Temp. Var Press. 应用 服务响应者 (服务器)

14 PROFIBUS-FMS 设备的电子数据单
对每一个 FMS设备有一张由制造商定义的电子数据单 (GSD文件)。 FMS GSD文件包括所有相关设备的通信能力。 在组态期间,FMS 组态工具读 GSD文件并将所有信息放入账号。 在PROFIBUS导则 No 中,描述了FMS GSD文件的格式。 Even for FMS devices GSD files are useful. The format of the FMS-GSD-Files is described in the technical guideline

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