System Administration Practice Homework 2: Shell Programming

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1 System Administration Practice Homework 2: Shell Programming

2 Requirements 2-1: Filesystem Statistics (20%)
2-2: Web Crawler + Dialog(60%) 用 shell 爬課表,並且用 column 排版輸出。 ❤ Modify code by yourself at demo (20%) Please write the scripts in Bourne Shell (sh) No score if you use csh, bash or other languages. Due: 2017/10/12 upload ${student_ID}.tar on E3 Demo at next week. 2017/10/16~19 19:00~22:00

3 2-1: Filesystem Statistics

4 2-1: Filesystem Statistics - Requirement
Inspect the current directory(“.”) and all sub-directory. Calculate the number of directories. Do not include ‘.’ and ‘..’ Calculate the number of files. Calculate the sum of all file size. List the top 5 biggest files. Only consider the regular file. Do not count in the link, FIFO, block device... etc.

5 2-1: Filesystem Statistics - Requirement
Use one-line command No temporary file or shell variables. No “&&” “||” “>” “>>” “<” “;” “&”, but you can use them in the awk command. Actually, you don’t need them to finish this homework. Only pipes are allowed. Hint: ls(1) with -A and -R

6 2-1: Filesystem Statistics - Requirement
Grade File is executable. (4%) List top 5 file size and name. (4%) Dir num is correct. (4%) File num is correct. (4%) Total size is correct. (4%)

7 2-2: Web Crawler + Dialog

8 2-2: Requirements 爬到自己的課表(HTML),用任何入口都可以。(40%) 用 column 排版輸出。(5%)
需要用戶輸入的地方使用 dialog。(10%) 登入或辨識驗證碼時如果失敗要能自動重試(retry)。(5%) 輸入密碼時要用星號遮罩。(-10%) 不能自建伺服器。(-40%) 除了 cookie jar 和驗證碼圖片以外,寫一個檔案-10分,請善用變數。(-10%/次)

9 2-2: Dialog Dialog is a program that will let you to present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. These types of dialog boxes are implemented (though not all are necessarily compiled into dialog): buildlist, calendar, checklist, dselect, editbox, form, fselect, gauge, infobox, inputbox, inputmenu, menu, mixedform, mixedgauge, msgbox (message), passwordbox, pause, prgbox, programbox, progressbox, radiolist, rangebox, passwordform, tailbox, tailboxbg, textbox, timebox, treeview, and yesno (yes/no).

10 2-2: Hint 課表在一般選課系統裡有。 可以用校園系統單一入口來登入一般選課系統。
善用Browser Devtool (F12) / Network

11 2-2: Hint (Keywords) dialog function (retry) sed awk grep curl
Cookie jar iconv (轉編碼) while if HTML HTTP form-data

12 2-2: Recommend Workflow 辨識驗證碼
先存取 讓登入系統建立 session 與驗證碼 再使用 取得驗證圖片 可以 call 提供的 API,請參照 Bonus(+5%): 使用自己的方式辨識,可使用外部服務或工具。 登入「校務系統單一入口」 POST body: username=<帳號>&password=<密碼>&seccode=<驗證碼>&pwdtype=static&Submit2=登入(Login) 登入「一般選課系統」 可使用提供的 tool 處理 HTML: 注意:系統限制10分鐘內僅能登入5次,超過必須等待時間解鎖。 爬+剖析課表

13 2-2: Bonus 3-2 使用自己的方式辨識驗證碼,可使用外部服務或工具。(+5%)
自己處理登入一般選課系統的 Form (將 HTML 的 form 轉為 url 格式)。(+5%)

14 2-2: Help FB Group: nctu nasa 課程討論區 or E3 Q為何出這個作業? A覺得好玩😜 如果有變動,會公布在FB社團上

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