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Interfacing C/C++ and Python with SWIG

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1 Interfacing C/C++ and Python with SWIG
隱藏之投影片 2016/9/5 2016// Interfacing C/C++ and Python with SWIG 胡連鈞 Hu, Lien Chun 電機系, Department of Electrical Engineering 國立成功大學, National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C ext 62365, Office: 奇美樓, 6F, 95601 Website address: or

2 Content Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building
SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

3 Abstract : What is SWIG? SWIG全名是 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator 是一個編譯器介面 a code generator which produces glue code required to wrap C and C++ libraries. a Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator 將C/C++與Python、Perl、Ruby程式連結 將C語言程式轉換成Python模組 Building high performance C modules Swig 全名是指 透過簡單包裝 並且 產生接口 的產生器 他可以讓原本的C/c++語言透過swig 這個工具 變成 python 或其他語言 是讓你只要會C就能轉換成python很方便的工具

4 Abstract C / C++ 特性 +高效率 (又小又快) +跨平台 +語法簡潔 -上手較難 (指令較多) -擴展和修改有困難
低階語言 +高效率 (又小又快) +跨平台 +語法簡潔 -上手較難 (指令較多) -擴展和修改有困難 Python 特性 高階語言 (行數少) +物件導向 (全部都是object!) +直譯式 (沒有exe檔, 可交談式互動) +跨平台 +易懂易學 強大的套件 -慢 (檔案較大)

5 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building
SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

6 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python 前置作業: 安裝Ubuntu (製造Linux環境) Swig 工具下載 Python 工具下載
Swig 工具下載 Python 工具下載

7 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python 假設一個程式碼 example.c
還需要 一個 interface file 檔 example.i .c (C code 檔) .i (interface file檔) 還需要一個.i的interface接口檔案,讓C有個接口連接swig 。格式如下

8 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python 將以上兩個檔案放置同一個資料夾後 →輸入指令 swig -python example.i
→會產生  example_wrap.c 兩個檔 接口檔案,讓C有個接口連接swig 。格式如下

9 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python 輸入指令 gcc -c -fpic example.c example_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.7 →產生example.o example_wrap.o 兩個檔 輸入指令 gcc -shared example.o example_wrap.o -o →產生 動態檔 要加底線 接口檔案,讓C有個接口連接swig 。格式如下

10 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python

11 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python 輸入指令python →進入python環境
C code 輸入指令python →進入python環境 輸入code import example→載入程式碼 可利用 example.XXX() 進行 按Ctrl+D 可跳離python To provide access to C global variables, SWIG creates a special Python object called `cvar' that is added to each SWIG generated module

12 1. Swig示範 - c轉成python (複習一下)
(interface file檔) .c (C code 檔) .o (執行檔) .py (python code 檔) swig -python example.i 3. 4. .py 檔是 Python 的原始程式碼檔案,而 Python 會在執行 .py 檔時,將 .py 的程式碼編譯成中間程式碼檔 ( byte-compiled ) 的 .pyc 檔以加快下次執行的速度。 所以,當你執行一支 .py 檔時,Python 會先看看有沒有這支 .py 檔的 .pyc 檔,如果有,而且 .py 檔的修改時間和 .pyc 檔一樣時,Python 就會讀 .pyc 檔,否則, Python 就會去讀原來的 .py 檔。 .pyc (中間程式碼檔) .so (動態檔) _wrap.c (包裝檔)

13 1. C轉化後python程式上執行 .i (interface file檔) .c (C code 檔)

14 2. Python Extension Building
Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

15 2-1. Python Extension Building
There are two basic methods for integrating C/C++ with Python Extension writing Extension writing involves the creation of new Python modules. These modules provide access to underlying C/C++ functions and variables. Embedding Embedding allows C/C++ programs to access the Python interpreter and execute Python commands. We are primarily concerned with “extension writing”. That is, providing Python access to existing C/C++ libraries. 有兩個基本的方法去整合 C/C++ 和 Python 擴展寫法 和 嵌入 擴展寫法讓 python 建立出新的架構,並且讓能夠存取C 的功能和變數 嵌入讓C能夠去存取python的編譯器和執行python的命令。 我們主要關心於擴展寫法,這可以讓python去存取 存在於C的library。

16 2-1. Python Extension Building
Python talks to C/C++ through special “wrapper” functions .c (C code 檔) 然後Python要跟C講話需要一個包裝的功能,要先把C經過包裝 _wrap.c (包裝檔)

17 2-1. Python Extension Building
A Complete Extension Example  _wrap.c (包裝檔) 1 完整的擴展範例 功能表 2 3

18 2-2. Compiling A Python Extension
There are two methods Dynamic Loading. Static linking. Dynamic Loading The extension module is compiled into a shared library or DLL. When you type ‘import’, Python loads and initializes your module on the fly. Static Linking The extension module is compiled into the Python core. The module will become a new “built-in” library. Typing ‘import’ simply initializes the module. Given the choice, you should try to use dynamic loading It’s easier. It’s surprisingly powerful if used right. Dynamic Loading : 被compiled 到一個共用的library或動態連結程式庫 (Dynamic Link Library) 輸入import,pytho會動態的load和初始化你的module 靜態的: compiled 到Python 核心,modul會變成一個內建的library,輸入import只會初始化

19 2-2. Compiling A Python Extension
程式執行時會參照到library,其中又分動態連結與靜態連結。 使用動態連結的執行檔,他們的大小通常較小,而且在程式執行時一定要參照.so檔,在Linux裡可以用ldd指令去看某程式要參照什麼函式庫。.so檔通常放在/lib中,程式才會找到他 靜態連結的執行檔,檔案通常較大,而且在執行時不必再動態去參照函式庫。 動態函式庫 (.so)檔是可共用的,相反地,靜態函式庫(.a)則不行。

20 2-3. Constants .i (interface file檔) Python

21 2-3. Constants The following declarations are turned into Python variables #define const enum Examples : #define ICONST 5 #define FCONST #define SCONST "hello world" enum boolean {NO=0, YES=1}; enum months {JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC }; const double PI = ;

22 2-4. Global Variables P.S. %readonly .i (interface file檔) Python .i

23 3. SWIG & SWIG Examples Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building
SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

24 3-1. SWIG command swig [ options ] filename

25 3-2. Another example (without .i)

26 3-2. Another example (without .i)

27 3-3. Multiple Files and Modules
Interfaces can be built from multiple files and libraries. Module system it very easy to reuse code in other packages. .i (interface file檔)

28 3-4. Derived_module & head file
base.h (標頭檔) class base { public: int foo(); }; base_module.i %module base_module %{ #include "base.h" %} %include "base.h" %inline %{ ... %} inserts code into the header section and "wraps" it. derived_module.i %module derived_module %import "base_module.i" %inline %{ class derived : public base { public: int bar(); }; %}

29 3-5. Building Python Modules
Can build Python modules out of C/C++ libraries. Example : MATLAB, OpenGL, etc… OpenGL Example The steps (summary) : Copy header files. Make a few minor changes (only about a dozen in this case). Write a few helper functions. Compile the module. .i (interface file檔) 做個微小的變動

30 3-5. Building Python Modules

31 4. Objects Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building
SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

32 4-1. Object Oriented (物件導向)
NON-Object Oriented Object Oriented NON-Object Oriented 變數是指鰾 Python

33 4-2. Pointers All derived types in SWIG are pointers.
Encoded as strings with type information Example: _1008e124_Vector_p address type point .i (interface file檔) Python

34 4-3. Array Array are pointers .i (interface file檔) Python

35 4-4. Code Insertion The structure of SWIG’s output
_wrap.c (包裝檔) The structure of SWIG’s output Four directives are available for inserting code %{ ... %} inserts code into the header section. %wrapper %{ ... %} inserts code into the wrapper section. %init %{ ... %} inserts code into the initialization function. %inline %{ ... %} inserts code into the header section and "wraps" it.

36 #This file was created automatically by SWIG
4-5. Shadow classes Can encapsulate C structures or C++ classes with a Python class. The Python class serves as a wrapper around the underlying C/C++ object (and is said to “shadow” the object). Easily built using pointers and low-level accessor functions. Contrast to writing a new Python type in C. #This file was created automatically by SWIG 能夠封裝C結構或C++ 階級 Python 用來包裝盒底層的C的 Object服務 3 . 4.在python中寫入C 建立起低階語言的連接 簡單來說 可以用C的語法在python做事情 .i (interface file檔)

37 4-6. Accessing Arrays of Objects
%addmethods can be used to add Python specific functions .i (interface file檔) Python 存取array中任何的object相對容易 提供自然的存取 和你預期依樣 同樣的手法可以用在分層、跌代或其他的手法 Accesing arrays of any kind of object is relatively easy. Provides natural access (arrays can be manipulated like you would expect).

38 4-7. Complex Objects (typedef)
SWIG manipulates all "complex" objects by reference The definition of an object is not required. Pointers to objects can be freely manipulated. Any "unrecognized" datatype is treated as if it were a complex object. Make sure you tell SWIG about typedef. SWIG 操縱所有的complex objects by reference 一班來說object 不用特別定義 Pointer to object 很容易 沒有特別說的datatype 會被視為 complex object

39 Making Sense of Objects (Summary)
SWIG uses a layered approach All three modes are useful and may be mixed in the same program Use opaque pointers when access to an object’s internals is unnecessary. Use C/C++ accessor functions when occasional access to an object is needed. Use Python shadow classes when you want an interface that closely mimics the underlying C/C++ object. 若是對內部的object 不需要使用指標存取 當偶然存取要使用到Object時可以使用 Accsoor function 使用 Shadow class 可以去作為接口 模仿底層 的C object

40 5. The SWIG Library Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building
SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

41 5. The SWIG Library SWIG is packaged with a standard “library”
Think of it as the SWIG equivalent of the Python library. Contents of the library : Interface definitions to common C libraries. Utility functions (array creation, pointer manipulation, timers, etc...) SWIG extensions and customization files. Support files (Makefiles, Python scripts, etc...) Using the library is easy--just use the %include directive. Code from the library files is simply inserted into your interface. .i (interface file檔)

42 5. The SWIG Library Example
%include pointer.i Provides high level creation, manipulation, and destruction of common types Can create arrays, dereference values, etc... The cool part : uses the SWIG type-checker to automatically infer types. .i (interface file檔) Python

43 5. The SWIG Library : Support Files
Other Library : Need a Python Makefile in a hurry? 輸入指令: % swig -python -co Makefile Makefile checked out from the SWIG library % Edit it and you’re off and running.

44 6. The SWIG Documentation System
Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

45 6-1. The SWIG Documentation System

46 6-2. Adding Additional Text

47 7. Summary Abstract SWIG示範 Python Extension Building
SWIG command & SWIG Examples Objects The SWIG Library The SWIG Documentation System Summary

48 7. Summary This tutorial had 4 main goals Conclusions
Promote the benefits of using Python with C/C++. Describe the process of building Python extensions. A thorough overview of using SWIG to produce modules. Discuss a few practical issues. Conclusions Integration of C/C++ with Python is a powerful tool--both for developing better C programs and for building better applications. Python is designed for extension programming. SWIG (automated tools) can greatly simplify the task of integrating C/C++ with Python. But, there are also a variety of coding issues you need to keep in mind. Many of the techniques and issues described are applicable to other Python extension tools and even other scripting languages. 1.整合C使用python 這個強大的工具,讓C program 發展得更好、能夠建立起更好的應用程序。 2.python使被設計來擴展programming 3.自動結合的工具可以有效的話簡化C和python 4. BUT 還是有些指令 issue 要去注意 5.許多所描述的技術和問題也適用於其它Python擴展工具和甚至其它腳本語言。

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