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Unit 20 Archaeology.

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1 Unit Archaeology

2 Grave jade articles Terra-Cotta Warriors

3 What objects were kings and emperors in China buried with?
Terra-Cotta Warriors Pre-reading

4 What objects? ? weapons tools clothing money Articles for daily life
jade articles silk jewellery pottery Servants warriors wives of emperors Animals etc. ?

5 Why were dead kings given these objects after they died?

6 Why? To show off their power and wealth.
To continue their luxurious life in the nether(地下的) world. To be given to him for his use in the next life.

7 The King of Stonehenge

8 英格兰东南部的历史名城索兹伯里附近,有一个小村庄名叫阿姆斯伯里,村西的原野上有一座阅尽沧桑、雄视千古的石柱群,这就是著名的古迹Stonehenge.这是一座由许多根石柱围成的史前建筑。这些石柱排成圆 形,最高的石柱高达10米,它们的平均重量达26吨,这么重的家伙竟有不少是横架在两根竖直的石柱上的!Stonehenge这个名字的前一半Stone意为“石头”,后一半在现代英语词典中已查不到了,据考证它来自古代英语,意思是“高高悬挂着”。想来它在古代有一个形象的名字“高悬在天上的石头”。

9 巨石阵又称索尔兹伯里石环、环状列石、太阳神庙、史前石桌、斯通亨治石栏等名,是欧洲著名的史前时代文化神庙遗址,约建于公元前 年,属新石器时代末期至青铜时代。 这个巨大的石建筑群位于一个空旷的原野上,占地大约11公顷,主要是由许多整块的蓝砂岩组成,每块约重50吨。巨石阵不仅在建筑学史上具有的重要地位,在天文学上也同样有着重大的意义:它的主轴线、通往石柱的古道和夏至日早晨初升的太阳,在同一条线上;另外,其中还有两块石头的连线指向冬至日落的方向。因此,人们猜测,这很可能是远古人类为观测天象而建造的,可以算是天文台最早的雏形了。

10 Which objects were found in the grave of the king of Stonehenge?
two pots a bone pin a bow objects two gold earrings arrows A cushion stone tools two copper knives

11 gold earrings copper knife

12 arrowhead clay pot

13 A cushion stone A Bone Pin

14 careful reading

15 Part 1 (para ): The ____________ of a grave.
Part 2 (para ): ________ found in the grave. Part 3 (para ): The _________ of the discovery. Part 4 (para ): something about _____________ Part 5 (para ):Something about _______________________ discovery 1 objects 2-3 4-5 importance Stonehenge 6 the King of Stonehenge. 7

16 Read Para.1-3 The grave dates back to around 2300AD.
He was buried on his right side with his face to the south. Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior. Copper knife would have made him a man of distinction. A cushion stone lay next to them. The man could work metal upon it. F BC left north F T Two gold earrings F T

17 Read Para.4-5 D Choose the answer:
Why is the discovery important? The reason is that _____________. D His grave is the richest of any found from that period. The two gold earrings buried with him are the oldest gold found in Britain. It shows that he was a member of a powerful class who may have organized the construction of Stonehenge. All of the above


19 Bird-eye View on the Rare Sunny Day


21 sunrise

22 Read Para.6 What are still mysteries about the Stonehenge?
What was the King’s function in constructing Stonehenge?

23 sweat blood tears Construction of Stonehenge:
A process(过程)of________,_______, and ________. sweat blood tears

24 Read Para.6 begun Stonehenge was _______ around 3000 BC. The biggest stones weigh _____________ 20 tons. The smaller still weighs four tons __ ________, coming from_____ ______. It is not yet known how these were __________ over a distance of 380kms. It is also a mystery how early man was able to _________Stonehenge without the use of modern machines and lorries. It is possible that the king of Stonehenge ____ _____ _____ the stones: he may have ___ __ ___ ____ planning the monument, or helping transport and _____ ___the stones. approximately on average West Wales conveyed construct was linked to had a hand in pull up

25 Read Para.7 What gave the King of Stonehenge a high status(地位) in the eyes of local people? The fact that the King of Stonehenge came with the skills to make metal.

26 Archaeologists now believe that people in the Bronze Age had trade and cultural links with other parts in Europe. Country or part of Europe Material or objects of trade gold jewellery Spain and Western France artefacts Europe Copper,bronze,copper knives Some places far from England

27 Talk about the inventions and kinds of science they must have had, based on the reading passage.
activity knowledge, science,inventions and tools Travel to Scotland Construction of Stonehenge Hunting Trade with Europe Making copper knives Roads, maps, geography,etc. Architecture, physics,etc. Weapons, bows, arrows, etc. Maps, ships, languages,geography,markets Skills, copper, model, etc.

28 Summary: (mystery,face,history,material,bury,die,along, look,object)
Fill in the blankets with words given: (mystery,face,history,material,bury,die,along, look,object) A man was found______in a grave with a long______.He was believed to_______at the age of 40. He lay on his left side_______northwards. ______with him there were a lot of precious_______, made of different_______,such as clay,copper, stone… He was_______on as the king of Stonehenge. The construction remained______. (retell the story) buried have died history Along facing objects materials looked mysterious

29 Homework Read it again Retell the story Good-bye!

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