Hong Kong Library Education and Career Forum 2011

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1 Hong Kong Library Education and Career Forum 2011

2 Library Programmes 圖書館課程

3 Diploma for Library Assistants 圖書館助理員訓練文憑 Advanced Diploma in Library Studies 圖書館學高等文憑 Advanced Professional Diploma in Information Technology for Librarians 圖書館管理員資訊科技高等專業文憑 Higher Diploma in Library & Information Management 圖書館及資訊管理高級文憑

4 University Librarian, University Library System, CUHK
Honorary Adviser 名譽顧問 Dr. Colin Storey University Librarian, University Library System, CUHK 香港中文大學圖書館系統館長 施達理博士

5 Study Mode 修讀模式 Part-Time 兼讀制 Full-Time 全日制
Diploma for Library Assistants 圖書館助理員訓練文憑 Advanced Diploma in Library Studies 圖書館學高等文憑 Advanced Professional Diploma in Information Technology for Librarians 圖書館管理員資訊科技高等專業文憑 Higher Diploma in Library & Information Management 圖書館及資訊管理高級文憑 Part-Time 兼讀制 Full-Time 全日制

6 Employment or Further Studies 就 業 或 繼 續 進 修 Diploma Programme 文 憑 課 程
Part Time Programmes 兼讀制課程 Employment or Further Studies 就 業 或 繼 續 進 修 Advanced Diploma Programmes 高 等 文 憑 課 程 Advanced Diploma in Library Studies 圖書館學高等文憑 Advanced Professional Diploma in Information Technology for Librarians 圖書館管理員資訊科技高等專業文憑 Diploma Programme 文 憑 課 程 Diploma for Library Assistants 圖書館助理員訓練文憑 F.5 (Five passes in HKCEE, incl. Chin & Eng) or 中五 (會考五科及格,包括中、英文) 或 Equivalent qualifications & related working experiences 具同等學歷及相關工作經驗

7 Articulation to Degree Programme 銜接學位課程
Full Time Programme 全日制課程 Job Market 就業市場 Articulation to Degree Programme 銜接學位課程 Higher Diploma in Library & Information Management 圖書館及資訊管理高级文憑 3-yr Programme 3年制 2-yr Programme 2年制 Secondary 7 graduates, or Pre-Associate Degree Programme graduates, or equivalent 中七畢業生或副學士先修課程畢業生,或同等學歷 Secondary 5 graduates, or Project Yi Jin graduates, or equivalent 中五畢業生或毅進課程畢業生,或同等學歷 Aged 21 or above 年滿21歲以上

8 Diploma Programme for Library Assistants 圖書館助理員訓練文憑課程
Objective 宗旨 This Programme aims to equip library assistants and those who are interested in a career in library services with a practical knowledge and skill so that they can improve their proficiency at work. 本課程旨在協助圖書館助理員進修,以期提高其工作能力,同時培養有志從事圖書館工作之人仕。

9 Diploma Programme for Library Assistants 圖書館助理員訓練文憑課程
Duration and Structure 修讀時間及結構 The Programme consists of 5 modules with a total of 120 contact hours and can be completed in 10 months. 本證書課程為期約一年共120小時。 Module 單元 1 General Principles and Methods of the Library 一般圖書館原理及方法 2 Library Organization and Management 圖書館組織與管理 3 Information Services 資訊服務 4 Fundamentals of Classification and Cataloging 分類與編目基本原理 5 Children Library and School Library 兒童圖書館及學校圖書館

10 Advanced Diploma Programme in Library Studies 圖書館學高等文憑課程
Objective 宗旨 This Programme is a specialized Programme for people interested in upgrading and updating their knowledge and skills in library management, information sources and services, organization of information and services. 本課程專為有志提高及更新有關圖書館組織及管理、資訊來源及服務、資訊組織及服務的知識和技能的人仕而設。

11 Advanced Diploma Programme in Library Studies 圖書館學高等文憑課程
Duration and Structure 修讀時間及結構 The Programme consists of five modules with a total of 150 contact hours and can be completed in 15 months. 本課程共一百五十小時,包括以下五個單元,學員應可在註冊入學後十五個月內完成 Module 單元 1 Managing Information Services & Organizations 管理資訊服務及組織 2 Information Resources and Services 資訊資源及服務 3 Automation of Library Systems and Services 圖書館系統及服務自動化 4 Organization of Knowledge and Information 知識及資訊的組織 5 Indexing and Abstracting 索引及摘要

12 Advanced Professional Diploma Programme in Information Technology for Librarians 圖書館管理員資訊科技高等專業文憑課程
Objective 宗旨 The Programme is designed to assist participants to achieve an understanding of internet applications as a background knowledge for automated information services in libraries, information centers and related occupational settings. The recent development of digital libraries and electronic publishing is also the focus of training provided. 本課程旨在介紹互聯網在圖書館、資訊中心及相關類型環境中自動化資訊服務的應用,並論及數碼圖書館及電子印刷 的最新發展。

13 Advanced Professional Diploma Programme in Information Technology for Librarians 圖書館管理員資訊科技高等專業文憑課程
Duration and Structure 修讀時間及結構 The Programme consists of six modules with a total of 180 contact hours and can be completed in 18 months: 本課程共一百八十小時,包括以下六個單元,學員應可在註冊入學後 十八個月內完成: Module 單元 1 Multimedia and Interactive Webpage Development 多媒體及互動網頁開發 2 Introduction to Programming 電腦程式編寫入門 3 Database Technologies for Library I 圖書館的數據科技 I 4 Database Technologies for Library II 圖書館的數據科技 II 5 Integrated Systems and Services: 系統及服務整合: Information Technology in the Library 圖書館資訊科技 6 Introduction to Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing 數碼圖書館及電子出版簡介

14 Part Time Library Programmes
Mode of Delivery 授課模式 The Programmes will be delivered by a 3-hour face-to-face lecture once a week. 本課程為面授模式上課,每星期上課一次,每次三小時。 Medium of Instruction 授課語言 Teaching activities will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English. Learning materials will be in both English and Chinese as deemed appropriate. 粵語為主,英語為輔。教材則中、英文並用。

15 HD Programme in Library & Information Management 圖書館及資訊管理高級文憑課程
Programme Duration & Structure 課程為期及結構 3-Year Programme 三年制課程 2-Year Programme 二年制課程 3-year full-time Programme with a total of 1,350 contact hours, 31 modules (10-11 modules/year). 本課程為三年全日制,共1,350個學 時,分31個單元 (每年10至11個單) 2-year full-time Programme with a total of 1,050 contact hours, 24 modules (12 modules/year). 本課程為兩年全日制,共1,050個學 時,分24個單元 (每年12個單元)

16 HD Programme in Library & Information Management 圖書館及資訊管理高級文憑課程
Language Modules 語文單元 Generic Modules 通識單元 Library Modules 圖書館學單元 (Include 45 hours practicum)* (包括45小時實習)* Information Management Modules 資訊管理單元 Students will be arranged with practicum placement in libraries at CUHK, primary/secondary schools, NGOs or law firms. * 安排學生到中文大學、中小學、非牟利機構或律師行圖書館實習

17 Assessment Methods and Award of Higher Diploma 評核方法及頒發高級文憑
Students’ performance is monitored and assessed on a continuous basis through a variety of assessment methods, such as projects, class participation, assignments and final examination. To qualify for the award of higher diploma by CUHK, students must: have an attendance rate of at least 70% in each module; and have passed the assessment of each module and the practicum. 學員成績將以其專題報告、課堂參與、功課、及考試表現評定。 學員必須符合下列條件,方可獲香港中文大學頒發高級文憑: 學員於每單元及實習之出席率不少於百分之七十;及 所有單元及實習考核成績合格。

18 Career Prospects 就業前景 Library 圖書館 Information Resources Center 資訊資源中心
Academic 學術 School 學校 Public 公共 Specialized 專科 Organizational 機構 Information Resources Center 資訊資源中心 Information Management-related Professions 資訊管理相關行業

19 Prospective Students合適學員
Work Settings 工作環境 Academic 學術 School 學校 Public 公共 Special 專科 Organizational 機構 Work Nature 工作性質 Reference 參考 Circulation 流通 Cataloging 編目 System 系统 Collection 館藏 Prospective Students: All Students who are interested to work in libraries or information centres 合適學員:所有對圖書館或資訊中心工作有興趣之學員

20 Phone : 2277 4817 Fax : 2739 3033 Email : scs-ssc@cuhk.edu.hk

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