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Appreciating literature

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1 Appreciating literature

2 Words preview classic literary received wisdom dust work chapter harm adj. 经典的,古典的 n. 经典作品,名著 adj. 文学的 adj. 被承认的,被认可的,公认的 n. 智慧;明智;学识 n. 灰尘,尘土 n. 作品,著作 n. (书等的)章,回,篇 n. 伤害,损害,危害;邪恶,恶性

3 Words preview simple tension twist plot generous fortune adj. 单纯的,淳朴的;简朴的, 朴素的;头脑简单的,迟钝的 n. 紧张;紧张局势 n. 转弯,弯曲,扭曲;转折 vt. 使弯曲,使扭曲;曲解,歪曲 vi. 转向,转身;曲折前进;转动,旋转 n. (小说、戏剧等的)情节 adj. 慷慨的,大方的 n. 财富;运气,好运

4 Words preview abrupt constant reminder shabby shortcoming shallow prejudice civil adj. 突然的,生硬的 adj. 持续的,不断的 n. 提醒(指人或物),提示 adj. 破旧的,破烂的;卑鄙的, 不光彩的;低劣的,蹩脚的 n. 缺点,短处 adj. 浅薄的,肤浅的;浅的 n. 偏见 adj. 有教养的,文明的;公民的

5 Words preview bent theme wealth fancy settle educated acquaintance adj. 决意的,极想的 n. 主题,主旨 n. 财富 adj. 华而不实的,花哨的;高档 的,极好的 vt. 使定居;安顿,安放;解决(问 题等) adj.受过教育的;有教养的 n. 相识;熟人

6 Expressions preview be prejudiced against be bent on
make the acquaintance of 对……有偏见 一心想要,决心要 和……相识,结识

7 Reading Tips 在阅读时,要注意综合运用略读(skimming)与扫读(scanning)这两种方法。

8 通过略读把握文章大意 略读(skimming)只看文章标题、下标题以及每个部分或者段落第一行,关注文章中反复出现的关键词。 略读时,要用充足的时间读懂段落的第一句和第二句,因为第一句往往是该段的主题句(topic sentence),而第二句往往是对前句的延伸(extension)或进一步的解释(explanation)。

9 通过扫读寻找特定信息或特定词组 运用扫读(scanning)迅速浏览从第三句开始的后面部分,搜寻作者对开头两句的支持句(supporting sentences),并同时注意文章中间是否有转折词(transition),因为这些词常常会把文章的思路逆转或加入其它重要的信息。当读到段落的最后一句时,我们又要使用略读,这时必须再次放慢速度(slow down your pace)直到完全消化作者对段落的小结(conclusion),因为该小结有可能与主题句截然相反或引导读者进入下一个段落。

10 scanning Reading strategy certain a general information idea skimming
titles and headings Scan the text for key words and phrases, dates, etc. the first and last sentences of paragraphs Do not need to read the whole text. the first and last paragraphs pictures and charts

11 Oliver Twist

12 It’s based on Dickens’s famous novel “Oliver Twist”
It’s based on Dickens’s famous novel “Oliver Twist”. It’s an example of classics. Classics are the antiques of the literary world.

13 Charles Dickens was born on 7
February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He had a happy childhood after his family moved to Chatham. At the age of 12, Dickens had to leave school because his father was imprisoned for debt. The poverty and adversity Dickens experienced as a child greatly influenced his later views on social reform. Before his death on 9 June 1870, he wrote about 15 major novels and many short stories, most of which are famous for their surprise endings.


15 Skimming to get general ideas

16 Reading Comprehension I
Skimming Reading Comprehension I Go through the passage as quickly as possible and choose the best answer. The Reading text is an essay about __________________. A. appreciating classic literature B. classic literature C. Charles Dickens D. Great Expectations

17 Careful reading to solve
difficult points

18 Many people do not read them because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. (P2) 许多人不读经典文学作品是因为觉得它们过时了,枯燥乏味,与今天的生活没有任何关系。 1) old-fashioned adj. not modern, belonging to or typical of a time in the past: 过时的 old-fashioned clothes/ideas/furniture

19 adj. behaving or thinking in a way that is not modern and is more typical of a time in the past: 复古的 She’s a bit old-fashioned in her outlook. old-fashioned是一个由形容词与连字符和后面加ed的名词构成的一个作形容词用的合成词,类似的词还有noble-minded高尚的,good-tempered脾气好的,warm-hearted热心肠的,black-haired黑头发的,等等。

20 2) have nothing to do with
与……无关 be/have something to do with to be related to something or a cause of something but not in a way that you know about or understand exactly: 与……有关 I’m not sure what he does exactly—it's something to do with finance. It might have something to do with the way it’s made.

21 Pip’s sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. (P3) 皮普的姐姐几乎没有什么善言好语,但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人,他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。 would rather The phrase would rather means ‘prefer to do something’. It is usually shortened to ’d rather in informal English.

22 We could go to the park for a picnic next Sunday if you would rather do that.
She’d rather go shopping in the afternoon. The phrase would rather … than … means ‘to prefer to do something rather than do something else’. I’d rather stay at home than go shopping in the crowded department store (百货公司). I’d rather go to the cinema to watch a new film than watch an old one at home. She’d rather read storybooks than watch cartoon films.

23 Scanning to get detail information

24 Reading Comprehension II
Scanning Reading Comprehension II Listen to the tape and choose the best answers. Some people think that classics are old- fashioned because of the following statements except __________. A. they were written a long time ago B. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today C. they are difficult for people to understand D. they can be found in bookshops and libraries

25 2. Which of the following statements is wrong?
Listen to the tape and choose the best answers. 2. Which of the following statements is wrong? Clueless, the award-wining film is based on Charles Dickens’s novel. B. A film based on the novel — Great Expectations was released in 1998. C. At first, Charles Dickens published many novels in newspapers. D. Classics are examples of great writing and wisdom.

26 3. When and where is Great Expectations set in?
Listen to the tape and choose the best answers. 3. When and where is Great Expectations set in? A. In the USA in the 1800s. B. In England in the early 1800s. C. In England in 1812. D. In the USA in 1870.

27 Parts C1 and C2 on page 4. 课本练习 C1 1 Because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. 2 She doesn’t think that they are old- fashioned or boring. 3 Joe is a kind and simple man. 4 On his gravestone it reads, ‘By his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world.’

28 5 A stranger. 6 Because he thinks Joe is not clever enough and far from being a well educated gentleman. 7 He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education. 8 An example of character development is the change in Pip from being concerned only with money to seeing that money is not the most important thing in life. C d c a b e

29 How does the author try to convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view?

30 However, if this is true, why do we still
find classics in bookshops and libraries? 2. Why else would many films based on them be successful? 3. I do not think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today.

31 reading a persuasive essay
Reading strategy: reading a persuasive essay In persuasive or argumentative writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, accept our argument and conclusions, and adopt our way of thinking. 

32 facts and values in importance to build the argument
Elements towards building a good persuasive essay include ● establishing facts to support an argument ● clarifying relevant values for your audience (perspective) ● prioritizing, editing, and/or sequencing the facts and values in importance to build the argument ● forming and stating conclusions ● “persuading” your audience that your conclusions are based upon the agreed-upon facts and shared values ● having the confidence to communicate your “persuasion” in writing


34 Quiz I: Multiple choice
To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _____ travel by air. (2004 全国) A. as B. to C. than D. while

35 Quiz II: Fill in the blanks according to
the given information. I have some a____________ with English, but I do not know it well. 2. E________ people considered as a group: the literati (文人). 3. We don’t appreciate the f_____ education especially in our school. 4. The father passed on the family's w______ to his son. 5. The t______ for tonight's talk is education. cquaintance ducated ancy ealth heme

36 Quiz II: Fill in the blanks according to
the given information. 6. She is b____ on becoming a film star when she grows up. 7. Keep a _____ (文明) tongue in your head! Don't speak rudely! 8. This has been a timely __________ (提醒) of the need for constant care.  9. She has a rather _________ (浅薄) personality. 10. Try not to have a __________ (偏见) in your judgements. ent civil reminder shallow prejudice

37 Quiz III: Fill in the blanks according
to the reading material. As we know, classics are the (1) a________ of the literary world. They are examples of great writing and (2) w______, and even those written centuries ago can still be found in bookshops and (3) l_________ today. One of great classic novels is Great Expectation, which was written by Charles Dickens. The main (4) c_________ of the story is called Pip. One day Pip is in a misty field of (5) t______ when a man appears and frightens him. antiques wisdom libraries character tombs

38 Mist is a (6) s________ of danger and uncertainty in the novel
Mist is a (6) s________ of danger and uncertainty in the novel. There is also a twist in the plot when a very (7) g_______ stranger gives Pip a lot of money. Since then Pip has changed a lot. He moves to London and develops the (8) s_____________ of being shallow and having prejudice, and even against his old (9) c___________. But by the end of the novel, Pip has learned that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a (10) f_____ education. symbol generous shortcomings companions fancy

39 Homework Read the text again. Try to memorize the language points. Part B on page 105 of the Workbook.

40 Thank you!

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