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NextGeneration Cloud IDC

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1 NextGeneration Cloud IDC
Ookon Distributed Cloud

2 Major players in Cloud Space
Major league cloud service providers such as Google, Youtube, Facebook, MSN, Amazon, Dropbox, Baidu, Sina, Sohu, Youku, RenRen, TaoBao, … etc. King of PostPC: Apple, Major IDC players Software Players such as IBM, big SI… To-be players: PC/MID vendors

3 Market Individuals Corporate Government organizations
Community (社區雲端服務) Universities and Schools Families 多數處於初期或尚未開發市場

4 Strength Comparison Google 等雲端服務商:技術、經驗消費型市場
Apple:終端設備量加 App Store, Itunes, icloud. PC and MID 硬體商:終端設備量 Software players: 熟悉企業型市場生態 IDC : 頻寬通路、last mile gateway, customer base

5 最近幾年當紅與趨勢 影音服務 such as Youtube, Youku
社群 such as Facebook, Sina微薄, RenRen, 雲端儲存 ,File Sharing, and Sync: such as Dropbox , icloud, ..

6 Traditional IDC Business
Colocation Virtual Host Web Hosting Hosting

7 Next Generation IDC ICC
Internet Cloud Center

8 Omni-Cloud Service 全方位雲端服務
大進化 Omni-Cloud Service 全方位雲端服務

9 Services New Generation Web Builder and Manager
New Generation Mail and Message Service Video Streaming and Sharing Community Sharing and Management Knowledge Management UbiCloud and Collaborative Caching Cloud storage and sync Cloud Service App Store and Content Delivery

10 New Generation Web Builder and Manager
Unparalleled easy-to-use and high productivity Ooki (Orchestrated Open Knowledge Inputter) CFM (Cloud File Manager) Can easily build advanced web sites with state of the art cloud services and high web site quality

11 CFM雲端檔案總管 WinWeb: 用 Windows 使用介面來管理Web,也就是說讓使用者用熟悉的檔案總管操作方式來管理雲端空間。
拖曳上傳、下載 右鍵功能:目錄權限設定、新增、刪除、改名 網站可切換成檔案總管模式

12 OOKI 網站編輯器 可以編輯整個網站 輕鬆編輯影音圖文並茂的網頁 階層式編輯,輕鬆編輯有結構的知識內容
可在編輯網頁時新增子目錄或文章 輕鬆編織連結到網路上相關的網頁或網站 整合搜尋引擎,輕鬆的納入收尋結果項目

13 多樣化UI與入口網站功能 內建搜尋引擎與入口網站功能 選單與子選單設定管理 背景樣板選擇 多樣化UI模式: 分類瀏覽與搜尋
What’s hot, what’s new 最新訊息與廣告管理 選單與子選單設定管理 背景樣板選擇 多樣化UI模式: 一般網站模式 檔案總管模式 DB 模式

14 New Generation Mail and Message Services
Client-Server Cloud Mail Service Advanced features Support off-line mail management (Web mail in NB) Integrated with Cloud Storage to support large sized Not just multimedia attachment, but also Multi media mail composition Knowledge management Register mail (掛號信) Integrated with instant messaging and social network messages (under development)

15 Video Streaming and Sharing
Support Flash, HTML5 Can sharing original video file too Tagging, searching, recommending, commenting Support Ubi-Cloud Streaming ( multi-server cache streaming plus p2p streaming) to avoid bottleneck problem of the server and to improve the bandwidth utilization significantly.

16 Community Sharing and Management
A rich set of community sharing and interaction functions Access control: password protection and membership-permission Enhance collaborative work through a group storage space

17 強大的社群分享功能 影音、相簿、部落格、訊息、BBS、 Voting、Calendar, 等 Drag and share 分享更便利
例如,拖曳影片或整個目錄到雲端來分享 相片或影音除了線上瀏覽也可分享原檔 可以輕鬆設定分享權限 實體社群輕鬆擁有社群雲端平台,分享的 size 可以遠超越 Youtube/facebook 等分享平台。 每個目錄或物件都可輕鬆轉貼至 F/P/T 每個目錄都可訂閱或回應

18 Knowledge Management Mail knowledge management
Personal workspace management 書籤管理 目錄同步 結構化多媒體知識編輯 表格資料庫 Community Information Portal and Search Engine.

19 UbiCloud and Collaborative Caching
UbiCloud: Ubiquitous Cloud In addition to the center-based cloud service, we will provide also cloud servers for local cloud service. End user will have a personal cloud server on his/her PC/NB. All the cloud entities will provide a portion of storage to become a super scale collaborative cache space The collaborative cache become a super scale CDN to significantly improve the bandwidth utilization and the user experience (no waiting, no bottleneck)

20 Cloud Storage and Sync Smart Backup
Provide Searching and Mining for the archived data Multi-tier cloud storage to enhance the data security and availability Important data can be archived in different layer storage (for example, both in Corporate and Cloud Center) Personal Computers/devices has a cache to be used when offline. Auto-Sync and Versioning

21 Cloud Service App Store and Content Delivery
Apple/Android App store is for devices (individuals) Cloud Service App Store is for communities such as corporate. E-content including e-magzines/books, movies, music can be distributed through the large scale CDN cost-effectively.

22 Business model Cloud service rendering through ICC
Cloud server shipping: Two-tier cloud service Rent-to-own Down-payment to cover big portion of the hardware and charge by monthly service fee. Server selling plus light-weight cloud center charge CDN and App Store revenue

23 Ookon’s role and strategy
To power IDC players in every country to become ICC Spread the client software and the ookon cloud server as widely as possible Become a global search engine, with major IDC players be a shareholder, to compete with Google, Baidu, …

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