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Expert for Dairy Farm Management EMBASSY OF ISRAEL IN BEIJING

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1 Expert for Dairy Farm Management EMBASSY OF ISRAEL IN BEIJING
Center for International Cooperation 国际合作中心 DHI Record Analysis In 三元 farms Meori Rosen Ph.D. 罗森博士 Expert for Dairy Farm Management EMBASSY OF ISRAEL IN BEIJING 驻以色列大使馆牧场管理专家 翻译:付海涵(阿菲金) DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

2 I’m coming from Israel 我来自以色列
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3 How DHI system works in Israel ? 以色列DHI系统是如何运行的?
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4 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
THE ISRAELI DHI – HERD-BOOK 以色列DHI牛群登记 Registration of bulls and cows 牛只注册(包括公牛) Data recording (input) 数据记录(录入) Data validation (logic tests) 数据校验(逻辑校验) Data processing (statistical analysis) 数据处理(数理统计) Genetic evaluation 遗传评估 Special professional production reports (output) 专业化生产报告(输出) DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

5 Diagnosis, Treatments, Pathology
INSEMINATION SERVICES 配种服务 Sires, Inseminations LABORATORY of MILK PRODUCTION CONTROL 牛奶质量实验室控制 Fat, Protein, SCC 脂肪,蛋白,体细胞 of MASTITIS 实验室细菌数控制 DAIRY FARMS 牧场 Milk, Data, Events 产奶、数据和事件 VETERINARY DAIRY ASSOC. 奶牛兽医组织 Diagnosis, Treatments, Pathology 诊断、治疗和病理 DAIRY PLANTS 饲草饲料 Bulk Milk Information 主要奶业信息 DHI HERD BOOK DATA BANK DHI牛群登记数据库 BREEDING SYSTEM 育种系统 STATISTIC REPORTS 统计报告 WEB NETWORK Web网络 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011


7 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
When all this started in Israel and what has been achieved ? 在以色列,这一切从什么时候开始,而我们又得到了什么? DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

8 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
DHI-recording system summary in Israel – Year 年份 Herds 牛群 Cows 牛只 Cow/year Fat % 乳脂率 1934 12 1,029 3,690 136 3.69 1939 31 2,878 3,847 139 3.61 1944 69 5,303 4,227 150 3.55 1949 88 8,733 4,044 142 3.51 1954 198 14,337 4,197 149 1959 181 16,917 5,347 186 3.48 1964 202 24,013 5,694 3.27 1969 212 34,132 6,271 204 3.25 1974 214 47,161 6,833 220 3.22 1979 61,947 7,855 256 3.26 1984 205 66,000 8,734 287 3.29 1989 479 72,645 9,092 288 3.17 273 3.00 561 1994 802 92,175 9,748 302 3.10 289 2.96 591 1999 916 98,485 10,469 341 321 3.07 662 2004 775 99,537 10,668 381 3.57 331 712 2008 688 103,895 11,461 415 3.52 367 3.16 782 Data from the “israeli herdbook report, 2009" Milk prod. (Kg)年单产 Fat prod. (Kg)乳脂 Protein prod. (Kg)蛋白 Protein % 蛋白率 Fat and prot Prod. (Kg) , , DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011 8

每头牛每年平均产量 (公斤/年) ANNUAL AVERAGE PRODUCTION PER COW (KG/YEAR) 产奶量kg Milk Yield (Kg) 乳蛋白 乳脂和乳蛋白重kg Fat and Protein Yield (Kg) 产量 乳脂率 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011 数据来《自以色列奶业年鉴-2008》Data from the “Israeli Herdbook Report- 2008"

10 Annual milk production, milk-fat and
Milk-protein percent between 年间年产量、乳脂及蛋白率 乳脂 Fat Milk MILK (Kg) 牛奶 % solids in milk (Kg) 蛋白 Protein Data from the “Israeli Herdbook Report- 2009" DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011 10

欧洲荷斯坦协会和动物档案国际委员会( International Committee for Animal Recording)的良种家畜登记册记录的泌乳周期(305天)平均奶产量 AVERAGE YIELD (305 days) of RECORDEDCOWS REGISTERED by HERDBOOKS of the EUROPEAN HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION and I.C.A.R. 以色列ISRAEL

12 Why to increase milk/cow ? 为什么会 增加单产?
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13 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
生产性能Herd Performance 日均产 Milk/Cow/Day 我们的利润来自增加的3-5公斤牛奶 The cheapest milk a producer can make is the next 3-5 kg each cow produces 固定的成本已经涵盖,除了饲料成本就是利润。Fixed costs already covered; only additional associated costs are marginal costs – mostly feed 目标:25-45公斤/天 Goal: 25 – 45 kg/cow/day DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

14 Feed cost for production of 1 kg of milk in 三元 farms 三元的每公斤奶饲料成本
Milk/d kg 日均产 DMI* kg 干物质采食量 NE l* Mcal/kg 净能 CP* % 粗蛋白比率 Diet Price** ¥ 日粮价格 Cost of 1kg milk ¥ 公斤奶成本 25 20 1.38 14.1 37.6 1.50 35 23.5 1.49 15.2 47.3 1.35 45 26.5 1.55 16 54.1 1.20 54 30 1.62 16.7 63.8 1.18 * NRC ** December 2010 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

15 The effect of milk yield on production profitability 产奶量对生产效率的影响
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16 Israel-三元 cooperation in China 中国以色列在三元的合作
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17 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Annual milk production, milk-fat and Milk-protein percent between 2004 – 2010 in 中以 farm 2004至2010年中以牧场的年产量以及乳脂率和乳蛋白率 % solids in milk (Kg) MILK (Kg) DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

18 DHI record analysis DHI记录分析
I came to China in March 2010 and started my consulting work at 中以 farm. 2010年我来到中以牧场从事顾问工作 In June 2010 I was asked to identify the problems of金 星 farm that dropped down in milk production. 2010年6月我被要求去金星牧场解决产奶量下降问题 三元 company publish a weekly list of farms ordered by their milk per cow production. 三元集团面向集团发布产奶量周排名 This farm went down from # 5 to # 23 in the list, over long period of time. 该牧场从第5名下滑到第23名 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

19 Evaluating 金 星 farm problems 金星牧场的问题评估
1.Analyze 金 星 DHI and Afifarm data 分析金星牧场DHI和“阿菲金”系统数据 2.Compare the analysis of 金 星 使用其他牧场与金星牧场对比 To 中 以 - the highest milk production farm 中以-最高水平 To 德 茂 an average farm. 德茂-平均水平 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

20 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
三元绿荷奶牛养殖中心产奶周报 2010年4月5日-4月11日 指标 本 周 总产奶 日 均 总产奶 成母牛 泌乳牛 成泌比% 单位 平均 头数 头日 产奶 排名 上周头日产奶 头日产增减 平均 头数 头日 产奶 区里 中心 总 计 568928 19484 29.20 29.23 -0.03 17781 32.00 91.3 南区管理部 340375 11654 29.21 29.10 0.11 10496 32.43 90.1 中 以 207780 29683 896 33.13 1 33.45 -0.32 789 37.63 88.1 半截河 112070 16010 571 28.05 12 20 27.42 0.63 511 31.30 10 18 89.6 渠 头 130850 18693 692 27.00 14 24 27.15 -0.15 605 30.90 11 19 87.4 德 茂 140476 20068 655 30.65 3 6 30.42 0.23 585 34.28 89.4 金银岛 288720 41246 1368 30.15 4 7 30.62 -0.48 1254 32.90 8 91.6 鹿 牛 129361 18480 631 29.31 9 30.00 -0.69 561 32.92 5 89.0 绿牧园 58100 8300 294 28.20 27.59 0.62 270 30.72 22 91.8 金 星 232712 33245 1217 27.33 13 23 27.40 -0.08 1078 30.84 88.6 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

21 Weekly list of milk production in三元 farms
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22 Milk production/milking cow 金 星 金星牧场头均单产
7 23 MILK (Kg) DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

23 What are the main principles of DHI record analysis DHI记录分析的主要原则
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24 Herd Lactation Status牛群胎次分布 Reproduction繁殖 Udder Health乳房健康
Management of a dairy herd focuses around these five “Key Management Areas.” 牛群管理关键在于以下五个“关键管理方面” Key Management Areas 关键管理方面 Production产奶 Herd Lactation Status牛群胎次分布 Reproduction繁殖 Udder Health乳房健康 Culling & Replacements入群与淘汰 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

25 Key Performance Indicators 关键生产要素 Milk per cow per day 日单产
The performance of a herd in each of the management areas can be quickly assessed using five “Key Performance Indicators.” 牛群在每个管理方面的生产性能可以使用五个“生产关键要素”快速评定 Key Performance Indicators 关键生产要素 Milk per cow per day 日单产 Days in milk 泌乳天数 Pregnancy rate 妊娠率 Somatic cell count 体细胞数 Culling rate 淘汰率 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

26 将关键管理方面(KMA)与关键生产要素(KPI) KMA KPI
Production——Milk/Cow/Day 产奶——日产量 Herd Lactation Status——Days in Milk(DIM) 牛群胎次分布——泌乳天数 Reproduction——Pregnancy rate 繁殖——妊娠率 Udder Health——Somatic cell count 乳房健康——体细胞数 Culling & Replacement——Culling rate 死淘——淘汰率 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

27 The analyzing principle 分析原则
若下降 若下降 若升高 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

28 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
For this work I used 材料 DHI files of 三元 DHI center 1. 三元DHI中心的DHI文件 2. AFIFARM reports of the farms 2. 阿菲金系统牧场报告 3. JMP statistical package 3. JMP统计程序包 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

29 Milk production, Lactation curve and stage of lactation 奶产量、泌乳曲线和泌乳期
First step 第一步 Milk production, Lactation curve and stage of lactation 奶产量、泌乳曲线和泌乳期 DHI center DHI中心 Yearly dbase file 年度数据文件 DHI file DHI 文件 Monthly DHI data DHI月报数据 JMP analysis JMP分析 DHI Report DHI报告 DHI Report DHI 报告 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

30 Lactation curve of 中以 farm in 2010 2010年中以牧场泌乳曲线
+2.5 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

31 Standardized peak phase milk Definition 校正高峰产奶量
Standardized peak phase day milk: The expected production per day at given range days in milk. 校正高峰产奶量:特定时间内的预期日产量 st lactation 一胎 天 nd & 3rd lactation 二胎和三胎 天 It removes the variation in test day production due to stage of lactation and it allows production on one test day to be compared to production on another test day. 该参数消除了测奶日不同产奶时期的影响,并且可以比较不同测奶日的产量 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

32 Stages of Lactation 产奶阶段
Peak phase 高峰期 Peak milk 高峰奶 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

33 Simple average of monthly milk production 月平均产奶
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34 Monthly milk production in Peak phase 月高峰产奶
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35 Cows # distribution 牛群分布
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36 Standardized peak phase day milk (JIB) 校正高峰日产奶
MILK PRODUCTION YIELD 产奶量 Benchmark Kg/cow/day 校正奶 % 校正比率 # cows 牛头数 Actual 实际比率 实际产奶 1st. Lactation DIM 36.5 75-80 102 83.1 36.61 2nd. Lactation DIM 45.3 92-95 63 98.2 43.44 3rd. Lactation DIM 48.7 100 113 44.23 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

37 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Peak milk 高峰奶  Peak milk is the highest daily milk production achieved by each cow in the herd during their current lactation. 高峰奶 是指每头牛当前胎次每头牛的高峰期产奶量 Highest value (Kg of milk) in the 6 milk tests (1-6) that are considered. 前6次测定日中最高产奶量 Peak days The ordinal days of Lactation in which the Peak of Lactation took place. 高峰期 高峰产奶出现日 Ideally, a cow will peak around * DIM and remain at that level through the next test. 理想来说,高峰日出现在泌乳期的60-100天并且持续到下一个测定日 * (1st lactation cows d and 2nd +adult d) DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

38 Stage of lactation胎次分布
Peak phase 高峰阶段 Peak milk 高峰奶 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

39 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Peak milk 高峰奶 Milk peaks directly impact dairy farm profitability.  高峰奶直接影响牧场收益 Each increase of one kg in peak milk production equals an additional kg of milk per cow per lactation. 高峰日产奶增加1kg,整个泌乳期产奶量增加 kg DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

40 Monthly peak milk production 月平均高峰日产奶
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41 Cows # distribution 牛群胎次分布
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42 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Peak of lactation 胎次高峰 PEAK OF LACTATION (Kg) Goal Kg % lactation # of cows Actual kg 1st. Lactation 38.5 75-80 277 76.8 38.14 2nd. Lactation 48.0 92-95 249 103 49.61 3rd. Lactation + (ADULT) 50.6 100 263 47.94 TIME OF PEAK OF LACTATION (months) 3.3 3.26 2.3 2.31 3rd. Lactation + (ADULT) 2.07 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

43 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Persistency 持续力 Persistency is a measure of how well animals are maintaining production. 持续力衡量牛群生产维持能力 Production normally decreases 7 to 8% per month after peak milk is achieved. 到达产奶高峰后,产奶量每月降幅是7%到8% Larger decreases are referred to as poor persistency. 降幅大了持续力差 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

44 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Production should increase from the first test to the second test, remain fairly constant from the second test to the third test.  产奶量从首测日到第二个测奶日会有增长,第二个测奶日到第三个测奶日保持恒定 After the third test, cows should average 92 to 93% of the previous month’s production per month throughout the lactation. 泌乳期内,从第三个测奶日往后,每月测奶产量是上个测奶日得92%到93%  Heifers will average 94 to 96% of the previous months production from following the third test through the lactation. 头胎牛是上月的94%到96% Heifers % of previous production after the third test 2nd Lactation & Mature Cows % of previous production after the third test DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

45 Stage of lactation 胎次分布
DIM 45 75 105 135 165 195 225 255 285 >350 1 20 31 38 35 36 33 28 2 26 44 51 43 40 25 3+ 32 41 49 30 19  start  peak Avg.   Diff. 10.7 6.73 -2.81 3.58 -1.84 -1.28 2.3 -4.52 -4.67 -1.32 17.8 7.02 -7.83 0.02 -4.85 1.36 -1.33 -7.23 -5.6 -3.64 8.26 10 -2.04 -7.09 -5.77 0.78 1.76 -7.7 -11 -4.44 Persistency 0.95 0.97 1.09 0.87 0.85 0.94 0.84 1.00 0.88 1.05 0.82 0.81 0.91 0.96 1.06 0.79 0.63 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

46 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
A comparison between JX and the 2 other farms: ZHY (high) and DM (average) in main lactation parameters. 与其它两个牧场主要产奶参数的比较 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

47 The effect of DIM on milk production 泌乳天数对产奶量的影响
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48 Distribution of cows less than 300 DIM in the 3 farms 3个牧场的牛群产奶分布
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49 The upper and the lower tenths of milk production in the 3 farms
最高和最低的10头平均产奶量 JX ZHY DM Less than 300 days (DIM) 300天泌乳日以下 HTM kg Upper tenth 46 53 Lower tenth 19 25.2 23.6 More than 300 days (DIM) 300天泌乳日以上 31 40 36.2 12 17.5 15.6

50 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
For cows with less than 300 DIM in the upper tenth there are no differences between JX and DM farms, the difference is in the lower tenth. 泌乳天数300天以内的最高10头平均产奶没有差异,最低10头平均产奶有差异 Average milk production is lower because of the lower tenth cows. 平均产奶低是因为最低10头产奶低 As for the cows with more than 300 DIM the upper and the lower tenth of JX are much lower. 对于泌乳天数300天以上的牛只最高和最低的10头产奶量都较低 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

51 Distribution of DIM with threshold of 300 DIM 以泌乳天数300天为界的牛只比例
JX ZHY DM Less than 300 DIM % 1st lactation 65.3 70 64 2nd lactation 76.9 88 82 3rd+ lactation 81.9 87 More than 300 DIM 34.7 30 36 23.1 12 17 18.1 13 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

52 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Cows in the 2 nd and the 3 rd lactation in this farm are the main problem. 该场第二胎和第三胎牛是主要问题 Their DIM is too high. 泌乳天数太大 Milking cows with more than 300 DIM in 2nd and 3rd lactation should not be more than 13 %. 第二胎和第三胎牛中泌乳天数超过300天的不应该超过13% The main reason for high % of cows with more than 300 DIM is poor fertility that can be a function of malnutrition or bad insemination practice and heat detection accuracy. 泌乳天数超过300天的牛头数比率过高是由于营养不良、不当输精和发情鉴定失误 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

53 Distribution of DIM with threshold of 300 DIM 以泌乳天数300天为界的牛只比例
JX ZHY DM Milk yield kg/cow/day 产奶量 The situation now 全群 30 37.6 33.6 Only cows with less than 300 DIM 泌乳天数300天牛只 33 39.5 35.6 Difference差异 3 1.9 2 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

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Milk production vs. DIM 产量和泌乳天数的线性相关性 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

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The average DIM of the 3 farms are: 230, 216 and 193 in JX, DM and ZHY respectively (at the time of measurement). 三个牧场的泌乳天数:JX230天,DM216天,ZHY193天 In order to reduce DIM of JX farm to 190 days we need to cull 10% of the low producing cows. 为降低泌乳天数到190天,我们需要淘汰10%的低产牛 In a case like this average milk production of JX milk will increase from 30.1 to 33.1 kg. 如果这样,JX牧场的单产会从30.1公斤上升到33.1公斤 Even though the DIM will be shortened still daily milk yield of JX cows will be lower than the 2 other farms. 即使是泌乳天数降低,JX牧场单产依然低于其他两个牧场 The longer DIM is only part of the story and there are more elements that influence cow’s milk yield in JX farm. DIM仅仅是影响JX牧场奶产量的众多因素之一 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

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Parity 胎次 Milk production increases with lactation number and is maximized in the fourth or the fifth lactation. 随着胎次的增加,产奶量逐胎上升,到第四和第五胎到达最高峰 Therefore, the distribution of cows in parities could be also an important factor that influences the average milk production of a herd. 因此,胎次同样也是一个影响牛群产量的重要因素 In ZHY farm 1st lactation cows produce 30.6% of the total milk where in DM farm 28.9% and in JX farm 35.5%. 在ZHY牧场 一胎牛产奶占总产量的30.6%,DM牧场占28.9%,JX牧场占35.5% DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

57 Distribution of cows by parity
牛群胎次分布  Parity JX ZHY DM 1st 34.6% 34.8% 30.3% 2nd 24.0% 35.7% 26.2% 3rd+ 41.4% 29.5% 43.5% DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

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Reproduction 繁殖 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

59 泌乳阶段12个月Lactation stages (12 months)
繁殖Reproduction Chart 泌乳阶段12个月Lactation stages (12 months) 首配 配孕 产犊 产犊 干奶期 等待天数VWP 首配 天数 浪费天数 配准天数 怀孕期 繁殖=配准天数=首配天数+发情鉴定率+怀孕率 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

60 Reproduction (Terms)繁殖
For an adequate evaluation of dairy cows fertility, we need to refer to certain standards. 为了充分评估牛群繁殖,我们需要依据特定的标准  Cow fertility is generally evaluated by the 指标如下:  Average Days to 1st Service: DIM from calving to first service attempt. This is calculated by summing the days to first service for all cows which have been bred at least once. The sum is divided by the number of those cows. 头胎牛泌乳天数 Wasted days: The time between DFS to DES. 浪费天数:配种日期和配准日期间的时间段 Days open: (the interval between calving and successful AI) 配准天数:产犊到成功配种的天数 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

61 Reproduction (Terms)繁殖
Breeding interval : Intervals between Heats and Services is a summary of the distribution of all intervals (in days) between reported heats and services for cows currently in the herd. 繁殖间隔: 发情间隔的平均值 Calving interval :(the interval between successive calving).  产犊间隔 Conception rate (CR): The percent of services with known outcomes over a specified period of time that result in a pregnancy, or, alternatively, the number pregnant divided by number inseminated (and subsequently determined to be pregnant or not pregnant) over some time period. 妊娠率 Pregnancy rate (PR): The percentage of eligible cows that becomes pregnant within a given time frame - usually 21 days. 情期受胎率 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

62 发情周期天数分布 Cycle length distribution
复配Double inseminations: 1-4天(发情时间长,发情初期开始配)1-4 days (long heats, inseminations on the early signs of the heat) 短周期Short cycles: 5-17天(上次或当前配种时发情异常,卵泡囊肿)5-17 days (last or current insemination not on actual heat, cystic cows) 正常周期Normal cycles: 18-24天 days (the usually assumed normal cycle length) 长周期Long cycles: 25-36天(上次或当前配种时发情异常,胚胎死亡)25-36 days (last or current insemination not on actual heat, embryonic death) 双周期Double cycles: 36-48天(遗漏了一个发情,或上次发情为安静发情)36-48 days (missed heats, “quiet” last heat) 超长周期Very long cycles: 大于48天(遗漏了发情,怀孕异常)more than 48 days (usually missed heats, abnormal pregnancies) DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

63 AFIFARM Fertility table (JIB) 金星牧场“阿菲金”繁殖报表
Heat Detection 发情鉴定 Heifers 1st lact. 2+ lact. All cows Total  Distribution of cycles % 5-17 days -- 7.14 3.33 4.55 3.51 18-25 days 76.92 35.71 30.00 31.82 42.11 26-35 days 7.69 16.67 13.64 12.28 36-60 days 15.38 50.00 Breeding interval产犊间隔 26.00 35.00 33.00 Heat Detection accuracy 发情鉴定准确率 80.00 60.00 64.00 Conception rate 受胎率 55.80 38.50 43.60 41.05 45.97 Pregnancy rate 妊娠率 44.64 23.10 26.16 24.63 29.42 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

64 发情周期分布情况 Cycle length distribution
Breeding Intervals 后备牛 胎 胎及以上 全部 后备牛 胎 胎及以上 全部

65 发情周期分布 以色列2009年 Heat detection statistic Israeli Herd-book 2009
发情周期分布Cycle length distribution 后备牛 胎 胎及以上 全部 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

66 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

67 Three farms comparison of same production parameters
JX DM ZHY Age at first calving (months) 初产月龄 28 27 25.5 Calving interval (days) 产犊间隔 436 419 409 Milking days 泌乳天数 370 350 339 Full lactation milk production kg 胎次产奶 11,100 11,760 12,746 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

68 Why heat detection is so important ? 为什么发情鉴定如此重要
Heat not detected 发情鉴定漏查 Cow is not pregnant 牛只无法怀孕 Open days increased 空怀期变长 泌乳天数增加 DIM increased Milk production decreased 产奶下降 SCC increased 体细胞上升 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

69 Somatic Cell Count SCC体细胞数
DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

70 Mastitis and Somatic cell count 乳房炎和SCC
The main disease that affect milk yield of dairy cows is mastitis. 乳房炎是影响牛只产奶量的主要疾病 A high SCC is an indication of chronic, subclinical mastitis in the herd and is also an indication of significant economic losses. 高体细胞数是临床、隐性乳房炎的指标之一 ,也是经济损失的指标 Mastitis is the most important factor affecting the SCC of an individual cow. 对于奶牛个体来说,乳房炎是影响SCC的最重要因素 General agreement values: less than 100,000 cells/ml for uninfected cows and greater than 300,000 for cows infected with significant pathogens. 一般认为:少于每ml奶中体细胞含量少于100000的牛只没有感染,而大于300000的牛只感染了大量的病原菌 Therefore, analysis of SCC level and distribution can give us a picture of how much milk is being lost due to the level and the distribution of SCC. 因此,分析SCC水平和分布让我们直观的看到不同的体细胞水平的奶损失 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

71 The effect of DIM on SCC in the 3 farms 泌乳天数对于SCC的影响
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Manure Milking machine XJ DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

73 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
Yearly somatic cell count of cows of different lactation by stage of lactation (JIB) 不同胎次的年度体细胞数 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

74 以以色列的牧场作为标杆,三家牧场的SCC分布
The distribution of SCC in the 3 farms in comparison to the target Israeli distribution 以以色列的牧场作为标杆,三家牧场的SCC分布 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

75 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011
The main reason is the type of the milking equipment. 主要的原因是挤奶设备的类型 Milking parlor in ZHY and milking at the barn in the 2 other farms. 中以牧场是挤奶台,而其他两个牧场是管道挤奶 We know that as soon as the milk flow has finished, the milking unit must be removed to prevent over milking. 如大家所知,泌乳完成,挤乳器就应该移开以免过渡榨乳 This is one of the most considerable factors causing mastitis and increasing SCC. 这是导致乳房炎和体细胞升高的重要影响因素 The more time a milking operator spent on machine stripping, the higher the SCC. 挤奶操作人员脱杯操作时间越长,体细胞数越高 DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

76 SCC group location averages in JX farm
金星牧场体细胞数分组 Barn milking Free stalls Parlor milking DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

77 LSCC- linear Somatic cell count in JIB farm JIB 牧场LSCC
Infected cows DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

78 Distribution of LSCC LSCC分布
0-1 2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 %infected 1 57.8% 32.1% 10.1% 0.7% 10.8% 2 22.9% 45.4% 28.1% 3.6% 31.7% 3+ 25.9% 33.1% 34.6% 6.5% 41.1% DHI Record Analysis Jinan conference 2011

79 Milk loss due to SCC SCC产生的奶损失
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