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冷凍空調自動控制 -訊號擷取系統 李達生.

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Presentation on theme: "冷凍空調自動控制 -訊號擷取系統 李達生."— Presentation transcript:

1 冷凍空調自動控制 -訊號擷取系統 李達生

2 Focusing here… 概論 自動控制理論發展 自控系統設計實例 Laplace Transform 自動控制理論 系統穩定度分析
系統性能分析 PID Controller 冷凍空調自動控制 控制系統範例 控制元件作動原理 控制系統除錯 自動控制實務 節能系統控制 訊號擷取系統 訊號雜訊處理 快速溫控系統

3 Analog to Digital – A/D Converter
下圖為一典型的類比至數位訊號轉換器, 系統首先經由一組低通濾波器 (通常系統均有上限量測頻率), 而後再經過一取樣器, 在間隔固定時間T (取樣頻率), 取得時域上波形的訊號值大小, 將原有類比訊號轉化為數位訊號, 此系統稱為 A/D Converter Analog Signal Low Pass Filter Sampling Converter Digital Signal

4 Digital Signal Acquisition
經由固定時間取樣而得到的訊號, 可表示為 其中, T 是取樣的間隔時間, 轉變為 s plane 上, 可得 原訊號以特定頻率 1/T 的取樣, 在頻率域 w = 2p/T的訊號輸入時, 將導致一 DC 成分的假訊號產生

5 Aliasing DC 成分的假訊號產生稱為 Aliasing, 可簡單說明如圖
From The DSP Handbook: Algorithms, Applications and Design Techniques by Andrew Bateman, Iain Paterson-Stephens, 2002

6 Anti-Aliasing 為防止 Aliasing 現象, 採樣頻率需高過量測頻率至少兩倍以上, 即 此一頻率稱為 Nyquist Sampling Frequency, A/D 系統的低通濾波器, 即照此規範設計適當的濾波範圍

7 Resolution & S/N Ratio A/D Converter 的精度由其 bit 數決定, 假設有一A/D Converter bit 數為 n, 則代表其量化量測電壓量值為 若量測之電壓量誤差在單位量化量上是平均分布, 則 均方根誤差為

8 Resolution & S/N Ratio 據以計算 S/N Ratio 為

9 Other Performance Index of A/D Converter
A/D轉換時間: 4 us min for example A/D解析度:8 bit ~ 16 bit (24 bit is the best one now) A/D電壓範圍 +/- 30V ~ +/- 5 mV for example 放大器增益: 1,8,64,512 for example 頻道數: 16 for example 雜訊比(S/N Ratio):78dB for 14 bit ….. Integral Linearity: % FS for example Differential Linearity: ±1.5LSB for example 共模電壓(CMV): ±5V min for example 共模拒斥比(CMR): ±80dB for example 溫度漂移:增益: ±5ppm/C for example 時間漂移: 增益: ±27ppm/yr for example

10 A/D Converter Structure
A direct conversion ADC or flash ADC has a comparator that fires for each decoded voltage range. The comparator bank feeds a logic circuit that generates a code for each voltage range. Direct conversion is very fast, but usually has only 8 bits of resolution (256 comparators) or less. ADCs of this type have a large die size, a high input capacitance, and are prone to produce glitches on the output (by outputting an out-of-sequence code). They are often used for video or other fast signals.

11 A/D Converter Structure
A direct conversion ADC From Digital Fundamentals by Floyd, 2002

12 A/D Converter Structure
A delta-encoded ADC has an up-down counter that feeds a digital to analog converter (DAC). The input signal and the DAC both go to a comparator. The comparator controls the counter. The circuit uses negative feedback from the comparator to adjust the counter until the DAC's output is close enough to the input signal. The number is read from the counter. Delta converters have very wide ranges, and high resolution, but the conversion time is dependent on the input signal level. Delta converters are often very good choices to read real-world signals. Most signals from physical systems do not change abruptly.

13 A/D Converter Structure
A delta-encoded ADC From Digital Fundamentals by Floyd, 2002

14 A/D Converter Structure
A successive-approximation ADC uses a comparator to reject ranges of voltages, eventually settling on a final voltage range. For example, the first comparison might decide the most significant bit of the output, the next comparison decides the next-most significant bit, etc. This is also called bit-weighting conversion. ADCs of this type convert very fast, and have good resolutions and quite wide ranges. They are more complex than some other designs.

15 A/D Converter Structure
A successive-approximation ADC From Digital Fundamentals by Floyd, 2002

16 A/D Converter Structure
A Tracking ADC produces a saw-tooth signal that ramps up and tracks the signal. When the ramp starts, a timer starts counting. When the ramp voltage matches the input, a comparator fires, and the timer's value is recorded. Timed ramp converters require the least number of transistors. The ramp time is sensitive to temperature because the circuit generating the ramp is often just some simple oscillator. There are two solutions: use a clocked counter driving a DAC and then use the comparator to preserve the counter's value, or calibrate the timed ramp. A special advantage of the ramp-compare system is that comparing a second signal just requires another comparator, and another register to store the voltage value.

17 A/D Converter Structure
A Tracking ADC From Digital Fundamentals by Floyd, 2002

18 A/D Converter Structure
A pipeline ADC (also called subranging quantizer) uses two or more steps of subranging. First, a coarse conversion is done. In a second step, the difference to the input signal is determined with a digital to analog converter (DAC). This difference is then converted finer, and the results are combined in a last step. This type of ADC is fast, has a high resolution and only requires a small die size.

19 A/D Converter Structure
A pipeline ADC

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