Gender Mainstreaming in Taiwan: Roles of Government and NGOs

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Mainstreaming in Taiwan: Roles of Government and NGOs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Mainstreaming in Taiwan: Roles of Government and NGOs
Chih-Chieh, Carol LIN, Associate Dean, School of Law, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

2 Chih-Chieh LIN Carol Lin
Associate Dean, School of Law, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Council Member, Advisory Committee, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan Excellent Educator Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2013 Excellent Junior Research Grants , National Science Council, Taiwan, 2012 Distinguished Teaching Awards, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2009 Distinguished Mentor Professor Award, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2010 and 2007 Director of Legal Reform Department, Transparency International. Taiwan Chapter Director of 2017 Law and Society Seminar in Taiwan Legal council, Women’s Awakening Foundation Chih-Chieh LIN Carol Lin

3 Rise of Taiwan’s gender mainstreaming

4 Taiwan May Be First in Asia to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

5 Democratization in Taiwan’s History
Japanese Occupation Taiwan ruled under martial law Democratic Period 1994: Compulsory Education Began: women started to have change to be educated 1987: Lifting the ban on publication and political parties 1969 Direct Election on Legislators 1996 Direct Presidential Election Democratization in Taiwan’s History

6 Democratization 1994 Women’s Policy White Paper was submitted during Taipei mayor’s election. Inter-bureau office related to women’s right was set up in Taipei City. 1996 Amendments in Family Law Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act passed Both legal changes came from lawyers, scholars and Awakening Foundation’s pressure. 1997 Push the founding of Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion and Development in Executive Yuan In 1996, Ms. Wan-Ru Peng (彭婉如), director of DPP Women was brutally murdered. This sad incident raised public awareness on women’s right and safety.

7 Legislation Yuan Executive Yuan Democratization
NGO’s lobbying and bill-drafting Executive Yuan Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion and Development

8 Freedom of Assembly, Association and Demonstration
Article 14 of Taiwan’s Constitution: People shall have freedom of assembly and association.→The foundation of NGO’s development  Judicial Yuan Interpretation No 445: This freedom is based on the idea of sovereignty of the people, and is an important basic human right in the implementation of democracy as it facilitates thinking and debate, respects differences, and embodies the constitutional spirit of co-existence. To protect such freedom, in addition to providing suitable places for assemblies and adopting effective security measures to protect assemblies, the country should enact a law and formulate the system in such a way as to enable the participants in assemblies or demonstrations to exercise their freedom of assembly without fear.

9 What is Gender Mainstreaming?
the Inspiration and the Definition

10 1985 Third World Conference on Women in Nairobi, Kenya
The idea has been pushed in the United Nations development community 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China Be cited in the Beijing Platform for Action that resulted from the conference 1997 UN Economic and Social Council Formally defined the concept

11 “The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.”
“Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs, in all areas and at all levels.” “Making women's as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs in all political, economic and societal spheres.” The official determination of gender mainstreaming by UN Economic and Social Council “The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.”

12 The development of gender mainstream in government

13 行政院性別平等會 The Gender Equality Committee of the Executive Yuan


15 The Goals Consolidates the expert knowledge of the government and the private sector Offering policy planning, counsel, supervision, and resource integration Bring implementation of women's rights and gender equality issues of the government and the private sector into accord strengthen the partnership between the government and the private sector ensures close contact between women’s associations inside and outside Taiwan From 行政院性別平等會

16 Primary Work: Implementation of CEDAW
The Enforcement Act of CEDAW was put into effect on January 1, 2012 Require the provision and handling of training, regulations, and review of measures for central and local governments, the drafting of national reports on the elimination of gender discrimination and the establishment of a compliance assessment system, and arrangements for guidance on the prevention of gender discrimination From 行政院性別平等會

17 Primary Work: Enactment of Gender Equality Policy Guidelines
The Gender Equality Policy Guidelines were announced on December 19, 2011 Advocate women's rights and gender equality in 7 main categories: power, decision-making, and influence (2) employment, economy, and welfare (3) education, culture, and media From 行政院性別平等會

18 Primary Work: Enactment of Gender Equality Policy Guidelines
(4) personal safety and the judicial system (5) health, medical service and care (6) population, marriage, and family (7) the environment, energy, and technology In addition, a total of 255 initiatives were introduced to direct various government bodies in the adoption of the Gender Equality Policy Guidelines

19 Primary Work: Gender mainstreaming in central and local governments
Gender equality and gender mainstreaming units have been assembled within central and local government bodies to develop proper implementation tools and practices for these objectives: From 行政院性別平等會

20 Primary Work: Gender mainstreaming in central and local governments
Arrange for gender mainstreaming training for civil servants at the national and local levels Promote the development and implementation of assessments on the influence on each gender of government plans, laws, and regulations Step up teaching of gender awareness; and to vest local women's rights promotion committees with greater functionality From 行政院性別平等會

21 Primary Work: Global participation and local training
Arrange local training in gender equality and facilitates economic exchanges and policy dialogues among the central and local governments and the public Such exchanges promote gender-equality awareness in local governments and private organizations and, together, help to effect gender equality work BACKGROUND: The GEC participates in gender-related discussions of APEC and in meetings organized by the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), supervises and regulates the adoption of innovative practices that enhance women's economic involvement by government bodies, and keeps abreast of international trends in the promotion of gender equality and women's rights-related work. From 行政院性別平等會

22 NGO’s role in Taiwan gender mainstreaming
Gentleness X Rebellion

23 The Enlightenment 台灣女權意識的啟蒙

24 1925 彰化婦女共勵會 as the first independent Feminist established.
1922 女宣道會 as the first Feminist affiliated organization of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (台灣基督教長老教會) founded in Taipei. 1925 彰化婦女共勵會 as the first independent Feminist established. 1976 Madam Annette Lu Hsiu-Lien (呂秀蓮女士)founded the Pioneer Publishing, arousing the Feminist self-awareness by the idea of “先做人再做男人或女人”. 1982 the first Feminist magazine, the Awakening Magazine (《婦女新知雜誌》)was published, initiating the second-wave of the Feminist Movement in Taiwan.

25 the first Feminist movement: the liberation

26 1946 The Taiwan Provincial Women Association (台灣省 婦女會)was founded, actively advocating the abolition of prostitution and the liberation of women, and engaging in the work of protecting foster daughters. 1956 The Taiwan Provincial Government(台灣省政府), Madam Soong May-ling(蔣宋美齡女士) established the Taiwan Provincial Women Association (臺灣省保護養女運 動委員會), integrating governmental and non-governmental power to provide the plaintiffs am access to grievance procedure and to improve their dilemma and livelihood skills.

27 1956 The Enactment of 《臺灣省現行養女習俗改善辦法》 so that women's groups and the police can intervene to deal with the issue of foster daughters. “Foster Daughters” is the important gender issue in the first Feminist Movement in 50’s Taiwan.

28 Women in politics 女性參政

29 1951 The Taiwan Provincial Provisional Provincial Council (台灣省臨時省議會)held the first election as for the initiation of the gender quota of legislators. 1968 Doctor Hsu Shih-Hsien (許世賢女士)was elected as the first female city major in Taiwan, and won the election of legislators with the highest votes four years later.

30 1988 The secretary-general of the Awakening Foundation, Peng Wan-Ru (彭婉如女士)proposed the gender quota for one fourth of the elected seats to be reserved for women. 1997 Women's groups petitioned the National Assembly (國民大會,在2005.6已廢止)several times to amend the Constitution to increase women’s quotas in government and to encourage women to participate in politics in substance.

31 1999 The Legislation Yuan (立法院)passed the law for establishing the gender quota for one fourth of the elected seats to be reserved for women on the Local Government Act (《地 方制度法》). 2000 總統大選全國婦女團體聯盟 strongly urged candidates of the presidential election to sign the “Women's Check"(「女 人支票」) and improved forward in the specific women's policies. In the same year, the first female vice-president, Madam Annette Lu (呂秀蓮女士), also promised to implement “the cabinet in quarter are female” (「女性內閣四分之一」).

32 Women in family 婦女家庭人權

33 1994 Women’s groups supported Teng ju-wen (鄧如雯女 士) who murdered her husband because of her suffering in the long-term domestic violence. Women groups urged the government to concern about the marital violence. Although Deng was commuted sentences in the end, the Taiwan‘s Family Violence Prevention Act (《家庭暴力防治法》) was still under a great lengthy legislative negotiations until four years later, the public authority was finally involved in domestic violence.

34 1994 The regulations of child custody, parental authority and husband-and-wife property in the Civil Code Part IV Family (《民法親屬編》) have seen as the symbol of patriarchal privilege and have unadjusted for over 60 years, finally being declared unconstitutional by the Justices of the Constitutional Court. 1998 The amendment of the regulation of taking husband’s last name in the Civil Code Part IV Family.

35 Amendments in Family Law : Marital Property
1930 1985 2002 Joint Property System Abolish joint property system The husband can take all his wife’s property during the marriage relationship Allow certain marital property to be equally distributed to the husband and the wife when joint property system ends. Allow the property acquired in marriage can be equally distributed to one of the spouses when the marriage ends.

36 Amendments in Family Law : Children Custody
1930 Father is presumed to exercise the right and duty over the minor child. 1996 Children’s best interest 2013 Whether one parent takes actions to hinder the other of exercising rights and assuming duties of the minor child.

37 RIGHT TO WORK 婦女工作權

38 1987 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall incident.
1989 The Awakening Foundation introduced the Gender Equality in Employment Bill(《兩性工作平權法》) which was passed in 2001 after a decade of continual proposals to the government.

39 1997 Taipei Municipal Government announced the abolition of the Prostitution Administration Regulation in Taipei City (《台北市娼妓管理辦法》) which made 128 prostitutes lose their rights to work and triggered a sharp debate on sexual transaction in society. 2011 The Law for Maintaining Social Order(《社會秩序 維護法》) gave local governments the right to set Sexual Transaction Zones (性工作專區).

40 Women’s security 婦女人身安全

41 1996 The accident of the feminist movement activist Peng Wan-Ru (彭婉如女士) made the government and the public begin to concern about women's personal safety. With the request of women‘s groups, the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention law (《性侵害防治法》)finally adopted and promulgated one year later after the incident. Since then, the Awakening Foundation (婦女新知基金會) gave a comprehensive view and called for revisions of gender equality education in textbooks at all educational levels.

42 2004 The “Gender Equity Education Act” (《性別平等教 育法》) was promulgated.
1997 The Ministry of Education (教育部)established the Gender Equality Education Committee(《兩性平等教育 委員會》) as for the authority of gender education. 2004 The “Gender Equity Education Act” (《性別平等教 育法》) was promulgated. 2010 The White Rose Movement(白玫瑰運動): Women's groups urged to speed up the amendment of the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention law (《性侵害防治法》) to prevent sex abuse.

43 Women’s media 女性媒體

44 The Pioneer Publishing by Hsiu-Lien Lu
1976 The Awakening Magazine 1982 Fembook: the first feminist’s bookstore in Asia 1994 1976,呂秀蓮創立第一個結合婦運與出版業的「拓荒者出版社」。 1982,李元貞等人為延續婦運種子、深耕平權議題,雖處戒嚴時期仍號召成立「婦女新知雜誌社」。 華文地區第一家女性主義專業書店「女書店」1994在臺北成立。

45 New inhabitants 外籍配偶權益保障

Many Taiwanese men marry women from China or Southeast Asia 1990 TransAsia Sisters Association was founded 2003 4 Way Voice was established: The first newspaper using Southeast languages 2006 1990年初起,大批臺灣男性迎娶來自中國與東南亞女性。 在新一代移民的浪潮下,1995,高雄美濃愛鄉協進會創設「外籍新娘識字班」,2003正式立案為南洋臺灣姊妹會。 2006,第一份以東南亞文字語言為主體的報紙,「四方報」成立,以「友人」的身份出現,提供在台越南、印尼、泰國、菲律賓、柬埔寨越南朋友們所需資訊。並於2011舉辦「艷驚四方」-當代台灣異鄉人創作展,以畫展方式,分享異鄉多彩的生命故事。

47 Social movement 社會運動與性別思潮

48 Gave birth to the “Genetic Health Act”(《優生保健法》)
The Awakening Foundation led 7 feminism groups to propose “Legalizing Abortion”. 1984 Feminists began to be active in social movements. The Parade of saving young prostitutes 1987 the Martial Law was lifted (解嚴): 1984「婦女新知」發動七個婦女團體、154名婦女、連署「婦女意見書」,訴求「墮胎合法化」,促成「優生保健法」立法通過。此行動影響眾多婦女團體繼之而起, 1987解嚴,三十二個婦女、人權、原住民及教會團體,發動「抗議販賣人口-關懷雛妓」大遊行,因此催生了以救援雛妓為主的婦女救援會。 1988晚晴婦女協會成立(關注離婚婦女處境)、勵馨社會福利事業基金會(推動反雛妓)、台灣基層婦女勞工中心(關心女性勞動者權益)等成立,將台灣婦運帶向高潮。 更受街頭運動影響,婦女團體亦走上街頭。 2000,「原住民婦運」被正式定調為婦女新知基金會該年年度主題,進行原住民母系社會文化與兩性關係還原工作,開展原住民婦運種子培訓課程。 Gave birth to the “Genetic Health Act”(《優生保健法》)

49 Sexual freedom 性解放與情慾自主

50 The Anti-sexual harassment parade
1994 The Anti-sexual harassment parade 1995 The Center for the studies of sexuality in NCU 1998 The Taiwan LGBT hotline 2003 The first same-sex marriage parade began 1994婦女團體反對性騷擾大遊行,台灣婦女運動先驅何春蕤喊出「我要性高潮、不要性騷擾」使女性情慾自主成為重要話題。 1995年中央大學性/別研究室成立,開啟性與性別多元對話先鋒。 1998,因一則青少年同志自殺的新聞報導,同志諮詢熱線成立,關注同性戀議題。 1999年性別人權協會成立,打破傳統男女二分的兩性框架,擴及性少數關懷至跨性別者、性工作者和愛滋感染者等所有性少數者。 2003同志諮詢熱線號召臺灣同志社群,舉辦首屆臺灣同志遊行。

51 Taiwan’s challenges & Responses to gender mainstreaming

52 The universal obstacles in the practice of Gender Mainstreaming
international Review The universal obstacles in the practice of Gender Mainstreaming

53 3-Dimension Examination
Technocratization & depoliticization “Gender mainstreaming” as a term of politically correct Naturally be produced by gender experts, rather than through democratic participation in the process to confirm Expert- Bureaucratic Model v. Participatory-Democratic Model Velvet Triangle: the same group of scholars and experts across the countries(Bureaucratic reliance) An "exclusive" crisis: the lack of local organizations Bureaucratization Structural obstacle: Bureaucrats concern about "efficiency and influence", but NGO’s attention is on "effectiveness” All public-private partnerships must confront with 3. 對性別主流化之三面向檢討: 3.1 技術官僚化(Technocratization)與去政治化: 3.1.1 Squires 性別主流化發展:不平等結構分析與平等願景擘劃+ 提 出消除不平等之政策工具及活動-> 在實務上多明顯偏向工具導 向的後者(Beveridge & Nott, 2002; Daly, 2005) 3.1.2 Daly: 各國政府多將「性別」或「性別平等」視為一個定義明確 且各方看法一致的概念,僅需操作「性別相關工具」便能得出成果 3.1.3 Bacchi & Eveline (2003):可歸咎於性別主流化在實務上,多是對 已提出或執行中的計畫做「事後」評估,而非針對計畫結構本身 做「事前」的性別分析-> 性別主流化的推動方向多與政府既定議 程合流 3.1.4 D & B: 技術官僚化之成因在於性別主流化本身即為符合了強調 「效率」與「工具理性」的新自由主義治理典範 總結:目前為止大部分的國際經驗都指出各國政府的「主流化」多半僅止於名稱或修辭上的政治正確,在內部的政策建置與資源分配上則少有變動,或許選擇與國家既定的政策議程相符的措施來推動,以免製造爭議或增加新的成本,卻仍獲得「推動性別主流化」的美名(Daly, 2005),而且在技術主流化途徑下,性別觀點被假定「會自然而然由性別專家和兩性統計資料生產出來,而非經由民主參與過程來確認。」(Squires, 2007) 3.2 專家官僚 v. 參與民主 3.2.1專家官僚(Bacchi and Eveline,2003):在世界各國的性別主流化 執行過程中,經常有「性別文官」參與,即「專家官僚模式」(Expert- Bureaucratic Mode) 缺點:大原則由「專家」設定,未能有足夠討論空間,產生出的執行結果不見得能解決性別問題,也很可能觸及社會結構中不平等的根源,很容易造成前述官僚技術化的傾向。 3.2.2 參與民主(Participatory-Democratic Model, Beveridge & Nott) : 建立參與式機制,讓決策菁英外的婦女團體可以表達意見,即在政策 發展的過程中保持與非政府組織和社運團體的溝通 缺點:限於資訊與資源不對等,真正能參與的團體往往是資源較為充裕且專業化者,在實踐上常與固定同值得團體服動,未全面涵蓋不同性別群體意見 ->絨三角現象(Velvet Triangle, Woodward, 2003): A. 成員:國家(女性主義官僚或議員)、性別專家、民間婦女團體 B. 發現:跨國的同一批學者專家、婦運者與文官不論在聯合國、歐盟及自己國內都擁有重要發言與定義權 C. 危機:「絨三角」本身缺乏草根婦女組織,有「排外」危機 官僚依賴(Donaghy, 2004): 體制外的專家無法隨傳隨到,僅依賴團體諮詢意見也可能背離性別主流化中原有的改造官僚體系的企圖 3.2.2 以審議民主彌補參議民主之不足(Squires, 2007): 打破固定團體或 專家間的侷限,接納更多元的團體與一般公民,以多元行動者的參 與挑戰性別平等之目標 3.3 主流化與官僚: 3.3.1 「主流化」以行政體系觀之所產生的問題 (Geyer, 2000): A. 會要求「主流化」的本身即代表該議題原本是不受重視的需要說服文官對該議題產生興趣與幫助理解,投入成本高 B. 「主流化競爭」 (Mainstreaming Competition) 與「主流化超載」 (Mainstreaming Overload) 的矛盾 3.3.2 婦運議題需與官僚制度環境相配,納入文官的理性程序與措施才 能增加其正當性與存活率 (Malloy, 2000): A. 跨部門水平合作的4要件:上級的意志、一個明確且已建立的 政策典範、有充分的組織與其他資源、有活躍的政策團體在背 後支持 B. M’s attitude: negative 官僚重視「效率與影響」,婦運重視「效能」,這樣的內在衝突成為公私合作必須面對的一個結構性障礙 3.3.3 「委託-代理人」觀點(Principle-Agent Theory, Hafner-Burton & Pollack, 2008): A. 主流化運動成功關鍵在於「誘因」(get the incentives right): 「軟性誘因」:像說服、觀念內化等「較不明確、無拘束性、自願合作性質」的政策工具 (過去多採用,但H & P認為 只限政策與官僚原本的世界觀或利益一致時才管用) 「硬性誘因」:如獎金、升遷或公開表揚或績效考核、點名羞辱等 (to motivate) B. 只反映外部控制的立場,而缺乏內部控制,即低估了父權慣習對官僚制度可能的影響

54 The localization of Gender Mainstreaming
Taiwan’s Lessons The localization of Gender Mainstreaming

55 The Beginning: Inside-Out & Top-Down
In contrast to the "velvet triangle" (dominated by feminist bureaucrats), Taiwan uses velvet triangle inside the government system and advocates an "inside-out" model composing by members of the half-official group, "Women's Rights Council of the Executive Yuan” (the predecessor of GEC). Coupled with the support from the Premier, launched a wave of a "top-down” practice. 六、由外而內、由上而下:「陣痛期」檢討 相對於國外的「絨三角」(以女性主義官僚為主導者),台灣則以代表民 間的「行政院婦權會」委員「由內而外」的體制倡議。 再加上行政院長的支持,「由上而下」的推出一波波創制

56 The Conflicts between Civil Officers and NGOS
Struggle in the changes of the roles- not the supervisor v. supervisee but team worker--- learn very hard to build companionship with the government officers Lacks grassroots feminists- can scholars and professors represent all difference voices and interests? 2. 以文官角度看執行過程中產生的問題: 2.1 態度不佳,互動過程中感受不到尊重 ex: 公開點名、公開責罵 -婦權團體視「態度」為手段:透過強勢、憤怒之姿態引人注意(體制外的習慣) -進入體制內成為合作夥伴後,需要人際關係的培養

57 The Conflicts between Civil Officers and NGOS
Act with undue haste: start practicing a policy it has not yet been fully understood by the officers, and be without any practicable plan NGO: learning by doing v.s Civil Officers: working on a clear SOP The gap between different cultural running in different fields 1.操之過急,政策在理念尚未完整傳達與讓人理解、且尚未有完整規劃便開始推動,決定常過度輕忽執行面的可能性,承辦文官常感到無所適從 2.不同領域文化間的磨合:民間團體習慣「邊做邊學」,而公家機關期待「一套清楚、標準的制度規劃與操作程序」(SOP)

58 The Conflicts between Civil Officers and NGOS
Efficiency and Cost: NGO members are not familiar with the parliamentary procedure and formal meeting rule. Policies change all the times 效率與成本問題:民間委員不熟議會程序、政策方案不斷變動

59 The Conflicts between Civil Officers and NGOS
Identification and Accountability : the half-official commission is mission oriented institute which plays a role as an advisory board – offers policy and legal proposal but has no power to enforce – through political pressure ( usually work with congress members) – blur the line of separation of power and create the issue of accountability. Institutionalization – be a formal unit of the government as the solution: the establishment of GEC in 2012 1.行政程序與課責問題:婦權委員定位為諮詢性質,卻常實質參與集體提案及扮演監督等角色 ->沒有實質行政權力的婦權委員,必須透過政治施壓才能在體制內倡議,也因此可能逾越行政程序之要求 (程序正義與行政責任之問題) 2. 婦運團體主張:婦權會建制化

60 Limitations of the Bureaucratic System
Parochialism Technocratization The importance of mutual understanding and establishing a strong alliance between the official and private sectors 本位主義(Parochialism):基層官僚需在有限的時間與資源內處理大量的工作,使得他們必須發展簡化的方式將需求限縮(Lipsky, 1980)除了原本固定與法律規定職權範圍內的工作會負責執行以外,對其他工作則盡量保持距 離,以撇清責任  像性別主流化這種新興議題很可預見地會受官僚體系的排斥  需透過「層級節制」,即透過上級的命令來完成工作分派,克服各單位的推拒  業務分工確認(institutionalized) 技術官僚化的問題(Technocratization):各種「工具」的操作被視為主流化的主要目標,超越了原本性別主流化所應致力根除的性別不平等問題  原因: 2.1 文官系統中「照章行事」的慣習:只照本宣科完成工作,沒有明確的改革目標與願景,性別主流化淪為紙上作業 2.2 婦權委員不見得皆熟悉每個部會的專門業務,也陷於自身時間精力有限,無法有限監督實質面的運作  檢討:仰賴義務、志願性質的婦權會委員作為監督者的「非常態」管考機制,較難落實關於性別平等實質內涵的評估 (c.f. 101年設立常態性質的性平會)

61 The Challenges in Gender Politics
Patriarchal dominance No sense of gender equality (unknown or not consider it important) Contract theory: it is not a gender discrimination if it is a woman herself who decides to give up on career for family or child-care? Organizational culture and resource allocation Hegemony of politically correct Contract theory: 對於性別角色或分工的現象,停留在「契約論」的層次:「如果是自己同意的選擇就應尊重之」(ex: 女性只要是「自願」為了家庭放棄升遷,就與性別歧視無關->不考慮這個看似自願行為的背後是否有因為「性別」而產生的隱形的阻力) Hegemony of politically correct(政治正確的「假霸權」):檯面上看似政治正確,卻缺乏實質的內容與公共討論,論述的影響力實在非常有限( ex: 「只要是關於婦女的就是對的!」這類直接了當卻缺乏論述空間的言論,反而可能加深許多未解的疑惑與更深層的抵制與敵意)專家或婦運人士說了算的「專業壟斷」現象:阻礙性別主流化所需要的平等參與和溝通

62 憲法保障言論自由和宗教自由,是否成為台灣阻礙性別進步的原因之一?
The Constitution ensures people’s freedom of religious belief and freedom of speech. E.g. Legalizing homosexual marriage Could such freedom of religious be an obstacle of some gender-equality campaign? 憲法保障言論自由和宗教自由,是否成為台灣阻礙性別進步的原因之一?

63 Suggestions for the Future of Gender Mainstreaming in Taiwan
Institutionalization of Gender Equality bodies: the establishment of GEC in 2012 Strengthen the consultative function of gender equality tem(性別平等專案小組) in each department or office in the central government Include diverse groups in to velvet triangle 台灣政府性別主流化之建議: 機構化性別平等機構,像是2012成立的行政院性別平等會Gender Equality Committee(GEC) 加強各單位的性別平等專案小組

64 Suggestions for the Future of Gender Mainstreaming in Taiwan
Track the effectiveness of execution yearly Cooperation between offices NGOs should learn how to support themselves Set clear gender-related goals and revise policies. Build up a more friendly and inclusive environment for communication and discussion Raise awareness→Katharine T. Bartlett : “Asking the woman question “ 台灣政府性別主流化之建議: 年度追蹤執行效果 部會間合作 設定清楚的、和性別有關的政策目標:例如衛福部可以考慮設定「不同性別之間的防疫觀點」 設計更友善溝通的環境 持續對女人提問→提升性別意識

65 Questions make inspirations!
Q & A Questions make inspirations!

66 References 婦女新知基金會 台灣婦女團體全國聯合會 行政院性別平等會 彭渰雯 ,當官僚遇上婦運:台灣推動性別主流化的經驗初探 ,東吳政治學報,第二十六卷第四期 (2008)。 黃淑玲,性別主流化-台灣經驗與國際的對話,研考雙月刊, 第32卷第4期32卷4期 , P3 – 12 (2008)。 賴韻琳、莊靜雯,行政院性別平等專責機制及權責調整之探討,研考雙月刊,第36卷第2期,p (2012)。 盛盈仙、盧國益,跨國倡議網絡下的女權運動──以性別主流化政策為例,長庚人文社會學報, 第六卷 第一期,p69-98 (2013)。 Wan-Ying Yang, From Committee for Promotion of Women's Rights to Committee for Gender Equality-A State Feminism Study from Comparative Perspective, Political Science Review, No. 21, p (2004). Daly, Mary. “Gender mainstreaming in Theory and Practice.”, Social Politics (2005). Rao, A. “Gender equality architecture and gender equality reforms.”, UN (2006). ,Lin, Fang-Mei, The Changing Relationship Between the State and Women’s Organizations: Using Taiwan as a Case Study of Women’s Movement and Gender Mainstreaming, Journal of State and Society, No.5, p (2008).

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