L14D2 Drills - 想 + V - 觉得 + S / 有意思 - 只 V…别的 - Pair Work

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1 L14D2 Drills - 想 + V - 觉得 + S / 有意思 - 只 V…别的 - Pair Work

2 1. 想 + Verb “want to” V Tonight A: 今天晚上你想做什么? B: 我想看电视.
A: What do you want to do tonight? B: I want to watch TV.

3 Tomorrow?

4 This weekend?

5 Tonight?

6 Tomorrow?

7 Tonight?

8 Tomorrow?

9 Tonight?

10 Tomorrow?

11 This weekend

12 练习 What do you want to do this weekend?

13 2. 觉得 + statement “think….”
B: 我觉得这个舞很好看. A: What do you think of this dance? B: I think this dance is (very) Adj. Adj: not bad / good-looking / interesting delicious / good-listening / good / big / old / small / white / tall












25 练习- Ask your partner what he/she thinks about…
- WVU - Chinese food - Chinese

26 3. A有意思还是B有意思 A: 你觉得打球有意思还是看电影有意思? B: 我觉得打球有意思。
A: Which one do you think is more interesting, playing ball or watching a movie? B: I think playing ball is more interesting

27 Reading vs. Sleeping Singing vs. Dancing Watching TV vs. Listening to music Eating vs. Studying Eating Chinese food vs. American food Your boyfriend vs. Brad Pitt Going to class vs. Sleeping

28 4. 只 V….., 别的+N A: 你喜不喜欢打球? B: 我只喜欢打篮球, 我不喜欢打别的球.
A: Do you like to V+O? B: I only like to V __ O, I don’t like to V other Os. read / sing / dance / watch movies / listen to music / eat

29 Read Sing Dance Watch movies Listen to music Eat (meal) Play ball Go to class

30 Role Play A: Find out what B wants to do this weekend.
Ask B why s/he wants to ____. Suggest to do something together this weekend. (not one of B’s hobbies) B: Find out what A wants to do this weekend. Ask A why s/he wants to ____. You think A’s suggestion is boring. Suggest something else.

31 Reminder L4D2 HW due Friday 今天五点:Chinese Table

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