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What’s your hobby? Module3 Unit2 董国珍 学科:英语 年级:六年级上册 版本:外研社新标准英语三年级起点

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Presentation on theme: "What’s your hobby? Module3 Unit2 董国珍 学科:英语 年级:六年级上册 版本:外研社新标准英语三年级起点"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s your hobby? Module3 Unit2 董国珍 学科:英语 年级:六年级上册 版本:外研社新标准英语三年级起点
山东省高密市豪迈小学 董国珍

2 Listen and chant.

3 Look and say What are those? These are stamps from Canada.
Simon’s hobby is collecting stamps.

4 Listen and learn to say.

5 Look, listen and say. Then answer.
What’s Sam’s hobby? Collecting stamps. What’s Amy’s hobby? Collecting dolls. What’s Tom’s hobby? Collecting ice creams. Eating ice creams.

6 Listen and find “Who are they?”
Taotao Xiaoxue Sue Jack

7 Listen and imitate, then match.
Sue Jack Tao tao Xiao xue

8 Read in groups, then act it out. 听音,模仿,然后小组活动分角色表演课文内容。

9 What’s your hobby,…?

10 Chant together.

11 What’s your hobby? Taking pictures is my hobby.
Collecting stamps is my hobby. Collecting kites is my hobby. Flying kites is my hobby.


13 Write and talk Write your hobby and talk about it.

14 阅读欣赏 Different people have different hobbies. For example, someone likes reading, someone likes swimming, someone likes collecting stamps and so on. My hobbies are reading and writing. I liked reading books when I was a child. So my parents bought many books for me. I like reading story books. The stories can make me happy and excited. Now I can write stories by myself. And I like writing. Hobbies bring me happiness(快乐). I hope they can also bring you happiness.

15 砸蛋有奖哦! 1 3 2

16 短语翻译:(8分) 1.收集邮票 2.有 3.一副长城的图片 4.放风筝 5.收集洋娃娃 6.骑我的自行车 7.看星星 8.玩游戏
collect stamps 1.收集邮票 2.有 3.一副长城的图片 4.放风筝 5.收集洋娃娃 6.骑我的自行车 7.看星星 8.玩游戏 have got a picture of the Great Wall fly a kite/ fly kites collect dolls ride my bicycle look at stars play games

17 A: I have got lots of books. Have you got any books?
同桌搭档秀“所有”:(8分) A: I have got lots of books. Have you got any books? B: Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

18 好友爱好大揭密:8分 A: What’s your hobby? B: Riding my bicycle is my hobby. And you? A: Reading is my hobby.

19 × × Test: Look, then tick(√) or cross (×). A: Do you collect stamps?
B: Yes, I collecting stamps from Canada. ( ) 1. A: Have you got any books? B: Yes, I have. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. A: What is your hobby? B: Reading. × ( ) 4. A: What are those? B: They’re some stamps from China. ( ) 5. A: Is there a letter for me? B: Yes, there is.

20 Homework Imitate part 2 with your partner.
Say the chant to your friends or parents. Imitate part 2 with your partner. Write about your hobby and talk about it. (可任意选择两项,或者三项都做)

21 制作人: 高密市豪迈小学 董国珍 录制时间:

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