Sustainable Development of Smart Cities & Living in Taiwan

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Development of Smart Cities & Living in Taiwan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Development of Smart Cities & Living in Taiwan
The 32nd Chinese-Swedish Joint Council Meeting Sustainable Development of Smart Cities & Living in Taiwan Bing-Chwen Yang Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories Industrial Technology Research Institute September 26, 2016

2 Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
ITRI Main Campus ITRI South Taiwan Campus ITRI Central Taiwan Campus

3 Current Status of ITRI Total Patents Total Staff: 5,855
24,464 Startups & Spinoffs(2015) 240 Industry Services(2015) Provided Services:18,351 Transferred Technologies:642 1,386 3,251 1,218 23,859 Ph.D.: Master: Bachelor: Alumni: 3

4 Organization of ITRI

5 Industrial energy Saving
GEL’s Research Fields Geothermal Ocean Energy Storage Industrial energy Saving HVAC Lighting Wind Energy Management New & Renewable Energy Tech. Energy Efficiency & Conservation Tech. PV Policy Think Tank Smart/Green Building Environmental Tech. Low Carbon Tech. Pollution Source Tracking Carbon footprint Circular Economy Carbon Capture & Storage Air pollution control

6 Sustainable Development in Taiwan

7 Energy Efficiency Target
(Base year: 2005) 22% Target 20% Target 50% And according to the “Guideline on Energy Development”, our policy vision is to establish a secure, efficient and clean supply and demand energy system, therefore, 3 nation targets were set: Firstly, from the efficiency perspective, two stage E.E. targets has been set. To reduce energy intensity by 20% in 2015, and 50% by 2025. The 2015 target has been accomplished. Our energy intensity has accumulatively decreased by 22%. 2015

8 Target for Renewable Energy
20% of power generation by 2025 Capacity Unit:MW 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 PV 842 1,342 2,042 4,287 6,532 8,776 11,021 13,266 15,511 17,755 20,000 On-shore Wind 647 747 847 957 1,074 1,200 Off-shore Wind 8 16 184 352 520 1,016 1,512 2,008 2,504 3,000 Geothermal 1 5 21 50 150 160 170 180 190 200 Bio 741 742 745 752 760 768 774 781 787 800 813 Hydro 2,089 2,091 2,094 2,097 2,100 2,110 2,120 2,130 2,140 2,150 Fuel Cell 15 22.5 30 38 45 53 60 Total 4,319 4,929 5,746 8,303 10,880 13,537 16,310 19,086 21,861 24,641 27,423 Generation Unit:100 GWh 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 PV 11 17 26 54 82 110 138 166 194 222 250 On-shore Wind 16 18 20 23 29 Off-shore Wind 1 7 13 19 38 56 74 93 111 Geothermal 3 10 12 Bio 55 57 58 59 Hydro 46 47 48 Fuel Cell 2 4 5 Total 127 136 148 187 227 272 320 369 417 466 515

9 Taiwan’s GHG Reduction Goals
428 Year 269 2030’s GHG emission will be 50% of the BAU about 2000’s level (20% below 2005’s level) 20% 50% 50% below 2005 levels by 2050 (GHG Reduction and Management Act) 20% below 2005 Levels by 2030 (INDC) 134 Historical emissions Overall, Taiwan has set up our low-carbon pathway towards emissions reduction, with the 2020 short-term target under NAMAs, the 2030 medium-term target under INDC, and the 2050 long-term target under our GHG Reduction and Management Act, which I will go into detail later on.

10 Four Pillars for Green Energy Technology
Energy Creation Energy Saving Energy Storage Smart System Integration System Integration Energy Conservation Three Innovative Industries PV、Wind Turbine、Smart Grid and Meter

11 The Two Renewable Projects for PV and Offshore Wind Power
Taiwan Executive Yuan has kicked off two renewable projects (再生能源雙 箭)─2 Years Project for PV and 4 Years Project for Wind Power on Sep. 1, 2016. The total investment will be about 140 billion NTD. The 2 Years Photovoltaic Project ( ) The total expected capacity is 1.52GW The total investment is about 80 billion NTD. The project will bring oversea investment in and boost the domestic PV industry The 4 Years Offshore Winds Project ( ) The total expected capacity is 0.52GW The total investment is about 60 billion NTD. 積極推動再生能源,太陽能光電、離岸風電將接力上場,太陽光電二年計畫、風電四年計畫將在行政院核定後啟動,總投資金額一千四百多億元,將帶動國內外廠商投資,已有新加坡、丹麥等廠商表達興趣。 因應全球暖化和缺電危機,行政院能源及減碳辦公室在昨(16)日舉行第一次委員會。行政院長林全在致詞時表示,台灣作為世界重要的經濟大國,有義務及責任推動節能減碳計畫,並期許能源小組的召開,協助經濟部、科技部等達成太陽光電2年計畫、風力發電4年推動計畫,及發展沙崙科學城,成為未來綠能發展重鎮

12 Concept of Sustainable Environment

13 Planning for Sustainable City
Low Carbon Energy Low Carbon Transportation Renewable Energy Energy Conservation Low Burden Transportation Device Smart Mass-Transportation System Green Energy Industry Bio-Environemnt Rising Green Energy Industry Program Green EICT Employment in Green Energy Industry IoT Ecological Environment Recyling Low Carbon Tour Low Carbon Consumption Low Carbon Traveling Low Carbon Scene New Consumption Environment Low Carbon Culture

14 Integration of Low Carbon Technology
EICT Demand Supply Green Building Smart Grid Storage Device SGEB system efficiency and reliability can be improved by deploying smart grid, energy storage, and energy management system for controlling demand response management Demand – response management Control of demand response management and load transition (variation) Energy management System

15 Green and Smart Community Low Carbon Transportation
Source: NEP-II, 2016

16 Demo-Project – ITRI Green Campus
Source: ITRI ,2014 Broad-wood Trail Old Buildings Intelligent & Green Renovation ITRI Green Campus Smart Grid Monitoring Facilities LEDs: Low-carbon Lighting xEVs: Green Shuttle Bus Active Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chiller Water Recycling PV Parking Space Zero-energy Buildings & Eco Pool Green Thermal Insulation Materials Target: Power Saving 30%, Carbon Reduction 40% by 2017 (based on 2010)

17 Net Zero Energy Building (ITRI Central Campus)
Technology Supply side: high performance PV Demand side: optimized ventilation, high-efficiency and smart lighting control Management side: energy simulation, zoning air-conditioning system with BEMS, etc. Achievements Award green building label (diamond class) and intelligent building label 52% energy saving is expected through the integration of technologies Connection to a 23.7 kWp PV system is enough to ensure net-zero ITRI Net-Zero Energy Building in Central Campus Focus on the cafeteria in campus. 660 m2 floor area including a kitchen Completed in September 2014

18 Penghu Low Carbon Demo Project
A comprehensive demo project, Peng-Hu Low Carbon Island. Over 55% of total energy supply are generated by renewable energy; GHG’s emission reduces per capita by 62%. Reduce CO2 emission from 5.4 tons/cap-yr (2008) to 2.1 tons/cap-yr (2015) Installed 20 PV system (1.56 MW) and subsidized 1,893 m2 solar water Low Carbon Island Renewable Energy Energy Saving Green Transport Low Carbon Building Forestation Resource Recycling Low Carbon Living Low Carbon Education Established 5,309 LED street lamps and subsidized 12,028 energy-saving appliances 「建置澎湖低碳島專案計畫」期程自2011至2015年 目標 : 2015年再生能源供應佔總能源需求56% 人均CO2排放由5.4噸/人-年(2008)降為2.1噸/人-年(2015) 補助太陽熱水器1,893m2;建置太陽光電1.56MW (至2015年3月) 安裝LED路燈 5,309盞;補助節能家電 12,028臺(至2015年3月) 建置充電柱計612座;補助電動機車3,561輛(至2015年3月) 100%新建公共建物/民間重大投資案取得綠建築標章 [補充說明] 減碳量是原先低碳島專案計畫設定的最終目標 但因台澎海底電纜無法完成建置,也影響到大型風機的設置 今年是無法達成原計畫目標 目前正籌劃展延計畫時程(第二期計畫尚未定案) 故還是列原計畫目標 建議可斟酌是否刪除 Established 612 charge stations and subsidized 3,561 electric scooters All new public buildings and major private constructions should obtain green building certification

19 Green Energy Technology Demonstration Park
Platform for Micro-Grid System Integration Testing PV、Bio-Energy、Energy Storage & EICT PV System South Campus of ITRI New PV Material Big Data Analysis Bio-Energy & Fuel Cell System Energy Storage and Power Management New Energy Storage Material

20 Energy Efficiency Management
Strengthen Energy Efficiency Management Voluntary “Energy Label” Program 47 categories, 320 corporations and 7,455 products ( May 2016) Mandatory Energy Efficiency Ranking labeling 12 categories and 24,688 products ( May 2016) Implement Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) 20 product categories. First country to implement MEPS for LED bulb in Asia ( July 2014)

21 Energy Conservation Activities
Energy Saving Standards for Designated Energy Users Enforced 3 mandatory measures for 20 industries of service sector Restraining leakage of Air conditioning Limiting indoor air conditioning temperature Banning incandescent light bulbs

22 Opportunity for Sustainable Energy
Simulation Model 2050 Calculator RD100 Public participation Pioneer Technology Low Carbon City PV Wind Geothermal Bio-Energy Sustainable Technology IoT Smart City Penghu Island Renewable Energy Energy Conservation EMS Energy Efficiency Green Community

23 Closing Remarks Enhance the energy conservation and carbon reduction is an important part of the Taiwan government strategy to reduce dependence on energy imports, improve productivity and competitiveness, enhance health and well-being and mitigate the impact of energy price volatility. Over the last decade, the Taiwan government has implemented several strategies that have transformed the market for energy conservation and carbon reduction, with compulsory and voluntary measures and incentive schemes to scale up investment for sustainable development. The government are accelerating promotion of sectors investment in sustainable development with access to finance, but also regulation, incentives, de-risking measures and capacity building. To further enhance energy saving and build a low carbon energy environment, both demand (energy saving) and supply side (low-carbon energy exploration) measures will be promoted.

24 Bing-Chwen Yang
Thank You Bing-Chwen Yang

25 Concept of LCE System The aim for the low carbon electricity (LCE) system is to better integrate all elements of electricity systems to optimize investment and operation; this will increase complexity, but also improve efficiency and resilience while optimizing use of energy resources 〜 Source: IEA ETP 2014

26 Low Carbon Electricity (LCE) system Renewable energy Technologies
Decarbonisation Integrated energy system Energy efficiency Socio- economic Heating & cooling Wind Geothermal Marine CSP PV Biofuels & alternative fuels CCS (CCUS) Clean coal technology Efficiency enhancement CO2 use in industry Grids Modeling Storage Integration & application Optimization Efficiency enhancement Consumer behavior Business models Incentives LCE 系統 供應端:潔淨能源 (再生能源、 淨媒等)、CCS/CCUS 、電廠效率提升等 需求端:節能科技、市場機制、政策引導、行政手段及法規等各項節能措施推動 管理端:智慧電網 (動態能源管理系統)及儲能達供需平衡 備註:Horizon 2020 的再生能源技術裡面,[Heat & Cooling] 指的是區域供熱/冷系統的能效管理改善方法,試圖找出俱經濟效益並將餘熱回收的solution. 詳細說明:Under the Heating and cooling sub-area the challenge is to moderate the demand for heating and cooling, increase energy efficiency in supply, maximise the use of renewable energy and reduce costs of heating and cooling to affordable levels for all  Supply Management Demand Source: Horizon 2020

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