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关于小学英语语篇教学的思考与实践 北京教科院基教研中心外语室 王晓东.

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1 关于小学英语语篇教学的思考与实践 北京教科院基教研中心外语室 王晓东

2 对于”语篇”和”阅读”的理解 阅读教学:从技能的角度来看,与听、说、读写相对应
语篇教学:Language which has been produced as the result of an act of communication. Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics 语篇教学是相对于以词汇和句子结构为中心的教学而言。语篇是指实际使用的语言单位,是一次交际过程中的一系列连续的话段或句子所构成的语言整体。它可以是对话,也可以是独白,它包括书面语,也包括口语。外语教学的最终目的是要使学生能用目的语来交流思想和获取信息。思想的交流和信息的获取都是在一定的环境中进行的。这种语言使用的环境既包括语言方面的知识,也包括文化背景、语用、认知等方面的知识。


4 阅读的目的 总的目标—reading to learn 提供愉悦和快乐的体验 搜寻有用的信息 学习、发展和应用所学知识 发展思维

5 通过阅读教学培养的基本技能(sub-skills)
Predicting; Reading for the main ideas; Reading for specific information.

6 HOLISTIC READING Focus on the matters and problems.
See no words but ideas. Pick no sentences but meanings. Give up every detail which is not important. Keep every detail which is important. Treat the text as a whole all the time.

7 ANALYTIC READING Study the language.
Focus on every detailed piece of informatiom. Cover all the words or sentences one by one. Come from the pieces to the whole. Combine the words and their meanings. Neglect the ideas sometimes.

8 交流的几个问题 一、研究的背景 二、研究的方式及对象 三、中低、高年级阅读教学的特点和注意的问题 四、思考的问题
英语教学的要求 ; 既是内容又是手段 国家英语课程标准的要求; 教材的安排: 北师大版、 北京版、新起点、人教版、新标准 二、研究的方式及对象 实践 总结 再实践 三种类型的语篇材料 基于教学内容:北师大版; 北京版 基于课外学习材料(相对稳定阅读材料) 基于教材相关话题的补充材料 三、中低、高年级阅读教学的特点和注意的问题 四、思考的问题

9 三、中低、高年级阅读教学的特点和注意的问题
1.中、低年级阅读教学的特点和注意问题 Storytelling 2.高年级阅读教学的特点和注意问题 Supported reading

10 1.storytelling(interactive reading)
Purposes; Techniques and Tips; Procedure

11 Understand the structure of stories
Storytelling Purposes: Understand the structure of stories Develop skills in reading or listening for meanings Understand and respond to characters’ experiences Learn how to talk about their own experiences and imaginative ideas

12 Techniques and tips Repetition and audience participation:
notice any gestures or repeated phrases find the clues for inviting audience participation. have pupils repeat those gestures or phrases with you. invite pupils to sing and chant with you. involve your audience to take part in the storytelling.

13 Techniques and tips Do not ask too may comprehension questions at this stage. Ask only questions that stimulate pupils to think more about the content. Invite pupils to read the text with you.

14 2.Supported reading Purposes; Techniques and Tips; Procedure

15 Purposes When pupils have acquired some skills and strategies in reading, they can try out and experience what real reading like within a supported environment. Teachers can let them take control of the first reading ,and provide only support and guidance during the process.

16 Techniques and tips Give pupils a brief introduction of the book
Draw pupils’ attention to the book cover and let them predict the content Ask pupils to read a part of the book aloud or silently according to their abilities

17 Techniques and tips Highlight words and structures used in the text
Guide pupils to read through the whole book by employing the same steps Discuss the story plot and characters in greater depth

18 A little lizard一课简介 Before reading 1. 激发兴趣,建立背景经验 During reading
1. 略读(Skimming), 迅速浏览全文,找出故事的情节发展线索。 2. 读图(Picture reading), 运用读图策略,快速找出故事中有关蜥蜴的信息。 3. 导读(Guided reading), 在学生的要求和教师的引导下,获取故事中有关蜥蜴的细节信息。 4. 跟读—声音输入,沉淀故事。 After reading 1. 归纳总结故事—从多角度对故事中的信息进行处理,小组内初步交流简单信息。 2. 复读故事—对故事信息的再次梳理(扩展性话题、开放性问题、阅读侧略的关注,强化及反思。) 3. 理解反馈 做巩固练习题-重点词汇的理解、故事大意的理解、简单单词的拼写 课例片断

19 四、思考的问题 选材的问题:利用资源 网站一,网站二 呈现的形式:纯文本?还是多媒体? 采用的教学步骤:先整体?还是细节? 策略和技巧:是否需要?谁掌握? 与其他技能的关系:是否有听、说、写? 如何考察:与内容、难度、目标相关?理解、应用?

20 谢谢,欢迎交流并提出宝贵意见!

21 北师大版教材内容五年级下册第九单元

22 本单元其他内容

23 北京版5册

24 补充的语篇材料


26 第一 语言 listening 目的语 语音 词汇 语法 speaking reading writing

27 课程标准中关于阅读的要求 国家课程标准二级目标内容 能正确朗读课文; 能认读所学词语; 能理解简短的书面指令,并根据要求进行学习活动;
国家课程标准三级目标内容 能正确朗读课文; 能理解简短的书面指令,并根据要求进行学习活动; 能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意; 能初步使用简单的工具书; 除教材外,课外阅读量达到4万词以上。 国家课程标准二级目标内容 能认读所学词语; 能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词; 能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令; 能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息; 能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯; 能正确朗读所学故事或短文。

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