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Unit 1 Living well.

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1 Unit 1 Living well

2 Discuss the problems that people with walking difficulties might have in a cinema.

3 What is the main idea of the letter?
A letter to an architect What is the main idea of the letter? Asking the architect for the new Bankstown cinema to think about the _______ of disabled customers and also putting forward some ______________. needs suggestions

4 Why does the writer think the architect should think about the needs of the disabled people?
Disabled people should have the same opportunities as the able-bodied people to enjoy the cinema and to do so with dignity. Get praised with good access for…. Make higher profits….

5 What suggestions are put forward?
1. Adequate access for wheelchairs. 2. Earphones for people who have trouble hearing. 3. Raised seating. 4. Toilets. 5. Car parking. 1. Having lifts to all parts of the cinema, with easy buttons and wide doors. 2. Fitting earphones to all seats for hearing-impaired customers. 3. Placing seats at the back higher than those at the front. 4. Placing toilets near the entrance to the cinema with doors outwards. 5. Reserving parking lots for the disabled close to the cinema entrance or exit.

6 What polite forms does the writer use in the letter?
1. I hope you will not mind me writing to ask you if you…. 2. I wonder if you have …. 3. It would be handy to have lifts… 4. It would help to fit… 5. This would allow… to enjoy…. 6. I’d like suggest that….

7 What polite forms does the writer use in the letter?
7. Perhaps there could be…. 8. It would be more convenient to place…. 9. If the doors could be…, … would be very happy. 10. Thank you for reading my letter. 11. I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval.

8 What is the structure of the letter?
What is the function of the first paragraph of the letter? 2) Why do you think the writer has numbered her suggestions and used italics? 3) What is the purpose of the last paragraph of the letter?

9 What is the structure of the suggestion letter?
The purpose of the letter Suggestions Wishes/Thanks

10 Language points access n. (接近的)方法; 通路; (使用或见到的)机会 accessible adj.
可进入的;可接近的; 可使用的;容易理解的常用搭配: have / gain access to 获得接近/ 进入的权利(机会)…… be accessible to 接近 /进入 ……

11 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1) 因为路崎岖不平, 到达山顶的庙宇很不容易。 It’s quite difficult to ____________________ on top of the mountain because of the rough path. 2) 你知道已经有一种软件帮助盲人使用因特网了吗? Do you know there has been a software ____________________________________? get access to the temple making the Internet accessible to the blind

12 2. … at the front so that everyone can see the screen easily.
so that引导目的状语从句, 其从句中的谓语动词通常和can, may, should等情态动词连用, 而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号, 意为“以便, 为了, 使能够”。

13 e. g. They got up early so that they could catch the early bus
Say slowly so that I can understand you. 说慢点, 好让我听明白。

14 高考链接 She bought a digital camera online ______ she would save a lot of time. (2003扬州市) A. so that B. as soon as C. no matter D. such that

15 so…that…引导结果状语从句, 意为 “如此 …… 以至于……”, so后面加形容词或副词。so. that
so…that…引导结果状语从句, 意为 “如此 …… 以至于……”, so后面加形容词或副词。so ... that ... 引导结果状语从句有时可以与such ... that ...句型相互转换。 e.g. This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it. 这本书很有趣, 人人都想看看。 He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him. 他跑得那么快, 我没赶上他。

16 高考链接 Miss Gao asked a question, but it was
__________ that nobody could answer it. (2001安徽省) A. very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so difficult

17 3. Disabled people should have the same opportunities as able-bodied people to enjoy the cinema and to do so with dignity. 残疾人应当与健全人一样有同样的机会欣赏电影, 同样能保持自己的尊严。 able-bodied是由 “形容词+名词+ed”构成的复合形容词。类似的例子还有: one-eyed 独眼的 kind-hearted 好心的 round-faced 圆脸的 long-armed 长臂的

18 Tips: 一封好的建议信: 1. 正确的写信格式。 2. 清楚“你是谁,你写给谁看的” 。因为面对不同的读者你会选用不同的表达 方式。
一封好的建议信:   1. 正确的写信格式。 2. 清楚“你是谁,你写给谁看的” 。因为面对不同的读者你会选用不同的表达 方式。 3. 写信的语气礼貌、委婉,令读者乐于 接受。例如: I hope you will not mind… It would be handy to have lifts…

19 4. 信的结构清晰。 例如: paragraph 1:  why to write the letter? Paragraph 2:  suggestions Paragraph 3:  your suggestions expect to be taken 5. 整封信的流畅性,段落之间的合理过渡,例如:一些好的过渡句的使用。I wonder if you have considered the following things.

20 6. 这样的信的重点段落应该是第二段, 给出你的建议。使用礼貌多种不同的 提建议的句型,例如: Sth. should be…            It would help to…           I’d like to suggest that…            Perhaps there could be…            If…, they / it…

21 7. 用清楚明了的方法列出你想到的建议。例如:用1,2,3……或first, second…等方式。这样的排列便于读者阅读或容易引起读者的注意。
8. 每条建议先把关键词或词组写出,然后再给出具体的做法。所提的建议合理,有建设性。

22 The Heading The Greeting The body The complimentary close The signature line

23 A sample of a letter of suggestion
Mr. Xue Sun Lei Chief architect Hongyang Supermarket design Yuquan County 211 Kangwei Road Yuquan County 18 March,200_ Dear Mr Xue, I learn from the local news that you are the

24 architect who is to design the supermarket
architect who is to design the supermarket. I am writing to ask you to consider the right of the disabled for easy access. In particular, I would like you to consider the following things:

25 1. Access to the supermarket for people in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty walking. The lifts should be wide enough for the wheelchairs to move around. The entrance should be suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor. There should be special entry for people for the blind.

26 2. Toilets. There should be special toilets for the disabled
2. Toilets. There should be special toilets for the disabled. The bathrooms and toilets should have doorways wide enough for a wheelchair, doors that are easy to open and close, and hand-holds that the disabled can easily use.

27 3. Telephones should be easy for a person in a wheelchair to reach
3. Telephones should be easy for a person in a wheelchair to reach. Generally speaking, a supermarket is so big that it is difficult for one, especially one in a wheelchair to find what one needs. So telephones should be easy to reach for a person in a wheelchair so that he can call the staff for help.

28 4. Shelves. When people design the shelves, the disabled should be taken into consideration. Safety should come first.

29 Thank you for reading my letter
Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you will consider my suggestions. Disabled people should have the same opportunity as able-bodied people to enjoy the supermarket and they should be able to do so with dignity. It is very important to use various forms of

30 technology which can assist individuals with various types of disabilities to increase their mobility and independence. I am sure if you design it with good access for the disabled, the supermarket will attract more customers and people will speak highly of your design. Yours sincerely, Sunlei

31 Thank you for listening!

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