博士學位升等報告 張瓊瑩 March 21, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "博士學位升等報告 張瓊瑩 March 21, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 博士學位升等報告 張瓊瑩 March 21, 2017

2 What brought me here? 2007 winter 2010 summer autumn 2016 spring 2017

3 Presentation outline Part one: Ph.D. study
Part two: Administrative service Part three: Teaching

4 Toward pedagogy of translation for life-long learning
An educational case study in Taiwan By Evelyn Chang

5 What’s going on? Rapid change in the job market Degree inflation
Increasing numbers in the T/I (Translation and Interpreting) courses and programs

6 What’s going on (in Spain)?
Around 7,000 T/I students graduate from 27 universities in Spain each year This exceeds market demand *Pym (2002)

7 What’s going on (in Taiwan)?
Many students study translation and interpreting in a language-related department 62 English-related departments and 35 non-English related departments provide translation and interpreting courses *Zhou, 2004

8 What’s in students’ mind?
Students choose to study T/I for: *汝明麗 編譯論叢 第七卷第一期 T/I Enhancing their competitiveness Boosting their language competence

9 What’s in my mind? Can teaching translation extend beyond ‘producing translators’? If yes, how am I going to achieve it? How do I know that I have achieved it?

10 Why educational orientation?
Reflective professionals resourseful aware Bernardini, 2004

11 Research questions For training purpose: how do beginners of translation become less constrained by the influence of the source language? For educational purpose: in what way does my pedagogical intervention serve to help students become life-long learners ?

12 Research design Action research: two stages
Qualitative +quantitative data Primary data collection in stage two: 1. students’ learning journals 2. my field notes 3. pre- and post-tests 4. students’ portfolios 5. course evaluations

13 Research context An English Department in Taiwan
Introduction to professional translation: theory and practice Participants: 3rd year undergraduates, no prior translation training Stage 1: 34 participants Stage 2: 30 participants

14 Translation pedagogy: Key elements
WHY What to teach? How to teach? To whom? How to assess?

15 My translation pedagogy
Learner-centred approach Translator’s Competences as teaching content Portfolio as main assessment

16 Objectives of my teaching
Training -- students’ perceptions of translation demonstrate a shift from that which is static and linguistic to that which is functional and dynamic Education -- increasing self-confidence -- capacity of reflective thinking

17 What did I discover ? Students learning curve is cyclic.

18 What did I discover? Making source language interference explicitly as key learning obstacle right from the start. eve

19 What did I discover? Peer-editing is a powerful tool.

20 What did I discover? To facilitate students’ re-orientation to the learner-centered approach, scaffolding is essential.

21 Contemplation… Did I manage to kill two birds with one stone?
The necessity of creating connections in the classroom context.

22 Part two: Administrative service
R &D Academic cooperation section International academic collaboration

23 Main task area International collaboration 1. EU projects
2. Dual degree 3. Affiliation with overseas universities 4. New Southbound Policy

24 Currently working on… Translating CJCU’s organisation chart
Dual degree with T/I Master program of Macquarie University, Australia Researching other universities Hosting research ethics workshop

25 Part three: Teaching 引導學生認識自己,建立自信與目標 以翻譯實踐作為橋樑 對特殊需求學生的關懷 對資優學生的督導

26 Commercial time 為鼓勵教師投入本校重點特色發展領域之相關研究,於 研發委員會通過,廢除期刊論文及專書創作獎助,經費轉挹注於「國際合作」、「跨領域」及「新血培育」同步調整年度自籌款預算。 學發組加強鼓勵老師參與投入國際競賽及國際合作計畫 。

27 Commercial time 科技部東協及南亞人文社會科學研究計畫 區域結構中的語言、文學及文化流動 區域互動中的文化溝通與適應
區域脈絡下的宗教信仰與交流 可作個別或是整合型計畫

28 Commercial Time 亞洲基督教高等教育聯合董事會
(United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia) 汲取基督教的價值觀,致力於全人教育的願景,提供經費給亞洲之高等教育機構以提升教學品質

29 UB 五大關注與贊助的領域: 1. 高等教育機構之領導人才的培育 2. 提升教師的教學與研究能力 3. 強化學校與社區的夥伴關係
4. 亞洲的文化與宗教研究 5. 特殊新發想(e.g. Bamboo Grants Program)

30 謝謝聆聽 Q&A

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