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2015暑期電腦課程-H1 by

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Presentation on theme: "2015暑期電腦課程-H1 by"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015暑期電腦課程-H1 by

2 使用電腦正確概念 不要經常開開關關 電源開啟中,切忌移動電腦 and Why? 總是正常關機並善用RESET按鈕
特殊按鍵Esc, Tab, Caps Lock與Num Lock 特殊按鍵Pause與PrtSc, Insert, Delete 特殊按鍵Ctrl ,Alt ,Shift

3 正確的描述電腦名詞與狀態 電腦故障的描述 LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display)
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) 滑鼠按鍵反應速率之調整 光學式滑鼠與半光學式滑鼠 PS/2與USB介面

4 What is “Internet “ Inter ---- between Net ---- network
A network of networks, joining many government , university and private computers together and providing an infrastructure for the use of , bulletin boards, file archives, hypertext documents, databases and other computational resources

5 So, We can say….Internet is
The largest network of networks in the world. Uses TCP/IP protocols and packet switching . Runs on any communications substrate. At the beginning - Telnet, FTP, What’s coolest on internet ? Web-Surfing, Blog, VOIP, VOD, P2P, IM Uber? Bit-Coin? IoT? From Dr. Vinton Cerf, Co-Creator of TCP/IP

6 Things that you Should Know
To get a market of 50 Million People Participating: Radio took 38 years TV took 13 years Once it was open to the General Public, The Internet made to the 50 million person audience mark in just 4 years!!! Top 500 Supercomputers

7 SETI@home – a division of BOINC
is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.

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