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Dcache - Lustre.

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1 Dcache - Lustre



4 Dcache – lustre 数据访问 假设Lustre backend系统mount点 /beslustre
srm:// dcap:// gsi 数据直接访问路径 /beslustre/dcache/bes/lustre

5 访问数据 上传数据: Srmcp -2 file:////tmp/testfile01 srm:// file:////tmp/testfile01 testfile  disk pool (/storage/bes-d01/pool/data/<pnfsid>) Lustre (/beslustre/dcache/bes/lustre/testfile01)  delete from pool 获取数据 srmcp srm:// file:////tmp/testfile01 Testfile01 (/beslustre/dcache/bes/lustre/testfile01)disk pool (/storage/bes- d01/pool/data/<pnfsid>)  local disk 或者直接从lustre目录读取 /beslustre/dcache/bes/lustre/testfile01 删除数据 srmrm srm:// 在Pool 和 Lustre的数据都被删除

6 Dcache Main configuration
Dcache需要使用root用户来运行 修改默认规则: DefaultRetentionPolicy=REPLICA #数据只保存在disk DefaultAccessLatency=ONLINE #数据随时可以访问 DefaultRetentionPolicy=CUSTODIAL #数据保存在HSM DefaultAccessLatency=NEARLINE #访问的数据如不在磁盘需要先从HSM拷贝到pool

7 PoolManager 设置 定义创建 pools 和 pool group 定义 pool group的读写规则和权限
作为lustre文件在dcache的缓冲区。 定义 pool group的读写规则和权限 定义 pool group 与 dcache路径的对应关系

8 Pool configuration 需要设置为可以保存副本。 设置lustre的路径 设置dcache根路径
指定dcache 和 lustre的接口程序 hsm set osm -hsmBase=/beslustre hsm set osm -pnfs=/dcache hsm set osm -command=/root/

9 接口程序 transfer files from pool to lustre
put  transfer files from pool to lustre get  transfer files from lustre to pool Remove delete files on lustre and pool

10 数据状态 admin > rep ls D90A776C4F38998D8B3E2BFEC9C0 <C X--L(0)[0]> si={jinrwan:STATIC} CBA3034A0C91B01CA2444CD4C0 <C L(0)[0]> si={jinrwan:STATIC} D90A776C4F38998D8B3E2BFEC9C0 <-P L(0)[0]> si={jinrwan:STATIC} 0000B173405A3DCC4A7B897613CC4982C62A <C L(0)[0]> si={jinrwan:STATIC} CPCScsRDXEL ||||||||||| ||||||||||+-- (L) File is locked (currently in use) |||||||||+--- (E) File is in error state ||||||||+---- (X) File is pinned (aka "sticky") ||||||| (D) File is in process of being destroyed |||||| (R) File is in process of being removed ||||| (s) File sends data to back end store |||| (c) File sends data to client (dCap,FTP...) ||| (S) File receives data from back end store || (C) File receives data from client (dCap,FTP) | (P) File is precious, i.e., it is only on disk (C) File is on tape and only cached on disk.

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