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第四章 金属结构材料的耐蚀性 第一节 金属耐蚀合金化原理.

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1 第四章 金属结构材料的耐蚀性 第一节 金属耐蚀合金化原理

2 一、纯金属的耐蚀特性 纯金属的耐蚀能力主要体现在以下三个方面。
1、金属的热力学稳定性 各种纯金属的热力学稳定性,大体上可按它们的标准电位值来判断。标准电极电位较正者,其热力学稳定性较高;标准电极电位越负,在热力学上越不稳定,也就容易被腐蚀。

3 金属的标准电位V 热力学稳定性 可能的腐蚀过程 金属
<-0.414 不稳定 在含氧的中性水溶液中,既能产生耗氧腐蚀,也能产生析氢腐蚀;在不含氧的中性水溶液中能产生析氢腐蚀 Li、Rb、K、Cs、Ba、Sr、Ca、Na、La、Mg、Pu、Th、Np、Be、U、Hf、Al、Ti、Zr、V、Mo、Nb、Cr、Zn、Ga、Fe -0.414 ~0 不够稳定 在中性水溶液中,仅在含氧或氧化剂的情况下才产生腐蚀;在酸性水溶液中,即使不含氧也能产生腐蚀(析氢腐蚀);当含氧时既产生析氢腐蚀,也能产生耗氧腐蚀 Cd、In、Tl、Co、Ni、Mo、Su、Pb 0~+0.805 较稳定 在不含氧的中性或酸性溶液中不腐蚀;只在含氧的介质中才能产生耗氧腐蚀 Bi、Sb、As、Cu、Rb、Hg、Ag >+0.805 稳定 在含氧的中性水溶液中不腐蚀;只有在含有氧化剂或氧的酸性溶液中,或在含有能生产络合物的物质的介质中才能产生腐蚀 Pd、Ir、Pt

4 2、金属的钝化 可钝化的金属有锆、钛、钽、铌、铝、铬、铍、钼、镁、镍、钴、铁。它们的大多数都是在氧化性介质中容易钝化,而在C1-、Br-、F-等离子的作用下,钝态容易受到破坏。易钝化的金属,往往作为合金元素加入钢中,使合金钝化而获得耐蚀性。 3、腐蚀产物膜的保护性能 在腐蚀过程初期或一定阶段生成致密的保护性能良好的腐蚀产物膜而耐腐蚀。例如,铅在硫酸溶液中,铁在磷酸溶液中,钼在盐酸溶液中,镁在氢氟酸或烧碱中,锌在大气中均因生成保护性腐蚀产物膜而耐蚀,这类化学转化膜通常称为机械钝态膜。

5 二、金属耐蚀合金化的途径 1、提高金属的热力学稳定性 Increase the thermodynamic stability of metals 向本来不耐蚀的纯金属或合金中加入热力学稳定性高的合金元素,制成合金。

6 2、减弱合金的阴极活性(适用于阴极控制的腐蚀过程)reduce the cathodic activity
(1)减小金属或合金中的活性阴极面积 金属或合金在酸溶液中腐蚀时,阴极析氢过程优先在析氢超电压低的阴极性合金组成物或夹杂物上进行,若减少这种阴极相,则活性阴极数目或面积减少,使阴极极化电流密度加大,增强了阴极极化程度,从而提高合金的耐蚀性。 也可以采用热处理方法,如固溶处理,使阴极性夹杂物转入固溶体内,消除了作为活性阴极的第二相,也能提高合金的耐蚀性。

7 纯铝(99.998%Al)中杂质铁对其在2mol/LHCl中腐蚀率(析氢速率)的影响

8 Add high overvoltage metals
(2)加入析氢超电压高的合金元素 Add high overvoltage metals 增大合金阴极析氢反应的阻力,显著降低合金在酸中的腐蚀速率。 只适用于基体金属不会钝化、由析氢超电压控制的析氢腐蚀过程。 杂质Fe对纯Mg和w(Mn)=1%的Mg-Mn合金腐蚀速度的影响(质量分数为3%的NaCl溶液)

9 3、减弱合金的阳极活性reduce the anodic activity (1)减小阳极相的面积
在腐蚀过程中合金基体是阴极而第二相(例如强化相)或合金中其它微小区域(例如晶界)是阳极的情况下,如果能进一步减小这些微阳极的面积,则可加大阳极极化电流密度,增加阳极极化程度,阻滞阳极过程的进行,提高合金耐蚀性。 例如,Al-Mg合金中的第二相A12Mg3是阳极相。腐蚀过程中A12Mg3相逐渐被腐蚀掉,使合金表面微阳极总面积减少,腐蚀速度降低。

10 (2)加入易钝化的合金元素 在合金中加入容易钝化的合金元素,提高合金的钝化能力,是增强合金耐蚀性的最重要的方法。加入的易钝化合金元素的效果与合金使用条件以及合金元素加入量有关。一般要与一定氧化能力的介质条件相配合,才能达到耐蚀效果。 例如往铁中加入12-30%Cr,制得不锈钢或耐酸钢。

11 (3)加入阴极合金元素促进阳极钝化 对于有可能钝化的腐蚀体系(包括合金与腐蚀环境),如果往金属或合金中加入强阴极性元素,由于电化学腐蚀中阴极过程加剧,使其阴、阳极电流增加,当腐蚀电流密度超过钝化电流密度时,阳极出现钝态,其腐蚀电流急剧下降。

12 钛中加入不同量的钯对其在盐酸中腐蚀速度的影响(25℃,200h)

13 4.使合金表面生成电阻大的腐蚀产物膜 alloying elements that can contribute to the formation of high resistance corrosion product film 例如在大气腐蚀钢的耐蚀锈层结构中一般含有非晶态羟基氧化铁FeOx(OH)3-2x;它的结构是致密的,保护性能非常好。而钢中加入Cu、P或P与Cr,则能促进此种非晶态保护膜的生成。因此以Cu与P,或P与Cr来合金化,可制成耐大气腐蚀的低合金钢。

14 应用添加合金元素改善钢铁耐蚀性的方法 分类 具体方法 实例 减小阳极活性 添加把阳极电位向高电位变化的元素或把阳极极化增大的元素
在Fe中添加Ni、W、Cu、Si等(各种耐酸钢) 添加促进钝化的元素(在可能钝化的氧化条件下有效) 在Fe中添加Cr(高Cr不锈钢) 在Fe中添加Cr、Ni(Cr-Ni不锈钢) 在Ni中添加Cr(Ni-Cr耐热合金) 控制阴极活性 减少阴极活化度:添加使氢超电压增大的元素(在氢去极化腐蚀时) 在Fe中添加As、Sb、Sn等 在高Cr钢、18-8不锈钢中添加少量的Pt、Pd、Ag、Cu,铸铁中的石墨 增加阴极活化度,添加使阴极极化性减小的元素(在基体金属可能钝化的条件下有效) 造成覆盖层,增大系统的电阻 添加在合金表面能形成腐蚀产物——致密的保护膜的元素 在Fe中加入Si(高Si耐酸铸铁);碳钢中添加Cu、P(耐候钢)

15 三、单相合金的n/8定律 n/8 law for single-phase alloy

16 Fe-Cr合金在0.5mol/LFeSO4溶液中电位的变化(相对于甘汞电极)和在3mol/LHNO3溶液中的腐蚀失重

17 四、主要合金元素对耐蚀性的影响 1、铬 Chromium
Chromium is the element that makes stainless steel stainless. It is essential in forming the passive film. Other elements can influence the effectiveness of chromium in forming or maintaining the film, but no other element by itself can create the properties of stainless steel.

18 铁铬合金的腐蚀速度与铬含量的关系(25度) 腐蚀速度(毫克/厘米2 . 小时) 盐酸,硫酸 120 12 10%HNO3 10%HCl
100 80 60 40 20 12 10 8 6 4 2 10%HNO3 10%HCl 10%H2SO4 Fe Cr (%)(根据村上佐藤)

19 At about 10.5% chromium, a weak film is formed and will provide mild atmospheric protection. By increasing the chromium to 17-20%, which is typical in the type-300 series of austenitic stainless steels, the stability of the passive film is increased.   Further increases in the chromium content will provide additional protection.

20 At elevated temperatures, chromium provides resistance to oxidation and sulfur-containing and other corrosive atmospheres; contributes to high temperature creep and rupture strength; and, in some alloys, increases resistance to carburization.

21 2、镍 Nickel Nickel will stabilize the austenitic structure (the grain or crystal structure) of the stainless steel and enhance the mechanical properties and fabrication characteristics. Austenite is stronger and more stable at higher temperatures than ferrite.

22 A nickel content of 8-10% and above will decrease the tendency of the metal to crack due to stress corrosion. Nickel also promotes repassivation in case the film is damaged. Nickel increases resistance to oxidation, carburization, nitriding, thermal fatigue, and strong acids, particularly reducing acids.

23 铬、镍和铁在0.5mol/LH2SO4中(25℃)的恒电位阳极极化曲线

24 3、钼Molybdenum Molybdenum is effective in preventing crevice or pitting corrosion in chloride-containing environments and corrosion by sulfuric, phosphoric, and hydrochloric acid.

25 The elevated temperature mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steels and the strength and tempering resistance(耐回火性, 抗软化性) of martensitic stainless steels are improved by molybdenum.

26 Edstrom Industries uses 316 stainless because it contains 2-3% molybdenum, which gives protection when chlorine is added to the water.

27 钼含量对Cr-Ni不锈钢应力腐蚀破裂敏感性的影响(沸12%MgCl2,应力215.2MPa)

28 4.硅(Silicon) Silicon is one of the main alloying elements. It forms protective film rich in silicon on Cr-Ni stainless steel, which improves SCC resistance. Silicon can also improve pitting resistance of stainless steel, especially when it is associated with Mo.

29 Stainless steels containing silicon have high corrosion resistance in strong oxidizing agents, it is because silicon helps forming surface film rich in Si, Cr and oxygen.

30 Cr-Ni不锈钢中硅含量对其耐应力腐蚀破裂性能的影响(沸42%MgCl2溶液,应力245.2MPa)

31 5、铜和铝(Copper and Aluminum )
Copper and Aluminum, along with Titanium, can be added to stainless steel to precipitate its hardening.  Hardening is achieved by soaking均热 at a temperature of 900°to 1150°F. These elements form a hard intermetallic microstructure during the soaking process at the elevated temperature.

32 钢中的铜对大气腐蚀的影响(15.5年暴露试验结果)

33 6、钛和铌Titanium and Niobium
Titanium and Niobium are used to reduce the sensitization of stainless steel. When stainless steel is sensitized, intergranular corrosion can occur. This is caused by the precipitation of chrome carbides during the cooling phase when parts are welded. This depletes the weld area of chromium. Without the chromium, the passive film cannot form. Titanium and Niobium interact with carbon to form carbides, leaving the chromium in solution so a passive film can form.

34 7、硫和硒Sulfur and Selenium
Sulfur and Selenium are added to 304 stainless to make it machine freely. This becomes 303 or 303SE stainless steel, which is used by Edstrom Industries to make hog弯曲 valves, nuts螺母, and parts that are not exposed to drinking water.

35 8、碳Carbon Carbon is used to increase strength. In the martensitic grade, the addition of carbon facilitates hardening through heat-treating.  

36 9、氮Nitrogen Nitrogen is used to stabilize the austenitic structure of stainless steel, which enhances its resistance to pitting corrosion and strengthens the steel.

37 思考题 用合金化方式提高金属(合金)的耐蚀性有哪些途径? 判断1Cr18Ni9Ti和Cr17Ni14Mo2哪种耐孔蚀性能好?为什么?

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