OSSDS Lessons with Joe Perry

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1 OSSDS Lessons with Joe Perry
Pronunciation Class OSSDS Lessons with Joe Perry

2 Introduction Joe Perry 桑迪潘英语明星外教,教学总监
学员公认的雅思男神!拥有英 国斯特灵大学硕士学位,TEFL教 师资格证书。主讲雅思口语及写 作。雅思授课经验非常丰富,讲 解清晰明确,富有亲和力,循循 善诱,善于提出问题引导学员提 升英语水平。风趣,博学,而又 有亲和力,对英语教学有自己独 到的见解,深受学生欢迎。现担 任桑迪潘英语教学总监。上过Joe 的课的学生,提分率高达98%以 上。

3 Contents News story Phonetics Tongue twisters

4 BBC News Obesity can constitute a disability in certain circumstances, the EU's highest court has ruled. The European Court of Justice was asked to consider the case of a male child minder in Denmark who says he was sacked for being too fat. The court said that if obesity could hinder "full and effective participation" at work then it could count as a disability. Judges said that obesity in itself was not a disability - but if a person had a long-term impairment because of their obesity, then they would be protected by disability legislation. The case centres around child minder Karsten Kaltoft who weighs about 160kg (25 stone).

5 Vowel (元音) /a:/ /aI/ Bar Buy That was a good bar That was a good buy Bark Bike What a noisy bark What a noisy bike Pa Pie He loves his pa He loves his pie R Eye It’s got two R’s It’s got two eyes Cart Kite It’s a cart It’s a kite

6 Vowel (元音) /Ɔ:/ /ƆI/ All Oil It’s all there It’s oil there Ball Boil It’s a ball on his head It’s a boil on his head Corn Coin Look at that golden corn Look at that golden coin Tore Toy The paper tore The paper toy Roar Roy Hear the engine roar Hear the engine Roy

7 BBC News Since the start of the conflict in eastern Ukraine eight months ago, the Kremlin has denied any direct involvement, including sending Russian troops. But there are Russian fighters on the ground who are proud to announce their presence - and to discuss their ideas of "holy war". Even when the morning sun catches the gold domes of its Orthodox churches, the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, stronghold of the pro-Russian rebels, doesn't look much like Jerusalem. Trolley-buses trundle through the dirty snow, past belching chimneys and the slag-heaps from the coal-mines on the edge of town. Greenwich mean time

8 Tongue Twisters (绕口令) Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Spread it thicker, say it quicker! Don't eat with your mouth full!

9 Join us (加入我们): 老师个人部落:http://bulo.hujiang.com/u/26517059/
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