Introduction to Jianmin 2011.11.30.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Jianmin 2011.11.30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Jianmin

2 Contents What is Labview and virtual instrument?
Basic knowledge of Labview language Basic knowledge of instruments Get started! knowledge learnt Problems facing

3 What is Labview and virtual instrument?
虚拟仪器 利用显示器模拟传统仪器的控制面板,用鼠标和键盘控制就如同使用一台专业测量仪器一样

4 What is Labview and virtual instrument?
Sweep Voltage Measure Current 加入我的236s程序 IGC 程序

5 What is Labview and virtual instrument?
Show Keithley 236s and IGC 100 program

6 优点: Basic knowledge of Labview language 1.图形化编程语言,直观、形象。 2.编译、调试非常方便
3.搜索功能、及时帮助功能顺手 4.提供几十家仪器厂商的一起驱动程序源码 5.节省开发时间 Keithley Princeton instrument Zurich Lock-in Stanford Instrument IGC100 Example

7 Basic knowledge of Labview language
Keithley 2400 IGC 100 Computer Other Instruments Zurich Lock-in

8 Basic knowledge of instruments
Keithley 2400 High precise multimeter. Source-measure DC and sweep capabilities. V-source , I-source Remote interface ports. IEEE-488/GPIB RS-232C

9 Basic knowledge of instruments
0 V 0 A

10 Get started! Finding Drivers

11 Get started!

12 IGC Ion Gauge Controller
Measure pressure between 10^-11 and 1000 Torr using a combination of gauges Dual Pirani gauge to 999Torr Dual ion gauge 0.1 to 100Torr Four Capacitance Manometers Remote interface ports. IEEE-488/GPIB RS-232 Ethernet 10BASET Example just VI tree!


14 Knowledge learnt Auto Zero Auto range
Speed! Auto Zero Zero Reference Signal measurement Auto range NPLC (number of power line cycles) Integration time of the A/D converter. 50Hz 60Hz Filters 插入AD转换图 基准电平会由于热漂移和元器件老化发生偏移,自动补偿漂移,利用反馈调零。

15 快速(0.416ms) 中速(5ms) 50Hz线循环(20ms) 60Hz线循环(16.7ms) 0次 2次 8次 32次 时间积分
多重采样 0次 2次 8次 32次

16 Problems facing Sweep problem From 0V to 100V, step 0.01V 0V 10V 20V
………… 100V

17 Problems facing Sweep problem From 0V to 100V, step 0.01V
Get stop in GPIB send message very easily. While DC Example


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