Leading New ICT, Digital Transformation to Smart & Safe City

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1 Leading New ICT, Digital Transformation to Smart & Safe City

2 Challenges of Fast Developing Cities
Rapid growth of Urbanization About 180,000 people move into a city everyday 60% of world population will be living in cities by 2030 70% of global GDP is generated by cities Source: WorldBank.org Increasing population B, 2050 >9B (Source: United Nations) Half the world’s population lives in a City – an increase from 30% 50 years ago,and 57% by 2025 (Frost & Sullivan) 70% of global GDP is generated by cities,75 most dynamic cities will contribute 30%+ of GDP growth by 2025 (Source: McKinsey) 随着城市的快速发展,我们面临的挑战越来越大: 公共安全:民族混居,外来人员相对多,社会关系较复杂;恶性犯罪、 扒窃等治安案件上升;突发自然灾害;恐怖袭击; 政府治理: 公共服务流程多,周期长;政务数据共享不足,业务协同能力不强;城市物联网技术应用不多,无法实现城市精细化管理。 能源短缺 交通拥堵:城市机动车辆的迅猛增多;交通人车相互拥挤;部分城市道路的使用效率低;公交线路亟待优化 Public Safety Traffic Governance Health

3 Smart City is the Future
Pro-business climate Innovation Efficiency Public Safety Big data will drive Safe and Smart City innovations Improved Government efficiency and enhanced public safety Lower crime rates, Social living environment and prevention of loss of lives Attract investments leading to GDP growth

4 1、华为联合太极建设集中的数据中心,做到了资源的集中和共享(计算存储网络资源)
Beijing e-Gov Cloud enables one stop Government services Challenge Non-integrated platform, separate portals – Maintaining multiple services and applications Cyber security Threat Data sharing E-Service center Security Protection Centralized resource sharing Unified Management Solution 挑战: 背景:北京市政务云构建“二家竞合、一家监控、多家融合”的建设模式(北京政务云由金山和太极公司各建设数据中心;北京安信天行公司为政务云提供安全监管服务),华为与太极合作,建设一个数据中心,已涵盖了全市19家业务部门,80余个业务系统,其中涉及到的行政审批事项为700多项,面向企业和公众办理民生业务。服务大厅覆盖如市民政局、市新闻出版局、市民委、市旅游委、市文化局、市侨办、市教委、市卫计委和市住建委等多个委办局 1、办证多头跑盖章(委办局之间数据不共享):全市政务外网业务分散在近30委办局的小数据中心,相互独立形成“信息孤岛”,数据共享困难,资源利用率低,平均不到16%(因为早期业务物理化部署,独享物理的计算和存储资源)。 2、运维人员多&效率低:平均每个数据中心2个以上的IT运维人员,近三十个委办局运维人员超过70人。同时,分散的数据中心普遍缺乏专业的IT运维能力,知识和经验无法共享,处理问题效率低。 3、出口多导致安全威胁多:近30个小数据中心都有各自的接口分别接入互联网,网络出口众多,每个接口每月10万次以上的安全威胁,存在着巨大的隐患。60%的业务没有完整的数据保护机制(如容灾等),业务中断风险高。 方案: 1、华为联合太极建设集中的数据中心,做到了资源的集中和共享(计算存储网络资源) 华为采用基于OpenStack(开放且兼容性强)的云数据中心解决方案,可以给每个委办局可以分配VDC资源,经信委VDC,交管局VDC,房管局VDC等等。统一的云资源池,能有效提升资源利用率。(VDC指虚拟的数据中心,一个VDC包含计算、存储、网络、安全资源,像一个物理的数据中心,可以在线分配VDC) 2、将原有的多出口进行统一,通过华为USG9500下一代防火墙提供T级的安全防御能力 3、数据共享&业务整合带来的一站式服务:该方案中太极提供数据和业务的整合,打通了各业务的数据共享,以及业务整合(比如并联审批),现在各委办局在同一个的服务大厅办理业务(线下和线上),一站式。 价值 1、资源利用率提升3.5倍(除了资源,运维变化:原先人力72个IT运维人员到5个IT运维人员,选择性提及) 2、安全威胁减少95% 3、一号一窗,一站式服务,慧政便民,构建协同、高效的服务型政府 Benefits 3.5 times higher resource utilization One-stop service 95% fewer security threats

5 First Safe, Then Smart Initial government investments will lead to quick returns on public safety and aid subsequent social prosperity The initial government investment will lead to a large improvement in safety and security: Security result ↑25% generally a 20-25% ↑ in government initial investment result in a 35-40% ↑ in the social benefit score The government and police appreciation scores can ↑ by 50%+ Government’s sustained investment will lead to substantial increase in social benefits Safety Result 1 2 3 Government investment Social Benefit Score 社会效益评分维度: 市民对政府满意度 市民对警察满意度 休闲娱乐意愿 人才吸引力 人才生产力 人口增长 市民幸福感 据《Modern World Police》统计和测算,平安城市方案在其应用区域平均降低了30%的犯罪率,其中暴力犯罪下降15%,而在破案率、响应时间、民众满意率方面也表现出色。案件告破比例大增四倍,从平均的15%增至60%;接案响应时间从10分钟提升到4分半;随之而来的是民众满意度的大幅攀升,满意比例从60.2%提高到98.3%。 maximizing these security technologies can drive a 25% increase in the safety result score, with significant improvements in property and individual risk levels, police conviction rates and emergency response times. 1 2 3 Government investment Source: IHS

6 Integrated Operation Centers
Safe City is the critical cornerstone of Smart City Connected Sensors High Quality Life Connected Society Secure Network Connectivity Safe City Data Warehouses Trust Stable Efficient Government Accessible Services Growth Smart City Integrated Operation Centers

7 Kenya: Secure major Event, Improve Public Security
Challenge Low response times Multi-agency involvement Violent crimes Terrorism threats Solution Enable Multiple Agencies Collaboration (Police, Fire, EMS) HD real-time video surveillance and analysis Multi-media broadband trunking ↓46% Crime rate (covered regions to 2015) 0 Injury /Complaint (Pope Visit on Nov. 25th, 2015) ↑14% Tourism (shared by Minister of Tourism on 7, Jun. 2016) Benefits I am pleased by the rapid progress that has been made in making this initiative a reality. The prospect that we shall be able to leverage technology to build a more robust security response for our citizens is a key deliverable for my government. --from President Uhuru Kenyatta

8 Guizhou: Cloud and Big Data led to significant lower Crime Rates
Challenge Silo Systems, Massive Data Difficult to share No Backup nor recovery, No DR Data Centre Cloud Solution with active and disaster backup capabilities One Platform for analysis (People, Vehicle, correlation, etc) Unified access Portal Unified Policing App Store Solution 挑战 背景数据:贵州全省35Million 人口,省厅合计 9个机房,服务器 406台,各类数据140亿条,部门24个,业务系统150+(165种业务系统,但是建议脱敏讲成超过150种业务系统) 1、设备老旧管理难:设备老化,50%设备已运行5年以上,故障频发 2、海量数据共享难:公安内外部数据近200亿条(20 Billion),挖掘分析潜力大,但是当前数据孤岛,无法挖掘(类同政务云案例) 3、缺乏容灾风险大:业务应用系统近百个,缺乏统筹规划,80%系统只有备份措施,没有容灾规划(DR:disaster recovery) 解决方案 (备注:贵州类同北京政务云,做了资源整合、数据整合、业务整合,资源整合类同,但是北京政务云在数据整合部分主要做共享交换,贵州除了打通数据,还利用大数据挖掘价值,北京政务云的业务整合比公安行业做得好) 1、一朵云:两地三中心(省厅贵阳主数据中心、贵安双活数据中心、遵义异地容灾数据中心,距离主数据中心大于100公里),统一资源池,提升资源利用率 2、一个平台:不影响原有业务系统(第一数据平面)的情况下建设第二数据平面,华为提供FusionInsight大数据方案,并针对公安场景,自研关系分析引擎的算法(这类行业算法大数据友商不具备),采用公安大数据分析模型,实现各专业警种间数据共享,基于不同警种及社会数据,做车轨综合研判、电子档案全库搜、6层关系分析,提高公安“打防控”水平 3、一个应用:协同伙伴提供统一警务工作平台粘合各公安业务组件,统一应用入口,提升警务效率 价值: 1、全省特殊人群管理数由原来的 11 万增加到 42 万余人,在控率由原来的不足 30% 提升到近 80% 2、2015 年全省共发生“两抢一盗”案件 10.7 万余起,同比下降 12% 。 3、解决了 11 个业务系统 25 个重复录入问题,极大减轻了基层负担。以看守所系统为例,人员入所登记信息由原来的 54 项减少为 9 项。 (注释:建一个主数据中心资源集中,多个警种业务放到这个主数据中心;然后放在一起的业务系统的底层数据拉通共享,不同业务系统可以共享数据,不同业务系统录入时不需要重复信息等等,看守所之前有多个业务系统,由于数据不共享,填过一次的信息,在其他业务系统也需要填写,重复录入。) 12% drop in Robbery, Grabbing and Theft" cases in 2015 Eliminated 25 redundant repeated steps in 11 service systems Benefits

9 China Qiqihar: Enabled Collaborative Public Safety
High cost of renting wired network Narrow bandwidth uplink with wireless network Lack of situational awareness Challenge eLTE wireless cameras on police cars eLTE wireless cameras on 5000 taxis with location information eLTE wireless and fixed cameras Solution 挑战: 1、租用运营商带宽成本高:按照10M光纤最低200元/月的租用费用计算,每年仅齐齐哈尔市区6000套视频监控点12000个摄像头的带宽租赁费用就达到1440万; 2、有线传输,也往往容易因城市施工、光纤故障等原因导致不可用; 3、无线进行传输,则存在着上行带宽小、QOS无法保障、容易产生话务拥塞等问题,远远无法满足天眼对网络的要求。 方案: 华为eLTE解决方案,通过1.4G固定基站实现对市区覆盖,承载全市固定及移动天眼视频回传;视频采用前端存储,移动天眼并与定位信息相结合,以弥补固定天眼覆盖不足。 多业务:同时提供专业语音集群及高带宽数据回传,满足移动警务及应急指挥需求,打造宽窄带融合的警用指挥系统 通过“LTE专网+前端存储”的方案实现“平时静默、战时浏览、有需求下载”的建设需求 价值: 1、降低网络运维成本(2年收回建设成本) 2、固定摄像头+移动摄像头实现360度无死角监控,移动警务,丰富执法手段 3、重大事件安保(在人群密集区域通过LTE手台绑定的方式搭建临时监控站点,回传现场给指挥中心,从听得见到看得清) Reduce cost of network operation (2 years cost-recovering ) Varied and effective law enforcement methods Secure major event Benefits

10 Indonesia:National emergency disaster management
Volcanic Eruption, Earthquake, Flood, Tsunami, loss $3.5 million, rebuild $8.0 million Command Center in BNBP,Regional Command Center (BPBD), Rapid eLTE Early Warning, Multi-agency collaboration, Quick effective Response , Disaster Report generation Threats & Challenges Solutions Benefits BNPB主要由灾害预防准备、应急响应、救助重建和后勤设备四个主要的业务部门,以及IT和教育培训两个辅助支撑部门组成。BNPB是垂直管理体系,其负责管理33个省级灾害管理机构(BPBD)和397个区级灾害管理机构。 印尼位于太平洋地质活跃带上,地震、火山、海啸、洪水、森林火灾等自然灾害频发,过去十年发生151次地震,境内有127座活火山,每年有数千人死于自然灾害,年直接经济损失达数十亿美元。 威胁挑战:印尼是全世界最容易受到海啸,地震,火山爆发,洪水,山崩,干旱和林火等灾害影响的国家。每年因为自然灾害造成的损失达350MUSD以上,需要投入800MUSD资金用于重建。 解决方案:印尼BNBP建设Command Center,每个省分支BPBD建设Regional Command Center ,远程部署Emergency Mobile Rapid。 价值:通过印尼BNPB的这个项目,解决了印尼应对自然灾害的灾害管理、应急救援和协调协作等的应急指挥工作信息化问题。 Early Warning Collecting early warning alarm Comprehensive analysis; Quickly Response First response Command Network Overcome impassable roads, with the first responders action (portable \ car \ boats) Multi local deployments! Disaster Report Simple set-up, easy to start remote command link Fixed, mobile multimedia information collection and transmission Self-help organization Allotted unified terminal, quickly organizing and commanding survivor self-help Location tracking

11 Intelligent Operations Center
The road from Safe City to Smart City Leading C-C4ISR (Collaborative C4ISR) Collaboration, Command, Control, Communication, Cloud, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Smart City Communication Surveillance Intelligence CIP: Prisons, Port, Power Plant Reconnaissance Policing informationization Cloud Safe City Command and Control Collaboration Smart traffic Smart Health Smart Education City Big Data Bus Hospital School Intelligent Operations Center Key Success Factors Protocol Process Regulation Control

12 Huawei are serving 200+ Safe / Smart City projects, 80+ countries.
Huawei Global Safe / Smart City Presence Russia Shanghai UK Italy Moldova Nanjing Mexico Netherlands Russia Spain UK Hungary Moldova Hefei Tajikistan Mongolia Pakistan Niger Zambia Tanzania Angola Mozambique Venezuela Ecuador Ethiopia LAOS KSA Singapore Spain Italy Turkey Mexico Shenzhen Egypt China Ecuador Ghana Kenya Indonesia Indonesia Bolivia Singapore Pakistan 目前华为平安城市已经遍布全球,你可以看到,华为平安城市已经服务于全球30多个国家,100多个城市,4亿人。 华为的平安城市表现到底如何呢? 下面我们来听一听来自客户的声音。 Here you CAN see that, Huawei innovative ICT based Safe City Solution Has already Served 400M population, 100+ Cities, in 30+ Countries, 5 continentes What is the performance after our deployment , let’s hear the voice from the service providers and end users. Bolivia Kenya Huawei are serving 200+ Safe / Smart City projects, 80+ countries.


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