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Oracle 软件使用规则介绍 软件使用规则介绍.

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1 Oracle 软件使用规则介绍 软件使用规则介绍

2 LMS 介绍: LMS Mission: License Management Services (LMS)
Oracle 使用权限管理部(License Management Services)是隶属于甲骨文(中国)软件系统有限公司总部的独立部门,主要工作是协助客户了解 Oracle 软件产品的使用规则,同时对 Oracle 软件产品在市场上的使用情况和使用权限进行管理,对客户进行必要的 license 使用情况调查,对违规使用软件情况进行监督,并协助客户基于其实际使用情况进行 license 更正。 LMS Mission: “ To work with customers and partners to ensure contractual compliance and to provide feedback on licensing in the marketplace.”

3 Licensing 原则 License Terms (1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 4yr, 5yr or Perpetual)
Oracle Sells License Rights Customer are granted the right to use - not ownership Contract specifies rights granted License Terms (1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 4yr, 5yr or Perpetual) Definitions (License Metric & Type) Value proposition “MORE RIGHTS GRANTED = INCREASED VALUE TO CUSTOMER = HIGHER LICENSE & SUPPORT FEES” Fundamentally, Oracle does not sell products - we license software programs and grant the right to use the software programs. The license gives a right to use the program. Oracle retains ownership and intellectual property rights. The customer does not own anything. From a commercial perspective, the more rights granted and the more value the customer gets from the software, the more expensive the license fee. It is worth remembering this VALUE proposition when discussing the licensing requirement with customers.

4 License 类型 Full Use ASFU / ESL Restricted Use More rights More value
The type of license Oracle offers through the sales channels ASFU / ESL When considering how a customer may use the license, license type is one of the means of defining this. Oracle sells several types of license through different sales channels. These license types gives the customer different levels of right to use the Oracle program. The more rights granted, the more expensive the license fee because the more value the customer gets. For example, a Full Use license provides more usage rights than an ASFU license and therefore is more expensive. Less rights Less value Restricted Use

5 License Types Full Use Rights to develop & deploy
Standard license type of Price List Application Specific Full Use / Embedded Software License Sold by Solution Providers Restricted to specific Partner Application Packages – not transferred / used with other Apps Embedded cut-down version at cheaper rate Restricted Use Programs included free of charge with other licensed programs Restricted to running or installing Oracle program If customer makes modifications to restricted use license program, needs to buy Full Use License So let’s go through these main license types. A Full Use license gives the customer the right to develop and deploy the program across multiple applications. People who want to develop applications or reports need full use licenses. This type of license is standard in the pricelist. The Application Specific Full Use and the Embedded Software license are only sold by Solution Providers (they are what we call sublicenses sold by our Partners). Usage is restricted to the deployment of the Partner’s Application Package – which should be defined in an APRF. Because it is specific to the Partner’s application it can not be transferred or used with other applications. ASFU licenses can be modified within the scope of how the application is defined in the APRF. The Embedded Software license is more restrictive and can not be customised. The ESL is intended for ISVs and device manufacturers looking to integrate Oracle technology into their products. The ESL license is considered truly embedded in the partner’s solution, in such a way that the end user has little or no knowledge that an Oracle program exists as part of the solution, and therefore the customer is not allowed to directly access the Oracle program. ASFU and ESL have replaced the older Runtime and ASL license types. The Restricted Use license is for programs included free of charge with other licensed Oracle programs, and they are restricted to running or installing the licensed Oracle program. The Price List Supplement specifies programs where this applies. If a Customer needs to use a restricted use program in its own right, the Customer needs to buy Full Use licenses of that program for all users. The customer has no explicit right granted to use this RU program in his contract.

6 License Term Perpetual 5 Year Term 1 Year Term
More rights More value Perpetual The length of time the customer is given the right to use the Program 5 Year Term Another way of defining the right to use the Program is by the period of time the customer is allowed to use the Program. Oracle sells Perpetual licenses and also licenses restricted to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year time periods. The license price in Oracle’s pricelist refers to a Perpetual license. Term pricing is offered at a discount against the perpetual price of the license. Less rights Less value 1 Year Term

7 当前正在使用的软件许可证类型 处理器 ‘Processor’ 指定用户 ‘Named User Plus‘ 可数的 & 不可数的

8 指定用户(Named User Plus) 定义: 该许可证类型自 2002/09/06 正式启用至今
以用户数量为计算标准:在系统最前端的使用者和设备可以明确计算清楚的情况下,可以使用这种计算标准。 其定义为经贵方授权使用安装在一台服务器或多台服务器上程序的人员,而不管此人是否在任何规定时间使用这些程序。除了所有被授权使用程序的人员之外,不是由人操作的装置如果可以访问这些程序,也要被算作新增用户。 如果使用多路复用硬件或软件(比如TP监视器或网络服务器产品),则必须在多路复用前端测定其数量。 该许可证类型自 2002/09/06 正式启用至今 Oracle Database EE

9 多路复用 (Multiplexing) Client One Data output Client One Queue
Client Three Client Four Client Two Client Two Application Server Queue Client Three Client Four Data input/request 通过多路复用技术,大量的数据库访问可以被缩减整合为小量的数据库连接需求 这种应用环境下,系统最前端的用户数量是不能够在数据库级别准确计算出来的

10 例子 - Telco Flat file server GSM subscribers Once a week 5 Base Stations 2 Mediation Switches Billing Gateway Oracle Database EE 10 Processors 10 Users Phone calls made by mobile phone subscribers are routed via switches. The switch generates a call data record (CDR) which goes to a mediation system. The CDR contains details about the phone call, such as who made the call and time of call. The mediation system passes these records in flat file format to a flat file server via a billing gateway. Once a week automated flat files transfer the CDR data from the flat file server to the Oracle Database server. 10 billing staff access the Oracle Database in order to administer phone bills for the subscribers. Questions Provide licensing recommendations for Oracle Database using NUP metric Products to be licensed: Oracle Database EE 10

11 例子 - Telco 40,000 GSM subscribers
Flat file server 40,000 GSM subscribers Once a week 5 Base Stations 2 Mediation Switches Billing Gateway Oracle Database EE 10 Processors 10 Users Phone calls made by mobile phone subscribers are routed via switches. The switch generates a call data record (CDR) which goes to a mediation system. The CDR contains details about the phone call, such as who made the call and time of call. The mediation system passes these records in flat file format to a flat file server via a billing gateway. Once a week automated flat files transfer the CDR data from the flat file server to the Oracle Database server. 10 billing staff access the Oracle Database in order to administer phone bills for the subscribers. Questions Provide licensing recommendations for Oracle Database using NUP metric Products to be licensed: Oracle Database EE In case of multiplexing (this is not automated batching): 40,010 NUP, or 10*25 NUP minimums = 250 NUP => 40,010 NUP 11

12 处理器(Processor) 定义: 该许可证类型自 2001/06/15 正式启用至今
定义为安装和/或运行 Oracle 程序的所有处理器。 贵方内部用户(包括贵方代理或签约方)和贵方的第三方用户可以访问处理器上的被许可程序。 为计算所需许可的处理器数量,带有“n”处理器核心的多核心芯片应作为“n”处理器被计算。 对于系统最前端的使用者和设备无法明确计算清楚的情况下(即无限用户),必须使用此计算方式。 该许可证类型自 2001/06/15 正式启用至今

13 Processor 许可证类型对用户数量没有限制
代表了计算机的运算性能和处理能力 一台机器可能配置一个或多个 processor (CPUs) 必须为机器内的所有 processor 付费 Computer Power Processor 许可证类型对用户数量没有限制 ie. 无限用户数, 内部访问或外部访问

14 例如. 计算结果为 2.3, Processor数将被视为 3
需要购买许可证的Processor数 = 所有机器的所有Processor的总核数 * 计算系数 计算系数表 (Oracle Processor Core Factor Table)网址: The latest update: Sun UltraSPARC T2+ from 0.75 to 0.50 Sun Netra T2000, 1.0 or 1.2 GHz UltraSPARC T1 processor 系数: 0.25 例子: 2 machines with 4 Processors with 4 cores Processor数 = (4 * 4) * 2 * 0.25 = 8 注意: 分数部分要自动计算为整数 例如. 计算结果为 2.3, Processor数将被视为 3

15 最小购买用户数vs.实际使用量 最小购买用户数是用户在购买 Oracle 产品时最少需要购买的许可证数量 最小购买用户数代表了产品的基本价值
具体需要多少许可证,要看最少购买用户数和实际使用量哪个数值更大 在用户对 Oracle 产品的实际使用用户数大于最低购买用户数时,必须按实际使用用户数购买;在实际使用用户数小于最少购买用户数时,必须按最低购买用户数购买。

16 部分基本规则 所有安装并运行 Oracle 软件产品的环境(包括开发、测试、备份等)都需要充足数量的License
数据库产品最少购买用户数要求: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 在处理器 Socket 总数超过 4 个的机器或集群上必须使用 每个安装并运行 Oracle 企业版数据库的 Processor 都必须最少购买 25 用户 例如:8 Processor 的配置应该购买的用户数为 200 用户 Oracle Database Standard Edition 只能在 Socket 总数不超过 4 个的机器或集群上使用 Oracle Database Standard Edition One 只能在 Socket 总数不超过 2 个的机器或集群上使用

17 关于 Database Recovery Backup Failover Standby Remote Mirroring
Description Database files of the primary database are stored on tape media Nodes are configured in “Cluster” the first installed node acts as a primary node Copy of the primary database is maintained on a separate server at all times Mirroring (copying) of the primary database storage units to a remote storage at a secondary site. Recovery Method If the primary database fails, user restores the database from previous backups stored on tape media If the primary database fails, the standby database is activated to act as the new primary database In the event of a failure at the primary site, Oracle is run using the remote storage. If the primary node fails, one of the nodes in the cluster acts as the primary node SAN Node 1 Primary Node 2 Idle Primary DB Standby DB Primary DB Remote DB

18 关于 Database Recovery Backup Failover Standby
Remote Mirroring Storage of a back up copy of the database data on storage devices, such as tapes does not require a Database license For failover clusters, Oracle Database license includes the right to run the database on an unlicensed spare computer for up to a total of 10 separate days in any given calendar year 2 installations of Oracle Database License required for both installations Same metric required for primary and standby database 2 installations of Oracle Database License required for both installations Same metric required for primary and remote database SAN Node 1 Primary Node 2 Idle Primary DB Standby DB Primary DB Remote DB Increased protection and availability

19 Failover 原则 Failover Oracle Database license 允许数据库在另一台 unlicensed 的机器上,在一年内免费运行10 天: Node 1: Primary Node Node 2: Failover Node Node 3: Failover Node SAN DISK ARRAY 每个系统中只有一台 failover node 可以免费启用 10 天,即使系统中有多台 node 被配置用于 failover 情况(即只有node 2 或者node 3 可以免费启用 10 天,而不是 2 和 3 同时都可以) 用指定用户(NUP)方式计算时,只有一台 failover node 的最少用户可以免掉 10 天需按 10 个单独的整天计算,而不是按 240 小时 --> 例如:如果 failover node 在周二停机两个小时且在周五停机三个小时,这种情况算做两天

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