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Chapter 4 Marketing On The Web

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1 Chapter 4 Marketing On The Web

2 Objectives p133 When to use product-based and
customer-based market strategies Identifying and reaching customers with different market segments customer relationship identity and the customer relationship life cycle Using advertising on the web Technology-enabled customer relationship management Creating and maintaining brands on the web Search engine positioning Domain name selection 基于产品和基于客户的策略 ·不同市场细分的识别与沟通 ·客户关系识别与生命周期 ·Web上广告 ·技术允许的客户关系管理 ·Web上创建和维护品牌 ·搜索引擎定位和域名选择

3 In September 1997 :—— In October 1999 :—— RedEnvelop
Introduction p132 In September 1997 :—— In October :—— RedEnvelop 从4P’s到4C’s的营销策略 从基于产品到基于客户的营销策略 传统市场营销策略4P’s组合: 产品(product)、价格(price)、渠道(place)和促销(promotion) emergency 紧急事件

4 §4.1 Web marketing strategies
p135 4P’s marketing: Product (产品) Price (价格) Place (渠道) Promotion (促销) ——电子商务极大地改变了这些因素,因此: 网络营销(Cyber Marketing)产生。 McCarthy归纳传统市场营销策略4P’s组合 从4P’s到4C’s的营销策略 从基于产品到基于客户的营销策略 传统市场营销策略4P’s组合: 产品(product)、价格(price)、渠道(place)和促销(promotion) 顾客找不到其它令人满意的产品或服务替代这个产品或服务;

5 Frome 4P’s to 4C’s p137 从基于产品到基于客户的营销策略 1.传统市场营销策略4P’s组合:
产品(product)、价格(price)、渠道(place)和促销(promotion) 2.网络时代基于4C’s的网络营销模式: Consumer’s wants and needs, 欲望与需求; Cost to satisfy wants and needs , 满足欲望的成本; Cnvenience to buy, 方便购买; Communication 实时沟通; 从4P’s到4C’s的营销策略

6 §4. 2 New Marketing Approaches for the Web
Media Choice In the physical world: buildings and floor space Web: without physical presence Traditional mass-market advertising has decreased in effectiveness Advertisers respond through market segmentation Micromarketing- targeting very small market segments Web 上新的营销方法 Successful new Web marketing approaches all involve enabling the potential customer to find information easily and to customize the depth and quality of that information to encourage the customer to purchase and/or revisit the site. 市场细分  广告主为解决效果降低的问题,不得不设法识别较小规模的市场并且把特定的广告信息送达到这类小市场,即将潜在的顾客划分成不同的细分市场。

7 §4.2.1 Levels of Trust and Media Choice
p139 Information Acquisition Approaches: Levels of Trust Figure 4-4 对大众媒体的抵制心理;个人接触信任程度高,移植到Web成本降低 顾能咨询公司1996年报告指出:以顾客为中心的营销战略非常适合新兴的虚拟市场。 市场细分  广告主为解决效果降低的问题,不得不设法识别较小规模的市场并且把特定的广告信息送达到这类小市场,即将潜在的顾客划分成不同的细分市场。

8 Trust and Media Choice p140 对大众媒体的抵制心理 个人接触信任程度高,移植到Web成本降低
顾能咨询公司1996年报告指出: 以顾客为中心的营销战略非常适合新兴的虚拟市场。 对大众媒体的抵制心理 个人接触信任程度高,移植到Web成本降低 顾能咨询公司1996年报告指出: 以顾客为中心的营销战略非常适合新兴的虚拟市场。

9 Advertisers respond through market segmentation
Divides the pool of potential customers into common demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, income level, etc. called segments Targets specific messages to these groups 市场细分  广告主为解决效果降低的问题,不得不设法识别较小规模的市场并且把特定的广告信息送达到这类小市场,即将潜在的顾客划分成不同的细分市场。

10 Micromarketing targeting very small market segments
p140 targeting very small market segments 1.Geographic segmentation 2. Demographic segmentation 3.Psychographic segmentation Targets specific messages to these groups 地理位置细;分人口统计细分;心理统计细分 微观营销 在20世纪90年代早期,企业为特定的广告和促销策略而识别的细分市场越来越小。 这种将很小的细分市场作为目标市场的行为称为微观营销

11 §4.2.3 Market segmentation on the Web
p142 Targets specific messages to these groups Classics vs. latest trends The Old Nave site is Targeted at young fashion-conscious buyers. The Eddie Bauer page is designed for older ,more practical folks. On the Web ,retailers can provide separate virtual space for different market segments. One-to-One marketing Some Web retailers allow customers to create their own stores Web上市场细分  经典对流行: 老中央广场面向年轻时尚的购买者;而埃迪鲍尔面年长的更实际的人群; 在网站上可为不同的市场细分提供各自的虚拟空间。

12 §4.2.4 Offering customers a Choice on the Web
p143 Dell For each of the major group of customers To specific product categories Web上提供给顾客的选择; 按顾客分组 按产品分组

13 §4.3 Customer behavior and relationship Intensity
When companies use the Web to target specific customers in different ways at different times 1. Customer behavior 2. Customer relationship intensity and life-cycle 客户行为和关系的强度 Web上市场细分外

14 §4.3.1 Segmentation Using Customer Behavior
p146 Behavioral Segmentation breakfast,lunch,dinner occasion segmentation A Web site design can include elements that appeal to different behavioral segmentation 客户行为细分: occasion n.场合, 时机, 机会 早餐、午餐、正餐

15 Usage-based market Segmentation
p147 Three visitor modes Browsers Buyers Shoppers A person might change his behavior 基于使用的市场细分: Browser 浏览者 buyer 顾客 Shopper .购物者

16 §4.3 six different groups of active Internet users
Simplifiers Surfers Bargainers Connectors Routiners Sportsters 六种不同的动态用户 简单化者 冲浪者 交易者 沟通者 例行公事者 运动者 259

17 §4.3.2 Customer relationship intensity and life-cycle Segmentation
Five –stage model of customer loyalty Level of intensity 客户行为和关系的强度 Web上市场细分外 Awareness Familiarity Separation Exploration Commitment 259

18 Awareness (了解) Exploration (探询) Familiarity (熟悉) Commitment (实施)
Customer life-cycle p150 Awareness (了解) Exploration (探询) Familiarity (熟悉) Commitment (实施) Separation (分离) Cycle segmentation Awareness Exploration Familiarity Commitment Separation

19 §4.4 Advertising On The Web
p152 In the Awareness stage: informing the Advertising messages. In the Exploration stage: encouraging switching to that brand In the Familiarity stage: convincing customers to purchase specific products In the Commitment stage: sending reminder messages. In the Separation stage: generally do not target ads at it.

20 Types: Simple graphic,GIF animated GIF’s Rich media objects Sizes:
§4.4.1 Banner Ads p153 Types: Simple graphic,GIF animated GIF’s Rich media objects Sizes: Full banner ×60 pixels half banner ×60 pixels square banner ×125 pixels IMU interactive marketing unit

21 Interactive Advertising Bureau
p153 IAB 非盈利组织: 促进互联网广告的有效使用

22 1. A banner exchange network 2. pay charge
Banner Ad Placement p344 p154 Three different ways: 1. A banner exchange network 2. pay charge 3. A banner advertising network

23 Banner Advertising Exchange Sites
Help electronic merchants promote their stores online Banners are mutually exchanged instead of selling advertising space Provide ad monitoring software to help determine their advertising click-through count Provide helpful articles on a variety of advertising topics

24 Web Terms Used in Marketing
A Visit occurs when a visitor requests a page from a web Further page loads counted as part of the visit for a time period chosen by the site administrator Trial visit First time a visitor loads a web site- after that, it is called a repeat visit Page view Each time a visitor loads a page- if the page has an ad, this is called an ad view Impression -- each time a banner ad loads If a visitor clicks the ad to open it, it is called a click or click-through Different from measuring mass media Mass media effectiveness determined by estimates of audience size, called cost per thousand (CPM) CPM is a dollar amount for each thousand people in the estimated audience

25 Measuring Banner Ad Cost and Effectiveness
p154 CPM 每千人成本 Visit 访问 trial visit 尝试访问 repeat visit 重复访问 page view 页面访问 ad view 广告访问 Impression 印象 Click 点击 Click-Through rate 点击率 (从2%下降到0.3%~0.5%)

26 2.pop-up ad 弹出广告 Pop-behind ad 3.interstitial ad 空隙广告
§4.4.2 Other Web Ad Formats p157 2.pop-up ad 弹出广告 Pop-behind ad 3.interstitial ad 空隙广告 visit 主动广告 2.弹出广告窗口,可关闭 3.空隙广告,更大,更具强迫性,不给你提供关闭按钮 4.飘浮在网页内容上10秒钟

27 E-mail is a very powerful element.
§4.5 marketing p158 is a very powerful element. is often considered to be spam (垃圾邮件)

28 Maintain an effective dialog Low cost Conversion rate 回应率(10%~30%)
Permission marketing p158 Maintain an effective dialog Low cost Conversion rate 回应率(10%~30%) opt-in 许可电子邮件 Permission marketing 许可营销策略 Permission marketing 许可性营销 由塞思.戈丁 Seth.Godin 提出

29 §4.6 Technology-Enabled Relationship Management
Occurs when a firm obtains detailed information about a customer’s behavior, preferences, needs, and buying patterns and uses that information to customize its relationship with that customer Can use this information to set prices, determine needs and desires, and negotiate terms 技术支持的关系管理: 企业获得了消费者的行为、偏好、需要和购买模式等详细信息,使用这些信息来确定价格和谈判策略、改进促销活动、改善产品特性,从而能够制定同顾客的关系。

30 Customer Relationship Management
Figure 4-15 p160 4-15 顾客交互的七个方面: 比较方向 技术支持的关系管理 同顾客的传统关系 广告 定位 促销与折扣 分销渠道 产品或服务的定价 新产品特性 顾客关系管理的衡量 按顾客的特殊要求提供信息 向所有顾客“推”所有信息 识别和响应特定顾客的行为和偏好 市场细分 按每个顾客确定 对每个顾客都一样 直销或中介,由顾客来选择 商家选定的中介 与每个顾客协商 商家确定,对所有顾客都一样 按顾客需要来确定 商家基于研发来确定 顾客维系、顾客关系的总价值 市场份额,利润

31 Marketspace p159 Marketspace 虚拟市场 Digital products and services can be delivered through electronic communication channels In the marketspace,firms can use information to create new value for customers 行业分析家杰夫里.雷波特和约翰.斯维尔加认为: 今天的企业要在现实世界和虚拟世界同时开展业务,现实环境的商务发生在实际市场,信息环境中的商务发生在虚拟市场。

32 §4.7 Creating and Maintaining Brands on the Web
p162 § Elements of branding Differentiation Relevance Degree the product offers utility to the customer Perceived value 1. 品牌的要素 品牌的要素是差异化、关联性和认知价值。 答:品牌的要素是差异化、关联性和认知价值。 (1)差异化。 产品差异化是创建一个产品或服务品牌所必须满足的第一个条件。公同必须将自己的产品同市场上的其他产品区别开。 (2)关联性。 品牌的第二个要素即关联性,它是指产品为潜在顾客提供的可用性程度。消费者只有在日常生活中实际看到品牌的存在,品牌才会有意义。 (3)认知价值。 品牌的第三个要素即认知价值,这是创建一个有价值品牌的要素。即让公司的产品同市场上的其他产品存在差异,潜在顾客发现别人也在使用这种产品,但如果他们感觉不到产品的价值,就不会去购买这种产品。有些大型快餐店有很好的品牌,但这只为他们带来适得其反的作用;人们知道这些品牌,但并不去这种店就餐,这是因为负面的印象,如食品质量低劣、脂肪量大等。下表总结了品牌的要素。 要 素 对 顾 客 的 意 义 差异化 这种产品或服务同其竞争者的差别有多大? 关联性 这种产品或服务适合我的生活吗? 认知价值 这个产品或服务好吗? 如果一个品牌同其竞争品牌存在差异,并具备关联性,同时能为潜在顾客带来认知价值,顾客就会购买这种产品并会熟悉这种产品提供价值的方式。只有品牌达到这种层次,品牌才创建起来了。

33 §4.7.2 Emotional vs. Rational Branding
p163 Emotional branding(感性品牌创建) Emotional appeals work well in mass media because ad targets are passive Do not work well on Web, however, because Web is active medium Rational branding(理性品牌创建) Gives people valuable service in exchange for viewing ads Examples include free and secure shopping services 感性品牌创建和理性品牌创建 营销人员在WWW上创建和维系品牌时常常采用理性的品牌创建方法。 (1)公司一直在创建和维系品牌的广告和促销活动中采用感性诉求。这种感性诉求在电视、电台、路牌广告和印刷媒体上都很有效,因为这些广告的目标受众是被动接受信息的人。但感性诉求很难在WWW上应用,因为WWW在很大程度上是由顾客控制的主动媒体。许多WWW的使用者会主动参与到诸如信息寻找、购买机票、预订酒店和查看天气预报等活动中,这些繁忙的人会立即点击鼠标离开感性诉求的内容。 (2)营销人员在WWW上创建和维系品牌时常常采用理性的品牌创建方法。理性的品牌创建方法为WWW用户提供某种帮助以交换他们看广告,不是用类似电视广告的感性诉求而是采用提供实际帮助的理性诉求。例如,HotMail和Yahoo!Mail等WWW电子邮件服务为用户提供电子邮件账号和存储空间服务。作为交换,用户在享受这种电子邮件服务时每个页面上都会出现广告。

34 §4.7.3 Brand leveraging strategies
p164 Market leaders can take their dominant positions and extend them to other products and services Yahoo! Fox Amazon 品牌延伸策略 对著名网站 很有效的一种方法是用其优势地位将品牌延伸到其他产品或服务上。

35 Affiliate site gets commission and has no risk Cause marketing 福利营销
§4.7.4 Affiliate marketing p164 Web site gives product reviews, description, or other information on a product for sale on another site Affiliate site gets commission and has no risk Cause marketing 福利营销 Affiliate Commissions 关联佣金 Pay-per-click model Pay-per-conversion model Combination 4. 关联营销策略 一家企业的网站 (即关联企业)上有另一家企业的网站上所售产品的描述、评价、评级和其他信息及到后者的链接。 许多新的、低成本的网站可用来提高收入的一种工具是关联营销。在关联营销中,一家公司的网站 (即关联公司)上有另一家公司的网站上所售商品的描述、评价、评级和其他信息及到后者的链接。对每个沿着关联网站到销售商网站的链接而来的访问者,关联网站都会收取一定的佣金。关联网站也会因推荐销售网站而沾了后者品牌的光。关联网站避免了产品库存、广告、促销和交易处理的成本。实际上,关联网站没有任何资金风险。Amazon. com是第一个在WWW上成功应用关联营销的网站,它有10万多家关联网站,这些网站大多都专注于某个特定的问题或兴趣,这些网站选择同自己的顾客兴趣相关的图书,并在其页面上有到Amazon. com的链接。

36 §4.7.5 Viral marketing strategies
p166 Viral marketing relies on existing customers to tell other persons about the products or services they have enjoyed using Electronic greeting card company : Blue Mountain Arts 病毒营销策略 靠现有的顾客把自己所喜欢的产品或服务告诉他人——潜在顾客。 这种策略很像关联营销,关联营销是利用网站传播公司的口碑,而病毒营销则是靠顾客来完成同样的任务。

37 §4.7.6 Brand Consolidation strategies
p166 To leverage the established brands of existing Web sites Della &James created a registry that connects to several local and national department and gift stores. Macy’s have established online registries for their own stores. 品牌整合策略 在某预约服务计划的网站上,放上对这种服务计划提供协调服务的相关商店的徽标和链接。

38 p166 Della &James

39 p166 §4.7.7 Cost of Branding Transferring existing brands to the Web
or using the Web to maintain an existing brand is mach easier and less expensive than creating an new brand on the Web. 根据 Intermarket Group 公司调查: 1998年100家最大电子商务网站平均花费800万美元创建在线品牌。 最大的两家: 亿美元 亿美元 创建品牌的成本

40 §4.8 Search Engine Positioning and Domain Names
§4.8.1 Search Engine And Web Directories Search Engines A special kind of Web page software that finds other Web pages that match a word or phrase the user enters Contains three major parts Spider, crawler, or bot – searches the Web Index – catalogs what is found Search engine utility – provides search results 搜索引擎定位 搜索引擎和Web目录 搜索引擎的三个主要部分: 1)网络蜘蛛 2)索引 3)搜索实用程序; Web目录; 网站命名问题 域名

41 HTML的元标记 META p167 META标记位于HTML文档头部的<HEAD>标记和<TITLE>标记之间,提供用户不可见的信息。 通常用来为搜索引擎Robots定义页面主题 例: <META NAME=”Keywords” CONTENT =”Computer,Sales,Intel,Compaq,Discount” > 为搜索引擎给出关键字列表 ,或者定义用户浏览器上的cookie;缓存刷新;内容等级

42 Web Directories p167 Some search engine sites provide classified hierarchical lists of categories into which they have organized commonly searched URLs. AltaVisa, AOL, Excite, Google, MSN, Yahool! 检索引擎观察组织Jupiter Media Metrix的调查报告,最流行的检索引擎:

43 Search Engine Positioning
Marketers want that their companies’ Web site URLs appear among the first 10 returned listings 1.sponsorship(赞助者) buy banner ad space at the top of search results pages . 付费定位 买旗帜广告空间

44 §4.8.2 Web Site Naming Issues
p169 The URL should reflect companies’name or reputation Southwest Airlines’ domain name was Until it purchased Delta Airlines’ original domain name was it purchased 例:

45 Domain name Price 交易价在100万美元以上的域名 p171 $750万 $330万 $300万 $300万 $220万 $200万 $100万

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