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阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信助力“智慧医疗” ——打造安全、可靠、灵活的医院信息化通信平台

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Presentation on theme: "阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信助力“智慧医疗” ——打造安全、可靠、灵活的医院信息化通信平台"— Presentation transcript:

1 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信助力“智慧医疗” ——打造安全、可靠、灵活的医院信息化通信平台
. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信助力“智慧医疗” ——打造安全、可靠、灵活的医院信息化通信平台

2 智慧医疗的核心是日趋个性化的医疗服务体验,注重个人的健康

3 Agenda 面临的挑战 建设目标 解决方案 案例
The Alcatel-Lucent Application Fluent Network vision is based on 3 fundamental concepts that guide the development of all our products: -a resilient architecture - with automatic controls - and simplified operations Let look at each of this points in more detail on how to apply it to the Converged network. <click> When we consider a resilient architecture, we propose a simplified and flattened network with just two layers. The new generation of switching hardware makes this possible with higher port densities and larger wire-rate switching capacity than ever before. The network needs to be robust with redundancy and rapid recovery from eventual failures that would not impact real time applications. Virtualization techniques allows us to use active-active links without the limitations of older protocols like spanning tree which used to keep half of the links inactive. This will bring efficiencies in the use of switch ports and network links and also provide a rapid recovery from component failures in switches and network links. It is also important to offer higher speeds in order to sustain the increased traffic of multimedia applications. We propose a 10/40 GigE core and 1 GigE access switches and n access points. More than ever before, security needs to be built in from the ground up and apply universally across all methods of access to the network: wired or wireless. Alcatel-Lucent offer a integrated network access control on all our access switches and also the capability to do traffic anomaly detection, quarantine and host integrity check.

4 +5,3% X3 94 % 全球医疗行业的挑战和发展趋势 趋势 人口老龄化 & 慢性病患者增加 医疗费用和质量 技术
下一个5年的年增长率 在美国的不住院外科治疗业务增加%, 在加 拿大增加85%,在丹麦增加78% 2050年全球超过60岁的老人人口 趋势 人口老龄化 & 慢性病患者增加 规章制度改革, 制定新策略 使用数据分析手段辅助临床决策 个性化医疗 & 体域网BAN(Body Area Networks) 全民医疗保健需求 医院和社区需要提供新的医疗护理模式 银发经济 Rapid Digitization of Everything EHR and Data Analytics Rising Costs Population HealthCare Better Outcomes Equal Access to Quality Care Government Regulation Reimbursement Models Operational Silos Patient Safety Ubiquitous Medical Information Access Changing Workflow Changing Business Models Satisfaction and Retention of Staff Explosion of mobility (apps, devices, services ) Communication HealthCare IT Core , Virtualization Design & Construction IOT: room envuronement control; geolocation of medical equipment ; alarms incendie process 体域网,英文为Body Area Network(BAN),是附着在人体身上的一种网络,由一套小巧可移动、具有通信功能的传感器和一个身体主站(或称BAN协调器)组成。每一传感器既可佩戴在身上,也可植入体内。协调器是网络的管理器,也是BAN和外部网络(如3G、WiMAX、Wi-Fi等)之间的网关,使数据能够得以安全地传送和交换。由于这些传感器通过无线技术进行通信,所以体域网也叫无线体域网(WBAN)。 体域网是一种可长期监视和记录人体健康信号的基本技术,早期应用主要是用来连续监视和记录慢性病(如糖尿病、哮喘病和心脏病等)患者的健康参数,提供某种方式的自动疗法控制。比如,糖尿病患者一旦他的胰岛素水平下降,他身上的BAN马上可以激活一个泵,自动为患者注射胰岛素,使患者不用医生也能把胰岛素控制在正常水平。体域网未来还可广泛应用于消费者电子、娱乐、运动、环境智能、畜牧、泛在计算、军事或安全等领域。不仅如此,眼前仍停留在科幻小说之中的所谓“智慧尘埃”(具有处理能力和无线通信能力的显微镜器件)将来也完全有可能出现在体域网中。  体域网在国际上已经得到了广泛研究,包括医疗技术提供商、医院、保险公司以及工业界的各方人士正在开展战略性合作,但目前仍处在早期阶段,在毫瓦级网络能耗、互操作性、系统设备、安全性、传感器验证、数据一致性等方面面临一系列挑战。 IEEE802.15任务组6正在制定的BAN通信标准有望在2010年完成。这种技术一旦被接纳采用,将在医疗保健方面取得重大突破。 医疗费用和质量 技术 业务支撑平台的设计和建设 EHR电子健康病历,数据分析,远程监测 移动医疗的爆炸式增长(App应用, 设备, 服务) 虚拟化,云平台, 安全,互联网服务 公平的使用优质护理服务 无所不在的医疗信息访问服务 病患安全,医护人员满意 Source Deloitte, 2014Healthcareoutlook, PWC mHealth Report 2014, Cour des Comptes 2013

5 医疗体系中的方方面面无不影响着我们每人的生活
对于昂贵的医疗卫生体系所带来的价值的期望越来越高 全球范围内普遍地对医疗质量以及患者安全所面临的挑战的认知 市民对于医疗保健可选择性的需求不断增长 用于改进医疗保健事业、提供诸如电子健康和医学参观等服务的新途径、新方法 日益严峻的资源短缺所带来的挑战 在公立和私有健康保险公司和个人承担的成本与日俱增 医疗体系的方方面面无不影响着我们每个人的生活 现实情况是,绝大部分互联网已经创建了一个全球整合的世界,由我们决定怎样利用它。这种集成存在“副作用”。在医疗方面,鉴于在其他行业中获得的体验,人们对于医疗行业可以提供的服务期望一直在增长。举例来说,航空公司能够在全球任意地方即时分配座位;能够跟踪和追踪一个发往全球任意地方的UPS或联邦快件;能够在中国上海使用ATM机,而您的银行可以在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨…所有这些功能使我们不禁要问,为什么医疗不能实现类似的连接。 其他“副作用”还包括:通过全球通信提高了对于医疗质量问题的可视性;在媒体和其他载体中不断提醒人们超重会导致慢性疾病;您有时可以在印度等国家接受治疗关节炎的膝关节置换手术和治疗心脏病的心脏旁路手术,而您只需在您自己的国家支付部分费用;医生和护士资源的日益短缺。然后,个人也在寻找价值,因为他们在他们的医疗成本方面支付了更多的钱,在公共和私有保险公司中的成本分担也在增加,以缓解医疗成本的负担。全球整合世界的这些“副作用”也为我们带来了有待探索的机遇。 我们所赖以生存的这个世界不仅在科技方面是互联互通的,而且在经济层面和社会体系上也是紧密相联的。 5 来源:“Healthcare 2015 Series,” IBM Global Business Services and IBM Institute for Business Value

6 网络需求:横向优化,低延迟,智能交换架构
网络挑战 Client-Server Traffic Server-Server Traffic Traditional DC network: Multi-tier architecture for scalability Designed for N-S traffic flow High server-to-server latency New DC network requirements: Flattened switching fabric Low latency for Server-Server traffic More network bandwidth Built-in Apps intelligence 网络需求:横向优化,低延迟,智能交换架构

7 Agenda 面临的挑战 建设目标 解决方案 案例
The Alcatel-Lucent Application Fluent Network vision is based on 3 fundamental concepts that guide the development of all our products: -a resilient architecture - with automatic controls - and simplified operations Let look at each of this points in more detail on how to apply it to the Converged network. <click> When we consider a resilient architecture, we propose a simplified and flattened network with just two layers. The new generation of switching hardware makes this possible with higher port densities and larger wire-rate switching capacity than ever before. The network needs to be robust with redundancy and rapid recovery from eventual failures that would not impact real time applications. Virtualization techniques allows us to use active-active links without the limitations of older protocols like spanning tree which used to keep half of the links inactive. This will bring efficiencies in the use of switch ports and network links and also provide a rapid recovery from component failures in switches and network links. It is also important to offer higher speeds in order to sustain the increased traffic of multimedia applications. We propose a 10/40 GigE core and 1 GigE access switches and n access points. More than ever before, security needs to be built in from the ground up and apply universally across all methods of access to the network: wired or wireless. Alcatel-Lucent offer a integrated network access control on all our access switches and also the capability to do traffic anomaly detection, quarantine and host integrity check.

8 医院信息化建设 临床医疗 业务系统 CIS 临床移动 信息系统 医院综合 管理系统 临床业务辅助系统 外部系统 接口 医生工作站 护士工作站
LIS RIS PACS 电子病历EMR/HER 手术麻醉系统 临床移动 信息系统 移动门诊输液系统 移动临床信息系统 婴儿安全系统 病人无线定位管理系统 营养点配餐管理系统 设备药品定位系统等 医院综合 管理系统 办公自动化系统 查询与分析系统 决策管理系统 医院门户系统 门诊和住院费用管理系统 门诊挂号系统 分诊叫号系统 药品信息管理系统 固定资产管理系统 供应室管理系统 手术示教系统 远程会诊系统 自助服务查询系统 临床业务辅助系统 区域卫生信息系统接口 医保接口系统 其他医疗机构接口系统 外部系统 接口

9 建设目标 全对象 全方位 全过程 病人、医护人员、药品、耗材等 任何部门、所有科室 病人治疗、住院的过程 智慧医院的建设目标

10 信息化建设核心技术 综合采用多机制识别和感知技术,实现被监测对象准确的感知 实现了多源数据的相互融合和协同利用
通过网络和移动终端设备,为物联网的广泛应用提供了广泛便捷的展示和应用 为医疗机构、政府职能部门和个人提供了包括软件服务、平台、基础设置各层次全方位的服务 物联网:   通过射频识别、传感器、红外感应、全球定位、激光条码扫描、图像识别等信息感知设备和网络,按约定的通信协议,把任何物品与互联网相连接,进行信息交换和通信,以实现智能化识别、感知、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。 云计算:   IT基础设施的交付和使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需的资源(硬件、平台、软件),提供资源的网络被称为“云”,“云”中的资源在使用者看来是可以无限扩展的,并且可以随时获取,按需使用,随时扩展,按使用付费。

11 Agenda 面临的挑战 建设目标 解决方案 案例
The Alcatel-Lucent Application Fluent Network vision is based on 3 fundamental concepts that guide the development of all our products: -a resilient architecture - with automatic controls - and simplified operations Let look at each of this points in more detail on how to apply it to the Converged network. <click> When we consider a resilient architecture, we propose a simplified and flattened network with just two layers. The new generation of switching hardware makes this possible with higher port densities and larger wire-rate switching capacity than ever before. The network needs to be robust with redundancy and rapid recovery from eventual failures that would not impact real time applications. Virtualization techniques allows us to use active-active links without the limitations of older protocols like spanning tree which used to keep half of the links inactive. This will bring efficiencies in the use of switch ports and network links and also provide a rapid recovery from component failures in switches and network links. It is also important to offer higher speeds in order to sustain the increased traffic of multimedia applications. We propose a 10/40 GigE core and 1 GigE access switches and n access points. More than ever before, security needs to be built in from the ground up and apply universally across all methods of access to the network: wired or wireless. Alcatel-Lucent offer a integrated network access control on all our access switches and also the capability to do traffic anomaly detection, quarantine and host integrity check.

Application Fluent Architecture Personal Mobility (BYOD) Workflow Communications Click to Collaborate PACS Network Architecture SECURE UNIFIED ACCESS INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS HEALTHCARE ARCHITECTURE

13 医院整体网络架构 云计算 分院 灾备中心 医保 门诊大厅 PACS系统 住院部 影像中心 体检中心 出口防火墙/IDS/IPS 数据中心
流量管理服务器 机房 门诊大厅 PACS系统 客户端 住院部 影像中心 体检中心

14 医疗数据中心解决方案 与虚拟化系统整合,自动部署安全及服务质量策略 ü ü 存储融合能力 提供自动配置能力,加速部署,减少差错 ü ü
96 Ports Key Attributes Ports 与虚拟化系统整合,自动部署安全及服务质量策略 ü 240 Ports ü 存储融合能力 提供自动配置能力,加速部署,减少差错 ü ü 支持SDN扩展 设计目标:实现数字化医院系统

15 Virtual Network Profile (vNP)
应用作为服务管理, SLA清晰可控,助力虚拟化/云数据中心高质量应用交付 虚拟网络档案(vNP) 跨单或多个数据中心 fabric vNP 网络配置 安全档案 服务质量 (QoS) 网络服务 优先级 虚拟机 虚拟网络档案 Virtual Network Profile (vNP) 网络理解每一个虚拟机 网络自动地跟踪适配虚拟机迁移 If you remember from a few slides ago, one of the main pillars of Alcatel-Lucent AFN vision is “automatic controls”. It means, an intelligent network that adjust based on the context of the conversation. <click> This capability is accomplished with the use of a User Network Profile. It is a profile that is associated to a device, user or group of users. It contains provisioning information like: - Virtual Local Area Network, - security profile like Access Control Lists, the need for host integrity check, etc, - and also Quality of Service policies like bandwidth, prioritization, etc. The network automatically adapts to provide the user with the same quality experience, wherever he/she is and with any connectivity mode: wired or wireless.

16 我们提供以用户为中心的网络服务 ——用户的识别,认证和控制
我们提供以用户为中心的网络服务 ——用户的识别,认证和控制 AFN应用流畅网络 临床医护人员 安全 防护 区域 Patient /Guest Some of the network services we offer are more user centric. In our networks, the access is always secured. Every user has to be recognized and authorized by the network before they can gain access. We also have the concept of the user profile which associates a set of QOS and security rules that are associated with each individual. For instance, when an employee connects to the network, he first needs to identify himself. Once he provides the correct user identity and password, a network profile is associated that defines the applications he is allowed to access, the fire out firewall rules that will be applied and the QoS they should expect. When this same user moves to another location, for instance now using a wireless connection, the profile follows him so he has a consistent experience wherever he goes in the network. Now let’s say that a guest intends to access the network. First he has to provide identification and then the network knows how to classify the user and associate another user profile which can have any set of QOS and security rules that you wish to apply. In many cases they are restricted to only Internet access . When this guest moves to another location of the network the same profile follows him, and you have the option to block his access depending on the location where he is. For instance you could restricted the connectivity just to the guest area. Finally any other user that attempts to access the network without the proper identification and authorization will be prevented of any connectivity. These capabilities are very important support user mobility and to offer a consistent secure environment for both wired or wireless connections. 用户身份脚本文件 用户 QoS服务质量 安全 优先级 用户的自由移动能力; 一致的安全管控

17 我们提供融合的网络 ——融合医疗数据网络解决方案
我们提供融合的网络 ——融合医疗数据网络解决方案 家庭 护理 LAN网络核心优化 性能, 安全, 服务质量 IP Network UA统一接 入 远程医疗 RAP Internet 一致的网络策略管理 Cellular Network Here is an example of what virtualization brought to this retail customer. This customer had 3 sites: a warehouse, a store and a purchasing office, with several profiles The main challenges where: To leverage existing virtualized environment by integrating real time communication To improve and standardize SLA To remove PBX in shops to save on operation costs To remove PSTN lines in warehouse and offer cost-effective mobility solutions to employees in the warehouse What have they done ? They have centralized and virtualized their communications systems (3 PBX into 1) and optimized licensing. And add public SIP trunking. They implemented branch redundancy, because business telephony was critical in the purchasing office to ensure business continuity in case of WAN outage. They provided employee in the store with a good looking touch screen IP Deskphone, They provided their employee DECT mobility in warehouse, just by plugging 1 IP DECT station in the local router. The benefits of implementing this solution were measurable, they instantly reduced subscriptions by 80%, and while improving SLA - from NBD to 4h response time - they reduced local admin workload up to 60%. This was done with the OmniPCX Enterprise release 10. By upgrading to R11.1 they could go one step further in virtualization: virtualize SBC, virtualize Media Gateways (with its embedded conferencing services and VG broadcasting capabilities), IP DECT Station management… 加强型服务路由器 无处不在的 WLAN, BYOD 车载互联 安全,带宽, 服务质量 使用AFN应用流畅网络体系架构革新您的网络基础架构,有效保护您的投资 Converged campus Data centers

18 我们的解决方案可以为医护人员和患者提供高品质的应用体验,网络可以在任何地点和任何时间,提供基于用户、设备和应用的动态适应能力
弹性网络架构 ——提供以应用为中心的网络 为医生和病人提供便捷的移动接入服务 虚拟化, VDI & EHR 变革, 弹性 & 关键业务 融合网络 数据中心 ARCHITECTURE OPERATIONS CONTROL 关键业务应用 其它业务应用+ 个人应用 Apps AFN应用流畅网络 APPLICATION ANALYTICS, MULTIMEDIA FLUENCY, VDI FLUENCY INFRASTRUCTURE VARIETE D’UTILISATEURS QUI VA SE CONNECTER UTILISANT UNE VARIETE D’APPLI TRAITER UN COUPLE USER DEVICE APPS 非法应用 优先保障关键业务与应用 阻断有害和不合规的应用 协调非关键业务应用和个人应用 我们的解决方案可以为医护人员和患者提供高品质的应用体验,网络可以在任何地点和任何时间,提供基于用户、设备和应用的动态适应能力

19 在有线和无线网络环境中提供始终如一的VDI虚拟桌面应用保障能力
解决VDI会话中的QoS问题 Virtual Machines – Virtual Desktop Apps Video Voice Oracle SAP 启用VDI客户端的用户设备 XenDesktop / XenApp Server Application Fluency for VDI solves the problem of delivering differentiated QoS to the applications within a VDI tunnel. Properly handling VDI is important because it is one way to support BYOD. It allows a corporation to use the employee device as a thin client that is just rendering the image of applications that are actually running in the DC. The applications data and images are transmitted to the employee device in a tunnel. The most popular VDI solution in the market is from Citrix. With VDI fluency, IT is able to apply differentiated QoS to each of the applications in a Citrix VDI session. So, for instance your VoIP traffic can be prioritized over your traffic. This is done with a one-touch command, making it very simple for IT to set it up. 提供高质量的VDI媒体流服务 一键式配置简化操作 在有线和无线网络环境中提供始终如一的VDI虚拟桌面应用保障能力

统一的策略管理 INTELLIGENT ARCHITECTURE AUTOMATED CONTROL SIMPLIFY OPERATIONS programmability USER + UNIFIED POLICY MANAGEMENT DEVICE + APPLICATION + SITUATION Medium Time Location Posture = Unified policy management provides a easy and flexible way for IT to provision the user or device access right. It can be based on any type of user profile, any type of device, what applications can be access, under what situation and the policies to be enforced. It helps to simplify user and guest access management with ease of provisioning security policies. POLICIES TO BE ENFORCED Benefits: Simplify User and Guest Management (User Experience/Simply IT)) Ease of provisioning security policies (Simplify IT) Limit access Prioritize Control BW Quarantine EASE OF DEFINING AND APPLYING POLICIES

可视化的控制 ——下一代的网络边缘:完全合规 AUTOMATED CONTROL SIMPLIFY OPERATIONS INTELLIGENT ARCHITECTURE Applications Monitoring (up to 1,000 signatures) The last element that ALU-E is working on is the intelligence of the edge. Next to the previous indicated functionalities on profiles and bandwidth quality… We as ALU-E would like to raise the bar even higher. With the new “Personal Cloud” it is even more important to understand and enforce what type of applications that is used in the network. As we not longer have pure North-South communications but more and more East-West apps it is fundamental that we shift the knowledge from, in the past, pure FW functions, towards network edge functions. CLICK For that we developed 2 new EDGE products (Wired and Wireless) able to MONITOR APPLICATIONS (even elements within the APP, like a file-upload in Facebook versus just a view in Facebook.) With that info, we are now able to enforce new policies deeper in the network and to even encrease compliances. User A versus User B policy of APP usages. Application Control & Policy Enforcement (up to 100 signatures) OAW4X50 OS6860/E ENHANCED VISIBILITY AND CONTROL ON THE EDGE

22 Open Interfaces 可编程:支持openflow和openstack
Application Layer Your Applications Business Applications API API API Control Layer OpenStack Dashboard Compute Networking Storage Network Services Network Service Alcatel Lucent Enterprise provides programmability at multiple control points for easy integration into any existing network. OpenFlow is supported for integration with 3rd party "SDN" controllers and OpenFlow Neutron plug-ins Alcatel Lucent Enterprise has developed their own OpenStack Neutron plug-in for OmniSwitch devices. This provides and open interface with no vendor lock in. Works with OpenStack for a integrated solution for compute, networking, and storage. OpenStack Shared Services Open Interfaces Open standards, no vendor lock in Works with compute and storage Industry wide support Infrastructure Layer =Intelligent Fabric

23 Agenda 面临的挑战 建设目标 解决方案 案例
The Alcatel-Lucent Application Fluent Network vision is based on 3 fundamental concepts that guide the development of all our products: -a resilient architecture - with automatic controls - and simplified operations Let look at each of this points in more detail on how to apply it to the Converged network. <click> When we consider a resilient architecture, we propose a simplified and flattened network with just two layers. The new generation of switching hardware makes this possible with higher port densities and larger wire-rate switching capacity than ever before. The network needs to be robust with redundancy and rapid recovery from eventual failures that would not impact real time applications. Virtualization techniques allows us to use active-active links without the limitations of older protocols like spanning tree which used to keep half of the links inactive. This will bring efficiencies in the use of switch ports and network links and also provide a rapid recovery from component failures in switches and network links. It is also important to offer higher speeds in order to sustain the increased traffic of multimedia applications. We propose a 10/40 GigE core and 1 GigE access switches and n access points. More than ever before, security needs to be built in from the ground up and apply universally across all methods of access to the network: wired or wireless. Alcatel-Lucent offer a integrated network access control on all our access switches and also the capability to do traffic anomaly detection, quarantine and host integrity check.

24 Comm/data converged healthcare network
中国的案例 global APAC China 北京清河医院 深圳第三人民医院 上海浦南医院 上海市公共卫生中心 崇明第一人民医院 沈阳庄河医院 上海松江乐都医院 江苏省人民医院 南京鼓楼医院 江苏常州第一人民医院 福建省肿瘤医院 福建省三明二院 福建省惠安医院 福建省二院 福建省闽东医院 浙江台州市立医院 浙江诸暨人民医院 ..... 我们今天将开始讨论企业发展的一些趋势,并决定自动化的需求。 我们将探讨如何在网络中和数据中心实现自动化。 之后,我将概述Alcatel-Lucent企业通信数据中心网络解决方案。 沈阳盛京医院 全国领先数字化医院和HIS应用, Comm/data converged healthcare network 天津区域医疗 VCC POC in progress

25 盛京医院 省保网 市保网 双万兆线路 滑翔院区 Internet(CNC) 滑翔核心9700 无线控制器6000 IP程控交换机OXE
服务器群 …… VPN用户 …… Internet(CNC) 省保网 市保网 服务器交换机 6850-1 服务器交换机 6850-2 防火墙/VPN 路由器 互联网 广域网 服务器区 滑翔核心9700 万兆光纤 核心交换机 9700-1 核心交换机 9700-2 千兆光纤 双万兆线路 千兆铜缆 滑翔院区 无线控制器6000 核心区 IP程控交换机OXE 无线查房 SIP电话 汇聚交换机 6850 汇聚交换机 6850 汇聚交换机 6850 汇聚交换机 6850 汇聚交换机 6850 无线AP POE接入交换机 POE接入交换机 POE接入交换机 POE接入交换机 POE接入交换机 无线AP 无线AP 无线AP 无线AP 无线AP POE接入交换机 南湖1#楼 南湖B座汇聚1 南湖B座汇聚2 滑翔2#楼机房 南湖2#楼

26 盛京医院:国内信息化服务应用的成功典范 国家卫生计生委医院管理研究所的“电子病历系统功能应用水平”评价7级认证 美国HIMSS(医疗卫生信息与管理协会)7级认证 实现所有临床科室已全部应用电子病历,形成了电子病历临床应用、临床路径管理、门诊电子病历与预约挂号、科室信息集成等特色数字化医疗模式。 医疗安全方面,实现对患者身份的自动化核对、药品的自动核对、输血的自动核对、手术过程的严格核查。 为患者提供了更多的便捷服务,如使用居民二代身份证进行门诊挂号、自助交费等,有效减少了患者的非医疗等待时间,使挂号交费可以在家中或者通过自助服务系统完成。医院基于信息化平台延伸为患者提供了更多诊疗相关信息,如:短信提醒、手机APP智能导诊、候诊查询、报告单的查看等。 医疗规范性明显提升,医疗差错得以有效预防,多科室多部门协作变得容易,医生、护士非医疗负担得以有效降低,与此同时通过系统历史信息分析与挖掘,医生可以有效地预测病人就医的疾病谱、危急病人的种类,以及突发公共事件的发生趋势,为医院制订公共医疗防控和突发事件应急预案提供科学指导依据。

27 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise: 从产品到体验,为医院创造更大的价值
接入控制, 提高效率, 服务质量 is the Prescription your Hospital Needs

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