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Unit 1 A land of the diversity

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1 Unit 1 A land of the diversity

2 Brainstorm What will come to your mind when you hear USA?
What do you know about USA?

3 3. Which stands for the USA?
National Emblems (国徽) A. B. C. D.

4  正面国徽正面图    白头海雕与美国国旗 案的主要形象是象征美国的白头海雕(常被误为是秃鹰),白头海雕是力量、勇气、自由和不朽的象征。白头海雕的双翅展开(纹章学里称为“展现”)。左右鹰爪分别抓着象征和平和武力的橄榄枝和箭(参见橄榄枝请愿书)。鹰头目视右方,象征着期望和平。鹰嘴叼着的绶带上写着拉丁文格言“合众为一”(E Pluribus Unum)。鹰头上方的象征着拥有主权的新生国家"光环"的蓝色背景里镶着象征美国最初13个州的13颗五角星。

5 the Star-Spangled Banner (星条旗)
National Flag The America flag is known as “the stars and strips”. 50 stars—— Each star represents one state 13 stripes—— the original 13 states. Red—— courage White —— freedom Blue——loyalty and justice June 14 —— Flag Day. the Star-Spangled Banner (星条旗)

6 What do you know about the USA?
Famous people: Bill gate, Michael Jordan… Languages: English Major cities: New York. Los Angeles . Chicago. Houston… population: 296,000,000 U.S.A. National holiday: Independence Day, 4 July Capital city : Washington DC Official Name: The united states of America

7 Do you know the following places?
Canada Mexico The Great Lakes New York Chicago Washington D.C. San Francisco Las Vegas Los Angeles Atlanta Houston Miami

8 World Trade Centre Empire State building Manhattan

9 Statue of Liberty

10 White House

11 Capitol Hill

12 The Mississippi River is the largest river in North America
The Mississippi River is the largest river in North America. Rising in Minnesota, it flows south, across the continental interior and finally into the Mexico Gulf.

13 Do the following exercises with the help of the map

14 Do the following exercises with the help of the map
Ocean on the east coast: Atlantic Ocean Ocean on the west coast: Country to the north of USA: Country to the south of USA: Mountain range in the west: Great Lakes: Longest river in the USA: Some important cities:

15 Superior Huron Ontario Erie Michigan

16 Ocean on the west coast: Pacific Ocean
Country to the north of USA: Canada Country to the south of USA: Mexico Mountain range in the west: Rocky Mountains Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario Longest river in the USA: Mississippi River Some important cities: New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans

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