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Lecture VIII Cold War I.

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1 Lecture VIII Cold War I

2 Iron curtain fall: bipolar system after WWII“铁幕降下”:第二次世界 大战后两极格局的形成
Conflict between U.S and USSR 美苏战时同盟的分歧 Spheres of influence 划分势力范围 Difference of target 战略目标的差异 Collapse of U.S and USSR alliance 美苏同盟的瓦解 Kennan’s Long Telegram and Marshall Plan 凯南电报与马歇尔计划 Berlin blockade and German question 柏林封锁与德国问题 Truman Doctrine and NATO“杜鲁门主义“与北大西洋公约组织的成立 Freedom and peace: early Cold War stage“自由”与“和平”:冷战的 试探阶段 Korean War 朝鲜战争 Capitalist camp 资本主义阵营 Pacific allies system 太平洋联盟体系 European unification 欧洲一体化 Socialism camp 社会主义阵营 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance 中苏友 好同盟 Warsaw Pact 华沙条约


4 走向冷战:美苏分歧(势力范围) Toward Cold War: conflict between US and USSR
divergence East euro mid euro Near east Far east 波兰 Polland 罗马尼亚 Romania 保加利亚 Bulgaria 日本 Japan 德国 Germany evacuation division Mil. occupation 伊朗 Iran 土耳其 Turkey 希腊 Greece

5 走向冷战:美苏分歧(战略目标) Toward Cold War: divergence between USA and USSR
Global strategy National security


7 走向冷战:乔治·凯南的八千字电报 Toward Cold War: George Kennan’s Long Telegram
Designer of Cold War“冷战设计者”,father of Cold War“冷战之父” Truth of Soviet problem 苏联问题的根源 American response 美国的应对政策 CONTAINMENT Political confrontation rather than military war; No direct military confrontation unless American interest was touched Philosophy of Confidence“自信哲学” Finally we must have courage and self-confidence to cling to our own methods and conceptions of human society. After Al, the greatest danger that can befall us in coping with this problem of Soviet communism, is that we shall allow ourselves to become like those with whom we are coping. After establishment of Bolshevist regime, Marxist dogma, rendered even more truculent and intolerant by Lenin's interpretation, became a perfect vehicle for sense of insecurity with which Bolsheviks, even more than previous Russian rulers, were afflicted. In this dogma, with its basic altruism of purpose, they found justification for their instinctive fear of outside world, for the dictatorship without which they did not know how to rule, for cruelties they did not dare not to inflict, for sacrifice they felt bound to demand.

8 走向冷战:乔治·马歇尔与《欧洲复兴计划》 George Marshall and European Recovery Programme
U.S must “transfuse blood” to Europe to achieve containment; “self-help”and “mutual help” in Europe; Europe as a whole, should not be seperated; Emphasis put on Germany and U.K.; Conditional offer to Soviet countries. European Recovery Plan+1948 Economic Cooperation Act At the end of total billion U.S dollars,90% donation,10% loan.

9 走向冷战:北大西洋公约组织 Toward Cold War: NATO
North Atlantic Treaty 1949.4 Treaty of Brussels 1948.3 Treaty of Dunkirk1947.3

10 走向冷战:“杜鲁门主义” Toward Cold War: Truman Doctrine
“Every threat to the world peace is related to American security.” Turn of American Policy on USSR 美国对苏政策的转折点 cooperation“大国合作”→ containment 遏制 Offical collapse of US and USSR alliance 美苏同盟关系正式破裂 1ST Step towards global supremacy美国谋求世界霸权的第一步 Beginning of Cold War 标志着冷战的开始 Point Four Programme“四点主要行动原则”

11 走向冷战:社会主义阵营的形成 Toward Cold War: establishment of Socialist Camp
1949年,经济互助委员会 The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 1947 Molotov Plan 1947 Zhdanov Report: “Two Camps” 1947-1949 Eastern Bloc

12 冷战试探:柏林危机与德国分裂 Early War: Berlin Blockade and division of Germany
German Democratic Republic Federal Republic of Germany

13 冷战试探:中华人民共和国的诞生与“一边倒”战略 Early War: birth of PRC and Mao’s “Lean to One Side” Policy

14 冷战试探:朝鲜战争 Early War: Korean War

15 冷战试探:美国太平洋同盟体系的建立与完善 Early War: American Pacific Ally System
Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between U.S and Japan Mutual Defense Treaty between US and ROC MDT between Philippine and US Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty Australia, New Zealand and United States Pacific Security Treaty

16 冷战试探:欧洲一体化 Early War: early process of European Unification
France & Germany 戴高乐 De Gaulle 阿登纳 Adenauer Schman Declaration 欧洲煤钢联营条约European Coal and Steel Community Pleven Plan 巴黎协定

17 冷战试探:中苏友好 Early War: Sino-Soviet Friendship
Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance Agreement on Changchun railway, Lvshun and Dalian Agreement on Soviet Loan to China 1950-1954: 500 million US dollars Acknowledgement of independence of Mongolia

18 冷战试探:华沙条约 Early War: Warsaw Pact
Moscow Conference for European Security, -12 Warsaw Pact: Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Polland, Romania, USSR, Czech Republic.

19 冷战试探:中立国家 Early War: neutual countries
“和平共处五项原则”Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Mutual non-aggression. Mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs. Equality and cooperation for mutual benefit. Peaceful co-existence.

20 冷战试探:中立国家 Early War: neutual countries
万隆会议与“万隆精神”1st Asia-Africa Conference and Bandung Spirit

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